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Ammo Crosman Silhouette PCP pistol: Part 3

Crosman Silhouette PCP pistol: Part 3

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2

The new Crosman Silhouette PCP pistol is a tackdriver!

Today is accuracy day for the Crosman Silhouette PCP pistol. It’s been a month since I last tested this air pistol, so you may not remember all the details. This is a remake for 2011 of the Silhouette pistol Crosman brought out in 2010. I tested that pistol for you also and did four reports on it back before all the bad things happened. You can read those reports here.

That gun was a fine one, but Crosman decided to add the new Marauder pistol-style trigger and they made a few other small changes in the process. What they ended up with is an accurate pistol that also has a fine trigger. While this pistol is on the pricey side and is really meant for the sport of air pistol silhouette competition, it also serves well as an accurate air pistol, or as a carbine for general shooting if you attach the optional shoulder stock.

The scope
I selected a Leapers 3-9×40 scope with red/green illuminated reticle. The illumination means nothing in this test, as I didn’t use it. My scope is older than the one I linked to, but the specifications are exactly the same.

The scope is a bit large for the pistol, but it is also the reason this test went as well as it did. This makes a very handy PCP carbine.

The scope was mounted on a BKL 1-piece mount, which isn’t appropriate for this gun because of how it loads (the breech needs clearance for loading the pellet), but I got away with it because of the long steel breech. Since there’s no need for a scope stop on this recoilless pistol, the BKL might be seen as overkill; but the scope was already mounted in it, and I’ve used it successfully on many other air rifles and the time savings was a consideration.

Accurate from the start!
Some days, everything just falls into place. I’ve learned to recognize those days as soon as they come, so this shooting session was a breeze.

The first pellet I tried was the 10.2-grain JSB Exact. Normally, I wouldn’t use such a heavy pellet in a gun of this power, but something told me it would work out well this time. And it did. After sighting-in, 10 shots blew away the aim point at 25 yards.

Pay no attention to the hole at 12 o’clock. It’s the last sighter before this group was shot. Ten JSB Exact 10.2-grain domes went through that hole at 25 yards. It measures 0.43 inches between centers.

I had to adjust the scope after the first group, because I was blowing away my aim point. So, I dropped down several clicks and shot a second group of 10 with the same pellet.

Another 10 JSB Exact 10.2-grain pellets tore this small hole at 25 yards. This one measures 0.318 inches between centers.

Next, I tried the JSB Exact RS dome that weighs 7.3 grains to see what a lightweight pellet would do. Same 25 yards and same conditions overall.

Ten lightweight JSB Exact RS domes made this tight group at 25 yards. Notice how the point of impact has shifted from the target before, though the scope settings remained the same. This group measures 0.484 inches between centers.

Time to try something new
Okay, we now have a certified tackdriver air pistol. I thought it might be nice to try out some of those non-lead pellets to see how they compare. The next target was shot with H&N Baracuda Green pellets. All conditions were exactly the same, and I concentrated on every shot just as hard as with the first two targets.

Ten H&N Baracuda Greens didn’t do so well at 25 yards. All shooting conditions remained exactly the same as the first two targets. This group measures 2.084 inches between centers.

Back to what works
After the non-lead pellets, I decided to finish the test with H&N Baracudas — the real lead Baracudas this time. I figured they would be in the same ballpark with the JSBs.

Ten H&N Baracudas made of lead made this ragged hole at 25 yards. It measures 0.455 inches between centers.

The bottom line
The bottom line with this air pistol is one of accuracy. Crosman has really outdone themselves and given us a tackdriver with this setup. It likes both heavy and light pellets, though not those made without lead, which is common these days.

The trigger is crisp and the shot count is astounding, considering the little air that’s used. This pistol would really work well with a hand pump.

Then there’s the question of muzzle blast. The Silhouette is almost as quiet as a shrouded pistol because of its efficient use of air.

