by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier
Benjamin Cayden sidelever repeater.
This report covers:
Power adjustment — duh!
Today’s test
Shot count
The trigger
Test 2
H&N Baracuda
H&N Slug HP
Eun Jin domes
CCI Quiet discharge sound
I told you at the end of Part 2 that this report would be a continuation of the velocity test. The Benjamin Cayden has such good use of air and the power is adjustable, so more needs to be done to fully understand it. We have a lot to do so let’s get started.
Power adjustment — duh!
I told you about my trouble with the power adjustment knob. Well, in the manual it says to turn that knob to adjust power. There is no mention of the scale on the left side of the receiver that the knob is connected to, or the screw slot in its middle, nor is there any picture of it. I knew it was there of course, and also that it connects to the knob. But— DUH!
You guys raked me over the coals on that one and I deserved it. OF COURSE you can use a screwdriver in the slot on the left side until the knob gets easy enough to turn. I was so focused on the time I had to test the rifle and then write the blog that I wasn’t thinking clearly. That’s the sort of thing I should be telling you!
A small screwdriver turns the power adjustment easily
Today’s test
I want to do a couple things today. First, I want to test the rifle on power that’s lower than maximum but still up there, to see how many shots we get on a fill. Last time I was adjusting power and reader Rk thought there would be a lot of shots on medium power. The problem is — what is medium power?
I didn’t try to find medium power What I did was test the rifle at a power level I thought was good, to see how many shots there were but also to see where the end of the power curve is, with respect to reservoir pressure.
Shot count
For this test I used the same JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy pellet that I used in Part 2. I filled the rifle to 3,000 psi and adjusted the power setting to one index mark below maximum.
Then I started shooting. As you will see, the first shot went out too fast for my liking, so I adjusted the power setting to almost the second notch down. You will see why I did that when you look at the numbers. I liked the velocity from the second adjustment so I left it there for this string. Let’s see!
This is the power setting for the test that follows, after the first shot.
1………….817 too fast — adjust power lower
24.………..765 2,600 psi remaining
27.………..770 fastest shot
48.………..761 2,250 psi remaining
60.………..743 2,000 psi remaining
73.………..727 slowest shot and the end of this test
There are a lot of ways to interpret these numbers. First, I think this entire string of 73 shots will work if your target is closer than 25 yards/23 meters. If it’s out past 35 yards/32 meters then I would go with your first shot at number 5 and your last shot at number 58. To get that on shot one you would have to fill the rifle a little lower than 3,000 psi — perhaps 2,900.
If you like what I selected (shots 5 to 58), that’s 53 shots that varied by no more than 24 f.p.s. If we take 760 as the average velocity for that string then this pellet is generating 23.25 foot-pounds at the muzzle for those 53 shots. Like I said, there are a lot of different ways to break this down. You may want a little more power, which probably means fewer shots, but this test shows the Cayden uses air very well. And, if you decide to go with PCPs — get a chronograph at some point!
The trigger
How does the Cayden trigger compare to a Marauder trigger? It is as light as a Marauder trigger is usually adjusted and, after the first 30 shots on the Cayden, all the creep in stage two disappears — HOWEVER! The trigger also had to “break in” today and the creep that was gone last time during the velocity test returned. It’s very minor and disappeared again after about another 30 shots, but it was there again. Yogi — you asked and I wanted you to know that. So maybe the Cayden trigger needs a lot more shots (hundreds?) before the trigger finally settles down.
The bottom line? The Marauder has the better trigger. It is very adjustable and once set remains where it is forever. That is my take on the Cayden trigger. But I will add that the Cayden trigger is ahead of the triggers of many PCPs in its price range. It is a good one.
Test 2
Okay, how heavy a pellet can the Cayden magazine handle? When pellets get heavy they grow longer and rotary magazines have their limits for pellet length. I will load some heavyweight .22-caliber pellets and see what happens. I will only shoot 5 shots, so all I will report is the average velocity. I am now shooting on high power.
This test is to determine how well these longer pellets feed in the magazine and also to see the maximum power potential of the rifle .
H&N Baracuda
H&N Baracuda pellets weigh 21.14 grains. They fit the Cayden magazine very well and they feed reliably. They averaged 787 f.p.s., which generates 29.08 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle.
