Moultrie Pro II Hunter Quick-Lock Programmable Feeder Kit
Shipped & sold by Mike's Archery
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- New adjustable internal funnel for maintenance-free feed distribution
- Easy Set programmable digital timer
- External power port for Moultrie solar panel
- Quick-Lock Adapter included
- Improved design and function
CONSTRUCTION: Light Weight Padded Nylon BUCKLES: Cam Leg Buckles WEIGHT RATING: 150 lbs. INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO HUNT: Safeguard Harness, Linemans Rope, Tree Strap, Suspension Relief Strap, Carabiner
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10 of 171 Moultrie Pro II Hunter Quick-Lock Reviews

Easy to set up and use. Can’t rate durability yet.

if one of the wires comes off the battery when you put the bottom on....you cant tell until you check it next time

Does not come with Bolt tabs to mount to barrel. And, Can not find Bolt tabs as a product on Moultrie website... they only come with quick lock which actually comes with feeder...

I have to say I had a magnum super pro that totally failed after one year. And one that I have for approximately four years went down, but I replaced the programmer only working fine since it was no longer manufactured. I got the pro hunter too, which I will be using soon, thank you so much for your professional courtesy. I love your product. The magnum was a great feeder. Never get off a winning horse. Thank you.

Moultrie Pro hunter II feeder kit. I run them most of the year. I like everything about the kit but the motor and electronics just don't last like I'd expect. I bought four last year and I have to keep replacing them out over the season.

Replaced the directional feed system on the feeder w/standard spinner head and rechargeable battery system. It didn’t ’throw’ fish pellets well. Will use feeder for deer corn now.

Easy to attach to my current feeder. Quick and easy programming setup.

Great solution for replacement lids for my feededs.

Replaced the 4 yr old 12v on a 30 gal barrel. Why cheap it up with a 6v system? It will not throw corn with the funnel in the down position. Works ok with funnel up. Lot of companies making prodoct now. You cut too many corners and you will lose. I have quit buying your cameras. Old ones worked great, new ones junk.
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Nov 27, 2024
By David S.
I bought this motor and put it on a 50 gal can and it worked great for months until it didn't. The corn gets clogged up in the funnel leaving the wheel spinning freely not throwing any corn. I tried to resolve the issue by tapping on the side of the funnel and this usually works. But only for so long until it clogs up again. 1/10 don't recommend.