by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier
This report covers:
- My carry gun
- The BB gun
- Magazine
- Sights
- Blowback
- Realism
- Single action trigger
- Ambidextrous safety
- Controls work
- Ergonomics
- Loading
- Summary
I’m suspending the history reports for a little while to catch up on the new guns. Today we begin looking at the Sig Sauer P365 air pistol. I have been waiting a long time to test this pistol for you — both as a BB pistol in its own right and also as part of a larger report on the use of lookalike air pistols for training.
My carry gun
The 9mm Sig P365 has been my carry gun for more than a year. I was impressed by its small size and big features. For example, from a handgun that’s the size of a .380 ACP this pistol offers 10+1 9mm +P rounds in a standard magazine! When you see how compact it is you immediately think shooting it will sting your hand, but nothing could be further from the truth! The P365 has very low recoil. Even with the +P ammo that it’s rated for, it’s a delight to shoot.
The P365 is very small for a 9mm. Yet in this size it holds 11 rounds!
Next, it’s accurate. I reported on this in the blog last year and showed you a young woman who had never shot a handgun before shooting my P365. She handled it with ease. I wondered if she could rack the slide (pull it back to cock the gun and chamber a round), because racking micro pistols is a problem for everyone. She did it readily, as did several other women and men that day.
She had never shot a handgun before this. She’s 10 feet from a no-bounceback rubber bullet trap and she’s keeping them all in about one inch!
I switched to the P365 as my primary carry gun in 2018. Since then it has been carried hundreds of hours and shot almost a thousand times. I carry it in an ankle holster if I’m wearing slacks and in a belly band if I will be carrying for several hours or if I’m wearing shorts. The belly band is more comfortable, but does take longer to draw the pistol. Neither holster draws fast but a backup gun isn’t for that.
The BB gun
Let’s switch now and talk about the new BB gun. Sig says it resembles the firearm more than a little and they are right. They also say it weighs the same as the firearm and I was about to take exception to that until I realized that my firearm is loaded with 11 rounds of heavy ammunition. Remove the magazine and ammo and the weight drops to 1 lb. 4 oz, or 20 oz. The BB pistol with a CO2 cartridge installed weighs 14 oz., so the difference is 6 ounces.
The BB magazine holds 12 BBs, which closely resembles the 11 rounds that the firearm carries. There are larger magazines for the firearm that hold up to 15 rounds plus one in the chamber. The BB gun just has the single magazine size at present. It’s the same size as the flush P365 firearm mag that I carry.
The firearm comes with three dot tritium night sights. The BB pistol has three dots but obviously they are just paint and not radioactive. I doubt they adjust in any way. The manual makes no reference to it. The rear notch and front post are well-fitted to each other.
The BB pistol does have full slide blowback, but the slide is small and therefore lightweight. The blowback impulse can be felt, but it’s not as snappy as on some larger BB pistols. Also, remember the ergonomic design of the 365 puts the line of the barrel close to the web of your hand which reduces felt recoil.
This BB pistol is so realistic that I have to confirm I am holding it and not my 9mm firearm that’s always loaded. Don’t want no stupidents!
Which is which? The BB pistol is on top.
Single action trigger
Both the firearm and BB pistol are single action, only. Of course when the slide comes back it not only loads the next round, it also cocks the striker.
Ambidextrous safety
The BB pistol has an ambidextrous safety. My firearm has no safety like most P365s. Sig does make a version of the gun with a manual safety for those people and jurisdictions that demand one. So the BB pistol copies that model.
Controls work
All the controls work on the BB gun. The slide even stays back after the last BB has been fired. The spring-loaded magazine follower pushes the slide lock up just as it does in a firearm.
One thing reviewers have praised about all other things about the 365 is the ergonomics. They are why the recoil is so gentle, despite the light weight of the pistol. Well, the BB gun copies them perfectly, as well.
Sig has made the magazine follower lock in the down position so you don’t have to hold it as your load. BBs are loaded one at a time through the top of the magazine. A spring-loaded latch has to be depressed to load each BB and this one does have to be held down manually as you load. I found it easy enough to load, but it wasn’t that fast.
The Sig P365 BB pistol is an exciting new addition to the Sig airgun lineup. It’s the kind of air pistol that will make many people buy the firearm to go with it.
