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Education / Training Shooting the Air Venturi Wing Shot air shotgun: Part 2

Shooting the Air Venturi Wing Shot air shotgun: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Air Venturi Wing Shot
Air Venturi’s Wing Shot air shotgun is a serious new player in a very small field.

Air Venturi Wing Shot review
Part 1

This report covers:

  • Safety blocks cocking
  • Velocity on low power
  • Analysis
  • Patterning
  • 10 yards
  • 15 yards
  • 20 yards
  • Final observation
  • A last word

Today we look at the Air Venturi Wing Shot air shotgun on low power. Several readers asked for this report after reading Part 1, so this was the natural next step.

Safety blocks cocking

The first thing I want to report is the safety will not allow the gun to be cocked when it is on. I discovered that when I started the session. The bolt handle comes back a little, but it won’t go back to the low power notch until the safety is released. Remember this if you get this gun. I don’t have a problem with it — owners just need to know how their gun works.

Velocity on low power

I only did one velocity test, because I only have a few shotshells left and I also wanted to do some patterning on low power. I saved a few shells in case there is another test I want to conduct after this one.

I filled the gun to 3000 psi before starting the test. Then I went to the chronograph. Last time I tested this I hit the chronograph with several shot, so I was careful to hold far above the skyscreens this time. Since the shot pattern spreads out fast, you have to stand close to the start screen to register anything. I was about 5 feet away.

Air Venturi Wing Shot chronograph
The shot pattern hit the chronograph skyscreens during the last test.

I decided to shoot until the velocity fell below 700 f.p.s. Here is what I got.

Shot…………..Velocity f.p.s.


Okay, I know going into this test that the Wing Shot has 3 good shots with a 3000 psi fill on high power. So it has to have at least that many on low power, and hopefully more. The first shot surprised me because I was expecting it to be more in the high 700s. The second shot tells me that the first shot is correct — the gun really does go this fast on low power.

But shot number 3 is a puzzler. My shooting buddy, Otho, who was at the range with me said the shot sounded different than the first 2, so the gun may have hung up and not delivered good power that time. Or the shot may not have recorded over the chronograph correctly. Since this is a shotgun, there is always that chance.

I tend to go with the first choice, because I was only 5 feet from the start screen and Otho did notice a difference in the sound. Knowing there are fewer than 100 shots on the shotgun at this time, it’s easy to believe it isn’t fully broken in yet.

Notice shots number 4 and 5 are still in the low 700s. This is where I expected all the shots to be on low power. That would have been fine, but it seems the Wing Shot is built to run wide open and isn’t as stable on low power as it is on high. That’s okay, though if the patterns are still good, because 5 shots are better than 3 and at close range (15 yards and closer) you won’t tear up game as much.

Shot number 6 is a definite decrease in power. Unlike shot 3 that was an anomaly, shot 6 tells me the gun is really off the power curve I wanted, which was 700+ f.p.s. So I stopped shooting and went to the patterning range.


We learned in the first test that the Wing Shot is probably best at distances out to 20 yards. That’s based on the size and density of the shot pattern. Several readers were curious whether the pattern would be different on low power, so that’s what we will see now.

10 yards

The first pattern was shot at 10 yards. It measures 9.5 inches from edge to edge. That’s identical to the width of the pattern on high power (see Part 1) but the center of this pattern is denser than the full-power pattern. Interesting!

Air Venturi Wing Shot 10 yards
At 10 yards the pattern is very tight with a denser area to the left of center. The hole by the pellet tin is the shot cup.

The shot cup was at the edge of the 12-inch bull and penetrated halfway through the tough cardboard box the target was on. If it hit something at this range, it would hurt.

15 yards

At 15 yards I got the same 12-inch pattern as with high power. This time the pattern was dense on the left side, where on high power it was dense on the right. But no small bird like a dove would be missed at this range.

Air Venturi Wing Shot 15 yards
At 15 yards the pattern opened to 12 inches. It was denser on the left.

20 yards

At 20 yards I had a problem centering the pattern on the 12-inch bull. Shotgunners shoot at 4 by 4 foot paper and then draw circles around their patterns. Nobody but me would try to hit a 12-inch target with the center of the pattern at 20 yards. And with the small amount of shot it really tells when I miss, which I did both times. Both times I hit high. Once to the right and the next time to the left. This isn’t the Wing Shot’s fault — it’s mine.

