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Education / Training 2015 SHOT Show: Day 3

2015 SHOT Show: Day 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Day 1
Day 2

This report covers:

• Right Now Range
• American Airgunner TV show
• Air Ordnance
• Leapers
• Airsoft
• Dan Wesson
• One more report

Today, we’ll continue our look at the 2015 SHOT Show. Let’s begin back at Media Day at the Range. This is held the day before the SHOT Show opens, and it gives the manufacturers and importers a chance to demonstrate all their new products to the media. A line of ranges that’s over a quarter-mile long is open to hundreds of different vendors, and the media gets a chance to shoot the guns they’ll soon be seeing at the show.

I showed you some of that already, when we talked about the Crosman and AirForce airguns that I shot. And, if you follow any of my 4 Godfather of Airguns social networks, you have been exposed to dozens more pictures and videos.

Right Now Range
But there are also products other than guns on display. And one of them was right up our alley. The Right Now Range — formerly called the Ready Range — was in a display booth off the range. There, I met the inventor and founder of the company, Neely Burks. Neely is a casual shooter who noticed every time she went out to shoot that targets were the real problem. So she invented one that folds flat until needed and then opens to become several paper targets as well as a holder for all sorts of action targets like clay pigeons and spoiled fruit!

Right Now Range
The Right Now Range comes as a flat cardboard box. The top is inside and there are stakes to hold it in place on the ground. Those apples will sit on top of the red riser.

The target you see still says Ready Range, but that will change. And I know what you’re thinking — no airgunner will pay $30 for a cardboard box to shoot at when there are plenty of them to be found for free. You’re right! This isn’t a range for an individual. It’s for those organizations that have a smallbore rimfire or airgun shooting event coming up and don’t have the time to build all the targets they need. Sometimes, time is shorter than money.

This one will absorb thousands of shots, which makes it ideal for events and even for large family reunions. I can see Boy Scout troops and JayCees using them for their ranges at various events.

Neely is planning on having a booth at the 2015 North Central Texas airgun show to be held in Pooleville on Saturday, August 29. If you want to see her range in action, plan to attend.

American Airgunner TV show
We filmed a special Roundtable segment of American Airgunner in the Pursuit Channel booth while the SHOT show was running. The public was welcome to watch the filming, and Edith took lots of pictures of the crew in the background. Now you can see what it takes to film a broadcast television show.

American Airgunner Round Table
The American Airgunner Roundtable. From the left are Rick Eutster, host Rossi Morreale, Jim Chapman and me.

This is what it takes to film a broadcast television segment like the Roundtable.

During this segment, we interviewed the inventor of the new MAC 35 big bore that uses air cartridges. Since big bores were in such great numbers at this show, we were quite interested in what he had to say. I hope to be able to test one of these rifles for you at some point.

Air Ordnance
Speaking of big bores, we also saw the new Remington Rolling Block that’s being offered by Air Ordnance — the same folks who make the SMG 22 belt-fed submachine gun that many of you have asked about. This rifle is a full sized Remington No. 1 action (the largest action Remington made) and also used air cartridges. Spokesperson Brad Tippman (yes — THAT Tippman!) told me the rifle will sell for around $1,200 and will generate 1,000 f.p.s. with an 81-grain JSB 9mm pellet! Folks, that’s 179.9 foot-pounds at the muzzle, and that’s the LOWEST power you’re going to get. Heavier bullets (they have used up to 123-grains) will generate more power!

Air Ordnance big bore
Brad Tippman holds the new Air Ordnance big bore.

An air cartridge, complete with pellet or bullet, is loaded into the rifle.

Air Ordnance fill station
This steel fill station and 3 steel air cartridges come with the rifle. Each 9mm cartridge is filled to 4,500 psi.

The rifle comes with 3 air cartridges and the filling station included at that price. I asked Brad for one to test for a Shotgun News feature, and he said I could get it! I don’t know if Pyramyd AIR plans to carry this rifle. If they do, I’ll also report on it in this blog.

