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Education / Training Schofield Number 3 BB revolver: Part 2

Schofield Number 3 BB revolver: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

Schofield BB revolver
Schofield BB revolver.

This report covers:

  • Let’s get started
  • Trouble at first
  • This comes with experience
  • ASG Blaster BBs
  • Air Venturi Copper-Plated steel BBs
  • H&N Smart Shot lead BBs
  • Shot count
  • Trigger pull
  • Evaluation so far

Today we look at the velocity of the new Schofield Number 3 BB revolver. I also encountered a small glitch that will help some of you with your new CO2 guns. This should be an interesting report.

Let’s get started

I installed the first CO2 cartridge and found the Allen wrench in the left grip panel is very handy. I think I like that arrangement best of all, because the grip panel serves as a convenient handle for the wrench. I had the cartridge installed and the gun working in seconds, and yes, there was a drop of Crosman Pellgunoil on the cartridge tip.

Trouble at first

I cocked the pistol to fire it once, just to make sure the cartridge was pierced. But the hammer didn’t fall! This is a single action, so cocking the hammer is the only way to fire the gun. I played with the gun a few moments before discovering that the hammer had to be pushed forward slightly before the gun would fire. So then I cocked the hammer, pushed it forward slightly and then shot the gun like normal.

Before you start whining, please listen to me. A new gun sometimes has problems like this. It’s obvious that there is a burr or a rough bit of finish in the mechanism somewhere that prevents the hammer from falling like it should. No — the gun does not have to be disassembled and worked on. All you need to do in a case like this is keep shooting and the glitch will soon work itself out.

This comes with experience

I say this for the newer readers — especially the ones who are worried that their new airguns aren’t performing 100 percent like they should. Sometimes there is a problem, but little things like this do resolve themselves with use. By the time 60 shots had been fired the problem was almost gone. The lesson is sometimes a sticky action just needs to be broken in.

ASG Blaster BBs

First to be tried were ASG Blaster BBs. They averaged 430 f.p.s. for 12 shots, and I did allow the gun to warm for 10 seconds between shots. The low velocity was 421 f.p.s. and the high was 439 f.p.s. The spread was 18 f.p.s. across 12 shots.

I did note that the BBs pop into the plastic noses of each cartridge. There is a definite, audible pop that is noticeable, so be sure you hear it for each cartridge.

Air Venturi Copper-Plated steel BBs

Next up were Air Venturi Copper-Plated steel BBs. These averaged 426 f.p.s. for 12 shots. The low was 417 f.p.s. and the high was 444 f.p.s., so the spread was 27 f.p.s.

I will note that the Schofield action is very crisp. It feels made for fast shooting. I never shot a Schofield firearm before — only an S&W Frontier in 44-40. That gun which is also double action feels very slow to me, but maybe that’s because it is an original that I didn’t want to abuse.

S&W Frontier
S&W Frontier revolver owned by my buddy, Otho. It’s a 44-40 and I have hit the target at 25 yards with vintage loads. But it is no Schofield.

H&N Smart Shot lead BBs

At the end of today’s test I tried some H&N Smart Shot lead BBs. We know they are 50 percent heavier than steel, so we expect the velocity to be lower, and it is. The average for 12 shots was 336 f.p.s. — almost 100 f.p.s. slower than the steel BBs. The low was 321 f.p.s. and the high was 346 f.p.s., so the spread was 25 f.p.s. This slightly larger BB really popped when I inserted them into the cartridges!

Shot count

Shot number 50 was an ASG Blaster moving out at 409 f.p.s. That’s on the low side, but still within the range. Shot 61 was the same BB leaving the muzzle at 383 f.p.s. The gun is definitely out of liquid CO2 at this point. Shot 70 went out at 363 f.p.s. and number 80 departed at 333 f.p.s. There are at least 13 cylinders of shots on a cartridge, and I’m guessing people will continue to shoot it for up to 15 cylinders (90 shots).

Trigger pull

Because the action is single action only, the trigger pull is quite crisp. According to my electronic gauge the gun fires with 3 lbs. 3 oz. of pressure, though the pull is so crisp that I guessed it to be a full pound lighter. You will like it.

Evaluation so far

I like the Schofield revolver so far. In fact, it makes me wish I could try the firearm in this action. I mentioned in Part 1 that the grip angle isn’t as friendly as the Colt SAA for rapid fire, but for shooting deliberately with one hand it is just about ideal.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

69 thoughts on “Schofield Number 3 BB revolver: Part 2”

  1. BB
    I have to ask. It’s a single action trigger. So does cocking the hammer advance the cylinder on this gun? Or does the trigger do it? And if you hold the trigger and pull the hammer back will it advance the cylinder and fire if you let go of the hammer?