Air Venturi Wing Shot 20 yards right
At 20 yards the pattern opens like it did on high power. I shot to the right on this bull.

Air Venturi Wing Shot 20 yards left
A second shot at 20 yards went to the left. This one is only a little high and contains the center of the pattern at the top of the bull. There are holes at the edges of the pattern, so you’d better be on target at this distance.

I was able to see the shot that hit the box outside the paste-on bull, which is how I can tell you the pattern is still about 16 inches at 20 yards. And the shot density is still good for dove-sized birds, though it is starting to open up around the edges.

Final observation

I did note that the shot went completely through both sides of a rather stiff printer box this time. Even on low power there is plenty of juice out to 20 yards with number 8 shot. The Wing Shot is proving to be a competent air shotgun, in my opinion.

A last word

I read a couple comments about the small shot size. The writers were saying they would use a larger shot size if they had this gun. Folks, these shotshells don’t hold a lot of shot. If you shoot number 5 birdshot, there may not be enough shot to reach out past 12 yards with a killing pattern. Use number 8s. I hunt crows with number 8s and kill out to 40 yards with a 20 gauge shooting low-base shells through a modified choke. Number 8s will do the job at the ranges for which this gun is designed.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

36 thoughts on “Shooting the Air Venturi Wing Shot air shotgun: Part 2”

    • GF1,

      I wear hearing protection on the range, so I can’t tell you much about the sound. The gun is loud under all circumstances is about as accurate as I can be.

      Recoil? This is a shotgun. I hardly notice any recoil. Of course there is some, but since I’m not shooting off a bench I don’t evaluate it. It’s probably greater on high power, but the difference is miniscule.


      • Don’t forget mice or rats.

        There is usually 3 or more in one place. So with the air shot gun there’s the chance you will get them all with one shot rather than take a shot with a single pellet and get one. Then you have to wait for them to all come back if they even show theirselfs again for along time.

        And I still like the fact that it is lower powered and quieter than a shot gun. That will work out nice around a farm so the farm animals don’t get spooked or do unwanted damage that a regular shot gun could do.

    • Thanks August,, that was, indeed, a good read. In truth,, it is all just common sense,, but it seems that common sense is very easily misplaced when it come to shotguns.

  1. By the patterns and velocity’s on the lower power setting it might just give those few more shots that’s needed when pesting.

    I think the patterns are still good enough to be effective at the closer ranges if your pesting small rodents. Heck there is times there are even snakes that try to get the baby chicks. So will definitely be easier to hit a snake with a air shot gun verses a pellet gun.

    • I think this gun pretty much is a Sam Yang, just set up with a barrel that readily accepts the shells designed to make it into a shotgun. I’m sure we’ll see more producers follow the lead now that it’s been proven by this gun that HPA is the way to launch shot in the airgun world.
      Farco made theirs in brass which made them particularly hazardous to convert from Co2 but otherwise I think it was a sound design and worthy of many Chinese copies.
      It’ll probably take some time so I’m not holding my breath but I hope we see plenty. If it didn’t cost twice as much as a decent repeating shotgun I think the market would be much more receptive.
      I’ll be checking out that side by side I spotted today first thing payday!

      • Reb
        I believe your right. I think there will be more to follow. Maybe some even better. And probably some not as good.

        FX with their smooth twist barrel could just possibly be the next in line to make a air shot gun. All they got to do is not rifle the barrel at the end and make a breech and bolt to accept a shot shell.

        • If enough people buy this one the competition could become fierce, then all bets are off along with the gloves.
          I can see Crosman finding a bidder in China to cut the cost in half for their chunk and Gamo trying to get in with a version of their slide-action Co2 repeater.
          It would be nice to see a few more heads bobbin’ in the mix and FX Could easily pull off a very nice version with their loyal following and R&D. I’m gonna sit back and watch this one for a bit and wish it all the best but I’ll probably buy a firearm for hunting with.
          Check out the new stagecoach gun from zhozhou in China!

