Feinwerkbau 500 10-Meter Air Rifle
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Meets requirements for ISSF competition.
- FWB 500 10-meter rifle
- Ambidextrous beech stock
- Adjustable cheekpiece & buttstock
- Diopter rear sight
- Globe front sight accepts aperture inserts
- Integrated stock rail accepts sling holder or hand stop (not included)
- Trigger-pull weight adjusts from 110 to 220 grams
- Unparalleled accuracy!

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2 of 2 Feinwerkbau FWB 500 Reviews
I bought this over a year ago, so I've had ample time to ring it out. I couldn't be more pleased with this rifle. I bought it because of the manufacturer's reputation and because it is light. I shoot it every day. I have added a bipod to the front to add a little weight out at the muzzle end, but you can decide that later. The trigger must be experienced to believe it: the best trigger of all my 9 air guns. Accuracy is wicked good. Shoots various wadcutters at 10yards (that's all I shoot at, not 10 meters) with equal accuracy. Gets lots of shots per fill (have never actually counted them).
Things I Would Have ChangedYou must remove the air cylinder to fill it. No quick fill here! This is but a minor annoyance.
What Others Should KnowI own two different FWBs and have handled many more (friends' guns) you really can't go wrong with any of their products. If you want a target rifle to sharpen your skills (trigger control, breathing, timing, etc) this is a fine choice.
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Mar 10, 2019
By Clifford
A newcomer to air guns, but have several rifles and pistols I've taken to gun range. Set up a 10 yard air gun range in garage and I'm having a blast. Started with a Daisy 753s to see how it goes and enjoyed the whole experience except the pump [bad shoulder] Knew I wanted to step up and Wow what a huge step. This 500 fits me almost perfect. I am adding sight risers to keep my head up. The trigger is beyond any I've used. I know this is an older model, but for accurate garage range shooting this suits me just right. Not to say it wouldn't stand up to competition matches.