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Optics BB’s tips

BB’s tips

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

This report covers:

  • How to level the scope without a scope level
  • Target sheet
  • But…
  • More precision
  • Using the Pelletgage
  • Summary

This will be a short one, though it took longer to create than a regular report. Today I want to share a couple important tips that I use a lot. Hopfuly these will be of some help to you.

How to level the scope without a scope level

If you shoot targets at distances beyond 25 yards and want to keep your groups small, you need to level the rifle for every shot. Half a degree here and there will open a group. But there aren’t many scopes with internal bubble levels and installing an optional level is a “just-a-gonna” exercise that we never seem to get around to. At least I don’t!

But if you are shooting at a target, which is probably one of the few times you care about group size, there is a wonderful way to do it. Best of all, it’s free!

Target sheet

Let’s say you are shooting at a target 50 yards away. You have a 12-power scope, so the bulls are visible but they don’t fill your view. Simply use the alignment of the bulls to level the scope!

Use either the horizontal or the vertical reticle line to align the scope, and therefore the gun, with the centers of all the bulls. It looks like this.

big target
I know this looks simple, but it works!


What if the target isn’t level to begin with? It’s 50 yards downrange and the range is active with other shooters. I can’t call for a cold range right now!
Oh, NO!!!

Relax. The target doesn’t have to be perfectly level. As long as you put the reticle over the other target the same way for every shot, there will be no change in the cant of the rifle. That’s what you want. If it’s half a degree off level it won’t make any difference.

More precision

I’ve been shooting the Air Arms S510XS Ultimate Sporter at 25 yards and I have been leveling the reticle in the following way. Since the Meopta scope is so crystal clear, I have been looking at just one bull instead of many on a target sheet. But there is still a way to level the scope.

one bull
Do you see how this works?

one bull covered
Yes, it’s just that easy! The only thing you don’t see here is the illuminated dot the the Meopta scope put over the 10-ring (which is also a tiny dot).

Using the Pelletgage

I have read the comments of readers about using the Pelletgage, which I featured in yesterday’s report. Some people have valid questions, but others are just imagining how it works and picking it apart without ever having seen one. So I thought that today I would show you how I use mine.

In the video you are about to see I say at the end that I have seen pellets with head size differences of 6 TENTHS of a millimeter. That should be 6 HUNDREDTHS of a millimeter! I’m not going to fix it in the video because it takes the You Tube compiler 45 minutes to get the film ready each time it is uploaded.


There you have it. I almost put this in with the “Basics of Shooting” report, but these things are not basic. They are really more advanced tips.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

99 thoughts on “BB’s tips”

  1. When I sort pellets, I do it by weight (I don’t have a pellet gauge yet)

    So this is interesting.

    Just a thought, could you repurpose a vibrator mechanism from a “muscle relaxer.”
    And use it to agitate a metal plate that the pellet gauge could be placed on and you not have to tap it incessantly?

    The mechanical agitation would be gentler and more uniform than manually tapping the gauge, thereby easing the pellet into the right size hole..

    It could lead to a new blog, HACKING THE PELLET GAUGE..


  2. B.B.,
    That is neat simple way to level a scope!
    Prior to reading this, I have been using a slightly more complicated method. I set up a table at one end of the house, and use a level to set it level; then I put a gunsmith’s rifle holder on the table and ensure that the air rifle is locked in place and that a line going through the center of the two screws on the butt plate is perfectly vertical. Next, I open the garage door, and hang a plumb bob out in the garage, which is about 50 feet from the muzzle of the rifle. Now I look through the scope, which is loose in the rings, and turn it till the vertical crosshairs are exactly in line with the line from which the plumb bob is hanging. Then I gently tighten the rings on the scope.
    Now, when I go out to shoot a target as you illustrated, if the scope appears to be canted with respect to the target, I know that it is actually ME canting the rifle, and adjust my hold accordingly. =>
    Thanks for another great report,
    take care & God bless,

    • Dave,

      Wow, that is a lot to level the scope on the gun. I usually just line up the bottom of the reticle with the center of the receiver. I don’t shoot FT or Bench Rest, but I have been doing it this way since I be a wee bairn and it works for me.

      At the target I like to hang the “plumb bob” (reference below) for a vertical reference.

    • Thedavemyster,

      I applaud your attention to detail Dave!
      I love rifles that have a removable bolt so you can look through the bore at a target, at my calculated sight in distance, that has been leveled with some method. My next step is looking at the target through the scope and doing both the retical leveling as well as the initial sighting in. I like twofers!


