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Ammo An airgun test you weren’t expecting: Part 1

An airgun test you weren’t expecting: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Have you already read this blog, and you’re now waiting for a new one? Maybe you missed yesterday’s blog…

This report was accidentally published on Thursday — along with the regular Thursday blog. This is only the second time in nearly 10 years and 2,500+ reports this has happened. As soon as I discovered it Thursday morning, it was unpublished and rescheduled for today. Sorry about that, but I’m already working at max capacity and can’t have two fresh blogs competing with each other!

This report covers:

• I saw it at the Pyramyd AIR Cup
• What is it?
• But does it work?
• The proof!
• Can be applied to most spring guns
• Description
• At the range
• The plan

I remember back in the late 1990s when Gamo first started making their high-velocity claims for spring rifles, I tested a Hunter Extreme 1250 to see if it met spec. To my utter surprise — it did. My .177-caliber test rifle shot RWS Hobby pellets as fast as 1257 f.p.s.!

Unfortunately, that was about all the rifle did. It was too large, very heavy and required over 50 lbs. of effort to cock. And when it fired, it felt like three broken cuckoo clocks rattling around inside a trash can! Oh, and did I mention that I couldn’t hit anything with it? Or that the trigger felt like a screen door latch on a warped door?

Gamo had just one thing in the Hunter Extreme 1250 — bragging-rights speed. They gave up everything else to get it — accuracy, smooth shooting, easy cocking and a good trigger.

I saw it at the Pyramyd AIR Cup
So, I was at the Pyramyd AIR Cup several weeks ago, and a man introduced himself and started asking me what I think of the Hatsan 135. I told him straight out that I wouldn’t review the rifle because it’s too difficult to cock. I think 75 lbs. is too much to ask of anyone. And the recoil is off the charts! The rifle hauls off and slaps you in the face with the stock while simultaneously punching you in the shoulder like a pledge night initiation. Then, he asked what I think of the Gamo Hunter Extreme 1250, and I launch into the tirade that opened this report.

He tells me he has created a wonderful tune for these powerful springers that smooths them out and makes them very pleasant to shoot. Oh, no! Another mad scientist! This happens more often than I would like to admit — someone invents perpetual motion and wants me to watch it work. It takes awhile!

So I called him out. “Show me the beef,” I said. We went to his car and grabbed several rifle cases, then headed to the Pyramyd AIR Cup shooting range. I tried his Hatsan 135 first. It still takes too much effort to cock, but the shooting cycle was smoother than a factory rifle. Next, I tried the .22-caliber Gamo Hunter Extreme 1250. Surprise! This was different. The rifle worked as advertised.

Gamo Hunter Extreme
Gamo’s Hunter Extreme 1250 was a big, beautiful wood-stocked magnum rifle. Most of today’s guns have synthetic stocks but similar powerplants.

The man, who I will now reveal as Rich Shar, asked if I would like to test this rifle for you. Two weeks later it’s sitting in my office in Texas. What I’m going to test is a rifle model that’s no longer made, but that’s no problem. Gamo is still making plenty of testosterone-laden breakbarrels that perform identically to this one. What I’m looking at could also be in your future.

What is it?
Rich was very secretive about what he did to this rifle, but I know a few things about spring guns in general. He must have found a way to tighten the tolerances inside the Gamo powerplant. I’ll guess that Rich has taken out the extra room (the slop, if you will) from the powerplant, and he’s done it with low-friction materials. But Rich’s tune has to be something simple enough to be done quickly by technicians in a shop. That way, the labor costs can be held low. An hour of shop time costs $75 and up these days — figure 4 times the hourly wage of the worker to cover the overhead, and then throw a little profit on top — so saving time is a big deal.

But does it work?
If I expected the smoothness of a TX200 in the cocking cycle of this Gamo, I was disappointed. As the rifle cocked, I could feel the individual mainspring coils slipping over the cocking shoe in typical mega-magnum spring rifle fashion. If I expected the lightness of a Diana 34 cocking effort, I was again disappointed. I had to employ my other hand to finish cocking the gun. Rich informed me that the powerplant was exactly as Gamo made it, except for some small but important additions he made.

Okay — I thought — here we go, again. This guy has invented anti-gravity, but it doesn’t work when the sun is shining.

The proof!
Then I shot the gun, and — nothing! No slap in the face from a jar of angry hornets; no punch in the shoulder from a rabid mule. Just the sound of the rifle firing and the thwack of my pellet hitting the target almost simultaneously. This rifle did not shoot like a Gamo Hunter Extreme 1250. It shot like a tuned Beeman R9! So, I’m sitting there at the bench, smiling, because for the first time I’ve shot a Gamo Hunter Extreme that I’d be proud to own. Yes, it’s hard to cock, and yes, I can feel the mainspring crunch as the barrel breaks down; but when it fires, it transforms into this unbelievably smooth spring gun.

I’m going to call in the credibility card now. I was honest with you about the buzzing of the FWB Sport, so I will not hide bad performance from you. This Gamo Hunter Extreme is really smooth! To my knowledge, no other Hunter Extreme has ever been this smooth. This is worth investigating!

Can be applied to most spring guns
Rich tells me his invention can be applied to most spring rifles. He picked the Hatsan 135 and the Gamo Hunter Extreme because they recoil the most of all spring guns, and they also vibrate painfully. If he could get them shooting smoothly, he felt he could improve any spring rifle.

The Gamo Hunter Extreme is a large, heavy spring rifle that weighs 10.50 lbs. with the obsolete CenterPoint (Leapers) 4-16X40 scope mounted. The barrel is 17.50 inches long,and the pull measures 14.50 inches. The trigger is a Gamo unit that Rich has adjusted to a gnat’s eyelash. It is single-stage and so light I won’t risk measuring it (don’t want to put another pellet into the wall or through the back of my silent pellet trap), but I will estimate that it’s no more than a pound.

The metal is nicely finished with a deep shiny black, and the wood is also nicely finished, if plain-grained. Gamo put a lot of effort into the Hunter Extreme rifle, and it shows. Both the pistol grip and forearm have panels of pressed checkering that are slick to the touch. A long muzzlebrake gives the rifle a bull-barrel look and also gives you a nice place to hold when cocking.

At the range
Just for fun, I took the rifle out to the range last week and shot it a few times. Would it still be accurate, now that I was no longer under the influence of its maker? Glory be, it put the first 2 Crosman Premier .22-caliber pellets into the same hole at 50 yards! Six went into 1.435 inches. I won’t say that I wasn’t trying, because I always try; but this was just an informal getting-to-know-you test. I’ll return later to the range with this rifle for a real test.

Crosman Premier 50 yards
Knock me over with a feather! I just did this at 50 yards with a Gamo! The first 2 shots are in the same hole to the right of the coin. Six Premiers in 1.435 inches.