If you like stunning accuracy from an air pistol, consider this Silhouette PCP.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

62 thoughts on “Crosman Silhouette PCP pistol: Part 3”

  1. Uh, did I read that right? These are 25 yard groups–from a pistol? So, this pistol outshoots most rifles. Nicely done. Glad to see that your experience with the non-lead pellets mirrors mine. OK, I get 4″ groups, but still….

    Hope you overnighted the Pogo-Stick rifle to Vince. As always, I’m looking forward to seeing his work.

    • Derrick,

      No, the Pogostick gun hasn’t gone out yet. I’m crashing on a deadline for a huge Shotgun News article on the Rogue and nothing else is getting done at present.

      I will send it to Vince, but remember, we don’t know that this gun ever worked at all. I don’t want to burden Vince with any guilt, in case this turns out to be a dead end.


  2. B.B.,

    This is very impressive and eye opening. It warrants two questions. First, I’ll echo derrick, “Are these groups shot at 25 yards?”.

    Second question is more vague. Since I assume that these groups were shot in the carbine configuration (although up to this point in the previous posts the pistol was shown as a pistol) it seems that a cheek weld would be hard to repeat for us mere mortals. Not only because it appears to be too low for a normal alignment for the scope but also because there’s no reference for consistent repeatibility for head placement fore and aft. The question is vague, but applies to many guns with a similar configuration.

    The bullpups come to mind especially. A cheek weld on the breech.

    Here’s the real question. When the stock can’t aid you in a cheek weld and a cheap scope (forgive me leapers but your 3-9 doesn’t require a repeatable cheek weld) doesn’t assist much either, what are you doing to consistently put your cheek/eye in the same place everytime in order to achieve these groups at 25 yards.


    • Kevin,

      I call it a chin weld. It’s a joke of course, but you can see the results. I shoot so many different airguns all the time that I have to adapt to them as best I can. When I find a gun that really fits I don’t know what to do with it.


      • Actually, I read about David Tubb’s experience with chin guns, and my impression is that they were so accurate that they were prohibited from certain shooting competitions. They do allow you to line up right behind the sights.


  3. I’m surprised the H&N Barracuda Green did so poorly. I tried the Field and Target Trophy Greens in my detuned, 495fps HW-30S and put the first five I shot into a .18″ ctc group at 10 meters (shot from a sitting position but not using a rest). I can’t try shooting at 25 yards because my “range” (basement crawlspace with about four foot of headroom, which is why I shoot sitting!) isn’t big enough. The Trophy Greens seem to group almost as tightly for me as the lead H&N Hi-Speed Match and Finale Match pellets with the Weirhauch so I thought the Barracudas would do well too.

  4. B.B.,

    I received my 1701P last Thursday from PA. I did not receive a shoulder stock. Are you sure there is supposed to be one? It isn’t mentioned on the site. I realize I can get one from Crosman but if I was supposed to get one I would like to know. Thanks.


        • Speaking of changes… Is it time to update the links on


          to reference today’s Part 3, rather than March’s Part 2

          (I refer to the: Model Assistant/Articles and the Review/Article/Latest Buzz links)

          Between Krazy Kalifornia guvermint and some of these reviews… I’ve just ordered my fourth airgun this year (I’m not counting the one I returned as being too hard to cock for comfort, nor the one ordered as a replacement for an older model with a flaky safety).

          And I’m still perusing the Marauder pistol too ; I’ve got too many .177 pistol but no .22 pistol. If I go through with that too I’m going to be wearing out the AirForce pump I’d bought for the Condor (which works with, in the words of Johnny Cash o/~ a little bit of help from an a-dapter kit o/~ [female fosters back to back with an AirForce compatible male nipple], the .177 Marauder).

          The Lowell (MI) police department will not be happy to see me when I retire from Lockheed and move back from CA… “Handgun Safety Inspection” (we all know it’s a registration) for four (five?) air pistols, plus five “regular” pistols… In the 70s each had to be filled out in triplicate (no carbon, was one card stock with three copies of the form), with thumbprint… times nine+?