I still say it’s poor range control (and did in the original post). That is exactly the wrong way to hold an automatic. Great chance of a thumb removal. Both thumbs should be side by side.
Yeah. Found it.
I’m having trouble making visual sense of the photo. Is her left thumb sporting a ring? And is her left thumb behind the end of the slide? It does appear slightly below the slide’s path to me.
She(?) does indeed have a ring on her thumb and her thumb is indeed behind the slide. At the moment it is out of the line of the slide, but it would not take much for that thumb to slide up just a little and you have an issue. Not good form. That is as bad as having your finger in front of the cylinder on a revolver.
A neighbor was into black powder rifles and pistols. He let me shoot one of his black powder revolvers one time. I learned a hard lesson…never use a two handed grip while shooting a black powder revolver. I picked black powder out of hand under a microscope for a week. Boy, did that black powder ever burn. Never shot one of those again either.
You need to give them another try. BP Is so fun. Just don`t put any appendages in front of the cylinder. Shoot it like it was meant to be, one handed.
So many these days use two hands. It wasn’t until recently that pistols were designed for such. These old pistols were designed for one handed use. Ask BB how to shoot a 1911A1.
Thumbs should be parallel to each other. This is the worst possible was to hold an automatic unless you’re pointing at yourself.
hard to believe that is a female and not a wild mongol that mixed with pinhead the hell raiser
I just hope she is not one of those antifa domestic terrorists!
For single loading bb’s in the 499,… I have one of those fridge magnets that is also a clip. Metal and about 2″ x 2″. When flipped over and laid on a table, the bb’s line up nice along the outer edge and the clip is angled upwards towards me.
Good Day to all,……… Chris
Maybe it is too early in the morning for me, but I just cannot seem to “see” it. Could you post a pic?
Works real nice and you can even clip it to your jeans pocket for on the go.
OK, I think I got it now. You are using the magnet to hold the bbs. Duh.
Pick some up next time you are out. I do not think you will find a better single load bb holder. The bb’s line up in a row along the top and both sides (in the small gap between the housing and the magnet). The bottom of the magnet is not “cased”,.. so no-go there.
The problem with that is all of my bb guns hold hundreds of bbs.
Sig makes world class firearms. I haven’t shot a P365 yet, but now you’re making me wish I had! It looks like they did a great job of copying the firearm with this air pistol. I hope it gives sufficient accuracy to work as a training aid.
Take care & God bless,
hello, i`I’ve had my Sig air p365 for about a mouth, I’ve returned it twice, same issue. i`m in need of help. upon loading a fresh co2, with about 5-8 bb’s. the striker pin seems to stay out longer than needed after the first shot. which releases a lot of co2. then the rest of the shots are weak and it shoots fine. . i really like the gun.
Marico ,
Welcome to the blog.
I haven’t had this problem, but I will keep my eyes open.
BB and other readers.
I was wondering if anyone had any exsperiance with this pistol and this round the .380 auto.
This gun is a dual action only trigger.
The reason I’m asking is the local farm supply has these on sale right now for $119.00. going to get one but I figured I would ask if anyone has any thoughts on it and that particular round.
And the link is directly from Taurus so I don’t believe it’s direct competition to PA. But BB if you think I shouldn’t post it go ahead and delete it.
And thanks in advance if anyone has any thoughts about the pistol or that round it uses.
No experience with that pistol but I don’t care for it at all. Look at the huge gap between the cylinder and slide where dirt can get in to gum up the works!
Didn’t catch that but something that’s bothering me too but maybe it shouldn’t. It’s a polymer frame and metal slide. That makes me feel like it will wear out the plastic from the slide action working.
And is a .380 auto round a good round. As in accuracy and recoil? And it probably doesn’t have much stopping power I’m guessing.
The P365 also has a polymer frame and a steel slide. So do all Glocks. As long as the metal reinforcements are in the right place, that is not a problem.
The .380 ACP is considered to be on the light end of defense cartridges. That being said, James Bond originally carried a .25 auto before he upgraded to a .32 — both ballistically inferior to the .380.
I probably shouldn’t say. But I remember when I was a kid I wanted to get a .25 auto pistol for like a snake gun. My dad and some of the other farmers said those guns you would be lucky to hit a barn door at 5 yards let alone a snake. So I never got it.
