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AirForce’s new Condor and Condor SS: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

AirForce Condor SS
The new AirForce Condor SS has an improved trigger and safety. But the biggest news is that it’s quiet!

Oh, boy, do I have a lot to tell you today! You’re reading this while Mac and his wife (Elissa), Edith and I are attending the 2013 SHOT Show. I did the testing for this blog back in November of last year. See? I can keep a secret!

There are many new things coming from AirForce, and today they’re showcasing them to the industry at the 2013 SHOT Show. Subscribers to Shotgun News got a sneak peak at them last week when the SHOT Show issue hit the newsstands with a full report.

There’s a new trigger and safety that will appear on all the sporting rifles. Then, there’s the new Condor SS and an updated Talon SS — both of which I will report for you today.

I was actually testing the new AirForce trigger and safety for them, to see if I could break it or make it malfunction. Then, at the end of my test, I visited AirForce for a day and got to see and hear the new Condor SS and Talon SS. And when I say hear, I do so only as in using a common phrase because you can’t actually hear the discharge of either rifle!

How much better is the new trigger?
I’ll never forget the day blog reader Kevin was visiting me and tried the trigger on my Wilson Combat 1911 CQB Light Rail pistol. He guessed it let off at one pound and simply refused to believe it was really three pounds. I got the trigger-pull gauge, and we tested it right there! Three pounds and an ounce or two, as I remember.

Well, that’s what the new AirForce trigger is going to feel like to veteran AirForce owners. The trigger on my vintage Condor breaks at about the same 26 oz. as the trigger on the new gun, but what a difference it is! First of all, the new gun is a brand-new gun. My old Condor has an untold number of shots out the muzzle, all of which helped to smooth up the trigger parts. And I never took it apart, because I used to build these guns and I know they do not tolerate lubricants, dirt or modifications to parts.

The other thing the new trigger does is stop right after it releases. It’s like a perfectly adjusted trigger stop, only there’s no stop. It comes that way from the factory.

The new trigger cannot be exchanged for the old. The pins are in different places, and the parts are completely different. This was not done to make you buy a new rifle. It’s just a fact that the new parts are all different and fit together differently.

old AirForce trigger and safety
The old trigger and safety. The safety comes on automatically and is pushed forward to release.

new AirForce trigger and safety
The new trigger doesn’t look much different until you notice that the pins are in different places. This safety is a prototype, and the production safety will not have teeth on the end.

This new trigger and safety will become the standard of the AirForce sporting rifle line, so you’ll find it on all three rifles — the Talon, Talon SS and Condor. And, of course, the new Condor SS will also have it when it comes to market.

All the new parts were designed on a CAD system that lets the designers play with different configurations without having to cut any metal. Only when they feel the design is right do they make the parts for testing.

new AirForce trigger and safety on workstation
All the new trigger and safety parts were designed on a workstation. This allows incredible control over the final parts the machines make!

The new safety operates differently than the old one. It does not allow the rifle to be uncocked. There’s an additional safety built in so the gun will not function until the bolt is almost closed — so no longer can you release the safety, pull the trigger and ride the bolt down slowly to uncock the gun. Once cocked, the trigger must be fired. To avoid exhausting any air, I found that if I unscrewed the air reservoir and held my hand behind the bolt cocking knob to catch it as the striker hit it I could avoid exhausting any air while uncocking the gun. This takes some practice, and you don’t want to do it indoors the first time — don’t ask!

The proof
Blah, blah, blah! Everyone knows I like AirForce guns, so what can I say about them that you haven’t already heard? Those who agree with me don’t need convincing, and everyone else believes I’ve sold out to the Dark Side. But — what if the new gun really shoots? What then?

So, I went to the range and shot it. And I did something that you haven’t seen me do before — at least not with an air rifle. You all know what I mean by a “group.” I mean 10 shots in succession, one after the other, and let the chips fall where they may. If 3-shot groups are like riding the bumper cars and 5-shot groups are like a drag race on city streets, then 10-shot groups are like Formula One racing.

I already knew the old Condor was an accurate air rifle, and I’ve shown that to you on several occasions. On this perfect, cold November day, I did something a little different. First, I shot 10 JSB 18.1-grain Jumbo Heavy pellets at 50 yards and got a group that measured 0.508 inches between centers. That’s pretty darned good. In fact, that’s a screamer in my book. And, in deference to people like my brother-in-law who thinks the shots must be centered in the bull to be good, I also centered them.

new AirForce Condor 50 yard target
Ten JSB 18.1-grain Jumbo Heavies went into 0.506 inches at 50 yards. This group is a screamer!