          • Wulfraed,

            I update those links as time allows. I haven’t updated them for some time. I just did…and went all the way back to the Rogue!


      • B.B.,

        I have the new one. I paid 360.00 minus the 10% discount. Sorry I have been away from the Internet.

        I have been eagerly awaiting this new pistol and ordered it from PA the day after they got it in stock. It is my first PCP and I am really enjoying it. I just wanted to check an make sure that I wasn’t missing that stock. The gun came in a plain brown box which I thought was a little odd. No Crosman or markings of any kind on the outside.

        I see that the point has been clarified. No stock included. I am thinking the best way to get one is to just go ahead and order the Marauder Pistol!!!

        • Mark N,
          I really like your way of thinking. I mean, why buy a just a stock when you can get another great pistol in the deal, too? I’d be anxious to see you compare those two pistols.

  5. Morning B.B.,

    Seems that PA has the prices reversed on the new and the old pistol and no where does it show either one coming with a shoulder stock. (Do I need another cup of coffee?)


    • Bruce,

      No, I actually addressed that in Part 1, but I didn’t draw a lot of attention to it. The old pistol had an original price that placed it out of the competition after IHMSA changed their rules about what an airgun could cost and still qualify for competition. Once priced, the rule says you cannot revise it downward, so the new pistol had to be created with a lower initial price. Sounds crazy, I know, but Ford and Chevy would do the same for NASCAR.


  6. This is the kind of demonstration I like to see. Excellent accuracy, and at 25yds no less! Good shooting! I’m think this was achieved with the stock on and rested on the Predator, right?

    I yearn for 25yds. The only way I could get that is to put the target behind me and ricochet off the front wall.


  7. “stunning accuracy from an air pistol”, indeed! And the price is also stunning. This pistol is a real bargain, and I think sets a standard for value for the money.

  8. BB, Maybe this has been answered before, but can you explain why groups from different pellets (or bullets) shift L-R, assuming no wind effect? I’d expect the same principle to account for part of the vertical shift, beyond weight, velocity, and BC. Thanks! Jay

    • Jay,

      For starters, many of them spiral in flight. You can actually see that on You Tube. Second is a scope alignment error. Just like up and down alignment, there is also left and right alignment. Maybe this will be the subject of tomorrow’s blog, because I think it’s time to visit it again.


        • LOL, well, although the Gamo pellets are worse than others, I’m convinced that all pellets will spiral in a helix given enough distance downrange. Yrrah (Harry) on the yellow pointed out this problem some time ago.

          There are a number of dynamic factors interacting with one another. The exact magnitude of each of the factors is impossible to determine with the limited amount of equipment that we amateurs use. In other words we don’t have equipment to take shadow-graphs, microwave radar, and 200 yard indoor ranges.

          As fired, most pellet spins with a right hand twist out of the barrel. If the pellet is shot fast enough, this immediately raises the nose above the ballistic path and slight to the right viewed from behind. That causes the pellet to curve up and to the right.

          Of course gravity wants to move the pellet downwards.

          Now the pellet is also precessing about its average center-line while in flight. This circular motion causes the pellet to drop and move to the left. This is due to the fact that the pellet is losing velocity over each rotation as it precesses. If the pellet could maintain its speed with each precession, then the instantaneous up-down and left-right motion of the pellet due to its precession angle would cancel out.

          Of course as the pellet is flying though the air at an angle to its ballistic path, the BC is lower than if the center line of the pellet followed the ballistic path. The spin slows down at a slower rate than the forward velocity. Thus the “yaw” angle of the pellet increases, since stabilizing force of the tail’s drag is lessened as the pellet’s forward velocity decreases.

