SIG Sauer .45 Auto Elite Ball FMJ, 230gr, 50ct
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Check out the SIG Sauer 230 Grain 45 Auto FMJ rounds for continuity between drills at the range and self-defense. The engineers at SIG designed these practice rounds to mimic the ballistics of their self-defense ammo for training purposes. This ensures you get as close to training with hollow points as possible, with the same recoil and target impact, without the associated cost. SIG’s tests show that, out of a 5-inch barrel, muzzle velocity is 830 FPS with 352 ft/lbs of energy. Each box contains 50 rounds.
For realistic training get the SIG Sauer 230 Grain 45 Auto FMJ Ammunition. Buy yours today from Pyramyd Air.
SIG Sauer .45 Auto Elite Ball FMJ, 230gr, 50ct
- .45 Auto
- 230 Grain
- Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
- Velocity: 830 FPS
- Energy: 352 ft/lbs
- 50 rounds per box
- Great for training

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10 of 97 SIG Sauer .45 Auto Elite Reviews

Great product with no issues…I even use them in my Kimber 45 . Thanks Sig Sauer !

Good shooting ammo. A little dirtier than I expected after 25 rounds when I clean my firearm.

Great handgun, great ammo and great company. Thank you!

Great performance, they fit magazines just fine, I have no issues with cycling rounds. Great high performance rounds for the range. Kind of cool to have sig sauer quality rounds in your inventory.

Love Sig Sauer guns and red dots, no reason not to love the ammo but have yet to fire a round.

Three boxes I received were in rough shape. Like they were pulled from a clearance rack or old stash. Plan on sampling these rounds in the near future.

Sig is my go to ammo always in stock and at great prices. The process is fast with quick delivery.

Accurate, feeds reliably, ejects reliably and no FTF.

Functioned well in several different 1911s. Very nicely finished. Clean burning. A bit pricey.
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Jun 10, 2024
By Richard B.
Great ammunition, burns clean, the case are clean and feed well and have a great finish. Ammo is very accurate and low recoil.