Normally this is where I would load a different pellet and shoot another 50-yard group, but on this day I didn’t do that. Instead, I walked out to the 100-yard berm and put up another target. Then, I shot another series of shots at that target. I’d elevated the scope by what amounted to several inches of elevation above the 50-yard zero, but the shots still fell below the bull. But they fell in a group that measured 1.003 inches between centers. Instead of 10 shots, there were 11 because I was so wrapped up in the shooting that I lost count of my shots.

new AirForce 100 yard target
Eleven JSB 18.1-grain Jumbo Heavies went into 1.003 inches at 100 yards. I may never again shoot a group this good with an air rifle.

Did the new rifle shoot that well just because of the new trigger? Of course not. A Condor with the old trigger could shoot just as well. All the new trigger did was make it even easier to shoot that group.

Uniformity is king
What are your chances of getting a trigger just as good straight out of the box? They’re excellent because one of the things the design of this new trigger does is make it easier to control dimensions and tolerances during manufacture. Each and every trigger should feel the same straight from the box. Even more important than how good the new trigger feels is the news about the uniformity.

On to the new quiet guns
I went to AirForce for a day to witness the new Condor SS and Talon SS upgrade perform. When I got there, we grabbed a Condor and immediately went outside where a chronograph was waiting. Why a chronograph? Because the new Condor SS is so quiet that it sounds like you’re shooting a Diana 27 breakbarrel. No — it’s not even that loud. All you hear is the click of the striker hitting the valve — and they’re talking about how to make that even quieter!

Jesse with Condor SS
We shot the prototype Condor SS and the new Talon SS upgrade.

The new Condor SS has an 18-inch barrel, compared to the 24-inch barrel of the standard unsilenced Condor. It’s a little slower, but not much. They get about 1,200 f.p.s. with .22-caliber 14.3-grain Crosman Premier pellets, where the unsilenced gun gets around 1,250.

Imagine a 55 foot-pound air rifle that’s so quiet you have to watch your breathing. As I said about the Benjamin Marauder and thousands of shooters now know: When the rifle fires, it’s the sound of a ballpoint pen falling onto a deep-pile carpet.

The technology
Like the current Talon SS, there’s space ahead of the Lothar Walther barrel in the Condor SS. However, unlike the current guns, there’s now something in that space. There are are 3 Delrin baffles designed to turn around the compressed air and direct it toward the rear of the gun. By the time it finally gets past the end cap, it has lost all its pressure and therefore makes no sound.

I’d love to show you those baffles, but they were still tweaking the design when I was there. All I can say is that the ones I saw looked a lot like large black diabolo pellets seen from the side. And they’re separate and individual. There’s also a spring that presses them tight so they don’t rattle.

Here’s some very good news for owners of the current Talon SS. These baffles will be sold separately so you can install them in your gun. Yes, I did get to hear a standard Talon SS with the new baffles, and it’s quiet. But since it’s impossible to be quieter than nothing, I can’t really give you a rating. It sounds just like the new Condor SS.

I asked them to put a standard air tank on the new Condor SS to see what I would do. We saw Crosman Premiers going 970 f.p.s through the traps, which is 100-120 f.p.s. faster than the standard SS. The benefit of that is that, instead of about 20 good shots on one tank, you get up to 40 shots — and the longer barrel gives you performance in the 30-40 foot-pound region. They have no plans to build that gun (standard tank with an 18-inch barrel and new extended Condor SS frame), but any owner can just put a standard tank on a Condor SS and get it for themselves.

This report is just Part 1 of what I hope will be a complete series on the new Condor SS. That’ll include the new trigger and safety, but I feel like I’ve already addressed that completely in this report. The gun will hit the market in 2013, hopefully sooner rather than later. As soon as it does, I’ll be on top of it for you.

This report is about a single family of new airguns at the 2013 SHOT Show, but it doesn’t really cover the show, so there will be several more SHOT reports coming.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

91 thoughts on “AirForce’s new Condor and Condor SS: Part 1”

  1. So they finally inserted baffles. It is a shame the trigger does not fit the old frames. Does the new trigger still flop around? I guess I am still on my own to upgrade it.

  2. B.B.

    Did you try this one uncorked to see what it sounded like ? I tried my TSS uncorked once. Let’s say that shooting the muzle blast through a piece of open ended pipe gives it a “distinctive” sound.