    I hope that the trigger can be held and the hammer racked with the palm of your hand it will rapid fire the gun. Probably not the best for the gun though. Probably stresses the parts. But still would be nice if can be done.

    And I think I might of watched to many westerns as a kid. They did do that didn’t they. Or was that just one of those movie hype things.

    • GF1,

      They certainly did it in the movies, but probably not in real life. The idea is to hit your intended target before it hits you. In the middle of a combat situation that is not near as easy as it seems. Spraying bullets willy nilly does not help. Also you quickly find yourself needing to reload while your opponent calmly takes aim and puts a bullet in your guts.

      The wild west was kind of wild, but not near as wild as they made it out to be in the movies. In the movies the sod buster farmer could never hit anything with his rifle while the gun slinger could clip a gnat’s wing at 500 yards with his pistol. Yeah, right. That sod buster probably was a war veteran and besides he had to provide for his family and protect them from hostiles. He was probably the one who could clip the gnat’s wing.

      Another thing is people treated each other with more respect, most especially since the affronted person just might put a chunk of lead through you.

      If you got out of hand, you did not usually last very long. The James-Younger gang found that out right quick. In fact, most outlaws did not last very long.

      I am sure you can “fan” this pistol, but as you pointed out, it probably would not stand the abuse for long.

      • RR
        Probably all true.

        But j just got a few packs of feral cans that show up from time to time. They are actually a lazy bunch to tell you the truth. They just show up and seem to lay around till I wack one. Then they tend to dance all over the place once I really open up rapid fire. But I think I’ll be safe. For now anyway. I do hear they tend to increase in pack size as time goes on. 😉

      • BB
        Ok it’s called fanning. I didn’t know the correct term.

        And great now I got to get on of these now and check out some other single action pistols. And of course with the smart shot bb’s.

        I loved watching that kind of shooting. Probably would never afford to do it with a firearm pistol. But a bb pistol shooting smart shot puts me a little closer to reality of what I can afford.

        And you know what. Since I got the Brodax and Python. I been shooting them and my 1077. Haven’t even touched my Marauder, Talon SS, Tx or the 1377/Disco conversion the last 2 weeks. That’s the longest ever that those guns haven’t been shot. I hope they still shoot as accurate as always when I get them back out. Kind of got reminded of that yesterday when you talked about your shot from your AR landing right back in the middle of the shots taken at that target from 2 weeks earlier. That’s what suppose to happen. I hope. 🙂

  2. Since movies and action shooting have already been brought up,…. I caught 2 shows on the History Channel yesterday,… Extreme Marksmen and More Extreme Marksman. It covered a lot of the Old West, myths and legends,.. and then went on to reenact those shots with today’s top shooters. It also covered archery, knives and even showed a tank hitting a 4×8 sheet of plywood a mile away. Worth a watch if it comes on. It reminded me of B.B.’s action shooting days. The Sniper related series is for sure worth a watch.

    As for Movies and TV, with all the crap on the typical TV line up,… I find myself watching the old TV series Westerns when nothing else is on. Bonanza, The Virginian, Gunsmoke, The High Chaparral, Big Valley, Daniel Boone with a little Andy Griffith tossed in. Never much shooting in Mayberry though,…. as long as ol’ Barney keeps his one bullet in his shirt pocket….. 🙂

    With some of the firearm history buffs we have here, I can see a bunch of you identifying a lot of the weaponry used from those portrayed times and picking the accuracy and authenticity apart.

    • LOL! Kathy and I were just talking about a channel that shows those old western shows and how even with their hokieness, they are better than today’s fare.

      • RR,

        Yeah,…. it varies from show to show and episode to episode. Interesting is some of the subject matter that arises and points of view. Some would even lead you to believe that they were the predecessors of soap operas with the dramatic acting that is often thrown in. Typically there is “moral” to the story. Oh well,.. they are what they are. There is probably more than just you and I that think the same thing.

    • Your mentioning the tank reminds me of B.B.’s stories of his tenure as a “Tanker”!

      Aim for long range is quite the mathematrical endeavor, be it artillery or a high-powered rifle.

      On one channel or another i watched a U.S. Marine .50 caliber sniper in Afghanistan providing support to other Marines who were pinned in by a single, well-sheltered Taliban fighter with an AK. The sniper was maybe a half mile away from the action and had an assistant with his own optical gear to help with the math to aim the rifle. It seemed to take about a minute or two to get the math just right, and then he took the single shot, which went through a thick concrete wall and killed the enemy.