H&N Slug HP
The H&N Slug HP is a new solid pellet/bullet and there is a wide variety of weights and sizes within the construct of that .22 caliber Slugs. I shot the 23-grain Slugs (that weighed 23.1 grains consistently) and are sized 0.218-inches. In truth they are shorter than the Baracuda pellets because they are solid. They fed easier than any pellet I have loaded into the Cayden magazine so far, and when they were pushed into the breech by the bolt I hardly felt them go in. I have to try more weights and sizes of these, as well as the JSB slugs that are now in stock!
The .23.1-grain H&N Slug HP pellets/bullets are covered with wax to keep them from oxidizing. Just load them and shoot them and leave them, as they are.
Slugs averaged 747 f.p.s. at the muzzle, which generates 28.63 foot-pounds at the muzzle. The velocity was also quite stable, so these are on my list for accuracy testing.
Eun Jin domes
These older Eun Jin domes are the heaviest pellets I tried and they filled the magazine all the way to the top. But they did fit and the clear top moved without hinderance.
These pellets weigh 29.5 grains, on average. The Cayden put them out at 664 f.p.s. and these were the most consistent pellet of the three tested. Velocity for 5 shots varied by just three f.p.s. They did chamber with a lot of force in required by the sidelever.
At the average velocity this pellet generated 28.89 foot-pounds at the muzzle. That tells me that the low 29 foot-pound range is about the top of where this Cayden wants to be, and JSB Exact Jumbo Heavies are a pellet that does it. The Cayden does allow for adjusting the hammer spring, but this rifle is doing so well I’m thinking I’ll not try it.
CCI Quiet discharge sound
Reader Bob from Oz asked me to try a CCI Quiet long rifle round, to see how it compares to the 108 dB of the non-silenced Cayden. The Quiet shoots a 40-grain lead bullet at 710 f.p.s.
I answered Bob too quickly and said I would try one, but then I discovered I don’t have any of them. And the United States has an ammunition shortage going on right now, so I don’t know when I can get any. But I do have a substitute that may be even quieter.
I have lots of CCI CB Shorts. They say they are low noise right on the package. They have very little gunpowder so they should be pretty quiet. I shot one from a Remington model 33 bolt-action rifle that has a 24-inch barrel. The sound meter was three feet to the left side of the muzzle, which is also where it was for the Cayden.
These CCI CB Shorts have got to be quieter than the CCI long rifle Quiet round!
CB Shorts registered 112.3 dB on the C scale of my sound meter. That’s higher than the Cayden’s 108 dB level.
That’s my test so far. Next time I will test for accuracy, which should be interesting! This test is going so well that I’m thinking of asking to test testing another ofCrosman’s Craftsman collection. Whaddaya think?
No reg. So meh. That should be a standard on a pcp these days unless it’s a big bore. And that’s only because the tech is just catching up.
In general, unless you are bringing the power/velocity way down, a regulator is a fix for sloppy engineering. In fact, we have seen some pretty sloppy regulators in this blog. These days a regulator is most often used to take a cheap airgun and make it more consistent.
There are exceptions of course. There are some very nice air rifles that have regulators now, mostly because of demand. These usually have what would be considered an expensive regulator in them. Some are offered with or without. The Daystate Huntsman is such. I myself would like to have one, without a regulator. It is not really needed.
This Cayden does not need one, really. You have a relatively flat shot curve over quite a pressure range. Yes, you can increase the flat with a good quality regulator, but you are going to add over one hundred dollars to the price and how many shots do you need? Most all states have bag limits.
The “basic” Marauder does not have one.
The way I see it, regulators in airguns are like automatic transmissions on cars, they used to be bad, they are great now and most people prefer the convenience of not having to manually shift gears.
In addition to making a PCP more consistent I think that not having to worry about bell-curves and ideal fill pressures would appeal to many (most?) shooters.
An aftermarket regulator might cost $100 but I can’t see them costing anyway near that much to be built in – enough of the low priced PCPs have them so they can’t be that expensive to make.
My Maximus was my only PCP without a reg, wasn’t long before I installed a HuMa 🙂
Each to their own eh?
Oh yeah. My HM1000X has one. It needs one. Trying to do a bell curve on that air hog would be fun.
My TalonSS does not and does not need one.