And thanks for the quick info. And I believe I’m going to take a chance on getting the Taurus Spectrum. Heck I have taken chances on air guns that have costed more.
We’ll see how it goes. Oh and as crazy as it sounds. I’ll probably really just use it for plinking.
That’s all its good for.
Really that is the intended use.
The.380 is even punkier than the 9mm. You are likely just going to make someone mad with it. It is only a little better than a .25 ACP.
As far as just making someone mad with a .380, I really have to disagree. There’s a lot of empirical evidence that the newer cartridges developed these days will make the .380 very deadly, indeed. I’m very happy that I CANNOT attest to a personal first-hand experience with it as a self-defense round. I have carried my Indian Arms .380 for over 40 years and never felt defenseless, especially lately with the modern ammo. That being said, I still bought a P365 a couple of months ago, not for the increase in power but mainly for the increase in capacity.
Thanks for that info.
I have a question. Why has every law enformcement agaency that I know of put aside their 9mm pistols i favor of larger calibers?
I guess a .380 is OK, but a .45 ACP is better.
LOL, you certainly get no argument from me on that. I was just keeping my conversation limited to CCW for emergency self defense. As a matter of fact, I have a niece and her husband here in WA that are both deputies on the King Co Sheriff’s Dept. A couple of years ago they went thru a process where everyone was deciding on what their official sidearm would be, IIRC, the vote went to the .45 but I’m not 100% here. I sent her a PM asking about that and when I get a reply, I’ll include it here, if you are interested.
BTW, I agree and disagree with you on your advice to Geo791. I think every pistol and revolver can and should be shot with a two handed hold except when you are in competition that requires one hand. I’ve got several revolver that are loaded pretty “hot” and I definitely need two hands for control. Even the BP revolvers I have I’ve used two hands and never had a problem with blow-by. I never thought the BP revolvers had much kick and have shot them single handed but that was more for point shooting practice. Geo definitely needs to give BP another try.
I know I am being a masochist here, but here I go. It was not until recently that pistols were designed to be fired two handed. Although you can use a two handed grip, the design promoted one handed operation. Some of the older pistols perform better with one hand while some of the newer perform better with two.
I am not saying a two handed grip is wrong, however with me it feels awkward. I was raised and trained to use a one hand grip. Sometimes I will use a two hand grip, but not often.
Training counts for a lot, doesn’t it. I was taught at the USMC pistol range to fire the .45 cal with two hands. I then got into buying my own hand guns and like a typical young man I wanted the “buck and roar” of the hottest loads I could get, which led me into hand-loading. I have since gotten out of that mindset. Basically, I think I prefer the two-handed hold to help steady my sight-picture for better accuracy.
I heard back from my niece, the deputy sheriff, and she said she carries a 9mm but her husband carries the .45 cal. I remember when they were trying out their preferences – I tried to convince her that the .40 S&W was the way to go, which is my preferred round. Obviously, the old uncle doesn’t carry that much weight. Oh, yeah, she also mentioned that most of the departments here in the Seattle area follow the lead of the FBI and carry the 9 mils.
I have an EAA .380 from the 70s made by Tanfoglio in Italy; basically, it is a copy of the Beretta model 70, and excellent and reliable weapon (Note: if Mossad used it, it must have been good =>). I don’t have a pic of mine on this computer, but I pulled up a shot of one online. Mine looks like this, with the nickel finish, but I have the thinner, black plastic, stocks. It is heavier than many polymer guns today, yet it is sturdy and reliable, as well as accurate. It is the pocket gun I carry to church on Sundays (I was on the board that decided that anyone with a CCW should be allowed to carry in our church…in addition to our Security Team). I hope to God I never have to use it, but I do not feel under-armed with this nice little .380, which you can still find used for a good price (I paid $150 or $175 for this one…can’t remember).
May you find the pistol that suits you! (not me, not someone else, but you =>)
Like you all our church’s CCW members are welcome to carry. I’m on the Watchmen and we always carry.
“I’m on the Watchmen and we always carry.”
Excellent, B.B.; you can’t be too careful these days!
Thanks for the info. And yep the Tanfoglio’s. I remember BB did a blog on the Tanfoglio witness which was a competion 1911 they put their touch on if I remember right. I liked it alot.