The plan
My plan is the test this rifle for you in the same format that I test other airguns. Velocity comes next, and Rich tells me his work takes nothing away from the gun. It may even add a little.

After that comes accuracy, and, having already shot the gun at 50 yards, I know it’s on target. So, none of that 10-meter stuff. I will go right to 25 yards and then to 50. Watch this one!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

269 thoughts on “An airgun test you weren’t expecting: Part 1”

        • Thanks guys, I did see it this morning but it wasn’t letting me post. Sounds like the delrin sleeve tune kits from the place I just ordered the spring from. The reviews sound exactly like what BB just described.

          • That’s Awesome! We should be seeing it before anyone else then! I’ll have to check it out but I was thinking something in the lines of a collapsible wrapping. I was wondering what kinda lifespan could be squeezed out of such an idea?
            When can we expect your first report, Sir?

            • No, no, didn’t get all the bells an whistles, though might end up down the line. Just the spring, still got to do a couple things to get it all put together, and while Im getting those things and its out of the stock I might start doing the stock, couldn’t be a better time… need an end cap… see what happens when you rush an order! Well, I guess sometimes getting slowed down can help you get more done.

                • Are you googling it? That brand, vortek, is all over every forum. Better make em good cause they already are. I’ve been tossing around ideas for doing the stocks, and wouldn’t mind finding something else, like aftermarket irons for the glowy thingy endowed, seems lit of people would rather straight irons, would love to design some sharp mean units that can quick swap most guns, AND be rock solid…. next mission, after procuring a 3 spring cylinder hone with 240 grit stones…

                  • I had the Vortek site up and typed that in and gotta blank but I’ll try again,about the hone: Mine will only go down to about 2″ so that’s gonna be a specialty item, I’m sure. I remember using emery cloth over my finger and dingle-berry hones on wheel cylinders but no honing stones that I recall getting under 1″ I.D.
                    Have you considered sanding the spring?

                    • Reb,RDNA
                      They use to make a wheel cylinder hone for the old drum brake cars that went down to 1″.

                      I don’t know if they still make them. I use to use mine on my R/C airplane engines to loosen up the bore a little so they would rpm better.

                    • If your on the site there is a list of offerings down the left, check the about button and tunekits or pg2 (proguide) button. Also, no, have not thought to alter the spring besides for length, why risk damage when there is so much material ti work w/ in the piston.

  1. Thanks BB for giving this a go. I own .177cal Gamo Hunter Hurricane 1250 and the .25cal Gamo Hunter Extreme. I only use .177 pellets that weigh 10.34/JSB- Diabolo Exact Heavy, 10.65/Beeman-Kodiak/HN-Baracuda, 11.57/Beeman-Silver Arrows/HN-Silver Point, 16.1 Eun Jin. And for 25cal 19.9/HN-Field Target Trophy

          • Gunfun
            Gamo Hunter Extreme shooting HN field target trophy 19.91 grains 25cal
            This is pretty much brand new out the box. Last time shot 3 yr ago.
            @150ft I have a Gamo squirrel with 1 1/2″ circle 4 knockdowns 6 hit the squire ll total 10 hits
            Lets face it if I was able to knockdown 10 out of ten I’d be considered a sharp shooter
            Believe me I would rather put 500 pellets throu this magnum than 250 throu my Benjamin 392’s
            I’ll see if I can get some paper targets @ 75′ and 150′(25yrd 50 yrd)
            BB is a expert shoot compared to me I bow down to him

            • Chris
              Ok that’s what I wanted to see if the fps was comparable to that Hatsan 95 in .25 cal. I had with the nitro piston. I was using a little heavier pellet and getting in the high 600 fps area.

              And I would still like to know what the groups were. And there is a reason I asked for 25 and 50 yards. The Hatsan and come to think about it a Benjamin Trail XL I had in .25 cal. both shot acceptable groups out to 25 yards. But when you started stretching the distance the groups just went away. 50 yards looked like a shotgun pattern after I shot a 10 shot group with either gun. And the hold was ridiculous to keep the gun shooting any kind of good group. Even at the closer distances.

              So don’t worry about what the shots look like. I was mostly wanting to know if you experienced anything like I did with the two guns I had.

              One of the things that I asked RDNA to find out when he goes from the nitro piston in the 95 to the heavier spring from the 135 if it makes a difference in the characteristics of the way the gun shoots after the change.

              So the question to you was for more data and if you maybe experienced something different.

              • Gunfun
                I have a surprise I own the Daisy Winchester 850XS22 which is your Hatsan95 but mine is .22
                But I will do groups on paper to see what it looks like. You know tho that this is a hunter and will never be a paper puncher I get more satisfaction by just squeezing off a few shot at cast iron pans out to150+ft and hear them smack the iron and coke cans shaken up at 100ft this is what this gun does best and the awesome sound when pellets smack water in a pond ..

                • Chris
                  I tell you what that .25 cal. Hatsan 95 is a can killer.

                  I was shooting some of my 31 grn. Barracudas at a soda can at 20 yards and its definitely a can smasher. I hit the bottom of the can on the hard lip and it smashed the can in about a quarter of the can and knocked it at least 10 feet in the air.

                  It was a fun gun and defiantly serves a purpose. That’s why RDNA got it. He likes that kind of gun. And I will have to say the Quattro trigger was not that bad on it. If that Regal that Reb just got would have a trigger like the Hatsan 95 Quattro trigger it would be a nice gun.

                  • Be right back on that today but it’s gotta warm up before I can open a window, 32F right now. I’ll be getting into the trigger regardless of temp but I gotta rest my back first, probably around 9-10am at the earliest. It’s just so cold I gotta stay up next to the heater.

              • Which, for anybody wondering, is not a drop in crossover spring, the 135 spring is .001 too large for the piston, but the piston walls are extremely thick and shaving it to fit won’t be a problem, you could take .04 and the walls would still be over an 8th inch thick. I got the larger spring knowing it might need to be made to fit, so if your ordering a spring make sure it fits or is in your ability to make it so. Thanks, PSA over.

                  • That’s exactly what I thought, I was actually excited to see it was only .001 -2 over, that and a bit lighter of a piston is a thing Im checking out, as long as its not overkill it should take a hair of strain off the spring, cycle shot faster, reduce recoil all theoretical of course, but the blaze has proven in firing behavior and power that it benefitted that gun anyway.

                  • I found the hone at Auto(rhythms and is a defensive area of coverage in football) for 18.99 and it goes to 13/16ths it says but measuring it shows its smallest is .741 and goes up to 2+”

                    • That’s the one to try but it may not take the metal off like you think. That’s hard stuff! See if you can get some rougher stones and an extra set of stones for it so you don’t have to wait for them in case it takes longer than you think. Whatever you do don’t get ’em water wet or they’ll probably disintegrate(don’t ask).