My pickemup truck is manual. My Harley is manual. The wife’s Forrester is auto.
Please test them all, we want to know how they stack up.
G’day BB,
Can a human ear differentiate 4.3dBs…….at our age?
What did you say BB………………….?
Cheers Bob
What…………..? 😉
While a difference of 4.3 decibels does not sound (pun unintended) like a big difference, consider that an increase in volume of 3.0 dB is a heard 100 percent increase. An increase or decrease of 4.3 dB is very noticeable to any listener.
Please try the H&N Piledrivers if you can your hands on any. It’ll also make a good point of comparison to the CB Shorts since they weigh about the same (29 grain)
I’ll look to see if I have piledrivers.
I have heard that Piledrivers have been discontinued. Maybe B.B. know more?
Yeah, they seem to have been taken off the PA website.
Alot of things are not on the PA site anymore.
Ty to find a fixed magnification scope with no ao.
One of my favorites was the utg golden image scope. They was so sharp and clear and bright it wasn’t funny. Gone.
I have a similar one on my left hand TX 200. And that one isn’t even available anymore.
And start searching the PA site and others and air guns have gone by the wayside. And see what happens when you start looking for the popular pellets. They are now in short supply.
I mentioned this before when covid started. Now where is everybody finding their favorite accurate pellet for sale?
I know where. You ain’t.
For those scopes you need to shop eBay.
I guess not a popular item anymore?
Regarding narrow focus on problem solving, I think that it’s a male thing. We are task focused. We fix things and are outcome directed. Shortest distance to the solution and all that. So be kind to yourself. We whose wives are with us know the benefit of having our tasks reviewed as we perform them. 🙁
My wife has a button that says “When all else fails, do it your wife’s way”
She shows it to me on a regular basis LOL!
My wife try’s to show me those buttons all the time.
I tell her I ain’t no spring chicken anymore.
I can’t see them. 😉
Looking good so far. That is a pretty good (long/amount) of shots,.. for out of the box. I think that most anybody would take that.
Looking forwards to the accuracy testing and thank you,…. for giving the slugs a try. 🙂
Well this gun not only needs a shoot counter, but it needs one that can start at -5….
On a springer, you can polish and hone the sears to get maximum feel of let-off. What can you do to a PCP trigger?
Shoot it a lot and pray?
No — the same work that can be done to springer triggers also works on the triggers of PCPs. Thios one just doesn’t need it — in my opinion.
I was hoping someone would say that about triggers.
But then again. Some trigfersaint adjustable either. That does cause problems.
Yogi, are there any PCPs that offer shot counters?
Don’t know and don’t care. I don’t visit the Darkside. It is the Devils work!
But if I were to bite from the apple it damn sure better have a shot counter if one fill is good for 10-15% of a tin of pellets!
“the Devils work”,………… well now that explains,.. EVERYTHING!!!!! 😉
Yeah, my HW100 plays a different sound on the 15th shot telling me that I have lost count and the mag is empty 😉
Kidding aside, many spring-loaded magazines will prevent closing the bolt/lever on an empty chamber.
I find that a counter is not really necessary as you can usually (subconsciously) have a good idea of how many shots are left and, depending on the gun, you can see the pellets in the mag.
I’m curious how folks keep track of the number of shots for PCPs so they know when to refill. Count out 50+ pellets into a separate tin? Purchase multiple magazines? Log number of times magazine is filled? I’m sure there are other ways too. Alternatively note the tank pressure?
The glance tank pressure gauge let’s you know when it is time to fill and you quickly find out how many magazines you can shoot.
I prefer regulated rifles so I don’t need to be fussy on how much pressure there is in the resivoir, as long as I am above the regulator set pressure, all is good to go.
Like Hank said plus you will see poi (poin of impact) changing.
My Condor SS has that same shot counter on it.
That’s the problem all the time when people haven’t experienced something.
How do they know?
The Gamo Urban’s magazine indicates the number of shots left. It also has a white dot on it which indicates the last shot. I just normally refill with a hand pump after two mags. It’s easier to pump back up with fewer required pump strokes. The Urban does not have a regulator, nor does it really need one. It gets about 25 shots with an extreme spread of only 20 fps. The ideal starting pressure is 2900 psi which eliminates the beginning of the shot curve, making it flatter.