You probably thought I was finished with Leapers in the last report. The truth is that I saw as many new products in their booth as I did in any 10 other booths at this show! Those folks are extremely busy! If I showed everything here, it would look like a Leapers ad.

But a couple things are very important and have to be seen right now. You already know they’re going to begin manufacturing scopes here in the U.S. this year. But did you know they’re running 24/7 making accessories for law enforcement and our troops? Their new Ceracoating and injection-molding capabilities feed into that end of the business, which is one of the largest segments of what they do.

Along with scopes, they’re making mounts. We’re very familiar with all their innovative mounts, but this year they’ll bring out a new premium ring. It has alignment features that no other ring has (that I’m aware of). They keep the base jaws aligned perfectly. I can’t wait to test them!

Leapers’ new premium scope rings have a spring-loaded base clamp that rides on precision guide rods.

The final Leapers product I’ll show you is a new bipod they have. Not only does it function like a conventional bipod, the head is fully articulated so the rifle can be moved through a wide range of motion.

Leapers’ bipod is fully articulated.

Dan Wesson
I stopped by the Action Sport Games (ASG) booth to look at their new products. As many of you know, ASG is an airsoft manufacturer. They’ve decided to push BB and pellet guns for 2015, making those inroads into the market that we have discussed in the blog many times. As we’ve discussed, BB guns and even pellet guns can grow from airsoft platforms.

Bob Li showed me their new 15-2 Dan Wesson revolver that’s slated to come to the market this year. I was impressed by the weight of the revolver that I was told is within a few grams of the firearm. The version he showed me was an airsoft gun, but I was told the BB gun and even the pellet revolver are both coming, too!

ASG Dan Wesson
The new Dan Wesson revolver from Action Sport Games is incredibly realistic. This one is airsoft, but both BB and pellet versions will be coming.

I asked about the possibility of pistol pacs (cases with multiple barrels for the same gun) and was told the technology doesn’t support doing that. Then, they showed me a replica CZ 75 that’s so realistic I asked to test one as soon as possible. I don’t know why, but I love that handgun. Probably the ergonomics! It appears that it’s not a new gun, but I just saw it for the first time at the show.

One more report
With all I’ve shown you, there’s at least one more SHOT Show report coming. Even then, I’ve just scratched the surface of what’s new for 2015. This will be a good year for airguns!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

75 thoughts on “2015 SHOT Show: Day 3”

  1. This is great reporting, thanks Tom! The cartridge big bores are incredible, you should definitely test one whether pyramyd stocks them. New technology! Its like co2 cartridges without the limitations of that propellent, right? You said the walther terrus ie coming soon? There’s been a youtube advertisement for it for awhile now.. I saw the northeast gun and knife show on Saturday, wicked awesome! One table of airguns, not much, but the whole of what was there was great, I cdon’t get people saying gun or ammo shortage, place was a bout a football field and within that space was what had to have been at least 2000+ firearms and 100s of thousands of various rounds. And this is the little old northeast, there must be more at larger shows in more freedom-ed states… where does the topic arise? Media? Increase sales with fears of shortages? Or is there a shortage, in stores, just for it all to end up in the private marketplace?

    • As so often happens, once the price has increased to where the manufacturers desire it to be, the shortage comes to an end. Supposedly price fixing is illegal, however they do it all the time. Look at the price of propane as an example. Last winter at the height of a major storm that blanketed the country, the propane companies announced there was a major shortage. My propane company sent out a letter assuring us that though there was a shortage, they had enough reserves to meet our needs. Of course the price had increased over $1.50 a gallon. This past week I had my tank filled and though the price of oil has dropped dramatically, the price was over $4.00 a gallon. I hope we don’t have a shortage this winter.

      • That is not price fixing, allow me to explain.
        That propane shortage is on the suppliers end, not your local retailer. So he has X gallons/lbs in his tanks already and another Y gallons/lbs being delivered later. To be able to pay for that delivery he has to charge more for the current product.

