Hawk Helium Apex Platform
Shipped & sold by Mike's Archery
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- Weight Rating: 300lbs
- Construction: Aluminum
Hawk Helium Apex Platform
Perfect Mobile Setup when paired with the Hawk Helium Sticks and Helium Hammock Saddle The Ultimate in mobile hunting platforms Tree Digger Teeth: bite into bark for rock-solid and secure hunting Silent Attachment: attaches with one silent pull tight strap
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6 of 6 Hawk Helium Apex Reviews
Like the platform, but I can’t understand the design of the top bracket curving away from the tree. Or why it hasn’t been corrected when this is a known issue. Had to buy an aftermarket bracket to fix it.
Tree digger teeth cannot be further from the truth. The gripper is engineered convex which does not fit a concave outer tree shape except for a very small area. On top of that, the platform rolls when you try to lean either way because of the convex shape. I almost fell from the platform...very unsafe!. Does not match the illustration on the box AT ALL!
I bought this 3 weeks ago, first time using it This week. Fill big enough for my feet and sturdy. It grips the tree really well. Doesn't move when I swing left to right. Can't wait for Bow season to really try it out.
I got this at the end of last year and was able to use it 3-4 times last season and once this season. It already broke all the teeth from one side of the platform. I’m trying to investigate any kind of warranty it has but it’s been almost a year since I bough it. Pretty disappointing to only use it a few times and it already break. I only weigh 190 so I’m well under the max it’s rated for. Also the shape of the top bracket is convex instead of concave. It would be more stable if that were concave. It is light weight and easy to use, just wish it held up better.
It works great and is a great price. I strap it to the outside of my pack on the pack in while I'm carrying my bow in, then put my bow on my back and carry the platform back at the end of the day.
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Nov 15, 2022
By SaddleNinja
Bought this as my first platform, it needed a lot of mods to make it work good. 1. Slippery and noisy when wet - grip tape and paracord wrap 2. Top tree grip - JUNK doesnt grip tree, replaced with a better quality one that actually works 3. Side stability - included strap sucks, not very stable with side pressure replaced with crank style strap. Overall probably would not buy again since it didnt work that well out of the box.