Daisy Match Grade Avanti 853
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Most impressive is the crowned Lothar Walther barrel. It's precision-bored for .177 match pellets, has 12 lands and grooves, and a right-hand twist. The front sight has interchangeable aperture inserts, and the rear sight is micrometer adjustable. The included sling will also help the shooter steady the rifle. The 853 Legend is so accurate that most shooters will not outgrow the rifle's potential. Although official competition rules do not allow scopes, the rifle has a dovetail scope mount in the diecast receiver in the event you want to use this rifle for shooting other targets or just for fun.
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10 of 29 Daisy Match Grade Avanti 853 Reviews
Very Accurate!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
I wanted an accurate rifle with a nice trigger and peep sight for use on an in door 10 meter and that is what I got. It is way more accurate than my eyes are and easy to cock.
Things I Would Have ChangedI am a big guy, so I fumble a bit loading ammunition. I also want to extend the stock further than I can with the extensions that came with the rifle.
What Others Should KnowThis is a very nice entry level "serious" air rifle for 10 meter ranges.
If you're looking for a quiet, very accurate, very light weight, non PCP, single stroke air rifle in .177 this is it. At 10yds. I can shoot less than 1/8-1/4in. with RWS R-10 Match Pistol wadcutters with a scope but I'm sure others can stack the pellets at this range. Getting slightly over 1/2in. groups at 20yds with same pellets. Build quality is very good and stock finish, though plain is very nice. This gun is designed for young, small frame individuals but I would buy it again.
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger when new is a little gritty and stiff. It smooths out some after a hundred pellets or so. Take up isn't too bad but would be nicer if it was adjustable and/or had little lighter break. An extra 100fps would be nice but this gun is designed for young shooters for paper at 10yds. Plastic spacers for stock extension are a little cheesy but they work. Will make my own out of wood. For the price I would have expected better peep sights but its a shooter.
What Others Should KnowAlthough this is a target gun it is the perfect choice for thinning out the English Sparrows that bully their way at my bird feeders. It is plenty accurate and powerful enough out to 15yds for sparrows. Head shots on sparrows out to 15yds. are the norm if you catch them being still with no wind. I use a Winchester 3x9 fixed scope which is more than enough. I've messed around at 40yds and I get 2in. groups when it's calm but it takes the pellet forever to get there. The scope makes loading the pellets a little difficult with my fat fingers but it's doable by rolling them into position. The model 853C has a magazine which would be more handy with a scope but specs say you loose a few fps with that model.
This gun is accurate, easy to shoot, and quiet enough that it won't disturb the neighbors. So far is has shot all the pellets I've tried with good accuracy, some just slightly better than others.
Things I Would Have ChangedDouble cocking the gun could result in damage. It would be nice if that wasn't a concern. If you aren't sure you cocked it it's safer to put a pellet in and pull the trigger than to double pump.
What Others Should KnowFor target shooting indoors or out this makes a fantastic first air rifle to own. The stock is easy to adjust, and you'll never have to wonder if the gun is accurate. I started with some cheaper "starter" guns and wish I'd saved my money and bought this one the first time. I put a UTG scope on top and the shooting experience is top notch.
I bought two of these for my 9 and 11 year old daughters to shoot 10 meter. They are consistently in the top of their class. The guns are very accurate. They are a little hard for them to cock but they are getting used to it. The sights are good for 10 meter, and the sling is adequate. Overall they are good guns. Though smallbore rifles would be cheaper to purchase, try finding ammo for those right now.
Just about everything! It's a perfect rifle to shoot at 10m indoors.
Things I Would Have ChangedI'm might have to tweak the trigger after it's all broken in. So far it's still stiff and creepy, but off a rest @ 10m it will shoot 1/4" groups.
What Others Should KnowThe rifle is not hold sensitive like a lot of springers. There's no co2 cartridges to deal with. Obviously there's none of the filling hassles of a pcp. You don't need an airgun rated scope if you decide to put glass on it. I'm currently running a Simmons 22 Mag 3x9x32AO from an old rimfire I had sitting around, and it's perfect! I was looking at several other models and the CS rep @ PA said for what I do, the Avanti 853 would be perfect. He was right. I'm really happy with my purchase from PA.
Accurate,light weight,adjustable stock, Lothar Walther barrel,easy to rebuild,parts are cheap from Daisy,changeable front sight inserts,modifiable trigger and zero recoil.
Things I Would Have ChangedA smaller diameter hole for the rear diopter sight. That's it.
What Others Should KnowIf you really want to teach your kids the fine art of target shooting,this is it. Kids get frustrated very easily with a springer rifle. They won't with this.After the first ten shots,you'll see a big smile.I'm shooting 47 years and this thing is highly,highly accurate.This is my go to gun.I own more expensive match rifles but I grab this to keep the wear off the others.I bought mine used.It didn't need a rebuild but did it anyway.Called Daisy,bought the rebuild kit and the trigger group from the 753.You won't have to go crazy trying to modify the original trigger if you buy the 753 group.Everything was cheap.The rifle shoots 510-515 FPS with 7.0 grain pellets.If you give it 2 or 3 half pumps before closing the pump arm you'll get an extra 40-50 FPS.Good rifle.I like it.
accuracy, value for the money and reliability
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowno
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May 20, 2016
By Thomas
After cleaning the barrel, oiling the flat pad, and sighing in with a inexpensive 4x BSA scope, I shot about 150 shots. I then chronied the gun with RWS R10's Match @ 7.0 gr. Average was 477 f/s, with a SD of 3.2 for 32 shots. I have no problem with these numbers on this match rifle. I had no problems with the trigger on this gun; it's not a match grade trigger you would get on a $3000 match rifle, but it's quite good. I own no PCP's but this rifle is the most accurate of my 20+ springers and CO2 guns in my collection, even more than my ProSport or my Hammerli 850 or my HW30 or my Walther Lever Action which are also very accurate.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would have like some kind of checkering on the grip behind the trigger. Also it feels a bit thick to my size large hands.
What Others Should KnowThis is a very, very accurate gun at 10 meters as most other reviewers have said. It's very capable of putting five shots in the same, slightly larger hole. This is not a powerful rifle meant for pest dispatch or shooting heavy, metal reactive targets.
Always clean the barrel of a new gun first thing.