  2. B.B., reading your account of “oh no, here we go again” reminded me of all those Jeff Cooper stories that essentially went the same way: “Given the range, and the time, one would expect that these hotshots could certainly do better. The thing is, I have the range, and the time, and so I gladly sing out, “Show me! Show me now. You might be surprised–or maybe you wouldn’t–at the results.”

    I also learned more here, about just exactly what you mean when you talk about magnum springers being unpleasant to shoot, than I have in anything I’ve read before. I got the basic “caveat emptor” message long ago, but didn’t have solid mental images until now; two years with an AV Bronco has given me just enough familiarity to connect, mentally, with what the spring gnashing must feel like.

    Anyway, excellent! Let’s see how this one does.

      • Kevin
        Sure here it goes magnum springers are more powerfull than typical springers compare to HW30/R7 or the Bronco which those two guns are perfect for teaching young shooter and men and women who are first timers or newbies that will experience air gunning that was not too intimidating, and we know it was because they have lite recoil easy to cock and fit good when shouldered and those people most likely will try it again if they haven’t purchased it , some will become plinkers some will keep on more serious and invest more in different ammo, targets, scopes, etc, maybe even competitive shooting. But some will become hunters. So some 22lr shooters eventually get 223/308 or something in between. I just don’t want to hear some one who never shot lets say a Beeman R1 magnum to discount all magnums because he may have read some cons without experiencing the pros. I’m seeing it happen to fiber optic sights the same way. Lets give then all a chance.

        • What’s wrong with hunting with .22lr? You may be surprised to know that more deer have been killed with the .22lr cartridge than with any other cartridge in the world. It just takes proper shot placement. You can kill a bear with a .22lr, however I would very strongly recommend not trying it.

          Your reference to those specific cartridges tells me that most of the people you have experience with gained their experience with firearms in the military. Although the .308 is indeed a good cartridge for deer, the .223 is more suited to medium game. I found it to be excellent for groundhog hunting. Neither cartridge is truly suitable for larger game such as bear. In my state it is illegal to hunt deer with a .22 caliber cartridge and justly so. I’m partial to the .25-06 and the .270.

        • I have always hated fiber optic sites. Are there some good ones out there that i don’t know about? I’m sure there must be… but what gun are they on? Any recommendations? I’d like to see what a good fiber optic site looks like.
          Thanks much.

          • Rob
            like you I’m not a expert on fiber optics. but I know that some are better constructed than others compare Weihrauch fiber optics to Daisy Powerline 1000(made in Brazil) HW are better in my opinion. I also know that mostly all friends that come over to shoot and my 9yr old sons friends all hit their target more successful with guns that have fiber optics sights. Its easier for them to get the concept quicker. only a few of my guests can properly use scopes, most do better with open sights period. I’m not saying that fiber optic sights are more accurate, they just maybe better for a particular person. This blog lets people know just how it is BB does a great job describing fiber optics sights, everyone has their own experience thou.

          • Rob,
            The Remington Airmaster is the gun that comes to mind, I have one and with the exception of the front being bent to the side they fit each other Very well! Although the rear has no inserts and my front insert was already gone when I pulled it outta the dumpster.

  3. Buldawg,

    As I had said, I have not tested such about the placement of the bipod. Next time you get around those guys, ask them if they have tried resting the bipod where they would normally hold the rifle and what kind of results did they get.

    • RR
      I will do and that should be on Dec 6th is our next match, but I know from watching that most if not all place it near the front like it is on the fuel. I will see if they have placed in different spots for trial and error to find the best spot.


    • RR
      I have been using a adjustable bi-pod pretty much lately. In the standing and sitting position.

      I tryed in close to the trigger and everything inbetween to then of the stock.
      For me it works best all the way out when setting or standing. And I have shot my springers, pcp’s and nitro piston guns all with good success.

      But I will say the sitting position with the bi-pod works best for me. I believe that with the legs adjusted shorter that the legs are more rigid and stable.

  4. BB,

    What I find is amazing is that he made the trigger into something decent. That seems to be the downfall of just about all of the mid-priced sproingers, no matter what their power level. I was able to greatly improve the trigger on the Gamo CFX that I had, but that required putting in an after market trigger.

    I would love to have a magnum sproinger with a nice trigger AND usable accuracy as this one seems to. PA does list the Gamo Hunter Extreme SE and it looks pretty nice.

      • Pa.oldman
        mid price spring gun really depends on how much money you have to spend. As of today currently the mid price gun costs about $250 includes BSA Supersport, RWS mod 34, Cometa Fusion all these are capable of 1000fps and are very competitive to one another in craftsmanship and construction (identical features) from here you can save a few dollars with some models that have a basic model $220 like no sights,composite stock etc. you can also go up to$350 get combo with decent scope and mounts adjustable stocks or walnut stocks,gas spring version, etc. To answer your other question about what is considered a magnum also has some variation to factor in example a Beeman R1 in .177 cal will produce high 900fps with light pellets 7.0 – 7.9 just like every other spring gun can, but get the same R1 in .22 cal and it will produce mid 800fps with light pellet and that’s more than 100fps than most .22 cal rifles can achieve but in general you will be able to recognize a magnum just by the shear mass it has and will achieve fps faster than the speed of sound (1080fps give or take a few ten depending on altitude and such) and sound like a 22lr, till you find a heavy enough pellet to stay under 1000fps.

      • As I recall, the RWS Diana m54 is considered a “magnum”…

        That would put a velocity near 900fps in the magnum realms. Though mine doesn’t achieve that advertised speed…

        19ft-lbs? That’s the typical energy my m54 puts out with .22 cal pellets in the 14-20gr range.

      • Bugga.

        I had typed a lengthy response to your queries and when I hit Post Comment, it all went away to Never Never Land because I had not done my math homework.

        The short of it is I would define mid range as Chris and Wulfraed and I would define a magnum sproinger as a sproinger that the amount of recoil ruins all chances of it being accurate.

        • Oh yeah done that more than once.

          So by that definition “a sproinger that the amount of recoil ruins all chances of it being accurate” an accurate sproinger is not a magnum. Guess Diana and Beeman gonna hafta drop the “Magnum” from the name of some of their rifles. LOL


  5. Funny. I was trying to find B.B.’s “Life is too short for fooling around with inaccurate guns” quote in the comments from one of his blogs this week. It had disappeared!! At least now I know I didn’t misplace it (something I’m famous for around the house).

    • I too recall that comment. Fortunately for us, he does do such from time to time so that we know to leave some of them on the store shelves. As for this particular air rifle, it appears to have exceptional accuracy for any sproinger.