          The BC also decreases as the yaw angle increases creating a destabilizing feedback loop. Ultimately you reach some critical angle of yaw at which point the pellet starts to spiral in an ever increasing helix and thus moves relatively unpredictably. This critical transition happens somewhere downrange for every spinning pellet.

          There are all sorts of other factors too. Lateral throwoff due to an imbalance in the pellet. A angular deviation due to a poor crown. Scope alignment problem to name a few.


  9. Off-topic but I’ve been working with the BSA Supersport .25 and have some more on it. First I obtained some other lead pellets in the 18-20 gr wt range but the head sizes run on the small side. Some were the BSA (Gamo ?) brand, and some Milbros. Accuracy is only fair at 25 yards ,but use able at 10 meters. The information on the BSA .25’s having a small bore diameter on the forums is bull. The Rhino Milbro brand pellets were the absolute worst ,as the head size runs around .244-5 dia ,and they fall deep into the bore,and will even fall out easily as they won’t seat. They were recommended as the only pellet that would seat in the supersport .25 as the others were too large for the supposedly small non -standard size .25 cal bores of the BSA guns. So much for the expert advice on forums. I wonder if some of these folks even shoot the guns they seem to acquire at a prodigious pace, and claim to have vast amounts of experience with?
    I also scoped mine for accuracy testing and used a recommended four screw , med ht,,one piece mount. The scope I used was a Japanese Tasco , in 4X32, with AO. It is an older airgun rated scope. I’m getting ten shot groups of around an inch with the gun at 25 yards ,using H&N FTT 20.6 gr pellets. It just makes one big ragged hole, and it’s hard to measure. It has a lot of recoil and even though I used the four screw mount it will gradually walk off the 11 mm rail . The mount I used has a pin but there is nowhere for it to go. I solved this by making a stop block out of a piece of PVC schedule 40 plastic electrical conduit. I utilized the screw hole in the back of the receiver that is covered by a plastic plug, to fasten the stop down. The stop is butts up to the back of the mount. It is about an inch long overall, and so far it seems to work and it even doesn’t look bad. That hole in the top rear of the receiver is actually the hole for the screw that holds the scope rail that is 13mm that installs on the receiver. Usually present on the lighting models, it also serves as a scope mount stop when that rail is present. The scope mounting problem is going to be an issue with this gun without that rail, for less handy folks.
    I also tried the William peep sight that is for airguns , for installing on 11 mm and 3/8″ dovetailed receivers, and it will not work without some carving . The stock will have to be inletted slightly for it to be installed on this gun. I’d post these comments over on the PA’s site for the BSA Supersport owner reveiws in .25, but I see that the .25 isn’t even offered anymore.

    • Robert,

      Thanks for your report. We have asked Gamo to take care of this situation twice now without response. I am finished with this rifle. We’ll send it back to Pyramyd AIR as it is, and not finish the report.


      • BB: Yes I know what you mean about Gamo USA, as apparently they don’t give a rap about their customers. They were clue-less in regards to questions I’ve posed to then about their products. We have local Gamo dealer here who also owns a large archery and gun shop and carries the complete Gamo line of springers up to the .22 cal. He is also un-pleasant individual to do business with, and cares little for serious air gun shooters. Seems to be their business model? I do like this little BSA Supersport though and would recommend one to anybody. They are very nice handling, wood and metal, 12-14 ft/lbs hunting type air sporters. I’m sure the .22 and .177 cal versions are equally as nice. Regards ,Robert.

        • Robert from Arcade,
          I know the feeling, regarding businesses that don’t give a rap about their customers. I just went through an ordeal with Bell & Carlson and Stocky’s. I bought a rifle stock that was suppose to be a drop in, but wasn’t. The retailer, Stocky’s, has a restock fee, and won’t pay for shipping. So if I return the stock, I’ll be out some $45, for nothing but time wasted, and frustration from dealing with people who can’t (or won’t) do anything to satisfy a customer. Bell & Carlson says it’s a “drop-in”, but really it isn’t because of what they call “manufacturer’s variations”. They have one Ruger 10/22, and make their stocks to that one particular rifle. If your particular factory stock Ruger 10/22 doesn’t fit, then your out of luck.