  3. B.B.,

    Fine job with video. This is where a video is definitely better than a written description. I only have the .25 gauge, so I can actually maintain a (very light) hold on the pellet. With JSB’s,… I have 2 head sizes for the most part (maybe a 60/40 split) with very few under or over. At least this will eliminate a variable and may determine that the 60% (or) 40% batch is better. Obviously,… it eliminates anything that would be considered extreme to either side.

    Elimination of ANY variable is always good,….. not just pellet sorting.

    Good Day to you and to all,……….. Chris

    • Chris
      I’m sure you seen but thought I would mention since you said you was interested.

      They have the Synergis in stock at PA now. And they have that 10% off and free shipping over $150 code going on this weekend. Then if you got any Bullseye bucks saved up you could get a good. I just stocked up on some more pellets.

      Oh and it is .177 caliber. If you order I suggest you read BB’s article and get a couple tins of the JSB pellets they sent BB to test with the gun. If I remember right they did pretty good. And because I know they do good in the guns I tryed them in get a couple tins of the AirArms 10.34’s or the JSB 10.34’s.

      Here’s the links of the two type of pellets I’m talking about. Oh and I think you should try out .177 caliber. I think you might be surprised.



      • GF1,

        I did see that. I am more than good on pellets and have done next to no shooting this year. I want it,… but do not need it right now. I will order one on the next order though. Maybe there will a be Gen II in the future? Not sure what that would be,… as it is pretty sweet as is. Maybe a cheek riser? LOP spacers? 😉


        • Chris
          The Synergis for sale right now is .177 caliber.

          The reason I posted those links for the pellets is because I thought you don’t have any .177 caliber guns. And that’s why I mentioned reading BB’s blog about the Synergis. They sent him some JSB pellets with the gun he got to test. And now your making me think. I don’t remember if the gun BB tested is .177 caliber or .22 caliber.

          And stop thinking gen 2. There may never be a gen 2. And what I seen with Umarex is what you see is what you get. They are not going to redesign a gun. So I say buy it now. You may be waiting till you die for a gen 2 Synergis. I will be real surprised if there’s a gen 2.

          • GF1,

            I think it is only offered in .177 at the moment. I want it because it reasonably accurate, not too pellet fussy, good looking and cheap. I do not have any springers or gas piston (pellet) guns at all. I would get it for a non-PCP back up.

            Again,… my first reply still applies. I do not change the stable’s residency population as frequently as you do.


            • Chris
              I hope you get it for numerous reasons.

              First cause you always seem to lean towards .22 caliber instead of .177 caliber.

              Second I don’t recall you ever having a nitro piston gun.

              Third I want to hear from someone else on the blog how the gun shoots.

              If it really is a good shooter I will probably try one.

              • GF1,

                No,… no nitro-pistons. And,… for the price,.. I would be “holding my breath” for awhile. I too look forwards to the reviews from owners once it actually starts shipping and people get to shoot it more. Besides here and HAM I have not seen any reviews (but then again have not had the time to look for any others).


  4. BB,

    I rarely shoot at store bought targets, more often it is an X (“Aim small, miss small”) on a piece of cardboard or paper. If the scope does not have a level, I like to hang a “plumb bob” at the target. Usually it is a length of hot pink string with a nut or bolt tied to the end. It gives me a good vertical reference.

    • RidgeRunner,

      Hey man! First remove the word MISS from your shooting vocabulary!
      As Master Yoda said, “There is NO MISS there are only X hits!”
      That is what he said isn’t it?
      So from now on it is “(“Aim small, hit small x”)”forever! Lol!!!!


      • Shootski,

        I am innocent of the charges. That is a quotation from someone a lot more famous than I am, although I do not remember who.

        As for Yoda’s quote, I believe you are correct. That is what I heard him say. 😉

      • Shootski,

        You mentioned before about inconsistencies in pellet/bullet mass. Thus leading to something that that is (possibly) unbalanced due to voids, density and such. How common is that? I would think that a swaged pellet would be uniform as well as a cast object.

        Is that really an issue?,…. unevenly cast items that have voids. Is there a casting method remedy?

        1) I can understand voids in a cast object. Basically air bubbles. That is possible. 2) Density? Can one part of an object be more compressed (thus weighing more) in one area,.. in a 360 degree fashion?