And the thing about this. Again so much to choose from now days. I suppose I should spend a bit of money and get something different than the Taurus Spectrum. But then again Taurus makes good guns too. Right?
And since you do shoot a .380. How are they on recoil and accuracy? We’ll your gun anyway. And is the .380 round fairly reasonable to buy. That’s something else I thought of before I get the Taurus. And just off the top of my head I believe I remember seeing the .380 round is pretty well available.
My brother got a Taurus Curve .380 recently. It cost a little more than the Spectrum, but has a couple of other features that are nice. Like, a laser sight, and the shape is such that my brother doesn’t even have to buy a holster, he just carries it in his front pocket.
Most any .380 can give you quite a dose of recoil because they are so small and relatively light, especially if you load it up with +P ammo. Even with standard ammo I wouldn’t consider this a plinking gun – I haven’t run across one yet that wouldn’t do rather well at 7 yards. If you had to use one defensively you more likely would be measuring this in feet instead of yards.
As LarryMo pointed out, these are defensive guns, not target guns, and he also referenced the FBI standard of 7 yards. Our range has markers for target stops at 20 feet, 50 feet, and 75 feet. The target below was shot at 20 feet, as fast as I could re-align the sights and fire. Six shots are touching the center white diamond; one is a couple of inches low and an inch and a half to the right…can’t blame the gun for that; that was me! => But yes, the gun handles well and shoots nicely. This thing is all steel, 26 ounces, so recoil is minimal. Still, I have no problem concealing it in a pocket with an Uncle Mike’s size 4 pocket holster. Ammo is easy to find in pretty much every sporting goods store, and is also carried in the BX on the Base. I think I paid either $16 or $19 for the last box I bought (50 rounds). Happy shopping!
P.S. I forgot to mention: I put a small deposit on this gun at a local Mom & Pop shop run by friends. Then my wife tricked me into taking her there on my birthday because she “needed to know exactly how to get there in order to bring some of her friends there.” When we walked in, I introduced my wife, and said, “If I’d known I was coming here today, I’d have brought the money to pay off that .380 pistol.” Gary slapped the gun on the counter and said, “Happy Birthday! Your wife came in and paid for the gun last week.”
As a bonus, she took me to the range so I could try it out that day.
Thanks be to God, I married well. =>
Well that was a nice birthday surprise. And I was checking on some prices of how much the .380 ammo is.
I have seen anywhere from $9 to $20 for a box of 50. Not bad I suppose. And it’s not like I would be going out plinking away with it everyday. I would probably shoot it on the weekend here and there. Probably something more like once or twice a month just to make a change of pace from my air guns and the other firearms I shoot.
Gunfun1, back when I was young, cops carried .38 snubs as a backup; now most of the young cops have a small .380 as a backup. *shrugs* I think the increase in reliability and improvements in ammo have caused the change; plus, the small .380s are a bit easier to shoot than a 2″ snubbie revolver…although I hate to say that, as I love a good snub. =>
As far as a carry gun goes I think I would like a revolver. To me maybe they are more reliable than a slide gun. Probably just me.
And really I have to say my brothers Judge kind of has my attention. I still like the idea that it can shoot .410 shot gun shells or the .45 acp.
What always bothers me with concealed carry guns is that if I have to fire a bullet where is it going if I miss. It would bother me tremendously if I hit a inosent bystander.
I feel that at least the shot gun blast isn’t going to carry too far. I know there is alot of factors that come into play when you determine you need to pull a concealed carry gun. But I think the shot gun shell could be a safer choice. And then again a person could load up the Taurus Judge with shot gun shells and say 2 rounds of the .45 acp if the longer shot was needed for some reason.
So that’s my take on concealed carry and why I keep saying really if I got the .380 Spectrum it would just be a plinking gun.
So the Judge is what I would like buy. But they are on the expensive side.
Gunfun1, a friend of mine has the Judge, actually, he likes it so much that he bought two of them; he carries it with him when he bush hogs trails through the family’s hunting land; there are a LOT of poisonous snakes on that land, and he shoots them with the .410 shotshells (2.5″) to ensure no one gets bit as they walk the trails he creates; he LOVES the Judge! He uses 2 or 3 .410 shotshells, and the other chambers are loaded with .45s…he would definitely give the nod to your idea! =>
And there’s another reason for the Judge. That would be a great snake gun with the shot gun shells. And I wonder if those gator getters are using the Judge to pop them point blank range before they get the gator in the boat.
