H&N Silver Point .25 Cal, 24.38 Grains, Pointed, 150ct
Caliber:.25 (6.35mm)
Quantity:150 Count
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Use these superior quality H&N pellets to dispatch small pests, or hone your backyard shooting skills.
H&N Silver Point .25 Caliber Pellets
- .25 caliber
- 24.38 grains
- Pointed
- 150 pellets
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10 of 36 H&N Silver Point .25 Cal Reviews
Packaged from Pyramid like always, they can be air dropped and arrive perfect. The H&N package is well done. No visible deformation on skirt or main body or additional foreign matter noted. Somewhat dirty overall.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot sure why my FX DRS disliked these.
What Others Should KnowMy setup: FX DRS .25 cal w/500 mm FX slug barrel and SHP plenum. Tuned for JSB Exact King 25.39 at 875 fps. Normal JSB 10 shot group at 45 yards can be covered by a nickel routinely. Without changing the gun's tuning, I shot several H&N Silver Points at my same point of impact for the JSB Kings. Wild pattern hitting adjacent targets inches away. Group measured in feet. I shot 10 pellets and abandoned ship. My tune on my gun does not shoot these well. Your mileage will hopefully vary...
There is absolutely NOTHING I liked about this pellet other than the shape.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wish I knew what caused them to shoot so bad. There were no bent skirts in none of the cans. They just didn't shoot good. Can't say it was my gun because I tested them in 5 different guns and none of my 25 cals would shoot them. I was thinking Maybe I got hold to a bad batch but then it hit me, They didn't shoot good out of my 22 cal rifles either . I had tried them about 4-5 yrs ago when I was mainly showing 177 and 22 cals pcps.
What Others Should KnowI shot these pellets out of my Sidewinder, My FX Impact and Crown, My Hatsan Nova Star, and my avenger. They were not accurate out of any of my guns I just named. I try shooting them at low fps, 700 fps, med fps 800 fps, high 900 fps and 1000 fps and faster out of each gun and they hit all over the place. Sometimes not even hitting the target board that I pin my targets on. My target board is 4.5 ft by 4.5 ft I shot them @ 50 yrds and then 35 yrds and I basically just gave up on them because I was afraid they might hit something other than the targets I was shooting at. Believe me, if it was a good shooting pellet, I would promote it in a heartbeat but H&N failed me on this one, and that's basically all I shoot is H&N pellets and slugs. I do shoot JSB Hades, and the polymags on occasion but I like H&N because they are less expensive and provide a bigger selection of hollow point ammo.
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING
What Others Should KnowTHESE ARE THE BEST
Value for a excellence crow round I use in condor and have great accuracy
Things I Would Have ChangedLess rattling
What Others Should KnowBuy three get one free!!!!
Great round for all types of airguning
Things I Would Have ChangedLarger quantities
What Others Should KnowGreat round for rotary mags
Go to for 25 cal Air Force condor
Things I Would Have ChangedSell in packs of 300
What Others Should KnowGreat in hatson pump action!
I like the general shape and consistent weight
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThese fly well.... a few flyers in the batch.... maybe 1 in 12
Nicely packaged had no damaged pallets in the container they are very accurate and most pcps great for Target practicing or to penetrate something bigger like if you were to hunt bobcat or something with a 25 Cal it will penetrate right through headshot I got dime-sized groups at 66 yd with them straight through a three-quarter inch piece of plywood traveling about 880 to 920fps at the muzzle about 750 at the Target
Things I Would Have ChangedOnly thing I would change would be to put a piece of foam in with a can none of them were damaged but that could cause them to get damaged without the foam
What Others Should KnowDepending on if your gun has a clip or not if it don't come with a one shot tray it might not fit your clip it fits the air inventory avenger very well with some room left so that could be a good baseline to run off the way they're shaped with the two rings indents it contacts with the rifling of your barrel very well I sighted my gun in with JSP 25.39 and the h&n silver points hit just a tad bit high but the point of impact was the same left and right if you going small green hunting go with h&n barracuda Hunter extremes they are awesome for expanding and not over penetrating and have a lot of knock down power
Shape, damage and to my surprise the reliability.
Things I Would Have ChangedMore in a tin.
What Others Should KnowWorks well with my umarex gauntlet 25.
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Jan 14, 2025
By Boz
Quality and speed of delivery
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowPyramid is simply the best