        Sorry for the quite crude questions,… but you seemed to dwell on density consistency issues,.. so I was just wondering.


        • Chris USA,

          Okay your questions are actually not crude at all Chris.
          Let’s start out with the raw material. I buy most of my bulk metal these days from ROTOMETALS. The “pure Lead (Pb) they sell is 99.9% pure! So what makes up the 0.1% that isn’t Pb? It is not grape jelly!
          Lead (Pb) 99.9241
          Tin (Sn) <0.0001
          Antimony (Sb) 0.0237
          Copper (Cu) 0.0232
          Arsenic (As) 0.0002
          Bismuth (Bi) 0.0232
          Silver (Ag) 0.0027
          Nickel (Ni) 0.0004
          Zinc (Zn) 0.0001
          Iron (Fe) <0.0001
          Cadmium (Cd) <0.0001
          Other Sb+Sn+As 0.0239
          So when you have impurities you don't even need bubbles in a casting metal to have the opportunity for imbalances caused by non-homogeneous distribution of the impurities. So now many of our fellow readers are thinking that tiny bit is going to cause problems? No Way(or is that weigh)! But why are you weighing and sorting when the effects are so tiny? In my case, I remember the RPM that my bullets leave the barrel at and multiply that by longish bullets causing moment arms to boot. Yaw is a killer of both accuracy and precision that I want and need to control.
          Swaged from what? The same metal (99.9% Pb for simplification) that was cast into an ingot and then drawn into a wire and cut and fed into a swaging Die. So are we to think it is any different than when casting? As far as voids (air bubbles) first If any gas is trapped in the swaging press or casting mold it can become an inclusion(s) next the heat generated in both casting and swaging is able to cause gasification of impurities which also result in voids.

          Compression has nothing directly to do with altering Pb density; at the pressures we are talking about it is for our purposes incompressible.

          The solutions are a challenge in that for casting the Pb temperature to mold temperature is critical as well as the pour technique.

          At this point I will take a moment to do a SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT!
          When dealing with any liquidized molten metal the introduction of minute quantities of most fluids

          AND, Not just the formation of voids!

          You will also learn that Iimproper foot gear (think sandals, sneakers, or FLIP FLOPS) poor clothing choices as well as lack of FULL face shield and neck and head coverage will be punished UNMERCIFULLY! I don't care how much experience you have. So how much moisture does it take…much less than a typical hose bib drip!


          • Shootski,

            As another question,… is there such things as (lathed) turned, bullet shaped projectiles? If so, is there any benefit? Of course, the raw material thing still being an issue.


          • Shootski,

            Also, since you are focused on lead ball shooting,…. golf balls. ? you ask? Has anyone ever made a lead ball that had dimples all over the surface like a golf ball? I do suppose that the dimples are there for some sort of stability in flight,… no?


            • Chris USA,

              It isn’t just ball ammo. The dimples on goofballs are actually Turbulators. I’m no golfer but my training as a Naval Aviator had enough lessons on aerodynamics that I could probably challenge a Masters in that subject. Next time you fly in an airliner take a closer look at the wings surface you will see little fences (rows of fin like thingies [NOT Glowie] and other surface treatments that work toward creating either laminar or turbulent flow. All of those at various specific points on the flying surfaces are used to reduce Drag. Just like the dimples on a golf ball are there to reduce Drag.
              Okay, so why not on pellets or bullets? Cost/Benefit is in fuel savings over very long distances. As far as golf balls you could get the EXACT same reduction in some forms of DRAG by taking an old style (smooth) golf ball and scratching it all up. Dimples on balls make golfers pay through the nose.

              Bullets don’t fly far enough and pellets are by design high Drag objects. AND, Airgunners are known cheapskate!



              • Shootski,

                Most interesting. Still,… the “experimenter” in me would be just dying to give a dimpled lead ball a go at it! 😉 Probably a precision smooth bore,.. so as not to mess with the precision dimpling.


          • Shootski,

            I just read the link and learned more of the finer points of what you are going through.

            Ballistic simulation huh? Like a Chairgun program I presume? That is ok,… but would be interested in actual shooting. Given the many variables,… including the shooter,…. there may (in fact) be no discernable difference.


            • Chris USA,

              Actually not at all like ChairGun. A CEP Algorithm that uses actual data from REAL WORLD data. ChairGun uses data more like a Spreadsheet. With imaginary BC, Form Factor and other “constants” at the root of any ballistic tables, calculators and Apps greatest weaknesses.

