Elite Force 1911 TAC CO2 Metal Airsoft Pistol
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CO2 blowback pistols are an excellent sidearm choice for intense airsoft skirmishes. This 1911A1 pistol is manufactured by KWC and marketed by Umarex under their Elite Force brand name. The gun is similar to other recently released 1911 pistols but includes some newly added unique features courtesy of Umarex. The magazine of the gun is updated and lets you pour the BBs in the magazine chamber instead of loading them one by one. The barrel is also 14mm counter clockwise threaded, so you can add a fake silencer of your choice for added realism. The Elite Force 1911A1 features a full metal body with black plastic grips, a 16 rd magazine, and a shot velocity of 340-380 fps (using .20g BBs). The adjustable hop-up unit lets you dial in impressive accuracy for faraway battlefield targets. This pistol is capable of outstanding blowback recoil & accuracy. Pick one up for your next airsoft skirmish!
- Custom Lower Frame in DEB
- CO2 blowback
- Full metal body
- Extended Grip Safety
- 14mm orange reverse threaded tip
- Competition Style Sights
- Double/Single action
- Adjustable hop-up
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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4 of 4 Elite Force 1911 Tac Metal Reviews
Sturdy construction, attention for details, blowback feel, overall looks and weight.
Things I Would Have ChangedRail should be longer, to better keep the slide aligned. Blowback takes too much gas; I would exchange some of the realism of the blowback for more shots per cartridge. And of course, as with ALL blowback airsoft pistols, minimize the outer barrel play.
What Others Should KnowThe grip safety is working (as opposed to what others say).
Very good feeling because it's all metal.like the two tone look and the treaded barrel
Things I Would Have ChangedHard to load with bb, no spring retainer in the mag
What Others Should KnowShould buy one 4,5/5 stars
This is a very impressive gun for the price. The heft is pretty close to the real thing. I purchased it mainly to use as an indoors training weapon. So far I have only used it at 10' - 15' but is accurate and powerful. The blowback has a very substantial kick which is a nice touch. It's still new but I'm getting at least 4 full magazines per CO2 cylinder.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe grips are a little rough for my taste but it looks like you can swap them out for real 1911 grips. I'm not a hug fan of the orange bbl extender but I know it's there for legal reasons. It doesn't really interfere with my draw.
What Others Should KnowThe gun fits perfectly into my 1911 holster, but you must use a holster made for a 5" 1911 *with rails*. The magazines are a little wider than a normal single-stack 1911 mag due to the CO2 cylinder, so you may have better luck with a leather or fabric magazine pouch.
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Mar 12, 2015
By rob
I like the feel of the blowback and that it is a co2. This fits my 1911 holster for IASS 3gun and Steel action shooting.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt should come with two mag's not one.
What Others Should KnowOur club has 5 of these guns we use them to teach people how to shoot steel target, IDPA and 3 gun. We do all this shooting and teaching thru the IASS programs.