Don’t know about you but this has been a interesting topic we all been discussing the last few days. Lots of interesting stories and ideas and info. And thanks.
Yes, for sure; that’s what I love about B.B.’s blog, there’s always lots of interesting stories and ideas being shared…great stuff! =>
Yes sir.
You certainly did marry well!
For sure, B.B., as did you.
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing,
And obtains favor from the Lord.” — Proverbs 18:22
What can I say. Sometimes I like a challenge. I still think I’ll give it a try. For plinking that is.
Actually sounds like fun. I’ve got a .25acp that I would never consider carrying. Maybe I’ll just plink-up (I have a tendency to make up my own words sometimes) the rounds I have and return the gun to my brother. He gave it to me with an ankle holster but I could never get used to wearing it. Another reason my CCW has to be small and concealable inside the waist band or in a pocket.
Sounds like a good idea to me. Plinking up the ammo. 🙂
And I like the idea of concealed carry in the pocket. I like comfortable. The more I have to strap on the more restricted I feel.
But I imagine a holster is the right way to go.
The short range is a constraint with this type of weapon. At what distance is a target out of range?
I would think the other side of a large room. I would want the one hit stopping power of a larger caliber,
recoil be damned. Against 30 rounds of short russian, I would turn tail. But as close as she is, a can of mace would work! These look alike B.B. guns could come with the firearm they mimick, for handling training. Careful out there.
I own two Kahrs – one is the CW9 and the other a P9. The CW9 is probably the competition to the Sig 365, at least in terms of size. I have no problem keeping all rounds on paper using the 25 yard bullseye target (slow and timed fire full target) and most stay in the bull – maybe half within the 8 ring at 25 yards. I would expect the same thing for the Sig. However, remember these are concealed carry/back-up guns. As such, I would consider a 10 yard range (or a very large room) as the intended range. Hopefully, no one reading this blog ever has to use their CCW’s in a life or death situation.
Fred formerly of the DPRoNJ now happily in GA
I hope no novelty company ever gets the idea to make a lighter using this form factor!
Mr. Gaylord:
My preferred carry pistol is the Sig P938. I’ll concede that it has a smaller capacity (7+1). But the 1911 controls and the fact that it’s hammer fired both appeal to me. The 1911 and later the M9 (Beretta 92FS) were at my side for years and I just can’t understand why they are no longer as popular as they once were.
Could you, or someone else on the list, help me understand the appeal of the Sig P365 which is a pistol that has no external safety and is striker fired. There seems to be a lot of these kinds of micro pistols on the market so they must have something attractive to a lot of people.
Wm. Schooley
My bad. I overlooked the fact that the P365 does have an ambidextrous external frame safety.
Shoot 50 rounds through one and you’ll understand. It’s the easiest pistol I have ever fired and one of the most accurate.
I have shot it and can’t disagree with you; the P365 is a shooter.
Folks just need to realize it doesn’t shoot itself. It requires a shooting skill set that is only aquired by drills done regularly.
I’ll give my choice and an opinion on your puzzlement:
I have carried a full sized 1911 almost my entire life and my back up is a SIG P238 in an ankle holster or mid drift band. I’m 6’2″ and have never weighed more than 180 lbs. For the 1911 I normally have worn a LPA with integrated holster, Dress uniform, suit jacket, sport coat, flight jacket (all tailored to make the chance of printing minimal) windbreaker or Eisenhower style jacket (on occasion I have worn a thigh rig) I guess after all that time a 1911 doesn’t feel all that big or heavy. I know I can operate the gun and can hit what I need to under real world conditions. The P238 is the same gun my spouse chooses to carry so it made sense to get two and since it is my Backup it will never need to be used other than close and personal. I think from all the discussions I have with folks who are into carry they want it to be simple to conceal and are convinced that the full sized guns weigh to much and can’t be properly concealed. I disagree with all that as not fact based and make it a game to watch for all the TELLS that give away most concealed gun carriers regardless of choice of weapon; both the legal and illegal variants. I think convenience and advertising have trumped choosing/getting a wardrobe that works for full-sized concealed carry. Most would be better served with the longer sight radius of a full sized weapon especially in practical use given the average skill set brought to personal defense. There are also those who claim that folks forget to disengage the safety under stressful circumstances; see my previous sentence.