              If you reread the linked article and do the extras, he shows you along the way, you will see why B.B. is so insistent on groups of ten or don’t let the door hit you in the keister on the way out!
              There is still room for more accurate description of a gun/shooter performance available with a higher shot count but from a statistical standpoint you have a “Good Enough” set to make a judgement that a reasonable shooter must be willing to accept.

              All the talk about how good a shooter thinks they are means nothing until you do a number of CEP runs with different rifles.

              You (shooters) will also likely stop all the harping about flyers! Get over them they have statistical fact on their side! So either call all your shots or go home.


            • Chris USA,

              Did you happen to go beyond just that first link? If not this is one that anyone interested in shooting should read and get their head around completely:


              This link actually needs to be used by B.B. Everytime someone questions his demand for groups of TEN only. You will see why he occasionally uses 5 for initial pellet selection for later use at longer ranges; the man has got to have some time to eat and sleep!


              • Shootski,

                I did not explore the site more. Link saved. Will check out in the AM. As for 5 VS 10,… I will do 5 every time when testing multiple ammo types. Some,… are OBVIOUSLY not well suited. The “elimination round” goes to 10 shot groups.


    • Hey all,

      lots of tables, lots of vendors, lots of very interesting pieces from old Daisy BB guns with wire handles to BSA,s Webleys, Walthers, FWBs (one tuned by Tim Watt) a whole collection of FX hardware to carbon fiber air tanks. One or two guys might be leaving after today because of the weather due tomorrow but I believe most are staying, Oh, the show is short one Walther LG53. In a box. 🙂

      That unknown Chinese mfg. pistol copy of an HW70 that I mentioned yesterday? Couldn ‘t give it away – not even in a trade. Guess it’s mine for good now.

      Fred formerly of the DPRoNJ now happily in GA

    • Brent
      That’s a very good point. Field target is kind of based on out in the woods or field hunting with a air gun. When you hunt or pest there is no references on a rabbit or bird to keep your gun from canting.

      A scope level would be the best way I suppose so you can repeat your hold pretty consistently.

      What I have always done with my scoped guns is I shoulder the gun then get the reticle level on a Target or horizontal and vertical window or door frame. That way when I shoulder the gun it locks into place so to speak.

      And here’s something I noticed that when I shoot my Benjamin Wildfire or Crosman 1077 with the open iron sights. When I’m out plinking and I shoulder the gun I noticed that the gun is canted to the right and I’m a right hand shooter. Basically the sights aren’t level they are tilted to the right. And I can hit pretty darn consistently. The thing is those guns are sighted in with the way I hold the gun. In other words I naturally repeat my hold. That’s what happens with my scoped guns.

      That’s the way I have always done it. Even when I bench rest my scoped guns I lock into my hold. I basically shoot at a 1/2″ black round circle at 50 yards. My good shooting guns can easily get 1/2″- 3/4″ groups at 50 yards.

      But maybe also I been doing it that way for many years and it’s natural for me. I don’t know but I figured I would bring it up since you brought up the point about no reference marks for the scope. Oh and to say I have a Tasco red dot sight that has been on many guns. There is no reference to eliminate can’t with a red dot sight. Again I use my hold to lock in and repeat my sighting. All I can say is it works for me.

  5. Under the HACKING THE PELLET GAUGE heading…

    When using the pelletgage it is important to have the pellet be as vertical (square to the gage hole) as possible and I have found that the plastic guide-plate is a bit on the thin side to align the pellet.

    To help with this I raise the plastic guide-plate (by shimming it with a washer) to tip the pellet upright. The amount I raise the plate is determined by the shape/profile of the pellet. For .177 JSBs one washer worked best; for .22 I made a thicker guide-plate out of plexiglass; for my .25 pelletgage 2 washers works well. Washers come in different thickness so this is a try as you go sort of thing.

    To allow the pellets to drop in and come out of the gage easily I do a bit of deburring on the plastic guide-plate – I NEVER tamper with the Stainless Steel gage plate! The holes in the guide-plate are (relatively) sharp-edged and can catch on the pellet so I used a countersink bit (by hand using a light touch) to chamfer a small leede in on the top side of the plate and to remove the sharp edge on the bottom side.

