Daisy Match Avanti 887 Gold Medalist Competition
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
It has a crowned Lothar Walther barrel, precision-bored for .177 match pellets with 12 lands and grooves and a right-hand twist. The barrel is topped off with a weight, giving the rifle a slight forward weight distribution. The front sight has interchangeable aperture inserts, and the rear is a micrometer adjustable peep sight. The 887 Medalist is very accurate, and most shooters won't outgrow the rifle's potential. Although official competition rules do not allow scopes, the rifle has a dovetail if you want to use this rifle for shooting other targets or just for fun. It comes with a sling, a forearm rail, buttpad inserts to adjust pull and a refillable/removable 2.5-oz. CO2 cylinder.
Does not include the CO2 fill device. Look in the accessories section for this gun for a fill device that let's you fill it economically from bulk-fill CO2 tanks!
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4 of 4 Avanti 887 Reviews
Very accurate. Sure it will get even better once i get back in to it. Lots of shots on one CO2 charge. Very inexpensive to shoot. I have only fired chinese target pellets (The Peak, 8.3 gr), but is working great so far.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe loading trough. It is horrible. Unless you are a little kid, it is a pain to load. any tips anyone? IF you are a tall person, like me, the proportions are a bit off, as far as where the rear sight should be. That may be regulation, but all I know is it is too low. I am looking at trying a dovetail riser and see if it brings it up to a more comfortable height, otherwise I am scrunching my face and holding the rifle at an angle.
What Others Should KnowFor all of those who complain about not being able to charge it or having to buy a special adapter from Daisy, here is your solution: First of all, if you have CO2 bulk fill tank (not a paintball tank, a bulkfill tank), then you can buy the Kingman deluxe CO2 filling station here at Pyramid Air, do a search. On the other hand, If you have access to 9 oz or larger paintball tanks, I suggest you call PA and ask to talk to their techs, specifically Stacey. She custom made me an adapter out of two Benjamin Sheridan CO2 paintball tank adapters for the Discovery, Marauder, Challenger rifles. so I purchased two of the Benjamin adapters, and then she took one of them and exchanged the hose for a male quick disconnect (just like the end of the Benji rifles) and now I can charge my Benjamin rifles AND my Avanti from the same paintball tanks. Just hold your paintball tanks upside down (so the liquid CO2 goes down) and probably chill your Avanti tank for about an hour prior to filling (I think degassing works too, I don't know, CO2 is new to me.) This solution works great. Thanks to Erica and Stacey for helping me get this figured out. Really happy with the setup. I"ll try and post a video review showing my setup later
quality, good value
Things I Would Have Changedship refill adapter with product or at least inform the customer that it will need to be ordered from Daisy
What Others Should Knowthey will need to order the cylinder refill adapter from Daisy
Amazing accuracy and perfect for 10 meter sporter air rifle competing
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a fan of peep sights but it is the CMP regulation...
What Others Should KnowI shoot this rifle in my JROTC and made it to nationals twice the first year and this up-coming month should be a gold. We shoot the RWS Meisterkugeln match pellets and prone at 10 meters you can put them in the same hole over and over till you run out of gas...simply great gun for competition shooting.
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Jul 09, 2012
By Irish-American
I like the trigger, the accuracy is excellent, enjoy the sights.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowI shoot this gun in JROTC I enjoy it, haven't been to a Competition with this gun hopefully I can talk our Colonel about going to atleast one this year.