          The first thing I noticed is that this particular stock is not provided with the required 2 allen wrenches. This was a first for me. Everything that I’ve personally bought, be it air rifles, scopes, or what have you, always came with the necessary 2 or 3 allen wrenches. My observation is that these companies are not about customer satisfaction, and do the absolute minimum. I am very disappointed!

          • Oh, one last thing. Why would I expect a couple of allen wrenches? BECAUSE it’s a $375 stock! Even if I buy a cheap $70 scope, I get the required allen wrenches.

          • Drop in means it’s close to drop in. The last thing you want is a ioose fiting stock. A litle careful carving or dremel work and you can have a stock to be proud of. And you could probably use a nice set of ball end allen wrenches.

            • Loren,
              The Dremel work is easy, and done. My frustrations with these companies is that when I explained the initial problem, they acted as if they had never heard of such a thing. After all, their ONE particular rifle fits fine. When I explained that the V-Block was the problem, they said that they had never heard of this problem, and that not all Ruger 10/22 require this V-Block. These guys sell these products for a living, and they were plain acting dumb. Even worse, I got the feeling that they were being evasive. I guess I expected too much from them, after having done business with the likes of Charlie Da Tuna, PA, Midway, and others. Charlie not only knows his product, but knows precisely what the customer should expect. If there’s a variation, he makes sure that you know about it in great detail. I’ve never spoken to the man, but I’m very satisfied with his product and his customer service. And his product only sells for $30, not $375, and for that little $30 product, he does provide the allen-wrenches.

  10. B.B., those are super groups–almost as good as from my tuned IZH 61. He he, just kidding of course. They’re far better than anything I’ve been able to do with any gun, and I like that bit about using a hand pump. I heard from Mike Melick about his work on my IZH 61. He said it was just a standard lube and polish job of the cylinder and piston. Meanwhile, the eerie accuracy continues.

    Victor, you’re lucky you weren’t next to someone with a .338 Lapua Magnum or a .300 Winchester magnum with a muzzle brake attached which makes it even louder for those next to them. Why do I always get people like this. And by the looks of them, they won’t be able to afford shooting these monsters. Anyway, I can protect my ears well enough even with these by stuffing cotton into my ears and covering them with earmuffs from Midway. And I have high standards for hearing protection. I don’t like loud abrupt noises in any circumstances and will not tolerate any discomfort at all.

    PeteZ, my condolences on your cat. I will offer that this act which is so painful is saving the cat from lingering misery. It’s one of my strongest reasons for supporting intelligent hunting. I’m not personally moved to shoot a deer, but in the right circumstances, I would gladly take out a deer to save it the misery of starving to death as a result of overpopulation. How are you doing with summoning the courage to take that shot right away for your target practice? I found that this is a great indicator of my shooting accuracy. When I get hesitant and start to second-guess and correct, the scores go down.

    Duskwight, I’m having trouble finding criticisms of Sepp Allerberger online, and I must say that his story is quite interesting. All might consider the following situation where you are walking along and your team is taken under extremely accurate fire from a forest by a large group of marksmen–call them zombies–who make forward movement impossible and any movement at all extremely hazardous. The order comes down for you as the only designated marksman to take out the zombies all by yourself. Look into your tactical hearts to see if you can find an answer. Duskwight’s stories about his grandfather have illustrated how dicey it is to deal with even one trained enemy sniper who is out to get you, and that is also illustrated by the sniper duel in Enemy at the Gates. How to deal with a whole bunch of the enemy who shoot just as well as you and have many more eyes. One response is just to try to outduel them one at a time, but statistically this is a non-starter just as it is for unarmed combat against multiple opponents. There needs to be a way to take on the group as a whole.