So does the Gsuntlet and Marauders.
Of the three, this is the one I hoped you would test. I know others prefer bottles and some like the looks of “pups, but I prefer the more graceful lines the reservoir tube allows. There are a few ‘pups that can get my attention, but none of these gen 1 with the cocking mechanism at the shoulder would interest me. I am way too old to become a contortionist these days.
As for this trigger, perhaps it has a lubricant in it that “warms up” after a bit of use and becomes thinner?
Will the wax from the slugs build up in the bore? Should the bore be cleaned after shooting slugs before shooting pellets?
Good question about wax buildup and what does it do to the magazine?
I don’t know. I will try to check it.
I bet it gets shot out.
Just like if you put some drops of oil in a barrel to clean it.
Not only that, but if the wax is not evenly distributed it will mess up the spin and BC of the pellet. Is the friction on the barrel enough to melt the wax? Does it help grab the rifling, add a dimension to the cross section?
FWIW-One of my rifles LIKES the oxidized copper coated H&N pellets. The more oxidized the better.
Eventually it will get evenly distributed.
It’s the same as seasoning a barrel.
If I’m trying different pellets in a gun I will shoot at least 50 or more before I try the next pellet.
I believe that cleans the barrel and gets the barrel use to the way the new pellet deposits the lead in the barrel.
From yesterday, I agree with you and the LTC.
To me, if I need to take a second shot, it is when I leisurely walk over and finish them off.
I didn’t read that I don’t believe on yesterday’s blog.
But why leisurely walk over and finish them off?
Wouldn’t you want to hurry rapidly over to finish them off?
Again I’m not exactly sure about what your talking about. Or maybe you used the wrong wording.
BB was talking how the U.S. military did not really teach how to shoot a 1911A1 properly. Soldiers also whined about the recoil. Now they have the 9mm and have to teach them to shoot “the enemy” twice.
On the assumption that the “enemy” is not dead after being hit by that freight train (.45 ACP), he is not likely going anywhere in a big hurry.
Oh ok.
My vote for the next one to test is the Kratos. One in .22 to compare to the Cayden and one in .25 to check the performance of the larger caliber. I am also uninterested in the bullpup.
It looks like you have the power set at just above “medium” on the dial and you got 73 shots. Pretty good in my book. Now the rub. Will it keep all 73 inside a quarter at, oh I don’t know, 30 yds? Hope so. I’m rooting for this one.
I will have to do someting to see. I doubt it will be a 73-shot group. 🙂
If a 10 shot group is supposed to be 40% than a 5 shot group; how much bigger should a 73 shot group be?
You want that in inches or millimeters?
Actually since the 10 shot group is typically 40% larger than the 5 shot think of it as taking a walk to some place and getting to only take 2/5 of you last stride…you never get to your destination!
So with that 10 shot group you have almost eliminated any further growth of the group size.
Most likely in the Real World a 76 shot group size would have you, Tom, or me blowing the group wide open because of being fatigued. So it is simply good enough to shoot the 10 shot group and know it won’t grow for weapon accuracy reasons but because of loss of precision by the shooter gun total system.
Oh! I like my Big Bores because i don’t ever need my toes to get my shot count and typically not all my fingers on one hand. At the range i set out my ammunition in bullet/ball holders. I gave up on counting the holes in the targets when i started getting to many going through the same hole.
I think it is interesting that B.B. states a 10-shot group will be 40% larger than a 5-shot group. I am not a target shooter and only shoot paper to verify the POI and that my scope is still zeroed. I use my Urban mainly for pesting sparrows and starlings to protect my bluebirds in their nesting boxes at 25-30 yds. I’ve only tried shooting groups outside a few times and was very satisfied with the results at 25 yds. I set my target out at 30 yds. and shot (3) mags at a 1/2″ bull. 28 of 30 went into a group of .45″. I stopped testing at that point because I had complete confidence that I would connect with any pest out to 30 yds. I would like to test it out to 50 yds. sometime just to see how it would do at an extended range. Donnie Reed tested the Urban at 50 yds. and stated that if the pellets were sorted for size and weight, he believed the Urban capable of .25″ groups at that distance.
