Walkers Razor Walkie Talkie, Black
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- 2-3 Mile range
- Push to Talk / Voice Activated
- Powered by 2 (AAA) batteries included
- Battery Life: 12 hours
- Battery 3 AAA Batteries
- App Supported NA
- 22 Channels
Walker Razor Walkie Talkie
Voice Activated Transmit (VOX), allows for hands-free communication up to 3 miles. Walkie Talkie Attachment has 22 channels and 99 sub channels for your family and friends to join! Custom designed to integrate onto the Walkers Razor muffs (Muffs sold separately, will not work with Razor Quads)
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8 of 8 Walkers Razor Walkie Talkie Reviews

Bought these to use at NASCAR races with my wife. Came here looking for more instructions on how to use them, can not find that. Can't seem to change the channel on the units.

The good... -they work as intended i.e, close communication on the range -you don't have turn the ear muffs on for the radio to work or hear The bad... -nowhere in the ads, product description or owner's manual does it say these are FRS radios. It does say in the manual "supports GMRS/FRS channels1-22" so I assume they are FRS radios. -Nowhere (ads, description, manual) does it say what the transmit power is. Most FRS radios are 1/2 watt, some are 2 watt. It would be nice to know what these are. Why won't they (Walker's) say? -Say's 2-3 mile range. But like all FRS radios (if these are indeed FRS radios) the range is highly fabricated er...exaggerated. You might get 2-3 miles line of sight in outer space but not on earth. You'd be lucky to get 1/4 mile in the real world, but that's okay for range use.

I bought this a year ago and haven't used it until now for work. It will receive coms from handheld and the handheld will say its receiving coms but no audio will go through from my radio to theres but I can hear them on my end

Useful product while hunting and shooting outdoor.

I bought these to use at the shooting range to talk to my partner. They worked great, and because of this we did more talking than shooting! No annoying beeps or other noises. They are very sensitive. I am going to try them next time I have the Rzr out, as this seems like it would be a great setup for riding.

Bought these for my wife and I. Got them about a week ago and they're working great. So far we've taken them out to about a mile or so and so far they're working great. The other reviewer complained about an annoying "beep". These don't do that. Also, people have complained about the mic boom being fragile, it's been redesigned and is much beefier now.

I bought 6 of these a week ago thinking about how cool it would be to communicate with each other while riding our ATV's. While it does work, each time you get done speaking or listening to another person speak you hear the "Roger Beep". Extremely annoying. We went for a 4 hour ride and most people just turn the walkie talkie off because of how loud and annoying the sound is. If the beeping sound could be turned off, they would be great.
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Oct 24, 2024
By SAmiami
Marginal at best. The VOX feature which is basically voice activated does not work. In fact I thought it was just a defect but I repurchased a second walkie-talkie and same issue. It doesn't pick up your voice at all. You're forced to use push to talk feature which is not ideal when handling a gun. Stick with the ear pro and skip the walkie talkie.