        Price fixing is when multiple retailers or suppliers agree to set a price and not sell below it. This has happened in LCDs several times. That gasoline is again not price fixing, nationally gas is $2.033. In your state there are likely higher road taxes and if you live in a rural area delivery can charges bring that up considerably. As a kid I worked in a rural gas station, we lost money on the gas. People would come in, buy a pack of smokes, a candy bar and complain that an hour away in the city or better yet 3 hours away in the big city gasoline was so much cheaper. The owner laughed about that, he made a lot on the smokes and an even bigger margin on the candy bar, them not buying gas there was the best thing they could do for him.

        The ammo shortage is nothing more than hoarding. Hoarders are buying up cases and pallets of ammo to keep and not shoot. When one of these folks hits hard times they sell off their lot and it ends up at private sales like gun shows. I was in gander mountain when .22lr was so hard to get you could only buy a couple boxes and if you bought a gun another one. The jerk in line with me commented that he would never pay that for .22lr he already had a whole pallet in his garage. That jerk is why kids have no ammo to plink with, he is just sitting on it.

        • Maybe we need to come up with a new term for it?! It seems to happen every summer and winter with the oil refineries as well as plenty of other things we deem as necessities. How’s about we all go solar and show them where they shot themselves in the foot?!

          • I like Solar power.

            My big goal for the year is to get a solar charging station and a plug-in hybrid for my daily commute to work and back. As far as I can tell, even at $2 a gallon (right now it’s $1.79 at Costco! :O ) I’ll still save money by not buying gas except on long road trips.

            I’m just not positive we can run solar all winter here in the Pacific Northwest. Portland Weather and Solar are both iffy unless you have a massive solar array.

  2. Can’t wait for a test of the Air Ordnance big bore. I also saw on another site a weird Chinese double barreled break barrel which was said to be a new Beeman model. I have no interest in buying one but I would love to see an article about it because I really want to know how it’s supposed to work. The CZ75 replica sounds interesting too. The real thing is a nice looking pistol and if the airgun one functions well I bet they’re onto a winner with it.

  3. Rifle DNA, you are spot on about ammo availability. Even the rimfire isn’t hard to find anymore, it’s not everywhere but I’ve been able to get not only all the loads I like but plenty of them as well. And that’s what I’ve been up to lately, having a blast with my foot in my mouth burning through bricks of .22 lr after a year of swearing up and down I was done with rimfire. In hind sight, what really fueled that anger is I am fortunate in having a SWEET 10/22 carbine. It’s the first gun I ever owned and it grew up with me. Over the years, I’ve put enough accessories and after market parts on it to fill a cabinet, it’s been through my tacticool stage(which happened over twenty years ago, I was tacticool when tacticool wasn’t cool). It’s been fitted with almost every brand of low to middle end scope. Now it’s back to almost stock minus a Williams fool proof rear sight, taller and smaller diameter brass bead on the front sight,a latigo sling from Brownells and years of tuning it in one part at a time. From prone at fifty yards it’ll put five shots under 1/2 inch consistently. I love that gun and I’m in the process of teaching my kid to shoot and passing it on to him. I’ve been playing with .25 Marauder but so far my groups are poor for what I believe the gun is capable of(recording my fifty yard groups require writing a number to the left of the decimal point).

  4. BB,

    When I saw Rick’s review of the Mac 35, it never entered my mind to do something like the rolling block. Like RDNA pointed out, it would not be the first time that you have reported on something that PA does not carry. If I am not mistaken, has not PA started carrying things that your blog readers have shown interest in?

    Am I correct in my assumption that the Sharps that is in development is very similar? I may have to talk to the credit union about a loan.

  5. B.B. you could have sold me at least three or four of those 30$ cardboard ranges this weekend. I had a few people Saturday and a few more sunday teaching kids to shoot. I didn’t realize most novice shooters don’t enjoy shooting groups on paper targets.

      • B.B.
        I’ve got a reactive target system in the development stages as we speak but they’re saying it’s gonna cost me a rather large paycheck to get it off the ground and I still have to build a prototype, which I no longer feel safe attempting! They did assure me I had no infringement issues with the concept however.
        It looks like my hesitance has cost my first year now, because I think there will be much interest in keeping one or two of these handy for impromptu sessions. Did I mention mine’s designed to be reusable?