    What Allerberger comes up with is the following. He puts 5 or so helmets on sacks and then works out a signal system whereby the helmets are raised up by his team at different points so that he can see where the shots are coming from. Then he works out more signals so that machine guns open up on the forest after the helmets are raised to conceal him as he deals with the snipers one at a time. After a time, the enemy moves off. Brilliant, systematic, plausible and better than anything I could have come up with. When he and his men move into the forest, lo and behold the zombies are revealed as a platoon of women snipers. Fictional or not, they are in character, fighting it out while mortally wounded and trying to take the enemy with them.

    Anyway, I’m less concerned with the historical authenticity of the account than whether there is useful information. By the way, did you know that the plays of Shakespeare were not written by Shakespeare but by Edward de Vere, the 18th Earl of Oxford? 🙂


    • Matt61,
      I tend to attract the loud ones myself. The kid I mentioned had at least 10 spots he could have taken, including an entirely empty separate enclosure, but NOOOO! He had to sit right next to me. Fortunately, it normally is the case that these guys don’t take too many shots. Oh, while I was shooting my air-rifles at 50 yards, this kid was shooting this cannon at 25 yards. Go figure!

      • Victor and all,

        I’ll let you folks in on my secret for choosing a port at a public range. Unless there’s a very loud or heavy caliber (same, right?) pistol next to it, I ALWAYS choose the farthest port to the right available. Why you ask? What’s the first thing someone does with a pistol that mis-fires? Which way does he point it to look at it given the majority of us are rightys? You really want to be to the left of that numbskull?

        Fred PRoNJ

        • Fred PRoNJ,
          I know what you mean. Fortunately, our range has separate pistol and rifle ranges. The only incident that I’ve personally experienced was a shell blowing up while still in the chamber. It happened to the guy shooting prone on my left, while I was shooting in the kneeling position. He was shooting an Anschutz 1413 freestyle rifle, which allowed the excessive gases, from the explosion, to exit a small opening to the right of the chamber. I believe that Anschutz rifles have this hole for just such an emergency. Although I was just a few feet away from him, the blast through that hole burnt a dark circle on my leather jacket. Had I been shooting prone, like he was, I might not have been so lucky. Ever since then, I’ve made it a habit to move as far left as possible.

          • One other thing That I’ve experienced is, if you are to the right of someone shooting a semi auto, be prepared to eat his ejects. I’ve been pelted several times with .223 and 9mm cases while shooting with friends. I know, I’m a slow learner. But what are you gonna do when some bozo siddles up to the left of you while your shooting and starts popping shells at you?

            • Chuck,

              I don’t have to stand next to anyone to be showered with cases. When shooting my Glock or our 1911s at the range, I end up with tiny little burn marks on my scalp & forehead as the spent cases pop out and land on my head.


            • Chuck,
              My wife ONCE made the mistake of wearing shorts, sandals, and no socks. She ended up with two burn marks on the top of her foot. She’s lucky that’s all she got.

            • if you are to the right of someone shooting a semi auto, be prepared to eat his ejects.

              My Ruger 77/17 (.17HMR bolt-action) was tossing a few empties a fair distance too; though most ended up in between the tables. The Browning A-Bolt was more polite, the empties only went about a foot to the side.

              For semi-auto rifles, the rifle ranges had a few portable fences that were to be placed to the right of the shooter, meant to catch the empties. The pistol range, designed for standing shooting, has “enclosures” about 18-24″ wide and deep, but the side walls don’t go all the way up. A few pistol ejects did get over the top.

              It’s been 25 years, so I don’t recall where my HK-91 drops cases. I have the $$ accessory that snapped over the receiver and indexed on the back of the ejection port — has a rubber bumper that is supposed to deflect the empties from going to the back side… Think it was effective enough that the cases were dropping in front of the benches.

              • The HK-91 will throw cases 20 to 25 yards right and forward without the port buffer. I guess the Germans didn’t want cases building up around their fox holes. It also does a good job of denting the case as well if you don’t use the buffer. But, those cases sure don’t stay in the rifle and cause jams!


