Daisy Max Precision .177 Cal, 7.56 Grains, Pointed, 250ct
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- .177 caliber
- 7.56 grains
- Pointed
- 250 pellets
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10 of 40 Daisy Max Precision .177 Cal Reviews
Varmints beware....
Things I Would Have ChangedNot consistent. Warped. Inaccurate.
What Others Should KnowYou get what you pay for and with these you don't pay much. For just playing around they are maybe okay. Can fragment inside your gun though so watch out for that.
These pellets are fairly consistent in shape and weight. My Crosman 66 seems to love these pellets as far as accuracy is concerned.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe if there were a better way to package them to prevent skirts from damage from jostling.
What Others Should KnowThese are very soft pellets and some times some of the skirts are damaged from them being jostled in shipping, or other handling. So it helps to inspect your pellets before loading, and use a lite touch with these.
didn't like these pellets there very dirty,most have a deformed skirt,fit in breech of rifle loosely,most inconsistent shooting ever.
Things I Would Have Changedthey are cheap 3 dollars a tin,better off buying crosman pellets or beeman pellets
What Others Should KnowI bought a few tins of the beeman model 1222 hollow point pellets and these fit very snug in the breach of my gamo big cat 1250 and they shoot very well.
Got a new Beretta PX4 Storm and was trying a whole bunch of pellets while struggling to find something that was accurate. Shockingly these are very nearly as accurate as the RWS Meisterkugeln Pistol in my gun! I now use these for everyday plinking.
Things I Would Have ChangedThere's the occasional off-shaped pellet, and they make my fingers far dirtier than other pellets, but for the money I really can't complain!
Nothing.Cheao to season a rifle with thats about it.
Things I Would Have Changedeverything better dyes and what nots
What Others Should Knowdo not shoot straight.Tried em with my tr77 and wasnt getting any good groups switched to some crosman pellets and dead on.
great for plinking and just shooting around
Things I Would Have Changedinconsistency and size,these things range in weight , fit, and size all together and are extremely inconsistent.
What Others Should Knowi am using a crosman fury none nitro piston .17 cal
The price, and graphics on the tin they came in
Things I Would Have ChangedQuality control at the manufacturer
What Others Should KnowWith a Walther Talon magnum at 35 yards could NOT hold a 2 foot circle. do NOT waste your money on these pellets.
The foam inside the can was pretty neat idea. Other then that these SUCK!!! I was tried sighting my Gamo Big cat in with these pellets last year and thought my scope was bad. Wasn't the case. I ran out of pellets and found these pieces of junk and thought I'd give them one more try today. You can not hold a group out at 20 yards. no consistency at all. I'll never be buying anything daisy again.
Things I Would Have ChangedConsistency.
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Jul 03, 2019
By Aaron
These are a decent cheap plinking pellet. It will shoot pretty regular fliers with every group though.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt needs to be more consistent pellet to pellet.