  6. BB,
    Thanks for gathering all the information for us. I’m sure it’s a busy schedule for you during the show but man oh man I would love to be seeing all that for myself. Seems like a nice target for 30.00 if it can take a couple thousand shots.Any guesses of how much the D.W pellet or bb pistol will be priced at? Have a blessed day everyone.

  7. BB,

    What Mr. Tippman should have done was bring two of those rolling blocks to the show. On one would be a Creedmore rear peep sight and on the other instead of that scope he has on there, he should have mounted a Hi-Lux William Malcom.

  8. BB,

    That rolling block would have also looked nice with an octagon barrel and case hardened action. I could see taking a bunch of those cartridges to a modern Sharps manufacturer and having a rifle made.

      • The Air Ordnance MODOC is a fantastic concept and the gun looks great in the photos. Nice to see a remington rolling block style airgun.

        Assume this will guzzle air like most big bores (except the new Texan) so I’m struggling to understand why the cartridges fill to 4,500 psi. I’d be topping off my tank constantly.

        At 54″ long the MODOC seems to be trying to set a record for length. It has an aluminum barrel??!!

        These are a few things that are short circuiting my little brain. Nonetheless, I’m anxious to see a review even if I have to buy Shotgun News.

        The article on the Airforce Texan was reason enough to buy the current Shotgun News. Wish the pellet article hadn’t been sliced to pieces.


  9. B.B.,

    Just curious – did Paul Capello get tired of hosting American Airgunner? I thought he had developed or produced the show originally. Is he still involved with production?


    Jim M.

  10. B.B.

    Remington is just WOW! How accurate is it?
    I wonder how they fight the inevitable punch of air following the pellet – at such pressures and calibers it must be quite significant to kick the pellet off perfect trajectory. Or do they just calculate cartridge volume the way to drop the pressure enough inside the barrel?


    • duskwight,

      Both the Remington and the new MAC 35 use 4500 psi air cartridges. I don’t know if they worked out the details carefully or just thought that was all the air they could put in the cartridge. As the pellet or bullet goes down the bore the pressure drops, so the high initial pressure helps with terminal velocity.


      • B.B.

        Yes, I know the law 🙂

        I believe you’re right about the reason for 4500 psi/300 atm – theoretically they could push there 450 or 600, whatever materials allow, but as pressure increases, number of people owning pumps able to give such pressures drops progressively. Majority of modern pumps (even hand pumps) are made for 300 atm max, so I believe the limit was set to 4500 psi/300 atm due to ability to refill those cartridges by target audience.

        I also wonder what kind of valve is there. 300 atm is not an easy pressure to punch through by common striker/hammer kind of mechanics. So I believe they use some kind of “self-opener” valve in that cartridge, which allows for much lighter opening force.

        Thinking more about the report of that Remington, I’m quite sure that even with long 9 mm barrel it must give quite a sound to hear. It may be just me, but big bore PCPs sound not actually louder, but more unpleasant than firearms. Maybe it’s all about frequencies.
        And that would be a real kick on firing it.

        Nevertheless – I love this one at first sight and I’d love to shoot it some day!


  11. I remember the Parker Hale / Brocock air cartridge rifles and pistols, they were a real pain to load and use in the smaller calibres, maybe this larger bore will give the idea a new lease of life.
    As ever though I do have concerns about airguns that start to cross over into the energies and convenience of firearms….they seem to engender legislation that is rather scattergun in it’s thinking…….it only takes some gang banger to do a drive by with a big bore and your local state may put a few firearm style restrictions in place.

  12. Guys as much as I love seeing that rolling block gun with the recharged carts I can’t help but wonder/worry if it will not fall under a definition of a firearm in some juris diction or another.

    • With most guys obsessed with faster bigger hits harder more range etc someday a guy will get shot by one then the air gun hobby which was under the radar of the commie control freaks will be regulated and the first restriction I believe will be buying thru the mail. same thing happened with AR rifles. millions were made shoved in every ones faces where you were not a man unless you had one and now state by state they are being gone after. pistols in the 80’s and 90’s same thing.

