Diana 34 Breakbarrel Rifle, T06 Trigger, Beech
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Looking for an accurate, consistent and reliable spring piston, breakbarrel air rifle? Then look no further than the Diana 34 - a time-tested classic and the German manufacturer’s most popular model - for good reason.
From its well-balanced, beechwood stock and easy-on-the-elbows, 33 lb. cocking effort, to its high-quality, rifled steel barrel and adjustable, two-stage trigger, the Diana 34 is packed with features often found in much-higher priced guns.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
Diana 34 Breakbarrel Air Rifle with Beech Stock
- Single shot
- Spring piston power plant
- Breakbarrel action
- Plastic buttplate
- 11mm dovetail scope mount
- Fiber optic front sight
- adjustable rear sight (windage & elevation)
- Two-stage adjustable trigger
- 1000 FPS (.177), 800 FPS (.22)
- 3.3-lb. trigger pull
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10 of 199 Diana 34 Breakbarrel Rifle, T06 Trigger, Beech Reviews
well built, solid gun.
What Others Should KnowMy old eyes didn't do well with the open sights, so I got a scope, but younger eyes would do well with the sights it comes with.
Just received this today. Took it out of the box and started shooting it. Hit every thing I aimed at. Trigger is light, perfect. Ready for rabbit!
Things I Would Have ChangedNada.
What Others Should KnowThis is a refurbished unit and only had 3 minor dings in the stock. Other than that, just like new. Thank you PyramydAir
I recently bought this Diana model 34 in .22 caliber and I'm very impressed with it. It's the best air gun I've ever owned. I used to have a diana 350 magnum in .22 caliber but I like the model 34 much better because it's easier to handle and a bit smaller and lighter and I prefer the sights better on the model 34. I recently sighted it in and after about 12 shots from 20 yards with open sights I was grouping in the center shooting jsb domed 15.89 grain lead pellets. I fired about 15 shots total and my last 3 grouped within an inch in the center although my first 12 took some adjustment for elevation and windage and to break the gun in. I got a very nice american made 48 inch hard plastic case for it that it fits perfectly in. I can see why it's the most popular diana air gun. Definitely get this gun. It's putting out with 15 to 16 grain pellets between 13 to 15 foot pounds of energy and the pellet is travelling at a velocity of between 600 to 650 feet per second
The Diana was more than expected, shooting dime sized 10 shot groups within 100 round break in. Beautiful workmanship. Couldnt be happier.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowCustomer service was extremely helpful, knowledgeable and professional in every
Simple design, plenty of power, accurate with the right pellet.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowSmooth gun, use a droop compensator to get the best mount with your scope. Do your research to find accurate pellets. Mine likes H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme Hollowpoint, JSB Diablo Exact Heavy .177 10.34. Scope UTG 6-24x50 scope.
Consistently take out Squirrels and Chipmunks from 35-40 yards. Good equipment and a steady eye will give you confidence to hit your targets.
The Accuracy is there. It occasionally will shoot a 5 shot group at 15-20 yards well under a quarter inch but I wabble a little and ruin many groups. Just put Athlon 3-12x scope on it with bullseye mount. Great package and perfect for short to mid range shooting.
Things I Would Have ChangedWish it did not have appetite for JSB Exact Premium pellets as these are expensive and take weeks to get shipped. Wish Crosman Premier HP clearly out shot them being cheaper and plentiful everywhere.
What Others Should KnowWood, bluing and craftsmanship is outstanding! Trigger was a little difficult to tune to my liking but after a few tweaks it has performed well. Mine wont adjust much below 3 pounds.
Quality and accuracy
Things I Would Have ChangedWeight. Its a litttle heavy. But I understand most air guns are
What Others Should KnowAfter mounting a 4x scope, I put 100 rounds through to break the barrel in. Bench sighted in at 20 yards. It dialed right in. I still have some fine tuning to do. After about a dozen shots I was able to hold a 1.5 inch pattern at 20 yards. Pellet went completely through 1/4 inch sheet of plywood and the plastic recycle bin it was leaning against. I used 8.4 gr match pellets.
Easy to cock, accurate, reliable, easy to maintain. In stock form my 34 really liked Air Arms Field Heavy 10.3 pellets. Once in installed a 12 ft/lb Vortek kit it changed pellet preference and now shoots H&N FTTs exceptionally well. The 34 is not the flashiest gun I own, but it is easily one of my favorites. Overall, I feel this is the best value out there for a well made spring piston airgun.
Things I Would Have ChangedI am not a fan of fiber optic sights, or ambidextrous stocks. That being said, I would like to see the 34 come through with the older style black iron sights and the Monte carlo style stock.
What Others Should KnowBuy a droop compensation mount if you are going to put a scope on it. I would recommend properly lubing the rifle when you first get it. Be sure to use the correct lubricants as recommended in your owners manual. Spring piston guns in general are known to loosen the stock/action screws, so keep and eye on those and consider using removable strength thread locker then torque to spec to prevent these screws from backing out during use.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing!!!
What Others Should KnowBUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY!!!!!!
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Jun 28, 2020
By David
Everything, The weight, the feel, the appearance, finish, packaging, function, all.
Things I Would Have ChangedInstall a new TO7 trigger when its available. (Just Kidding)
What Others Should KnowJust like in the gun world of rifles and shoguns, If you have owned a top of the line firearm, you can tell the difference between a higher priced gun and a cheaper one. This is not to say that a low priced gun won't put a round on target down range, its all about the preference of finding a true companion to your hunt, the right feel, and quality to be admired.