  2. Small field? I thought air-powered shotguns were a non-existent field. The only one I had heard about was one by Gamo that was reviewed years ago (It may be what RifledDNA22 refers to) and the review gave it a decisive thumbs down. The objection was the limitation of power. If the emphasis, for hunting is boost airgun power as much as possible, the amount of power you get dispersed among a load of shot is going to inevitably be less which puts you in a very constrained hunting situation. How are you going to get within 10 yards of crows to shoot them. They’re very smart.

    Gunfun1, that is a great idea about putting the laser pressure switch under the thumb of your shooting hand at the back of the receiver. I had been wondering where to put pressure switches and seem to have guessed all the wrong places. At first, I thought they went on the fore-end of the rifle, but the wires didn’t run that way. Then I ran them back to the pistol grip. But my third and fourth fingers can’t operate them reliably unless the placement is just right. How to operate two pressure switches with one thumb is a problem but this is a good direction. I see that you are a man of great discernment to use Savage rifles. Speaking of boringly accurate rifles, my Savage 10FP, just may be an example. It is not really set up for off-hand, and off a rest it zips them in sub-minute every time.

    RifledDNA22, most of the thinking about the aerodynamics of projectiles seems to deal with their movement forward, not for spin. I suspect that most of this is taken care of by the requirement for symmetry which is necessary for a bore. Whether one symmetrical shape will rotate faster than another, I don’t know. I’ve never heard it discussed. I suspect it has to do with its moment of inertia which is how much mass is distant from the axis. This line of thinking would suggest that a wider pellet would have more momentum than a narrower pellet and sustain its spin better. But supposing that were true, a wider shape would start interfering with forward motion. So, as in a lot of engineering problems these different variables are coupled.

    There is also the question of significance. Does the rate of sustained spin affect bullet performance? With the numbers quoted from yesterday, I tend to doubt it as a guess. And that would be even more true for pellets which are stabilized more by drag than spin. But it’s definitely unexplored territory.


    • Matt61
      I tryed the pressure switches in different places on rifles before I found that best for me. Now pistols are another story. I just don’t shoot pistols much at all. So don’t know what would work for pressure switch placement on a pistol.

      And yep I like my Savage bolt actions alot. I got a .17 hmr that is the same model Savage as my .22 rimfire model that I been talking about with the laser. Their both the 93R synthetic stock with the stainless action. Been thinking about getting one of the semi-auto Saveges in .17hmr. Buldawg got one a little while back. I can’t remember the model number off the top of my head. But that would be a nice caliber in semi-auto.

    • I think its a balancing act of inertia and drag but by drag I’m more saying wind friction, the head of the pellet hitting the wind in its circular motion rather then forward though obviously they are simultaneous. A projectile with a higher bc cuts through the air more easily so the odds are the resistance is lessened in both the forward and circular aspects. That seems reasonable, so if we can find a way to observe what remains of spin after a set distance of flight, combined with drop we could use the spin to replace the shape factor when trying to calculate bc and have a more consistent system is my thinking. Obviously measuring spin is not simple though.

      • So a bc equation that takes zero drop and 100% spin retention as an impossible perfect to measure down from, that way bc can be applied to all shapes without obscure guesses at shape factors and inaccurate bcs. Some minute changes in the same shape catagory can put one projectile at less efficient then the most efficient then the most effecient of a considered less efficient shape category. This theory could find the “sweet spot ” of each shape catagory.

  3. Well I thought I was ready to put this 2200 magnum back together but the pivot on the bolt that attaches the handle to it is one of the pieces that got broke off.
    I called Larry but only left a message as to what I had and asked him to call back when he could. I cleaned the breech block and barrel with rubbing alcohol and sealed it together with shoe goo like I did my Airmaster

  4. Does anyone have a local airsoft battlefield? Theres one literally 3minutes from me and I talked to them about putting in a pellet gun shooting range. Ive told them if they opened just a target shooting area they could charge for the visit and itd be ALL profit, then once they get people coming they could sell pellets and eventually guns. If anybody lives in Mass they know theres nowhere really to go except one place (non-lead only) and its near Boston. Getting people to go there and ask seems the best way, but…. if they will be responsible for collecting and disposal of lead they probably wont go for it, does anybody know if that’s the case? How does it work at firearms ranges for lead disposal, especially outdoor ones? I know this place only allows biodegradable airsoft bbs.

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