TenPoint Stealth 450, Image 1
TenPoint Stealth 450, Image 1

TenPoint Stealth 450 Oracle X Crossbow

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The TenPoint Stealth 450 Crossbow is engineered to deliver outstanding performance at longer distances than previous models. It has a higher velocity than any of their other forward draw crossbows ever have, at up to 450 feet per second and with up to 191 foot pounds of energy, resulting in incredible accuracy to take down game.

Enhancements compared to older versions include scope struts and a longer optics rail that result in an 80 percent increase in strength without adding the weight of a full-length rail, and the Sentry Bowhanger stirrup that protects broadheads from damage and dirt as well as allowing the bow to be hung in a stand. This package comes with the Burris Optics Oracle X Crossbow Rangefinding Scope, an industry-leading option that shows the range and a precise aim point for the distance and angle of the shot, all with a press of a button on the remote or scope.

This crossbow is easy to maneuver in tight spaces because it's only 6.5 inches wide axle to axle when cocked, and it gives hunters an advantage over other brands where the crank handle can slip and cause damage or injury because it has the ACUslide safe and silent crank cocking and de-cocking system. To get a crossbow package that gives reliable hunting performance and comes with a bubble level, quiver, and three Pro Elite 400 Carbon arrows, buy a TenPoint Stealth 450 Crossbow at Pyramyd AIR now.

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TenPoint Stealth 450 Crossbow w/ Burris Oracle X Scope, Camo

  • Up to 450 feet per second
  • Up to 191 foot pounds of energy
  • Veil Alpine camo stock
  • Includes Burris Oracle X Rangefinding Scope
  • Forward draw
  • Scope struts
  • Micro-trac barrel
  • Built-in patented ACUslide silent and safe cocking and de-cocking system
  • Sentry Bowhanger stirrup and broadhead protector
  • Integrated string stop system
  • Two-stage zero-creep S1 trigger with roller sear system
  • Length (excluding stirrup): 33"
  • Width: 6.5" axle to axle (cocked), 11" axle to axle (uncocked)
  • Weight (without accessories but with ACUslide): 7.5 lbs.
  • Power stroke: 13"
  • Draw weight: 300 lbs.
  • Includes quiver, 3 Pro Elite 400 Carbon arrows, bubble level
  • Made in America


Max Velocity
450 fps
Suggested for
7.5 lbs
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Trigger Pull
3.5 lbs
Overall Length
Body Type
Peak Draw Weight
300 lbs
Kinetic Energy
191 ft/lbs
Quiver Capacity
3 rounds
Cocking Aid
Sold With Quiver
Axle to Axle Length Cocked
6.5 in
Axle to Axle Length Uncocked
11 in
13 in
Recommended Bolt Length
20 in
Nock Type

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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10 of 12 TenPoint Crossbows Stealth 450 Oracle X Reviews

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Have received and sighted in, shoots well. Can use better instructions on cocking as well as other operations. Gave it only 4 stars because haven't got to hunt with it yet. Better instruction is my only complaint, I like a real owner's manual but today all manufactures want to do everything online, guess I am old school.

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Very fast & accurate, with Oracle X combined the Tenpoint Stealth 450 is very deadly for hunting and target shooting. Cocking and de-cocking is too easy. The whole package is well worth it. This is my 5th Crossbow and the best so far. Light and very manurable in a blind or tree stand. I'll have to grt one for my Wife!

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The stealth 450 is light, safest, fastest bow I have owned. Beautiful construction, compact, and I’m so happy to have purchased this crossbow. I have only owned this crossbow a couple days and due to the weather I haven’t been able to line it in yet. Love to bow and scope. I’ can’t wait to take this beast turkey and whitetail hunting this year. Thank you Tenpoint.

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The stealth 450 with the Oracle X scope is amazing! Very, very fast and accurate with no problems whatsoever. It is amazing how easy it is to cock and decock very safely!

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What a bow! Hunted with different compounds and crossbows for the last 45 years and this is the best by far for an upper middle aged hunter. No guess work or need for range finders. Wow!

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I bought two of these bows, one for me and wife. Hers seems ok upon initial inspection. The polymer arm on the trigger box on mine; however, was rubbing on the fastener than holds the struts to the scope rail. Not a difficult fix but for this kind of money I would've expected this issue to have been easily discovered during even a rudimentary level of final inspection. I paid premium money for what I thought would be a premium quality product. I hope this isn't a harbinger for the crossbow's overall quality. Tenpoint, recommend you focus more on quality.

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Awesome and accurate the bow is rock solid built very well. The scope rail has no flex to it. The bow shoots extremely well. Bolt stays put while traveling through heavy brush. Love the Burris® Oracle X™ Rangefinding Crossbow Scope. Although it takes some time and patience getting it initially set up. This bow matched with this scope is nothing short of remarkable and a game changer for long shots.

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This is my 5th crossbow. All of the other ones broke and left me with no bow during hunting season.

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10 point crossbows are the most accurate long range successful crossbows on the market !! You will not be disappointed by the accuracy, the light weight, durability, and reliability of this crossbow, the oracle X rangefinder scope Will be the Last scope you will ever put on a crossbow, the simplicity of getting on your target and what the click of a button to give you the exact shooting pin for the exact yardage. This crossbow package is on beatable and reliability.

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These 10 points are made better than most crossbows, owned several and they are trouble free !!

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