  3. BB,

    Looking at the first picture I thought about bipods and rifle rests. Have you ever tried to shoot a springer from a camera tripod? I wonder if one can maintain a proper “artillery hold” by setting up a cushion on top of a camera tripod and balance the rifle on it, either resting the stock directly on the cushion or on top of one’s open hand. Would this set up work for a heavy recoiling springer?

      • Would you think a vise, like those mounted on top of certain “sniper’s tripods” may do the trick? Anyway, this idea needs some tests. If I can find a reasonably priced tripod, I will do some tests and let you know the results.

  4. It is a tremendous disappointment to me that AF chose to abandon existing owners with the new trigger/safety design. The existing safety and its numerous documented failures has been a sore spot with AF owners for quite some time, and that disappointment has been trumpeted for years to AF through many avenues, including the most popular online forums. AF had to replace my own TSS because of numerous failures of the cocking/safety mechanism even after repair by their factory techs.

    They previously had my unwavering loyalty but that feeling is now waning. Shame on them for leaving us behind.

    • Eric,

      There was no way of putting the new trigger inn an existing frame. If you look at the computer screen in the photo, you’ll see the parts are fewer and very different. Just to get it to work required different pivot points, so keeping things as they were just wasn’t possible.


    • I’m sorry but I don’t see how bringing a new model equals to letting customers down…
      If a car company brings a new model out are they leaving parts makers, customers and/or garages down because the new parts don’t fit the older models?
      Just do the same thing you would do with an old car, sell the old one to someone who doesn’t have the money or doesn’t care for the new one and get a new one for yourself.


        • First this was not a safety issue but you complained about the new model parts not being interchangeable.
          Second the american law system being what it is I think if there was such a safety issue they would flooded by lawsuits and wouldn’t be in business anymore.


          • Spend some time on the Talon airgun forum and read about AF guns and safety malfunctions. In fact, many owners have removed the safety due to it causing them to experience misfires. Kindly reread my original post because your comment about my “complaining” is misdirected.

            • Sorry mate, I misunderstood your comment but I’m still failling to see what your problem with airforce airgun is, you had a problem, they tried to fix it, it didn’t work they gave you a brand new one! Where’s the problem there?
              I’m having a problem with the front right wheel bearing on my Suburban, I’m at the 5th right front bearing in 9 months would I complain if GM gave me a new truck? I don’t think I would.

              I’m also missing the point where they are letting people down by bringing an improved product. There was a problem with the safety on some models, some they fixed, others they simply replaced now they come out with a new and improved product but you’re somehow still not happy about it? What more would you want them to do? They gave a brand new gun for pete’s sake!
              They even offer a lifetime warranty on their guns, if the problem comes back you just send it back to them for repair.
              I’m really sorry you’re not happy with yours and feel let down by them but I just don’t see why would anyone complain about a getting a lifetime warranty that actually works to the point of getting a whole new gun for the life of the gun if it ever breaks.

              I wish more things were like that!


              • You have no idea what problems I may have experienced with the replacement rifle. It is obvious to me that, on this issue, you are uninformed and argumentative. We’re done here.

                • Of course I have no idea of the problems you may or may not have encountered! How could I?
                  But it seems to me that no mather what it is it shouod be covered by the life warranty wouldn’t it (unless you modified the gun of course)?

                  I wasn’t trying to argue but to understand. Defects happen, everyone makes mistakes and it seems to me that it is the purpose of a warranty which AirForce seems to have in spades.
                  I understand getting repairs done for the same recuring problem is frustrating but if they fix it to the point of getting you a new rifle it seems that they’re doing their best.

                  If you would prefer to explain your AirForce problems to me but not share them here I can give my personnal adress if you want.


  5. BB and Mac,

    do you know if the new shroud is compatible with the older Talons and would it completely cover the longer, 24″ barrel for quieting that as well on the older Talons (like the one I bought from Mac)?

    Fred DPRoNJ

  6. B.B.

    You are THE Shooter! Incredible groups! Oh my, I’m envious!
    The instrument of your art must be quite a piece of work too. I may have missed it – but what rides that beast? Model and magnification power that was used when shooting such a group?
    Did you sort out pellets by weight? At such distance discrepancies in pellet weight may affect vertical grouping.


  7. This is great. The one criticism of Air Force rifles that I’ve heard is their trigger, and now it’s fixed. All it needs now is a magazine. 🙂 Quiet is always good. Is it quieter than the Marauder? Great shooting. That’s the equal of just about any firearm. Can’t wait to hear about the SHOT Show.