      • Good to see ya Fred! We were just talking about some of the old time posters lurking in the silence where they once were so vocal about their concerns and interests.The King and all his men say “Not in DPRONJ?
        Welcome back!
        Hope to hear from you more frequently in the future!

    • Kevin in CT,

      Did you not get a TX200III a short time ago. If so, how you making out with it? Nice grain on the cheek piece! I got the .22 version and love it. Had some scope issues with it at the start, but all is good now. Shooting indoors at 41′. What caliber is yours?

      • I surely did, I got the .22 and it shoots like a dream. I’m only able to shoot it a a friend’s place and the range is just over 20 feet so I haven’t done much more with it than to get it sighted in. Hopefully, we in the NY Metro area will survive the upcoming snowmaggedon and I’ll get to do more shooting. 🙂

        • Kevin in CT,

          Good luck on the storm. It sounds like a doozy! Ohio here.

          What scope you got on yours? I got the Leapers 3~12X44 ez tap. Very nice. At 41′ i ended up with a .009 shim in the rear ring just to keep the turrets more to center. Will be doing a 25~30 yd. sight in the spring and do hold over/under as reqd. from that.

          I love the satin finish on the stock, not high gloss as some are.

  13. A standard scope on a rolling block?? what blasphemy lol. it looked horrible. should have had stand up peeps sites and like the other guy said one of those long malcom scopes

  14. I will for sure get 2 or 3 of those Right Now Ranges when they become available.

    That will be nice for the kids to shoot at when we have a get together. And that would make for cool birthday or Christmas presents. I may even give on to each of my neighbors that shoot air guns. They would like it I bet along with their grand kids.

    Only one thing. I like using potatoes instead of apples. They are a little Hardee to see then a apple. You know adds a little more challenge to the mix.

      • You and Buldawg are about to be drafted into my RRT project,I just got really upset and felt that feeling again. Feels like my top’s about to blow! I’ll try to e-mail you later and let ya know what it is Maybe RDNA too, if he’s in my contacts


  15. Someone off-topic question here: Why are there so few .22 cal CO2 pistols?

    I’d love to see some of these revolvers and other handguns in .22 instead of all in .177.

    Don’t get me wrong, I like .177 for the most part, but I really prefer shooting with a .22, especially if I am hunting. I would love to have a follow up in .22 to make sure if I do need one, it is as quick and ethical as possible. Am I alone in this thought, or is it just too tough to make CO2 work with most .22 pellets out of such a short barrel?

  16. B.B.:

    Great reports on the SHOT show. Thank you for all the information. Thank you for all of the work that you put into this blog. I found your blog through watching American Airgunner. Since then I’ve tried to read the blog each day and have read as many of the old blogs that I have had time to read, which was not as many I would like. The TV show got me interested in air guns again after a many year absence and I have purchased three air guns in the last 3 to 4 months. I’m hope to add a PCP sometime this year.

    I would like to ask an off topic question, if I may. I have an old Sheridan Blue Streak that dates back to the late 1960s, around 1968. I shot it for about 20 years or so until it no longer held air. Since it stopped holding air, it has been in the back of my gun safe. From the time I received it until I went to college I would run several 1000 rounds a year through it. After I went to college, that number dropped to around a 1000 rounds a year. I would guess I have more than 30,000 rounds through it. The gun is at home in my gun safe so I’m doing this from memory but here is the list of what I can remember that is wrong with it:
    • It no longer holds air when pumped.
    • The barrel at the front sight has separated slightly from the tube. As I remember this did not affect its accuracy.
    • I wore out the original forearm on the stock and replaced it with a forearm from an old Benjamin. If I remember correctly, I used it for several years this way. I would not necessarily want the front stock replaced if the old Benjamin forearm does not damage the gun.
    • The bolt is rather corroded from years of use.
    • When I was young, I did not know proper maintenance procedures for air guns. I’m fairly certain that I used the wrong type of lubrication on the gun.

