Shooting Chrony Alpha, Image 1
Shooting Chrony Alpha, Image 1

Shooting Chrony Alpha Master Chronograph, Red

4.532 reviews
1 answered question


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4.532 reviews
1 answered question


Shooting Chrony chronographs measure the velocity of almost any projectile, including pellets, steel BBs, plastic and metal airsoft BBs, bullets, shotgun pellets and slugs, arrows, bolts, darts, paintballs and just about any other projectile. Shooting Chrony chronographs measure speed (feet per second and meters per second) from 30 fps to 7,000 fps with more than 99.5% accuracy.

MASTER CHRONY MODELS have the same features as their respective SHOOTING CHRONY MODELS plus: Remote Control with close-up read-out and 18 ft cord.
Now you can test your airgun's velocity yourself!

All Chrony models are powered by a single 9V battery and can be easily attached to a 1/4"-20 tpi camera tripod for fast, easy set up. The Chrony is simple to use, just unfold the box, set the diffusers in place if needed, turn on the switch and start shooting.

Gives numbered shot velocities

Velocity stays on display until you shoot again

ONE String, from 2 to 32 shot memory (Numbered)

Measures High, Low and Average Velocities, Extreme Spread and Standard Deviations.

Retrieval of individual shot velocity measurements

Delete individual shots from memory (with automatic adjustment of Statistics)

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10 of 32 Shooting Chrony Alpha Master Chronograph Reviews

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Metal case, remote control.


Like that there is no read out panel attached to Chrony that could be shot. I placed a 1/4" aluminum plate were the control would be. No chance of any damage at all now.

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The packaging in the box is compact, and the unit is easy to use.Instructions were clear.The cord connecting the two boxes appears to be a standard phone cord with RJ11 connectors, so if a cord gets damaged it will be easy to replace/repair.

It would be nice if the chrony had a bit more sensitivity. It required a pretty bight light above the diffusers to work. I night like to import Chrony data directly to my computer, but the interface cables (Alpha-to-RS232 and 232-to-USB) and the software add up to as much as the unit costs. Like to see the software price reduced.

The primary difference between Alpha and higher grade Chronys is that the memory in the Alpha is volatile. Turn it off and all memory is cleared.If you want to bring the data back home, you might want to spring for the units with non-volatile memory.

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Everything! Easy to setup, easy to use. Easy to read the digital readout. I am real happy with this unit and wish I would have bought one years ago!


The Alpha Master Chronograph is a well made, sturdy product. This is my first chronograph and it has worked flawlessly for me. I found the instructions easy to understand and it made it easy to setup the unit the very first time I used it. I really like how easy the unit folds up into a compact unit for storage and transportation. I have used the unit both outdoors and indoors. After ordering the indoor light unit for the chronograph I discovered I was able to "jury rig" my own method of lighting for indoor use. Although, I am very happy with the indoor lighting equipment for the unit. I created an Excel spreadsheet to record my readings for each shot, lowest velocity, high velocity, average velocity, extreme spread and standard deviation. I also record the pellet weight and then calculate the energy for the average velocity. I believe this information is very helpful in determining which pellet your air gun likes. I am extremely happy with this purchase.

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The face/control box separates from the main unit allowing you easy access to the digital readout and controls.

I found it extremely difficult to get it to work consistently. I was able to obtain two good 16 shot strings and then numerous errors front or rear sensor. This was outside with and with out the diffusers. I am new to this and it maybe user error but I find the unit difficult to operate properly. I was told adding a light source under the diffusers will solve my problem. Hope so.

I was told Competition Electronics makes the Pro Chrono Digital Cronograph and it has newer electronics and is much more user friendly

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This unit is compact and great to use with the convenient portable display unit. Well built with a clear instruction booklet.


The unit requires ample lighting to perform accurately. The included white translucent diffusers are well made and if not abused should last a long time. Being a retired engineer, this unit should be handled with the respect that any delicate instrument requires. It would also be a good idea to provide some type of protective device placed in front of the Chrony to prevent damage due to an errant pellet. I've used it quite a bit and have no complaints at all. For the price, it is a good product and is well made.

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The Red Shooting Chrony Alpha Master Chronograph is compact, easy to set-up, easy to use, and easy to transport/store when not in use. It is built with quality and should last any shooter for years of use with minimal maintenance.

A battery operated LED indoor light option would be very nice, but you can DIY very easily and cheaply ( like I did ).

This unit has worked flawlessly for me. It can be a little finicky about lighting or the alignment of your shots, but once you get it dialed in this chrono just does what it is supposed to do. I would recommend this chrono to any shooter.

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It is simple, it was what I was expecting.

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Compact, easy to set up and operate, *very* sturdy construction

Remote control instructions printed in an abbreviated fashion and placed on the back of the remote would save a few foot steps. Integrating an LED light source facing upwards toward mirrored diffusers would make the unit operate in "all lighting" environments and be a real convenience.

If you need a chronograph then you cant go wrong with this one. The remote is a good feature to have and worth the few extra dollars. For typical airgunners I would say this is all you need. The extra memory and outputs to PC are nice and if you chronograph guns for a living or are into reloading ammo as in firearms then the statistical information provided by the more expensive units in the line might pay off for you. On the other hand, if you don't have to show professionally prepared reports then stats provided by this RED unit and a basic scientific calculator that you pack with the unit will give you all the stats one could desire. Get it; *****

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Easy to set up, easy to use


buy a shield, make a shield. don't shoot your chrony.

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The cord to the meter is long enough to not to shoot it! Ask me how I know. Luckily it was a .17 caliber so I have a new small dent. It is very accurate and reliable without the rabbit ears on a sunny day. No err's until the near sundown but that' expected.

Add a rubber stop or gel to the front - sooner or later you will shoot it. Just wish I though of doing that before I shot it - I have one now.

You will need a 9v battery it does not come supplied - no worries but jeeze 9v batteries did go up for some reason. Probably all the new and old air gunners chronying.

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