      • Mike,

        Yes, I saw that. That is part of that sniper series. I am thinking the record may be a mile, 5280 feet or 1760 yards. Another one had a cannon and had a forward spotter and an entire logistic crew that was not even near the cannon. The cannon had like 3 people. The 3 crews worked in unison to support, spot and correct the POI. Cool stuff. More cool if no one is firing back.

        Those shows explain a lot. That is what I like about them the most. Well,…. that and the fact that they are about shooting.

        • Mildot52,

          I have heard soldiers refer to those they shoot at and who shoot at them as “the enemy,” which is why I chose that word. I have nothing against the people of Afghanistan, and I have never lived in an occupied country.

          We have been at war for a sum total of 28-29 years now (15 years in Afghanistan plus 13 or so in Iraq, with a bit of Syria and Libya thrown in). Soon it will be 30 years of being at war. Seems a bit much to me, but what do I know? I’ve never even shot a firearm in my life, let alone served my country in the Armed Forces, let alone been in combat.


    • Chris USA
      I like those movies you mentioned too. But also like those old one like Who shot Liberty Valance and Gun fight at OK Coral if I’m remembering the names right.

      And yep totally like watching that stuff on the history channel. I don’t know how many times I seen those sniper series when they come on. I make it a habit to watch them when I can. Even if I seen them a 100 times already. And that .50 cal sniper shot through the brick wall was crazy. And the one when a helicopter goes down in Vietnam and the guy is on the helicopter sniping the enemy as their comming. His sight got knocked off zero and had to shoot a couple times to see where his shots were hitting. From then on he used that hold and was knocking them out after that.

      Definitely can watch that stuff forever. But can’t get even a little bit excited about some the movies that come out nowdays.

  3. Interesting that you mentioned the S&W Frontier… this is a very common finding here in Brazil, along with the Belgian and Spanish copies… but nobody seems to give them much credit.
    Regarding the Schofield BB gun, is it compatible with any of the speed loaders that are available for BB revolvers?

  4. My middle brother just got married and as a wedding gift we gave him a fire arm (tradition they started with me).
    For his gift we selected a Ruger Blackhawk single action in .357
    First time I have had a chance to shoot a single action … it is fantastic!

      • B.B.

        Thank you for the welcome, and thank you for the effort you put in this blog. It has been enlightening. 

         A while ago I purchased a Gamo “mega blaster” in .177 on a whim. Since then i discovered your blog in my quest to figure out why I couldn’t shoot this crazy thing straight.

        Since then I have learned a lot and am now looking for a more “refined” air rifle in .22. 

        In previous blog post (possibly the Terrus review) a user had queried whether to get a Walther terrus or a Diana 34P.

        Your response was to get the 34P if they had the money. 

        In review, by the time I get the droop compensator and weaver rings I will have added close to 50% of the cost of the Terrus.

        So my question is: is the extra refinement, history, and precision of the 34 worth the 50% cost increase?

        On a similar note, what is your impression of the Perrus? It is now in stock at pyramid and they are calling it an upgraded Terrus.

        Thank you again for all your efforts.

          • Misspell – it is the Parrus (by Walther)
            I received an email just this morning from PA that it is now in stock & shipping.

            You mentioned it in the 2016 SHOT Show: Day 2 post.
            “At the Umarex USA booth I saw some new technologies that astounded me. One was a vibration reducer, called Stop Shox, in a new breakbarrel called the Parrus. The rifle is a Terrus with improved power and the recoil reduction unit.”

        • Belgrath04

          The RWS Lock Down 1-Pc mount works fine with the 34P.


          Cost @ $27.95 is just a bit more than a decent set of UTG Max Strength rings.

          Think you will be happy with the Walther but I think the T06 trigger on the 34P is a better trigger than what is on the Walther.


    • Gordonsbuck,

      I watched every second of that! VERY nicely done. I could go on and on, but I won’t. I will finish with a simple,…..

      Thanks, Chris

      P.S……. (B.B.,…. I would keep a “real” close eye on this guy!!!!) 😉

    • Hello Gordonsbuck. Thanks for the great video you made. The pistols looks very interesting. I can see a lot of replica collectors being interested in it. I am glad your pistols fired fine right out of the box. BB is more charitable then I would be, getting a new pistol and having to fiddle with it to make it fire. Take care.

  5. Interesting day,

    Shooting 70 yards. .25 M-rod. Dark woods from 30 to 100 yards.

    Bench rested, a squirrel heads up a tree at an estimated 140 yards. A few moments later,… down a tree at around 120 and quickly across the ground and up a tree at about 110. Too fast to even think about shooting.

    Normal target shooting commences. Some time later,… from my right comes a squirrel at around the 90, back across at about the 80 and again back across at about the 70, and up a tree. (5 minute time lapse). Again, moving too fast.