    Would it be worth rebuilding? I found the repair kit for it on PA but I have never tried that type of repairs before. Do you or some of the forum members have suggestions as who to use to rebuild it?

    Does any manufacturer make an inexpensive 20 caliber air rifle? I found the Air Arms rifles listed on PA but they are more expensive that I want to spend.

    Thanks in advance,


    • I have to ask a dumb question, have you oiled the pumpcup with pellgun oil? Given the # of shots through it, and age it likely needs seals, but it is worth a try. Oil the heck out of the pump, work the forearm furiously without pumping, then set aside for awhile, maybe a day or so, then do it again. It just might hold but maybe not.

      If you want to do it yourself here is a how to:


      If you don’t want to do it, I think Rick Willnecker will. I believe his number is (717) 382-1481. BB or Edith might have the number if that doesn’t work.

    • Jim Q.,

      Your rifle is definitely worth a rebuild. Not that it is so valuable, but because of its history with you. Use acetone to clean out the crack and then work in some JB Weld to stabilize the crack. It should hold forever.


  17. BB,

    Click on video links nested in your blog.I like it.I can’t believe no one has commented on it.I guess we shouldn’t get used to this kind of treatment though huh?

    I keep looking but I don’t see the Benjamin Bulldog on the P.A. website.Does this mean that P.A. won’t be selling it and that you won’t be testing it?:( 🙁

    The wind NEVER stops blowing around here.How am I ever going to get an airgun zeroed at any range?What if I used Chairgun to calculate the drift from the wind,set up my target and corrected my P.O.I. to the Chairgun calculation?Do you think I would be able to get a reasonable zero? I have seen winds from all four directions over the coarse of a week and a half here.

    Tin Can Man

  18. I like the rolling block, the steel sleeved aluminum barrel, well, it needs to be that to keep some yahoo from trying modify it to put a powder burner cartridge in it.

    Pre shot show, they had advertised it will be available in .357 magnum pistol cartridge too.

    Per a conversation a week before shot show, the MSRP was still to be $700 for the rolling block and fill setup.

    Now, missing your price point by $200 is one thing, but going from $700 to $1200 is a different story.
    I think they saw the MSRP of the other new big bores with no accessories hovering at the $1000 mark and adjusted theirs accordingly.
    But that is just my opinion.

    $1200 is a deal breaker for me, almost double your advertised price less than 2 weeks ago.
    As much as I believe in buying American, unless the street price is below $1000, it ain’t going to happen for me.

    I will wait to see if they bring out their .357 magnum as advertised.
    If it is above $700, then unfortunately, I will have to go with the Uberti rolling block that does have a street price of $700.

  19. I am very concerned about this big bore power race. I only see it bringing regulation to our beloved hobby. Perhaps a little self regulation from the industry would curb sweeping change from regulators. I know you can not stop progress. I do know a 60 Minutes segment on the Texan blowing through watermelons would not help our hobby. Regulations would seriously affect a mostly mail order business like Pyramid Air. Let’s hope I am just being paranoid. Also my .25 Condor is starting to look a little limp.

  20. I feel the same way scott. the main attraction with air guns is to shoot in your back yard without fear of a swat team rappelling from a helicopter to stop you. air guns went from 500 fps 10 meter rifles to this. Like you said the first thing they will try to do is ban thru the mail sales

  21. Regulation of big bore airguns would be pointless. Many black powder guns are much more powerful, easier to reload and available through the mail. You don’t hear about criminals using black powder guns to commit crimes for good reason. Criminals are dumb, but know enough not to risk almost certain death by going into dangerous situations armed only with weapons that are extremely disadvantaged in terms of firepower and reliability when faced by good guys using modern cartridge firearms. A criminal wants to survive and profit from his crimes. Always wants to getaway scot free from punishment or injury. A criminal would be better armed with archery equiptment in contrast to big bore airguns but that won’t increase the odds of surviving combat significantly better. Big bore airguns are also limited in availability and would be relatively easy to trace back to perpetrators through the few channels they are distributed and sold.

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