    Wulfraed, you’re right about the filler in The Hobbit, but I was more taken with how closely they followed the original book with many scenes that I had forgotten. That bit about the dwarves doing the dishes is in the original, and I had forgotten the interlude with the trolls who are turned to stone. Did Rivendell not appear until The Lord of the Rings? But the business with the stone giants, Gollum, and the battle with orcs and rescue by the eagles I think was in the original and more elaborate than what appears in the movie. Those books are dense. I never made it to the Silmarillion, the ultimate prequel, where I think Tolkien got carried away and got completely unreadable.


    • Rivendell might have appeared (my copy is somewhere among 80 1CF boxes of books), but I’m fairly certain the meeting with Saruman — and subsequent pooh-poohing over Gandalf’s warnings — did not take place. I don’t recall anything in the Hobbit that foreshadowed LotR.

  8. I really want that new condor ss. I’ll need to finf a FFL dealer to get it for me in Michigan though. That won’t be easy to find. Most gun dealers around here don’t do air rifles.

    • John,

      Just went to Pyramyd Airs site and read the restrictions on receiving airguns in Michigan. What an ordeal! I thought New Jersey was bad. Feel sorry for you and your other residents.


      • That’s nothing compared to New York’s new gun laws. They basically are turning anybody with an “assault rifle” into a criminal there as well as anybody with a gun that can hold more than 7 rounds. You couldn’t pay me enough to set foot in that state. I’d be Public Enemy #1 just for daring to draw breath.

  9. John, the Air Force website shows this to be the only Michigan dealer.

    W. Johnson Service, Inc.
    3654 N. Adrian Way
    Adrian, MI 49221

    I have left the website URL off but you can find it under the retailers menu on the Air Force site. ~Ken

  10. BB,
    Tell John and Yevette congratulations on the new guns. I hope to see them and the new guns at LASSO in the spring. When will you be about to tell us about the other new products they are coming out with?

    Eric, there is an aftermarket trigger made that will improve the older AirForce guns. I don’t know who makes it or sells it but if you look around you can find information on it.

    David Enoch

  11. I’m curious about the new safety. After I got used to my Condor’s safety I liked it, especially since I could decock it easily even with the spin-loc tank. How is this new safety to operate when getting ready to take the shot? It looks a bit harder to operate than my current one which I can work with my trigger finger very easy. That new safety is something I’m looking rather suspiciously at.

  12. I cannot wait for that Condor SS. I am buying one of those to keep my 12 year old Talon SS company. Great report. Looking forward to the rest. Any idea on when these guns may be released? Thanks

  13. Do you know what the approximate price range will be? Im wondering because I want to get my son into airguns but he is too old for a daisy and I was thinking of getting one for each of us.

    • Jonathan,

      They haven’t announced a price that I have heard yet, but I expect it will be in line with the current pricing, with some small increase for the new year.

      They are getting hammered by Lothar Walther on increases because of the dollar’s weakness against the Euro, so that will be the driver.


  14. I don’t have any high power airgun, I’ve never seen a use for them but seeing this 100 yards group… WOW!!
    Is there a way to get a non-adjustable AirForce gun?
    Getting a Condor SS would be great but I’ll have to settle for a non-SS version 🙁


      • No, no, I actually WANT the SS versions but I sadly can’t because of some of our crazy laws and the aversion our elected people have against quiet guns of all kinds.
        Not that being said some people still put shorter barrels and the end cap on their rifles, as long as you’re shooting at home and aren’t bringing the rifle to a range or telling everyone about it…


  15. BB,
    Maybe you can photograph the old Condor and the new Condor SS alongside each other for comparison? Same for the Talons. Seems like many including me would like to know. I am getting more and more interested in one of these rifles.

    • Ton,
      You know, you got me thinking about my Talon SS standard air tank and how it is filled and how it is one of those mysteries in life.

      Here is a threaded container that holds 3,000 lbs of air yet it threads and un-threads with a mere four or five twists (I haven’t been home for a month so I can’t verify the twist rate, but it isn’t very many) to a comletely airtight seal and never tries to cross thread.

      I can’t count the number of other threaded things that had me really frustrated because I could not get the threads lined up or damaged the threads trying or leaked like a punctured tire.

  16. I’m pretty far behind on blog reading so I apologize if this is a repeat but do the Condors have the automatic safety like my Talon does and is AF staying with the auto safety design on the Talons and Condors? Is there a place I can vote against it? 🙂

  17. I own a Talon SS with a Mad Dog stock, 24″ .177 and .22 barrels, 12″ .22 barrel, PCP bottle, CO2 adapter, Bulls Eye Bills frame extender and PCP butt stock, etc.