    Needless to say, target shooting interest waned and squirrel hunting interest was at full peak. Wait, spot, wait, spot, etc. for about 45 minutes. Nothing. Back to the targets.

    2 groups left to shoot. About 1/2 way through the last group a squirrel darts out from the right and stops directly behind my target backer. (10×13 cardboard backer mounted to plastic electric fence poles about 3 feet off the ground). The target was at 70 and I would guess the squirrel was at around 90. I wait. Please Lord, let me just see a head,… a tail,…. anything! I came up off the scope a few times to give my eyes a quick break, but only for a few seconds. I never did see it come out. 🙁

    Full on war has been declared! Baited with ear corn and suet, me at a bench, gun rested, yardages marked every 10, hold overs down to a T,…… 😉

    • Chris

      You have a tree rat looking for food. He is zig zagging looking . Set out your bait within a good range, and let him find it. You could wait a while for word to get around so more of them will come there daily . They do watch each other .


      • Twotalon,

        That be the plan. Over a couple of years of shooting and pausing to rest, they seem to show up after 10-20 minutes. I think that maybe they see the dirt, twigs and leaves flying all about and maybe think nuts are hitting the ground,… or something. I don’t know. 50 yards is more than safe and 70 is not much of a problem. That would by limit. Closer than 50 and it would be like shooting fish in a barrel.

            • Chris USA
              Welcome to the quick acquisition pesting world. You got to be on the ball to get them critters. That’s why I say get you a 1077 and put a small scope on it and practice taking out feral cans as fast as you can pull the trigger. And with both eyes open. You’ll be surprised how it will help when you get that scope on your Mrod pointed at one of them critters.

              And you better watch out. Them sqerrials do attack back. They’ll jump right out a tree at you. And I’m serious no joke.

              • GF1,

                🙂 ,…… Thanks for the “heads up”!

                As for quick acquisition,….. I do not care what I had,….. it would not have happened.

                I swear,…. it was the same squirrel and he was doing it very deliberately.

                • Chris USA
                  I’ll bet it was the same one. They’re like that. Wait till you get two chasing each other around a tree. They’ll run straight down the tree and right past you on the ground. You would have to be a heck of a shot gun shooter to hit them when they do that. They are super fast when they want to be.

                  I use to have a dog that went sqerrial hunting with me. He use to find them in a tree then go to the opposite side of the tree and they would come around to my side and think they were hiding from the dog.

                  But yep on trying to take a shot with your Mrod when they are doing that. With a single shot you have to wait for them to be sitting still.

                  But the reason I bring up the 1077 and your pistol shooting at cans as fast as you can get on target and pull the trigger. That practice will help you get on your target quicker and easier when you slow down and do some target shooting or if you have pest that is patiently setting still for you to dispatch him. The rapid sight placement speeds your brain up and the more you shoot that way the more it will become second nature. The stationary shots will come much easier.

                    • Chris USA
                      If I had another 1077 I would let you borrow it for a while.

                      Buldawg had one. Maybe he would make you a good deal on one. He even has that 88 gram co2 adapter and a 88 gram cartridge converted to HPA like I have. Or maybe you could do a swap.

                      Just a thought. Then you don’t have to by co2. But I guess you already buy co2 for your pistol. Oh and they do make the 1077 with a wood stock now. But it costs more than the synthetic stock 1077. Here check them out.


              • GF1,

                No worries though,…. I polished up the ol’ tin foil helmet, ya’ know?,… the one with the all the flashing LED lights. They will not even see me coming! 😉

  6. BB,
    I’ve read that the Umerex SAA has a problem with bbs damaging the barrels because they are so thin. Have you noticed if the Schofield’s barrel is as thin?

  7. Couple of thoughts:

    This gun is a keeper, tho’ wish it were pellet.

    Bubble wrap is “cheesy”, but what the hey… Maybe they’ll improve?

    No holster for this beast, however it fits in the Colt SAA holster (sold by Pyramyd) without sticking out the bottom, but the butt carries high because of the longer mechanism. The retaining loop is long enough to adjust to fit, on mine at least, and if not a length of leather strip can be picked up at Tandy’s or your local shoe repair shop.

    Re fanning, am reminded of the following story i heard many years ago:

    A cowboy had just hitched his horse to the rail in front of the saloon when he heard a series of gunshots, screams, and moans from inside accompanied by a flood of patrons out of the saloon. The cowboy stopped one of the fleeing drinkers and asked what happened.

    “What happened? Why some damn fool idiot got into a gunfight and tried to fan his colt in there!”


    “So, he shot up the piano, the bar mirror, a chandelier, and himself in the foot!”

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