  6. This air rifle illustrates my major complaint with so many of the sproinger air rifle manufacturers today. We will buy an air rifle and then spend $200-$300 dollars having it tuned to where it shoots smoothly with no grinding and vibration and has a usable trigger. Or we buy the top end air rifles that already have these things done to them in the factory, such as the TX200 MkIII.

    These top end air rifles are selling. Why is it so difficult for a company like Crosman or Gamo to say “Hey, why don’t we get in on the top end market?” It is much larger than many people think. If more of the people who are buying the middle market air rifles would stop and think about it, they would be buying the top end rifles that they do not have to have tuned to be usable. They end up paying just as much.

    Yes, there are exceptions. Take a look at the FWB Sport. It is an air rifle that is priced at $900 and should be priced in the $600-$700 range, and it still needs tuning.

          • RDNA
            Thanks. I have been wanting one for a long time. I keep getting something else and knowing deep down inside I want the TX200. And then other stuff would come up.

            And I’m positive that the TX will be more than what I expect. Yep can’t wait.

          • Chris
            You know I have wondered that. I don’t have 2 guns that are the same right now to check to see if beech verses walnut is better for noise and vibration.

            But I have had two of the same guns with one of them was beech and the other a synthetic stock.

            The synthetic stock seemed to be better than the beech stock. They were both nitro piston break barrel guns though. Not springer.

            That would be interesting to find out. Now I got a excuse to save up for a walnut stock TX200. 😉

            • Kevin,

              I think the word “emits” is not correct. That would be like the resonation of spruce and maple woods in a guitar. I think what is happening is the beech wood is denser than the walnut and dampens vibrations faster and better.


              • B.B.,

                Since beech is typically denser than most walnut wouldn’t the opposite be true?

                I don’t know.

                My analogy. I’m thinking of metal/aluminum target stocks that continue to evolve with harmonic adjustments and vibration dampeners since being so hard they vibrate considerably and don’t, by themselves, dampen vibration.


                • Kevin,

                  I think you are right when talking about homogeneous metal, but dense wood has fibers that I think do dampen vibrations. I know the spruce sounding board in a guitar has to be made very thin to resonate properly.

                  Beyond that I am really not sure.


                    • It sounds like denser wood will dampen better because while its tighter the material is still soft, so being more of it there’s more to absorb where like bb said metal just bounces vibrationssso more molecules of that means faster movement of the wave.

                  • B.B.,

                    I had a fun day. Went over to Erik’s new home and shot his Webley rebel. Since the high here was only around 15 degrees we shot in his basement (18 yards).

                    At our elevation (5280 feet) he’s found the 18.1gr jsb’s to be most accurate. At 8 pumps his chrony says their doing around 602 fps average and on 9 pumps (remember our thin air before scolding about 9 pumps) they’re doing 632 fps. Erik had one of the new, thin reticle bug busters mounted. Good combo.

                    I was greatly impressed by the rebel. We both shot multiple 5 shot groups that weren’t much bigger than 2 pellets wide. The trigger on 8 pumps was not hard nor long and broke clean. Not mushy like the 392 we shot WITH A TRIGGER JOB that is just a long single stage with a vague break.

                    We also shot my newly acquired Swedish excellent. What a fun, quirky airgun that is. Depress the rear knob until you hear a click, plunge the pump handle 10 times like you’re unclogging a toilet, swing open the breech gate, load a round ball, close the gate and fire!

                    If I had to do this everyday it might become a chore but I don’t and it was great fun.

                    Back to beech vs. walnut and vibration differences. Don’t know how to ever quantify this issue. Density in beech vs most walnut is so similar.

                    If I held a 2 x 4 made from ebony and one made from balsa I know which one would vibrate the most when you struck it with a hammer.


                    • Kevin,

                      Thanks for that report on the Rebel. I’m glad it performed so well for you. I don’t have a problem with the extra pump stroke at that elevation. It sounds reasonable.

                      Interesting on balsa and ebony. I still don’t know.


              • Now you’ve got me wondering…

                A denser wood, of the same volume, should have more inertial mass, and may thereby react less to large scale vibrations (where the stock is moving as one)…

                OTOH, a denser wood should conduct short impulse vibrations faster then a less dense wood (carry this thought experiment to the extreme: tap one end of a steel rod which the other end held to the bone behind one’s ear… Then replace the steel rod with a sponge of the same volume)

            • Kevin
              I’m just making this comparison between beach wood and walnut wood strictly on the guns I have, spring guns only. I have the 2010era Diana 34 anniversary edition it has the walnut stock and also a 03era Diana 34 and 87era Diana 36 both with beach wood. the walnut 34 does transmit more vibration, buzz, etc, etc, almost as if there is no stock just bare metal, I inspected the stock and it does look dry feel hard and light that all I could come up with, the beach feels great. I cant identify the walnut or the beach wood, till this day I have no clue what or were beach wood if from. I imagine you can apply wood oil to the walnut to help with moisture, sheen and add little weight to it. I have several Turkish Weblyes that have some other walnut variation wood, and two of these stocks had small chips fall off the end of the breach block area while I was shooting.

                • Kevin
                  Ok Ill do that, yes all of the Diana I ever got were bone dry and need lube tune. I just now learning how to improve my guns I own (100 or so). I’m what I call a airgun enthusiast that’s a lot off work to lube that many springers. I do have a big cup of ARH Macarri tar. If I only owned that walnut Diana 34 I wouldn’t even noticed, Its that small. I still got to get the groups I promised Gunfun. I’m dragging today.

        • I wish you could’ve gotten what you wanted but I believe the timing wasn’t in your favor this time.
          Maybe you could talk RDNA into helping you come up with a stock that you like and he’d wanna build for it? But those Walnut blanks ain’t cheap.

            • Hey found the hone and an endcap to use, the end cap/securing piece is incorporated onto the piston. An emergency mug nut remover is identical OD and obviously very strong…. which is also the inky problem as it needs a hole straight through and a slot, hmmm…

              • Reb
                What I need is one of them fancy laminated stocks for my Mrods. That would make me happy.

                I wont touch the T-Rex. I said the same about my Weihrauch HW50s and I still hold true to that statement.

                One of my most favorite type of drag racing in the last 10 years was the Pure Stock Musclecar class. Them guys have to use the correct intake manifold and clock stamp on them cars. Its like racing your number matching muscle car.

                Well that’s what I hope to do with the 54,50 and T-Rex. Untouched spring guns. Shoot’em and learn’em the way they came from the factory.