As far as going to the “dark” side, I’ve seen the light. I can’t shoot my Diana 34 .22 cal accurately at 25 yds. no matter what I do. It’s a great break barrel but I sure can’t hit with it. After shooting the Urban PCP for a short time, I gave up trying to pest with either of my break barrel rifles. I thank ChrisUSA for pointing me in the right direction, and alleviating my frustrations with accuracy.
Pesting thus far in 2020: (8) sparrows, (9) starlings, and (13) grackles – (2) successful bluebird fledgings
I’m glad the Bluebirds are doing well! I can see the big SMILE on your face!
I actually use standard deviation from center of a group as a better way to represent shot distribution. It’s just that most writers don’t write about it that way. Just because a gun shoots a 1 MOA group once or twice doesn’t mean much in my book! I much prefer a shooter be able to read the wind better. It means SO much more in real World shooting then super groups.
The other thing the SD approach does is eliminate the need to compare at the same distance.
Can you explain what you mean by using the standard deviation from center of the group, and how this number can be used to evaluate the spread? This I have not heard of before. I have a QC background and understand standard deviation and six sigma and bell curves. I just don’t understand the application to shot groups.
I like to evaluate the gun and pellet capability so that I can determine if I miss the target, it’s all me and not the gun or pellet choice. That was my biggest problem with trying to achieve the needed groups with my Diana 34. I could not separate pellet, rifle, or technique to improve my groups. I was never sure the actual cause of the poor groups, which were 1.5″ to 2″ at 25 yds. Thanks for your input and I do value your opinion on these things. Glad you are enjoying your FX Impact. I enjoy watching Whiskey68’s pesting videos using FX Impacts at long ranges. His slow motion video replays are amazing.
I think that Ted’s technique of setting the reg pressure and then adjusting the hammer spring to max, then backing it out incrementally until the FPS start dropping, makes a lot of sense to get the most efficient use of air.
Sorry, I was confused. It is Hank that has the new FX Impact. I don’t know if you have one or not. Saturday night I was watching a video by Whiskey68. He had about a dozen FX rifles lined up on a table. He and his shooting buddy brought each one to the front and talked about each one and what they like about it, or didn’t like. They have several Impacts that are custom from AOA. They must of had $20k of rifles and accessories on that table!
No problem ;^)
I have been on the fence about FX on and off. Close on the Independence but i have a gun room full of wonderfulness and i always ask myself if a purchase will replace something or fills a need that none of my other weapons cover. Lately the answer has been no other than the ASP20 and that is only because it is an INTERESTING breakbarrel/”spring” piston. But even that is only a powerplant driven possibility.
Keep the Bluebirds SAFE!
Thanks for the clarification on the adjustment. You just never know, it could have been 2 adjustments (a sleeve that went over a shaft,.. for example) that maybe worked in conjunction with each other somehow.
One of the things I love about Crosman/Benjamin is the fantastic parts support that they have – all parts are available for a long time and at fair prices. Will they be doing the same with the outsourced guns, or will we have to deal with Kral? If Crosman will stock all the parts, that would be a great thing.
It hasn’t been good during covid from what I have seen.
Thank you for testing the .22 CCI Quiet shorts – have some of the LR Quiet ammo still on hand, both solid and hollow point bullets; the hollow points were particularly hard to find. These should work, I would think, both in the Ruger 10/22 and the Gustloff bolt-action .22 (26” barrel) which are my tools for reptile pest control. FM will need to go on reconnaissance for the Quiet shorts.
The Cayden is an impressive rifle; seems it would be suitable for PCP novices. Maybe I’m wrong there.
These are not just shorts. They are CB shorts. A whole different ball of wax!
Got it. Thank you; would have checked against the pic of the box you uploaded but point taken. If any are found, will use them on the 10/22 first – shorter barrel, hopefully less probability for stuck bullets.
I don’t like the cb shorts.
Not as accurate and won’t cycle in a semi auto.
The CCI 710 fps 40 grain long rifles is the way to go.
And from what I have experienced. And of course by ear only. The 710 long rifle 40 grain bullet is quieter then the 29 grain 710 short you tried.
So no that is not a good test for sound comparison.
Get you some ofthe 40 grain CCI 710 long rifles and see for your self. Trust me went through this before. I’m aways looking for accuracy as well as quiet when I test a pellet or bullet.
