Hornady .45 Cal,, Image 1
Hornady .45 Cal,, Image 1

Hornady .45 Cal, 143 Grains, Lead Round Balls, 100ct

5.05 reviews


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5.05 reviews


  • .45 caliber (.457 dia.)
  • 143 grains
  • Can also be used for muzzleloading firearms
  • Do not use in Sam Yang .45 cal. guns (those bores measure .454 dia.)
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5 of 5 Hornady .45 Cal, 143 Grains Reviews

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Well,what can I say.They are round.They are smooth and they are over sized for my 909s.This means they fit very snug and do a great job at breaking in the barrel.Thats what I got them for.Two boxes and a couple of cleanings in between.Maybe use a little moly that came with my BSA to lube them.Like I said they are quite snug.

Make them in 454cal,so they don't do to much wear on the barrel over time.I don't think its a good idea to keep using over sized pellets.Too many and the correct ones will start to fit too loose.Thats not a good thing.I wish Air Venturi made them.They might cost a little less.

With these round balls I can save some money on the break in.I use a scuba tank for refills.But I also have an old oxegen tank that I can hook up to the fill valve and leave on at bench rest.This way I can get many,many shots without stopping.

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Out of a box of 100, all of them were exactly the same and performed the same, very damn good.

offer more round balls at different weights.

very good to use if your on a budget like me and if you think 20 bucks for 50 slugs is a bit to much $$$$$. Can be used for any application such as hunting, target, plinking, etc.....

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Fit the barrel perfectly, hit hard, plenty accurate for anything large enough to bother shooting with a sam yang 909s light hunter. on low power, ball seated .75" into a cured locust block, and on high a lil over 1". Doesnt drop as fast as the 180grn Air Venturi solid core HP but doesnt hit as hard either. Best choice for low cost fun.

higher count option.

In my 909s, I get 5 decent shots with these compared to 6 with the 180grn HP's starting @ 3200psi, gun really comes to life from 2800-2200 psi, feel it in your shoulder then, above and below that power is kinda disapointing but when you consider your air rifle just turned a ceramic comode into fragments, its pretty awesome lol.

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Shoot very good out of my Sam Yang 909S. They hit hard and put a heck of a hole in a piece of wood!! Definately a good choice for economical rounds for my big bore. And they are accurate out to 150 yards so far.

Make them less expensive, even though they are not too bad right now. Make them in a 200 grain ball!!! That would be nice!!

My Sam Yang is being tuned by a shop in NY. Once it is tuned and the trigger is made a bit smoother, I know these 143 grain round balls will be even deadlier on ANY game you choose to take with them.

Donald Jan 09, 2012

You can not get a 200 gr round ball and still have it in 45. Would have to cast it out of gold or somthing. And you can not squeez 200 gr lead down to 45.

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these are cheep and very well made, yes you can shoot them in sam yang, it even says so in the owners manual to only shoot .456 to .457 ammo. and all over the internet people recomend these, i have been shooting them, thier soft and lock into the rifling easy, and very accurate. I shot 400 yards into the water and just like a muzzleloader. with sam yang 909s.

inform customers that it is ok to shoot these round balls in sam yang, other than that, maybe make some round balls in .456 ????

these are what you will be shooting mostly, so stock up. save the bullets for game. these have awesome penetration power. they sell them on this site because of the 909 sam yang. im stocking up, you will go through them fast with a scuba tank, and thier easier to load in three sec your ready to fire, faster than a muzzeloader. but you will think your shooting a muzzleloader.

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