    • To many risk involved for company like PA, To get the best possible price for Diana 34 PA has to buy 100 @$175 and sell @ $217 that’s $17500 that is a big investment . Low and behold a week after delivery Diana just came out with a better mod 34 new trigger and new stock. Pa didn’t even get a chance to sell one of the 100 they have siting on self. And their biggest competitor is selling the new mod 34 @$205. Its the story with the new FWB sport. Yeah Air gun company can make high end stuff but no one will buy at the quantity that they will re coupe the investment. If some one here in the US had funds to purchase 10,000 copy of FWB Sport then price will come down.

    • I believe a lot of airgunners and firearms enthusiasts believe the mods will be easy, educational and fun all while saving them a few dollars and being more informed, some learn faster than others and some forget . Some people just wanna share the information while others are good enough to actually pull a profit doing something they love.

    • In re-reading your post again I believe Gamo should be the cooperative effort to bear this burden and turn the worst lookin’ house on the block into one of the best. If the airgun Manufacturers want to charge more money(inevitable), they’re gonna Have to give the market what it wants.We want a…

        • I want those sights off that break top revolver… coby?… was it? Either way, that’s a design that could be beefed up, serrated in the right places and doesn’t even have to roll over or do any other tricks, just sit there looking like irons are supposed to and put shots where they point.

  7. Tom,

    VERY intriguing! Would Rich probably do a tune on one of these for a fee?

    I have long had a new-in-the-box Gamo SOCOM Extreme that I don’t shoot because I have no real reason to, not being a hunter. I took it as a “sweetener” in a multi-airgun trade to make the deal fair on both sides. It is a Hunter Extreme in an ambidextrous polymer stock.

    I recall it being hard to cock, but probably about 55-60 pounds, not 70 or more. Then again, I have a lot of body weight (too much) to use as leverage to force the barrel towards the floor. Perhaps it really does approach 70 lbs.

    I remember a hard, forceful recoil, but I do not remember whether or not there was twang and / or vibration. Could have been. Trigger? I just can’t remember. Accuracy? It came with no sights, and I didn’t put optics on it. I just cleaned the very greasy barrel, lined up the top of the barrel by eye, and shot it a tew times rested from 15 feet and then 20 feet.


    • Michael,

      The Gamo Hunter Extreme doesn’t cock with 75 lbs. That is the Hatsan 135. As I recall, the Hunter Extreme cocks with 60 lbs., but we will find out next week, when I test the velocity for you.

      I don’t think Rich wants to tune any rifles other than his own at this time. But I DO know that he is looking to acquire at least one more rifle like this one, so he can do more testing on his tunes.



          • Yeah, I found it but there’s 3 different ones. I’ll probably be tuning on it in a couple months with the spring guide I found but would also like to know what else is available. This gun was a real beater when I got it and I’m not looking forward to spending $100 on it I just wanna learn.

            • If that’s the case, just take it apart and clean and polish, lube and what not, put it all back together and see how it does. Then a few days later do it again, clean and relube, add a shim, lighten a trigger spring… jump in the water to learn to swim… 🙂 also, the crosman nps are extremely easy to work on, the trigger doesn’t fall apart at all, its like 90$ for the cheapest ones, tr77 is a good one, ruger …hawk in any variation have a great trigger…

                • Reb,
                  The trigger on the hawks is a pretty good copy of the T05 trigger. The one on my Air Hawk breaks at about pound more than the T05 on my 460 Magnum. B.B. can tell you what the difference is between a 34 and a Hawk but even untuned I think the Air Hawk is a nice gun especially for the money. The scope they package it with is junk so anyone thinking of getting an Air Hawk or Black Hawk aught to plan on getting a scope for it.


                    • If I recall correctly my Air Hawk trigger breaks @ 2lb 7oz no creep just bam. That’s as it came out of the box haven’t done a thing to the gun except tighten the pivot screw, seems to be a common thing with this gun.


  8. The manual that came with my old Sheridan “C” back in 1968 explained about the maximum pumps for the gun. They noted this, “If you need more power, get out your .22 LR or .30-06.”

    How true.


    • Mike,

      If someone in Racine back then (or even now) needed a bit more power in his backyard than a 15-18 foot pound Blue Streak would provide, he would have to use a .22LR and risk a citation for “Discharging a Firearm within City Limits.” A magnum air rifle producing 27-32 foot pounds, on the other hand, would have been perfectly legal.


  9. Be interesting to know what the cocking effort is and velocity of those premiers are after this beast was tamed.

    I think Rich would be very busy if he was willing to tune gamo mega magnums for a reasonable fee. Seems there are lots of folks that have shot their gamo mega magnums a few times and put them in the closet since they have a horrid firing cycle, so so triggers and most can’t hit the broad side of a barn with them.


  10. Having just purchased new a Hatsan 135 in .22 caliber I’m eagerly awaiting more information in Part deux!

    The 135 is a beast. I have less than a tin of pellets through it and it’s shooting at over 31 FPE with JSB Jumbo Heavy @ 888 fps. (An no, it’s not detonating.) It’s also turning into an extremely consistent powerplant with typical ES of 10-shot strings being in 9-14 fps range.

    • Matt Coulter,

      Welcome to the blog?

      Matt, since you have just acquired a Hatsan 135, maybe you can explain to the readers what I have been trying to tell them. I don’t suppose you have an analog (spring) bathroom scale to test the cocking effort with, but just tell us how it feels to you.

      Please tell us about the recoil and vibration in detail, too. And how is the trigger?


      • Mr. Gaylord,

        Unfortunately my scale is digital so I cannot give a true measurement, but I will say that it’s not as bad as I was expecting (yes, I knew what I was getting into with this rifle). Perhaps this might help readers understand the 135 better…

        For perspective I’m 44 and am smaller in stature than “The Average Joe” (5′ 6″ and 155lbs) but probably stronger than the typical guy my size. Other spring guns I’ve owed include a RWS 34 and a RWS 48 (which I sold). For *me* the 48 was the most difficult to cock. I can’t say if it was due to the force required, or because it was a side-lever. The cock, load, shoot & repeat cycle never felt natural with it. The 135 does require some considerable force to break, and then fully cock, but perhaps because I do almost all my shooting seated from a picnic bench, it just feels natural to place the butt of the stock on – or just inside – my left thigh and crank the barrel down.

        I do make it a point to grab as far UP the barrel as possible to get as much leverage as I can. My best guess is that it might take 45-50 lbs of force to complete the movement. I’ve had a couple of extended sessions where I shot 80+ rounds and I was a little tired afterwards – but not sore.

        Recoil & vibration? Yup, there’s plenty of it in the 135. Again, let me do a comparison to my 34. Out-of-the-box my 34 was less than smooth. Cocking was gritty and the rifle had a TON of torque (not sure if there is a better term here but it would actually twist clockwise pretty aggressively during the shot). After about 2000 shots the spring broke and I replaced it with a Vortek PG2 kit. I of course cleaned up the innards and it shoot much better (but some torque is still there).