    Aligning the ten holes on the guide-plate to the ones on the SS gage can be a bit fussy so I re-drilled the four mounting holes in the plastic guide-plate a bit larger to give me more adjustment.

    “Tuning” the Pelletgage doesn’t take long (are you still with me Half? LOL!) and the whole sorting process goes much faster. I guess that on average it takes me 10 to 15 seconds to check a pellet… I drop it into the expected hole size and in two or three taps it drops in or not, if it falls in too easily I’ll check the next smaller hole. The pellet usually falls out of the gage when I turn it over, if not a couple of taps will dislodge it.

    My fingers aren’t as flexible as they used to be so I use a pair of (modified) tweezers to handle the pellets when sorting. These were standard “fine point” tweezers before I bent them around a nail into the shape I wanted.

    Hope this is of interest.

  6. B.B.

    I use you method of controlling the cant by aligning the crosshairs to the target and designed my targets accordingly. Works great!

    Like the “diamond” shape because it allows me to aim accurately (by aligning the crosshairs to the corners) even if the bullseye has been blown away.


    • Hank,
      I finally set up my first place to shoot at the new farm; it’s only 35 yards from the front of the shooting bench to the target in front of that pecan tree, but I have been using it for my HW30S, which has no scope at the moment. If I do add a scope (and I’m leaning that way), I will try this method you and B.B. use. It’s much easier than what I was doing before. =>
      P.S. As you can see in the photo (which is of poor resolution as I used my phone), my home-made pellet trap has a backboard behind it to protect the pecan tree. There is a road 51 yards to the right of the bench, and my shooting lane is directly parallel to it to ensure no pellets go toward it. Any stray pellets that miss the entire tree (that would be poor shooting indeed! =>) will go downhill into the dirt; plus, past that tree, there are 450 feet of dense woods on my property, and another 450 feet of dense woods and swamp land owned by the golf course before you get to the next road; hence, pretty safe. And since it’s “over 50 yards from the road” (which is why it was strategically located there), I could also shoot my .22 LR there. =>

      • Note to all, the thing I love about airguns is that they are quiet and allow you to be stealthy! And that can be an important thing these days; our right to own airguns, even any kind of guns, is constantly under siege and needs to be guarded. If you don’t believe so, just look at this article of how an 84-year-old veteran had his guns confiscated…and he also lost his job:
        Thank God for the public outcry that got him his job back, but he will likely never see his guns again.
        And THAT is why my shooting bench is behind the garage that houses my tractor; even though I am in a rural community (and could theoretically shoot a 12 gauge out my back door), I prefer to be stealthy.
        Air rifles are awesome because they allow me to shoot safely and quietly; and if no one passing by or driving by has any idea that I am shooting on my property, so much the better. Additionally, airguns are just plain fun, fun, fun! And you don’t even need hearing protection. I think I fire about 1000 rounds with airguns for every round I shoot from a firearm…and that estimate could be low. For target shooting, pesting, hunting, firearms-simulation training, and plinking they can’t be beat. And I hope we all get to own the ones we want for as long as we want. =>

          • Mike, I am with you; I cringe every time I hear someone on the news refer to our country as “a democracy.” Since many schools don’t even say the Pledge of Allegiance anymore, I wonder how many young people even know that the USA is a republic; thank you!

            • Dave,

              That is why I no longer look at the news, too upsetting to watch.

              Thanks to Tom this site keeps us away from the nonsense of all that government stuff, and is entertaining and informative on all things airgun and sometimes firearms info that is always enjoyable to read about.


        • Thanks, Hank,
          Yes; it is; but I am quickly learning that small farms are big work! *LOL*
          We are only 95% moved in, but when I took the last trailer load of stuff to the farm, as I was unloading, I was like, “Hold on a second; if I am going to unload a shooting bench, then I am going to take the time to set up a range for it!” It was the right decision. =>
          Take care,

    • Hank,

      That is a good idea for aligning. the method I use does not compensate for cant, but gives me the center. I draw an X with a Sharpie and aim for the convergence. If I shoot out the POA, the arms of the X in each quadrant points to the center.