“My bad. I overlooked the fact that the P365 does have an ambidextrous external frame safety.”
The firearm actually doesn’t typically have one (B.B. also pointed that out above in “Ambidextrous Safety”) other than the model SIG ships to the few states that require the safety.
When I bought my Indian Arms in ’78, my only experience with any hand weapons was with a 1911 .45 or a variety of revolvers. The one thing I liked about the revolvers was that they felt perfectly safe without all the extra safeties outside of the long trigger pull or cocking the hammer back. Grip safeties, magazine safeties, et al, all just seem to be something else mechanical that could go wrong or get in the way.
When buying my .380, I was able to handle all the merchandise and learn something about the gun. The only one that didn’t have the extraneous safeties was the Walther PPK and you didn’t even have to use the one supplied if you relied on the long trigger pull (round in chamber). The Indian Arms was exactly like the Walther except I could only get the Walther in blue and the Indian Arms was stainless steel. I was in So. Carolina and I figured a belly gun would be exposed to a lot of sweat. The stainless was very appealing for that reason. It cost about $100 more than most of the other .380s and a little more than the PPK but I got all the features I wanted in a CCW.
I still don’t like guns with safeties – any idiot can get too complacent and override any safety feature and become a menace to himself and all around. My two cents.
P.S, My P365 does NOT have a safety.
Balistol is the path to Rostfrei (rustfree) regardless of the metal!
I completely understand your position. Most negligent discharges occur during “administrative” actions interestingly I have never had one since just like gear up passes I consider the possibility as only being a matter of one more evolution before I join that club. I hope my time runs out before that evolution occurs. If it happened then I hope I haven’t failed to apply the only safety that really counts and you know that is safe weapon handling.
I do a functional check every day before stealing on my 1911 or any other weapon.
Funny, I don’t remember ever coming across Ballistol back in the ’70s or even the ’80s. I just looked at my can of Ballistol and it says “Since 1904”. WOW! I never had anything that wasn’t Hoppe’s, Marbles, Outers, or (ahem) WD-40.
To the rest of your post – Amen.
I would expect that shooter would be able to straighten out a bent air rifle barrel with her bare hands, let alone have no problem racking a slide on ANY weapon! LOL
Fred formerly of the DPRoNJ now happily in GA
“Ambidextrous safety
The BB pistol has an ambidextrous safety. My firearm has no safety like most P365s. Sig does make a version of the gun with a manual safety for those people and jurisdictions that demand one. So the BB pistol copies that model.”
Is there a way to disable the airguns safety?
Can you remove the external lever after selecting FIRE and not have it return to a “SAFE” condition ?
If so the red dot could be painted out.
I don’t know. I’m not going to try it because it presents no problem.
I’m way behind the times on firearms. My carry gun, when I lived in Washington State and had a carry permit, was my Charter Arms Bulldog Pug i, .44 special. It’s a 5 shot revolver, and I have two speed loaders for it. My only other handgun is a Colt Model 1911 A (??) in .45 acp. Can you tell I’m a fan of large bullets flying at moderate velocities? I still keep that Bulldog Pug with five rounds ready to go and next to the speed loaders.
I’ve used a pistol once against a home invader, but that was long ago (11/1/1976) and I had a Dan Wesson Model 15-6 .357 magnum revolver. No shots fired, and the bad guy got handed over to the cops. That was on my 22nd birthday, and obviously, I have never forget it.
I suyre do see a good reason to have a CO2 pistol the same as your carry gun.