        So in comparison, the 135’s shot cycle might be twice as harsh as my RWS 34 (which puts out 12 FPE). Noticeably missing is ANY of the torque of the 34. Perhaps this attributed to the sheer size an mass of the rifle and stock. There is a considerable “ring” or metallic harmonic sound at the end of the cycle. BUT if I consider my “follow-through” after pulling the trigger I have to say that it’s not *too* much harder to stay focused on the target than my 34. I should also mention that I have an old UTG/Leapers 4×32 scope on the 135 where I’ve had a 3-12×40 on my RWS so perhaps the lower magnification is responsible for making my follow-through “easier”. Bottom line – the recoil and vibration is more substantial than the 34,but not proportionally so when you look at the FPE each produces (12 fpe vs 31.5 fpe).

        Lastly the trigger. Let’s just say before fiddling with the Quattro trigger adjustments, my trigger finger might have been more tired from shooting than my shoulder and bicep muscles were from cocking! I still remember the first couple of shots wondering if the safety was still on. It’s that heavy. (BTW, the action of the safety on the Hatsan is reversed from action the RWS.) I was able to adjust it to be a little lighter but my best guess is that it’s still a 4+ pound trigger. You pull through the 1st stage, hit the 2nd stage and it stops. Just keep pulling and it DOES break cleanly. There’s zero creep in the 2nd stage and that’s obviously a good thing. I’m hopeful that further trigger adjustment plus more shots (I have ~250 pellets through it so far) will help the trigger break in. But no, it really cannot be compared to my 34’s T-06. I never tried adjusting it and never will.

        So far I have NO REGRETS about purchasing this rifle. Again I did my homework and knew what I was getting into with it. I don’t expect it to shoot as accurately as my .177 vortek’d 34 and I’m OK with that. I guess I bought it as a challenge, basically I wanted to see what I can do to tame and control this powerhouse.

        Thanks for asking and sorry about the overly-long response!

      • OK, much to my surprise I WAS able to get my digital Weight Watchers bathroom scale to give me a reading on the cocking effort.

        During the stroke I saw a maximum weight of 55 lbs.

        This seemed to come as the barrel was a smidgen past horizontal.

  11. I always looked for the most powerful air guns mostly springers but since getting arthitus I can
    barely cock my new Benjamin NP Trail2, I have two two Airforce guns,The Condor and the .25 Talon
    pistol,,which the hand pumping is becoming tough also,I also have the RWS 48 side lever and
    the RWS 460 Magnum and they are tough for me to cock too.
    I wish a powerful co2 rifle approaching 1000 fps could be perfected,But that’s asking a lot as far
    as I know the 850 magum in .22 gets about 635/650 fps.I can’t recall any other co2 rifle that is
    currently made.I think my only hope is to save up for a pcp air tank and have it filled at a
    dive shop so I don’t have to give up air gun hunting.
    I also have an older R1 which isn’t bad to cock but it doesn’t have the power of today’s models
    and I want to keep it as it is in almost new contition.I guess I will go back to my .22 fire arms so
    I can still hunt small game if I don’t solve my current problem with cocking or pumping.
    If I don’t get that pcp tank which I believe will be the only way to continue using my
    air guns which I love.It is very hard to reload a second shot with the spring gun and I miss a lot
    of game that way. I saw the video about bringing down a wild hog with the Hunter Extreme but I
    think that it could cause an animal to suffer because the .177 no matter what velocity it can
    reach is just not enough for a clean kill in most situations.Ah getting old isn’t so golden”

    • The gun was certainly underpowered for that hog! But shot placement makes all the diference. Once the spinal cord is severed there is no reliable response below the affected area. That’s why an airgun must be accurate for me if I’m gonna take it hunting. My preferred shot is just below the skull/neck interface and if done properly they’ll drop instantly(NO if’s and’s or but’ about it)!

    • The nature of CO2 likely precludes any 1000fps possibility… At normal temperatures, CO2 only produces around 800PSI. Maybe with blowgun darts.

      Or use a five foot barrel, and a valve that stays open until the pellet exits…

      But that much evaporation from liquid state is going to chill the action heavily, meaning an even lower pressure, needing more CO2 and longer barrel…

  12. Woohoo!
    Just received the phone call I’ve been waiting for so long! 7-10 days I should be receiving a check for 6 months back- pay(she’s gonna call back with an amount)but I’m looking at over $4000- at least half of which has already been claimed for rental of this ole shack I’ll finally be getting that 2400KT on order once I have a number to give them and it should be here about the time things are warmed up again.
    Thank you Everyone! For putting up with my moodiness and sometimes inappropriate behavior and maybe even comments.
    I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel!
    Just hope it ain’t a train!



  13. I wish Rich the best of luck with this project! and hope it becomes part of an industry standard. If it’ll get B.B. to shoot a Magnum springer it’s Gotta be Good!
    There’s a good cacth phrase, I’m sure it’s copyrighted but a talk with the right rep and a little palm massage later and
    “They’re GREAT!”


  14. I’m still eagerly awaiting a Hatsan that shoots sweetly at 12ft/lb, let alone 25, I bought a 55 and a mdl 60 with a Quattro trigger, both shot very nastily, I calmed them a bit with Delrin guides, piston sleeves, proper lube and reduced springs etc, but even then they were terrible, one odd aside was that in both instances reducing the spring by 5 coils didn’t effect firing behaviour or power notably, making me think most of the snappiness comes from an oversized transfer port……even compensating for all this, the groups were shocking.
    Gamo seem to have learned something since the aquisition of BSA and their product seems a bit better even if they do err on the plastic fantastic gimmicky side, lets hope that some of Webley smears on the r&d dept of Hatsan, the AT44 shows they can do it.
    At the moment they are physically massive value, huge power, walnut stocks, and in terms of accuracy a total waste of money……so near…..the factory needs to employ Jim Maccari or one of the English tuners for 6 months

    • Dom
      I second that . Those Turkish Webley springers are waste of walnut wood. I still have three that I’m trying to part with. One with no good cocking arm that I cant find any replacement.

      • RifledDNA
        The TP is an often overlooked part of the initial design, in an ideal world the piston will slow significantly on a cushion of air just before the pellet seal breaks, opening the TP out or having it too large often causes the piston to smack heavily into the end of the tube, making the gun feel snappy and unpleasant to shoot.
        Quite often changing out a leather seal for a modern one causes the same effect…when Weirauch moved over from leather seals to ptfe ones they reduced the TP size by a fraction.
        I’m always wary of home tuners boring them out, many a HW80 has been utterly ruined by this “tuning” method
        Most Diana’s play much more nicely and don’t lose an ounce of power by having the TP actually reduced by half a mm
        (There are other issues with Diana’s silly dogleg TP drilling on their breakbarrels too)

        • I often think the TP could actually do with a poppet valve in it, so the TP comes open when a certain pressure is achieved, in a similar way to a 4 stroke engine, the current design being rather more like a 2 stroke.