    Sorry if I missed this, will I be able to by the frame assembly and transfer the above, effectively upgrading my SS?

    Or, if a “normal/complete” rifle is purchased, which of the above items will continue to work with it?

    • Shrouding only works if the barrel is a few inches shorter than the shroud.

      The regular Condor would be shrouded with a 12″ barrel; an 18″ barrel would be essentially equal to the frame tube, and the 24″ sticks out about a foot. If the Condor SS extended the frame tube, it would be shrouded with 12 and 18″ barrels, but not with a 24″ (which would be even with the end of the frame tube).

  18. Tom, off topic. I have two tanks for my Condor (Hi-flow & regular) when I install the Talon tank my velocities barely change at all. I’m guessing it’s because of the extra Condor weight in front of the spring. Short of removing the weight, could I just adjust the top hat lower or do you think it might start smacking the bottom of the top hat? Advice???? I don’t want to remove the Condor weight if I can avoid it. UNLESS, I can go the other direction and remove the weight and OPEN/raise the Condor top hat.

    • SavageSam,

      One trick we used to use on the older GunPower Stealth guns that came out before the AirForce guns was to put a fat o-ring under the top hat. When the striker hit the valve, the o-ring cushioned it and didn’t allow it to travel as far (open as much or as long) as without it, with the result that the power dropped considerably and was very uniform. Didn’t have to adjust anything, either. The hole of the o-ring needs to be about as large as the small part of the top hat (the upper stovepipe part) or just a little smaller. And the fatter the better!

      It’s an old trick that worked very well and I’ll bet it will work for you.


  19. Guys! I just want to share with people who want to have a silent gun. To be honest The new talon SS isn’t that silent as AF stated, but don’t you worry I found out a way to make it even quieter than its original, and improve accuracy. Just drill pin holes on the frame at front of the rear bushing! When the gun fired the air pressure is pushed back by baffles and send it through front vented bushing and to rear bushing, once the pressure build up it reverses direction and exit the muzzle result quiet, but not stealth. The pin holes on frame help release 90% of back pressure, less air pressure rushes out at muzzle result completely silent gun! In addition no air turbulence interrupted pellet flight improves accuracy. I know this method is permanently put holes in your frame, but if you want a silent gun you must sacrificed the frame.

  20. The irony is not lost on me that this blog post was made shortly after the old-style Talon SS I’d ordered in early Dec. finally shipped, an order I’d only placed after having waited years & giving up on Air Force ever waking up & smelling the coffee wrt producing a Condor SS! [Sigh…] Anyone want an unused Talon SS w/ the old style trigger? No? Yeah, I thought not! ;->

    Well, that’ll teach me to keep up w/ the blog, at least! [If I’d read this back in January I’m sure I could have returned the Talon I’d only rec’d. a week or so earlier.] Now, I have a new toy to save up for, altho’ it will likely be some time b4 I splurge on another high-end air rifle… too many other expenses, you know how it is! :-\

    • Scooby,

      I have no idea of what you are trying to say. The Talon SS is still extremely desirable. You need to read all 6 parts of this report before giving up. In my opinion, the old SS is the most versitile AirForce rifle ever built.


      • Mostly I’m trying to say that I need to keep up w/ your blog more consistently! ;-D

        I did read all 6 parts of the report [which was very good reading, thanks!] & I certainly haven’t given up [“Never give up! Never surrender!” – W.C.], but my timing sure ran true to form [ie, sux] on buying the Talon SS right b4 the release of a Condor SS which was the parts combination I really wanted [& which Air Force rightly chose to wait to release until they had the new trigger good to go: think how upset folks would have gotten if AF released the spiffy new product & then announced a new, improved, non-retrofittable trigger soon after?]

        It’s all good, all the time: having purchased the Talon just means I’ll have that much more reason to experiment w/ making barrels, “frames” (barrel shrouds), & etc [altho’, I’ll stay away from making any K-baffles, delrin or not: the BATFE-men get a little hinky about silencer parts: I don’t know *how* AF got a ruling to let them proceed, esp. in calibers larger than the .177 pellet…] Yes, I know, I can buy those upgrade/interchange parts off the shelf, but they’re kinda $$$ considering 22lr barrel liners are <$30 from Numrich and extruded aluminum tube is pretty cheap on the ground. The trigger obviously is an issue all its own [I'm not about to trying making new parts for *that*!] but it's not a game-changer for me [I'm not good enough a marksman to notice a diff! 😉 ]

        In case nobody has told you so recently, thanks for the great blog!

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