    • Deer hunting: I nearly bagged a beautiful young buck today, one fuzzy little knob on each side, using my 3.3 liter caliber gasoline weapon. Rather glad I braked. I’m not a hunter and never will be, but more power to my friends who do help manage our herds. We are way over the real carrying capacity of the area, and managing with V-6 weapons is bad for sheet metal, people and deer.

      Virginia has an interesting deer hunting regime called “earn a second buck”. You get one deer in the bag with your license, male or female. In order to be allowed to take a second buck if the first one had antlers, you must take an antlerless deer next.

  11. Update on California bill S798. The NRA-ILA reports that it is due to be heard again in the senate no latter than May 26-27 . Your right to own a BB gun in California are in serious jeopardy.

    • BTW: This is the VERY FIRST! time the NRA is taking a stand on a bill designed to limit the rights of airsoft users. They are interested in your rights as airgun shooters , and they do deserve our support, even if you do not own or intend to use firearms.There is another bill that is also on the table ,that would ban virtually ALL NON-LEAD ammo in the state of Cal. It is bill S124, and it is sponsored by the same hump who has sponsored S798. S124 is another one of those cop killer bullet bills that are so often held up as “reasonable” gun legislation.

      • Oh lovely… I can just see it now…

        One of the nature groups gets a ban on lead ammunition passed (It poisons the wildlife), and a few months later we get the ban on non-lead ammunition…

        Wonder what the police will be using in their guns — blanks?

  12. Matt61:

    [quote]***PeteZ, my condolences on your cat. I will offer that this act which is so painful is saving the cat from lingering misery. It’s one of my strongest reasons for supporting intelligent hunting. I’m not personally moved to shoot a deer, but in the right circumstances, I would gladly take out a deer to save it the misery of starving to death as a result of overpopulation. How are you doing with summoning the courage to take that shot right away for your target practice? I found that this is a great indicator of my shooting accuracy. When I get hesitant and start to second-guess and correct, the scores go down.***[/quote]

    Right now Pixel the cat is hanging right in there. The meds are helping him, he has some energy back, and can jump up on our bed w/o help and into his usual chair at the kitchen table. He purrs and licks, and if he walks slowly, well so do I. He’s enjoying life, and we are enjoying having him. A day at a time.

    My ‘courage’ is improving; my scores keep pace. I’ve had to go back exclusively to the rifle because it turns out that I’ve been doing too much pistol shooting (50 shots + dry firing a day), and this is aggravating my bad back. It’s part of the reason I’ve been so miserable. I decided to take a week or two w/o any pistol and when I come back to it, limiting it to 15 shots a day. My bad trying to rush my endurance to be able to do 60.

    I have got to take a few hours and do a blog on the Steyr LP-10 for you. I’ve had it since early October or late September, and I’ve had the Rink custom grips since about a month later. It is beyond anything I ever shot before, or dreamed of shooting. If that damned back would cooperate I would be shooting 88 point strings regularly — not World Cup material, but then I don’t pretend to be Ragnar Skanaker either at my age. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragnar_Skanåker Crosman named their electronic 10m pistol after RS, who helped develop it.]


    • Pete,
      Sorry to hear about the back. I’m also limited in my shooting offhand and pistol. Eventually my leg goes number, but that doesn’t stop the pain from coming.

  13. B.B. & Edith.
    Hope your ok, I am watching the tornadoes going to Dallas. We were lucky in this area in Alabama, hope you two are safe also. Take care.

    • Loren,

      The tornadoes & baseball-size hail passed north of us. We had some heavy rain for a few minutes and some wind gusts, but that’s about it.

      The quarter-size hail we had a few weeks ago damaged our roof, gutters, etc. Insurance adjuster was here yesterday. Looks like we’re gonna get all new stuff.


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    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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