          • Why aren’t I surprised everything is covered somewhere on here isn’t it!
            Over here in Ye Olde Englande we have another issue, magnum springers like the Patriot, Diana 52, HW80 etc are just softly sprung to comply with the 12ft/lb non FAC limits, with no other changes, making those rifles rather “lazy” in their operation, and yet also quite snappy, so you end up with a sort of long dry fire feel to them, reducing the TP and the stroke is actually a much nicer way of acheiving…but obviously would be a nightmare to engineer for the factory
            Some of the Magnum springers are actually produced with a holed piston for the German home market who have a paltry 6ft/lbs limit, what they must be like to fire I dread to think

            • The article bb mentioned are the references I used to decide where to go with opening the nps up, it was very small, even for 177, after opening it up a little the shot cycle calmed down a little but didn’t notice any power loss. Id like to restrict the 95s some but wonder if a .25 needs more because the pellet takes more to break free…. maybe BB knows more about caliber and port size for .25 cal…

              • It’s quite a complex interplay isn’t it, the pellet type and weight obviously has a part to play, and I’d be surprised if the swept volume didn’t have it’s part to play.
                There’s a guy over here who runs a blog under the name Airguntech who has gone much further down this route of working out the optimum swept volume for a given calibre and TP size
                I read it sometimes but then have to have a lie down in a darkened room, might be worth a peek

              • RDNA
                No I don’t think you should try to restrict the air transfer hole, try taking the AA TX200 approach go with the wimpiest spring and try to match the piston weight to the pellet weight for example if you going 21gr and up go heavy piston if 19gr or lighter take the top hat off , and make sure the piston seal and piston with spring will not fall out while you got your finger over the air transfer hole, that is the hardest thing to adjust , when its all together you want to make sure it does not bounce off the end of the cylinder . I mean no more than it has to.

                • You must’ve read I was doing piston weight adjustments, I think a a lighter piston will compress faster so a larger TP cab be compensated for because the air will be compressed before it has a chance to exit the larger hole, but then there’s the question of the pellet breaks at the same pressure regardless of how fast it gets there.

                  • RDNA
                    I wonder if some how anyone could duplicate the Red Ryder technology, you know the Red Ryder has a probe similar to a bolt like found on Crosman 1377/2250 , so weld a probe to middle of piston so it does not alter the seal. It will have to be of perfect length to beat the compressed air, the probe will start moving pellet at precise moment helping air moving the pellet. This could improve fps. I also thought they could make it work like a internal striker like firing pins in glocks and such so it wouldn’t get in the way when you first break open the barrel this way you can have more length for this to work at least the whole length of piston 10″ 14″ inches that retracts.

  15. Let see how people fair with their magnum springers, next time PA is sponsoring a air gun event let them open a special one time magnum event, for all who is willing to win a trophy. this includes:
    Beeman R1 / RX1/RX2/Kodiak/Crow Magnum
    HW 80/90
    Theoben Eliminator/Duell Magmum
    Diana/RWS- 460/350
    Walther Falcon Hunter/Dominater/Talon Magnum
    Hatsan 135/Torpedo
    Winchester 1100XSU
    Ruger Air Magnum
    Gamo Hurricane1250/Extreme
    Tech Force/ Jet
    UK Webley Patriot
    Turkish Patriot
    Lets all come out and play..

  16. This is fantastic news, “Giant news For the springer world, and of course some make light of it .

    Thanks tom for revealing the great news I will be looking forward to more info as it comes out

    air gun history has been made in a springer in my book!
    Mike Ellingsworth

  17. Ha ha. B.B., take a break. As it turns out, I didn’t even see this blog, so nothing is lost. That’s a very nice looking rifle with impressive shooting behavior. My B30 shows me how a good tune can transform a spring rifle, but this invention seems a step beyond that. Feeling pretty good after last night’s performance on the IZH 61. I finally found the groove that has been eluding me for some time. The fact that it all boiled down to fundamentals doesn’t change things. The mind is like a jungle, and I had somehow lost my way. But then I struck into the right path. Maybe it was just due to decreased shooting time. But now all seems right with the world.

    Fred PDRofNJ and Buldawg, you guys sound like the B.B. of motorcycles. As a friend of mine said, it’s always fun to observe someone who is really good at something. I’m heartened to think that Harley still has the technical chops to keep up with the cutting edge. The fact that some of the Japanese designs copy the Harley is no surprise. In part it is because they have a long history of adopting inventions from other countries, making them their own, and even improving on it through high craftsmanship. This was evident from the formation of the country in 800 A.D. In their circumstances, it made a lot of sense. Why try to compete with the Chinese superpower next door which had been going strong for millenia when they could just adapt their inventions. But the other reason for imitating Harleys is their mystique. I don’t know if you ever read the journalist J. Hunter Thompson who wrote about the Hells Angels biker gang. While riding on one of their group outings, he said that they were like the hordes of Genghis Khan each mounted on a metal steed with a fiery anus. Heh heh.

    Motorcycle riding is too intense for me, but I can share one experience. There I was in a city in Taiwan where I somehow got myself into a position where they only place to go was on the back of a motorcycle. They appeared to have no lane lines or traffic rules of any kind in this city. It was every man for himself, and on top of this, the motorcycle rider, a religious zealot, had this idea that the world would end in a few years so that caution was unnecessary. It was quite an unforgettable experience right until he plunged into the underground parking garage at full speed and brought us to a halt. It’s not something I would repeat, but I could see how someone could get into this.


    • Matt,

      “Yes” to having read Hunter S. Thompson. You probably know he lived somewhere in Colorado because he thought that Sonny Barger had put a “hit” out on him for writing about the internal politics of the Angels. Also, the “Duke” character in Gary Trudeau’s comic strip, “Doonesbury” was supposed to be Thompson, right down to the cigarette holder.

      Fred DPRoNJ

      • One of my favorite Hunter Thompson quotes, “when the going gets weird the weird turn pro.”

        Our place in the mountains is a short ride from Aspen. Before he killed himself, two out of three times when we would stop into the woody creek tavern for a burger and a beer Hunter would be holding court in the corner.


