Air Venturi Steel BBs, .177 Cal, 5.1 Grains, Zinc-Plated, 2,500ct
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Air Venturi BBs are plated with zinc, but they have an even, thick and solid surface without gaps or breaks to prevent rust from forming.
Humidity affects the coating on your steel BBs unless it's thick, solid and doesn't allow moisture to penetrate. In most cases, your BBs were originally imported from overseas (and spent considerable time on a ship with humid, salty air) or spent many months in a warehouse waiting to be shipped. As the BBs sit, humidity works its way into the steel part and degrades your ammo.
Take a look at the first detail image with 4 trays of BBs to see what Air Venturi BBs look like after being exposed to water for 7 days. Compare that to plated BBs from the other manufacturers, which show some serious degradation after just one week!
Look at the second detail image with 4 trays of BBs, which is what the BBs look like after 60 days of exposure to water. Notice that all but one have noticeable rust. Only the Air Venturi BBs are rust-free and still useable.
By using Air Venturi BBs, you won't have use up your BBs within a short period of time. You can store them without worrying that they'll be useless when you need them. You won't waste money on ammo that has to be thrown out within weeks or even days of arriving.
Air Venturi BBs -- they're made to higher specs so you don't waste money!
- .177 caliber
- 5.1 grains
- Zinc-plated steel BBs
- 2,500 count
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10 of 31 Air Venturi Steel BBs, .177 Reviews
Best quality BB's for my Barra 400e, no jamming issues, now at over 10k BB's.
Things I Would Have Changedbetter packaging, all of the tips were broken off in the box, lots of BBs missing. Pyramid Air support sent another package free..
What Others Should KnowDONT USE DAISY BBs in the 400e - these are much better quality. Daisy jammed on the 3rd BB..
Very comfortable to use, the BBs don't get stuck while pouring out. They fire pretty well from my small collection of air pistols, and for the price you get very good value.
Things I Would Have ChangedCan't think of anything to change, the container is pretty good. Maybe make the plastic bit that holds the cap to the bottle a bit sturdier so it doesn't break? Not very important as long as you're being careful.
What Others Should KnowBBs are pretty fun
Good quality bbs and enough quantity for lots of fun
Things I Would Have ChangedAnything
What Others Should KnowThis has a thread on the cap that makes opening and closing easy.
Great BB's!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe container/bottle is good but the lid and spout (while I like the angled spout for reloading ease) is made of VERY THIN black plastic which is easy to break. I called Customer service after delivery because the lids were badly cracked and damaged (no bb's lost) due to inadequate protective wrapping in shipping. The containers rolled around and suffered impact damage in shipping. These containers should be immobilized by wrapping/sealing them in bubble-wrap or some other safe wrap when being boxed for shipping. Other than that the product itself is EXCELLENT.
What Others Should KnowHappy shooting! Pyramyd Air is a great company!
These air Venturi bb work well in all my guns. No jams. I can’t say they are the best because I’ve only tried a couple of different ones. These seem to work the best for me.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGive them a try!
Works great
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing to change
Buen enpaque para portarlos no se corroen
Great ammo, excellent accuracy.
Things I Would Have ChangedN/A
What Others Should KnowN/A
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Sep 13, 2024
By Christopher
Accurate, consistent.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThese feed very consistently through my semi-auto CO2 rifle, haven't had any failure to feed or fire and they are consistently accurate and repeatable.