  7. B.B.,

    Thank you for the video. I watched it last night just after you posted it and slept on it.
    I then did research on the PelletGage as well as some of the competitor products/methods. I’m still not seeing a/a few double blind test(s) so I remain a gaging denier. My DT&E training makes me believe that there is some good theorizing but IV&V is still missing. My biggest doubt is the effect of manufacturing/operating temperature on the entire process from manufacturing to user application of the claimed Micron tolerance level devices and the pellet-scope-rifle system itself Additionally the effects of ambient temperature on barrel diameter are beyond the claimed Micron level tolerances. All of the Shooting Sport is a game of variables some can be controlled for and most unfortunately can not be controlled but only yield to the finess of experience…sometimes.
    As Hank would I believe put it: Hardware and Firmware are not all that changeable in the moment only the software can be modified (dangerous for all but the best informed and learned) on the fly.


    PS: I’m glad I shoot mostly heavy and large diameter ball & bullets these days.

    • Shootski
      I believe what today’s blog is about is eliminating some of the variables that you can. Or at least reducing some of the variables.

      As I stated on yesterday’s blog. I really did use to sort pellets. Heck even .22 rimfire bullets. But I don’t anymore.

      I found that for the shooting I do with my (accurate) guns that such and such brand pellets work just fine out of the tin. And I actually do get some pretty good results out at distances that would be related to some rimfire and center fire firearms.

      I think the big thing is how much time you spend and how much experience you rack up. The more you do something to the more you find out about it. Then you start seeing things and realize what really needs done and what you can get away with not doing.

      Sometimes learning is fun. Sometimes it not. But all worthwhile in the end.

  8. B.B
    As far as I m concerned, having requested the “basics” series, these things were also in my mind. As I have already mentioned you can always learn regardless level of expertise.
    Thanks a lot once more.

  9. BB

    Made it to Hickory Air Gun Show today and found two rifles I wanted. A really nice Hy Score Diana 35 and a Crosman 160. I doubt I would encounter either where I live so am pleased with the purchases and the show.


  10. Hey Everybody! For those of you who did not go to the 7th Annual North Carolina Airgun Show, you missed out big time. Picture a room 60 feet wide and 200 feet long filled with airguns. Not only that, there was a shooting range set up out back where many of the dealers would let you try before you buy.

    Decksniper and Fred formerly of the DPRoNJ now Happily in GA made it there Friday and took home some nice trophies. Saturday my son-in-law, my grandson and I showed up and spent most of the day drooling. My grandson found a dealer who liked to let kids shoot his guns and had a great time shooting 4 or 5 different air rifles from a custom stocked R7 in .177 to a .30 FX Boss.

    None of us came home empty handed. Artie of Lexington Air Guns gave my grandson an AirForce t-shirt and another older gentleman gave him a rubber band gun. My son-in-law won a door prize of a Legends P08. I myself picked up on a fantastic deal for a UTG scope.


    I also talked with Don Raitzer and Larry Hannusch for a bit. Larry had this little Polish beauty there that was looking for a new home, so I ended up inviting her to stay at RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns. I think she will be happy here.

    Y’all missed out.

    P.S. Did any of you know that Baikal made a PCP version of the 61?

    • RidgeRunner,

      I’m glad it was a productive visit! Sixty by two-hundred feet, filled with tables, sounds like the show is growing. Any more room to expand into?
      More information on the tryout range. Caliber limitations? Bring your own target…you know the answers we want and need.
      Will it be on the same weekend next year? Helps me out it on my calendar and avoid scheduling stuff that conflicts or saying yes to invitations that keep me from getting there.

      “P.S. Did any of you know that Baikal made a PCP version of the 61?” You don’t think you can get away just dropping that…do you? Nothing in my Blue Book!


      • Shootski,

        The only expansion room would be outside, which would be pretty well unlimited. It would be possible to get another two rows of tables inside.

        As for the tryout range, it was over one hundred yards to the fence and the woods. You could expand it to the side at least that far. There were some spinners and gongs out and a few 10 meter targets set up for the shooting organization. There was no caliber limitation. Lethal Air had a 20mm air rifle they were shooting. If you plan on bringing something to shoot it may not be a bad idea to bring some spinners, gongs, targets, whathaveyou.

        As for the PCP 61, apparently Baikal builds them using many of the sproinger 61 parts. They may not be exported to the US, so they would not show up in the Blue Book. The dude who owns it ordered the parts to convert his 61. He said I was one of the very few people who looked at it that spotted it was a PCP and not just a sproinger.

        As for when is the next show, I am not sure as of yet. Every time I am aware it has been the weekend in the middle of October. As soon as I know, I will pass it on.

        Another way is to contact Tony McDaniel and get on his email list.


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    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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