Sportsmatch 30mm Rings, Fully Adjustable, High, 11mm Dovetail
Model:Fully Adjustable
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Helpful resources:
- Tips for picking scope mounts
- Sportsmatch rings
- 30mm
- 11mm dovetail
- High profile
- 4 screws/ring cap to secure your scope
- 2 screws on each dovetail for extra secure attachment to your gun
- Adjustable for windage, elevation, height* and lateral position
- No scope stop pin
*Ring height adjusts from 25mm to 27.5mm.
Sportsmatch is known for making some of the best mounts in the business. Made in England, the mounts are rock-solid and will hold your expensive optics in place.
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8 of 8 Sportsmatch 30mm Rings, Fully Adjustable Reviews
Excellent rings that allow scope to be centered and then sighted in to within a few clicks. They hold zero perfectly when locked down. Highly recommended
Well made. Perform as expected.
Things I Would Have ChangedReduce the price.
What Others Should KnowOriginally purchased a similar product from another manufacturer which was on closeout for $10 through a different vendor. Two of the locking screws stripped out before I had the scope zeroed in. Should have known better. These appear be much sturdier, time will tell. Just wish they were more reasonably priced.
These are easily the best quality scope rings I have owned. They are easy to adjust, and stay put without having to over tighten things. I was able to center my scope turrets and zero my impact group just by adjusting the rings.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowOnce you get hold of these you are going to want to replace the rings on your other guns.
Very secure. Adjustment was nearly as easy as i would have liked.
Things I Would Have Changednothing really
What Others Should KnowI like the concept of being able to make most macro adjustments prior to touching the turrets on your scope for fine tuning. it's a good idea.
Great mounts,installed on my 25 cal maurader with a 8 to 32 X 56 Hawke scope. Now able to adjust scope for 150 yard shots.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowWell worth the money
Things I Would Have Changednot much, the price is very high, but worth it
What Others Should KnowThese mounts are great, like all sports match mounts they are very well made. I have these and the 1" version and if I get another rifle/scope I will buy another set. If your trying to push the distance of your shooting you need as much of your turret adjustments as possible, and these let you keep your scope centered (where it works best) and zero in with the mounts. They cost alot compared to regular rings but if you've bought a high end rifle, and a high end scope, do you really want to cheap out on your rings? If you get these you will be happy with them!
These mounts, although very pricey do exactaly what they are intended to do and do it well. Allows you to adjust for barrel droop and in my case a lot of windage & keep my scope very close to optically centered. I oredered these because I had to use so much adjustment on the scope that it was not consistent and I know that I am not that inaccurate. Groups were large & I called Pyramyd Air & talked with Tyler who told me what the problem could be. I also had to use 2 sided tape to keep the scope from walking rearward off the dovetails. When I received these mounts I turned both elevation & windage adjustments from lock to lock & returned to center. Then I adjusted these mounts to almost bullseye at 30 yards. At that point I tweaked POI with the scope adjustments. Made all the difference in the world. It may Take a little while but the results are well worth it if you have to use a lot of scope adjustment. By the way, this was on a Beeman RX2. I would definitely recommend these mounts to anyone who is experiencing the same problem & don't forget the 2 sided tape between the mounts & the scope tube. I am new to air gunning but learning a lot.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wish they would accommodate a hole for a scope stop but adjustable sights will not. Quite expensive but do the job. The scope stop by Beeman which mounts just rearward of the rear mount takes care of the rearward walking of the scope. These mounts do exactly what they were designed to do & do it well.
What Others Should KnowThe more optically centered (elevation & windage adjustments at midway their adjustment range) the better. If too much adjustment is necessary then the springs in the scope will weaken and cause inconsistency in your grouping because the stability of the cross hairs will comprised.
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Jun 06, 2020
By Richard C
I find these to be my preferred scope mounts. They provide "near zero" (factory zero) adjustment for scope alignment, and allows for minimal adjustment of the optics, from the factory central position.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone, these are the mounts that I look for.
What Others Should KnowSome people like to mount their scopes as low as possible, that's their preference. Not to brag, but as an ex-scout sniper, you find preferred advantages to a high-mount scope! What-ever!!