BB ……..Birdmove—- I have a .44 Bulldog and a story that you might find interesting. The Bulldog was the type of gun that the “son of Sam” was using to kill people. Since it was a relatively new revolver, the New York city Police decided to call all licenced Bulldog owners in for a ballistic test! I lived on Long Island, at the time. I got a call from a New York City police officer, requesting me to bring my pistol in to a Manhattan location . I told him that my Nassau County permit was not valid in NYC. He promised to send me a letter permitting me to bring it in ( never received ). I told him, that since it was a request, I could only bring it in , after work, on a week day. But that was a problem. He asked me to explain–I told him that I was a NYC teacher. I would have to inform my principal that I would be carrying a pistol, because I was a son of Sam murder suspect ! The officer asked me if I could ask my principal to lock the pistol in the school safe, so that I would not have it in my classroom. I replied, that there were at least 20 people who had the combination to the safe. That it was not secure from theft. That ended our conversation. I called the lawyer for the Nassau County Fish and Game Association . I was not the only person to call him . He told me not to bring the pistol into the city, no matter what the officer said or did. About a month later, the Nassau county police called. They were helping the city police, and that I should bring the pistol to Nassau County Police headquarters, in Mineola. When I got there, the officer was very polite, and took me into the basement. They had a large vertical bullet recovery tank. They also had at least a case of .44 special ammo, and a 10 gallon can brimming with fired brass. The officer allowed me to watch the test. Then he tested some of my reloads for me. He also refused to let me have some of the fired cases from the can. I often wonder how much of the taxpayers money was spent on this rediculous testing. Also how many police officers were taken off regular duty to do the testing. I carried the Buldog for 25@ years, but this is the most exciting thing that happened to me re my Bulldog.—–Ed
WOW! Ed you are obviously an upstanding and law abiding citizen…but. The advice from the “… lawyer for the Nassau County Fish and Game Association .” Was the best you could have gotten. Even when the “…Nassau county police called. They were helping the city police, and that I should bring the pistol to Nassau County Police headquarters, in Mineola.” You were put at risk of a FALSE POSITIVE! I would never agree to their request voluntarily unless they came with a valid Court Order and my lawyer was present during the test and any other activity. I watched what the civilian and military justice system did and what we average Joe’s and Jane’s think they do. Trust me, Justice IS Blind and she doesn’t see the fingers tipping the scales she is holding!
Glad it worked out painlessly for you!
Ya know the Reba song about the backwoods judge? Somebody had blood stains on their hands.
I was waiting to see if anyone would make a comment like yours.
Here ya go.
“The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia”
“He was on his way home from Candletop
Been two weeks gone and he thought he’d stop
At Web’s and have him a drink for he went home to her
Andy Wo-Lo said hello
He said “Hi what’s new”
And Wo said “Sit down I got some bad news that’s gonna hurt”
Said I’m your best friend and you know that’s right
But your young bride ain’t home tonight
Since you been gone she’s been seeing that Amos boy Seth
Now, he got mad and he saw red
Andy said boy don’t you lose your head
‘Cause to tell you the truth I’ve been with her myself
That’s the night that the lights went out in Georgia
That’s the night that they hung an innocent man
Well, don’t trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer
Cause the judge in the town’s got bloodstains on his hands
Andy got scared and left the bar
Walkin’ on home cause he didn’t live far you see
Andy didn’t have many friends and he just lost him one
Brother thought his wife must’ve left town
So he went home and finally found the only thing
Daddy had left him and that was a gun
He went off to Andy’s house
Slipping through the backwoods quiet as a mouse
Came upon some tracks too small for Andy to make
He looked through the screen at the back porch door
And he saw Andy lyin’ on the floor
In a puddle of blood and he started to shake
Georgia patrol was making their rounds
So he fired a shot just to flag em down
A big bellied sheriff grabbed his gun and said
“Why’d you do it?”
The judge said guilty on a make-believe trial
Slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile
Said supper’s waitin’ at home and I gotta get to it
That’s the night the lights went out in Georgia
That’s the night that they hung an innocent man
Well, don’t trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer
Cause the judge in the town’s got bloodstains on his hands
Well, they hung my brother before I could say
The tracks he saw while on his way
To Andy’s house and back that night were mine
And his cheatin’ wife had never left town
That’s one body that’ll never be found
You see little sister don’t miss when she aims her gun
That’s the night the lights went out in Georgia
That’s the night that they hung an innocent man
Well, don’t trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer
Cause the judge in the town’s got bloodstains on his hands
That’s the night the lights went out in Georgia
That’s the night that they hung an innocent man
Well, don’t trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer
Cause the judge in the town’s got bloodstains on his hands”
And that’s that.
LOL, Vickie Lawrence’s one hit wonder!