  18. Rich did a tune on my 135, which, when I bought it, was shooting much slower than advertised, as well as having a terrible twist and recoil when firing. I came across Rich by way of another gentleman who name dropped, and it has been a fruitful airgunning friendship (and then some) ever since.
    I sent him my .25 caliber air rifle, as well as my Hatsan 125TH, in .177, expecting some improvement in the performance of both rifles. A couple of weeks later (Rich is a hard-working man), I get my rifles back.
    I hastened out the door with my 135, eager to test out the tune. Rich had called me on the phone just days before sending the rifles back, telling me, among other tidbits, that he had managed to up the velocity of a JSB Jumbo Exact (25.39 grains) by a whopping 50 fps!
    I decided to try a distance shot of about 45 yards on my first trial. I set up the target, a tin can on a tree limb, and counted off the distance, clear across the other end of my yard.
    I took my time aiming, had my artillery hold down pat, took a breath, then held it. I pulled the trigger, and a small fraction of a second latter, THWACK!, as pellet meets metal can. I just stood there, my mouth wide open in amazement, as I had never shot a .25 caliber break barrel with such smoothness to it. The gun is a beast to start with, but Rich worked his magic, and in doing so, tamed an otherwise unmanageable rifle. Rich IS the Magnum springer whisperer.

    • Christophe
      Thanks for sharing that. Its not always about those cute little clover holes on paper.. I have just about all those magnums I listed above.
      Who else in here covets a magnum try shooting ballons @ 200″

      • Im in on the magnum shootout, definitely for mods, otherwise nobody wins! The tuning for the mag springers it what make them or break them, a factory tuned gun is just good to go, while the crunch bangers make you work for it like restoring an old muscle car yourself on a budget… this is my poor mans version of doing that, lol, restore something simple tough and powerful to a smooth strength that can be appreciated.

  19. Gunfun
    OMG when we were bad kids we shot neighbors plastic clothes line pulleys, I got in so much trouble for that. My son friends come over all the time and ask to shoot we have shot raw eggs, toys, fire ants, no trespassing sign, old computer screen, my wall, jeans, phone book, my wife Jehovah witness pamphlets(sorry Boo) water filled bottles, fake squirrel while the real one stand 6″away just looking at it not scared of pellets hitting. I go down south for winter my favorite still is bumble bees and dragon flys with the airsoft. My son an I have a Thompson and AK 74, its all metal and wood shoots 450fps I prefer the white 20grain bbs because I can see them travel like tracers while gators eat the fallen. Dandelion sound fun I’ll try em..

    • Chris
      We get a couple 10 lbs. bags of potatoes when we go out to my brothers. His teenage daughters and my teenage daughters love to shoot the air guns at them. They explode nice and you don’t have to worry about cleaning them up. They decompose or something eats them.

      Old burnt out light bulbs are cool to but a pain to clean up. One of my favorite things to shoot at is ping pong balls placed on top of those little wooden golf T’s placed in strategic places all over the yard. And when we was kids we use to shoot at the match box and hot wheel cars. Another fun thing was the plastic model cars that you would glue together. They blew up nice to.

      • The ping pongs sound like a perfect mini-sniping target, have little tops if the “heads” poking out places. I had a question before I go looking, the hones, the smaller one you mentioned, also available at the auto store? And is that a different type then 3 stones? Need to open it to .845

    • I like paintballs on golf tees. Even more of a challenge, calcium tablets (nice puff of white dust). The super challenge is to shoot the golf tee head off, leaving the stem!

      • Hitting the tee is a miss, as you have to knock the ball off without damaging the tee! We do this shot on woodswalks, and I have done it maybe once in ~5 years with flintlock, standing under ten yards away. Of course, it is down a little slope, and the woods are shady, so it isn’t as easy as it sounds. One of the most challenging shots in my opinion, but if you allow shooting the tee it becomes a lot easier, as you gain a lot of margin in elevation.

        • Im with you there.

          You can not hit the golf T. That’s a whole nother game.

          Find the T’s and hit’em. That’s hard to do.

          Its hard enough to find them let alone shoot’em. 🙂

    • Detergent is probably not the best stuff for the environment. At least candy mints aren’t going to cause problems if some critter ingests parts (except maybe cause diabetes if you do too much).

  20. Hello everyone ,thank you for all the comments . It is great to see all the interest .I am the one who has made the Frankenairgun ! Mr. Gaylord was correct when he called me a mad scientist . The gun that is being reviewed went through 6 to 9 magnum air rifle scopes . At that time no one made a tune kit for it ,so I got mad and thought it’s up to me . I have several years of trials and failures ,but I think I am on the right track ? We will see what happens in the future . Hopefully in the near future I will get more good news and add more comments. Just so everyone knows the suspense is killing me !

  21. The last few weeks on this blog have been fun reading since many topics and lots of the conversation were about airgun innovations.

    If we’re not living in the golden time of airgunning we’re only a few minutes away in my opinion.

    Seems that today we have many gifted craftsman with innovative ideas and they’re implementing tools and technology that have only recently become available and/or affordable. This combination is bringing forth wonderful things in the airgun arena.

    Since I’m not a gifted craftsman and don’t own cnc machinery, etc. I’d like to share an idea that I would like to see become a reality in the airgun world.
    Instead of multiple airguns to cover all the tasks I need an airgun to perform I want one airgun.

    The Whiscombe, as a spring gun, to a large degree, has accomplished this. Multiple barrels give you caliber options with one gun (177, 20, 22 & 25), can control velocity within each caliber via swapping transfer ports, has a great trigger, great accuracy is easier to achieve because of recoiless design, etc.

    I’d like to see this same idea but with greater combinations in a pcp package.
    I’d like a light weight rifle (not a heavy benchrest gun), carbine length (not a bullpup), caliber options from big bore (.50 caliber) to .177 and everything in between, I want an external power adjuster to be able to adjust the pressure and air volume for each shot, I want to be able to change barrels in the field in 60 seconds or less, I want the option of screwing extensions to the air cylinder when I need more air WHILE I’M OUT IN THE FIELD in case I decide to shoot squirrels that morning with my .22 caliber barrel and then switch to my .50 caliber barrel and hunt coyotes in the afternoon.

    Am I asking too much? No. The prototype of the gun described has been built. It’s called the Uni. Short for UNIVERSAL.




    • Reb
      Just talked to him a bit ago and he said you all talked about the trigger spring. From what I gather you just messed with the main trigger spring. Right?

      Or did you do the bearing trick? A whole new animal? Let me know some details especially if it helps you shoot better.

  22. Dear Sir, B.B. Pelletier : I have Diana 45 airgun. Too old & is very powerful due to change of new Main Spring. How I can further improve its accuracy & Power??? Please Guide.

    • Arshad,

      Welcome to the blog. I am about to start a series on the Diana 45,and I will be taking this one apart. It is not the easiest gun to disassemble, but I will try to explain as we go.

      About the only thing you can do without disassembly is lubricate the piston seal and mainspring with oil.


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    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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