I will have a box of the Quiet LRs soon and I will run the same sound meter test with them.
Agree – the LR Quiet .22s have worked well for my needs. The 10/22 won’t cycle automatically with them and there seems to be a bit more noise than when shooting with the single-shot bolt-action. Either way, 50% of the time Mrs can’t hear the firing, depending what part of the house she is in – and unlike FM, she’s got a keen sense of hearing.
I have heard that about the 10/22’s not wanting to cycle with the 710 fps long rifles.
Believe it or not I have never had a 10/22 so I’m not sure how the rounds advance.
But yep like them better than the cb’s.
What sound meter app are you using?
“Reader Bob from Oz asked me to try a CCI Quiet long rifle round…but then I discovered I don’t have any of them.”
This blog you write is an important resource for a great many people; hence, if you email me your shipping address (to, I’ll gladly donate a box of 50 of them for you to test out; thank you.
Take care & God bless,
You are too kind! 🙂
You are most welcome. =>
Wow, Maybe a double bonus as a little test on these CCI Quite 40 gr. LR’s. I’ve been wanting to try some and compare the noise to CB’s and Subsonics. I love shooting CB’s for the lack of noise, but I would like a little more horsepower. Maybe with these being 40 gr, they will do just that. Plus most CB’s warn against shooting in a rifle barrel (could get stuck even though I have never had one get stuck). I haven’t seen any tested in my firearms magazines. Excited!
Well, he’s sending me a box to test, so I gotta do something with them.
The 40 grain ones are more quiet.
Well out of my bolt action gun anyway.
My semi auto 22 seems to be louder for some reason. Well not some reason. Its probably because of the action cycling when it ejects the cartridge.
The best I can tell anyway.
I’ve just been re-reading the articles on the IZH mp532’s. Did you sell one or both of them? I wonder if anyone else on the forum found the other two you were mentioning?
I still have both 532s.
Do Cayden and NP03 have the same powerplant / platform…? You know where I’m heading with this question.
I don’t know. From the picture it looks that way, but who knows?
So far I don’t see this being as good as the Marauder Field and Target.
Is the barrel tight in the barrel band or floating? If tight does it have a set screw to hold the barrel tight?
Maybe Marauder trigger, LW barrel, and Turkish Walnut could’ve been the right combination.
To your one comment you made and I guess deleted after you made it.
To answer your question I had a great day.
This morning it was dead calm out and the weather was nice and I shot for about 5 hours. Shot about 7 different guns today. 🙂
The barrel is tight in the clamp. The screws are on the reservoir, not the barrel.
Ok thanks.
For an accuracy test could I request that you pick one pellet (say the JSB 18.13) and shoot groups at different power settings?
I am doing this with my Impact at the moment and seeing group size change from .60″ down to .25″ @ 40 yards just by changing the “Power” (hammer-spring) dial (leaving the reg pressure and valve dwell alone).
Please do some testing of the JSB Knockouts, I am curious on how they do and I don’t think that I will get around to trying mine before the snow flies – having lots of fun with testing pellets at the moment.
I will probably have to do 2 accy tests at 25 yards for all that. I don’t mind but that’s what it will take.
Did you see Ted’s Holdover video regarding how he tunes his FX Impact. Here’s the link if you would like to watch it. Ted has several YouTube videos about the FX Impacts and also his experience shooting slugs in them, including the knockouts.
Thanks for that link, I’m subscribed to Ted’s channel.
I’m really enjoying the Impact – learning a heck of a lot.
If you like FX, this will blow your mind. There must be $25k of rifles and accessories on the table.
I don’t have a FX rifle, nor would I afford one. I don’t have need for long range shooters but these are still interesting to learn about…and drool over. 😉
BB, An American made rifle to compare this one to that screams better way to go is the ASP20, w/whiskey3 scope deal at pyramid. I know its an apples to oranges comparrison but in these times, good old fashioned reliability and simplicity in a rifle that doesn’t need a regulator, or a power adjuster, but two stage cocking would be nice for target shooting indoors maybe..
So it recoils a bit.
I like Kral, good quality for a good price.
I look forward to the accuracy report.
Since I first arrived on your blog in 2011, it seems things have grown expoentially.
Kudos to you for all your efforts to report on it.
Hope you are well and same for your resders; doing okay here.
How about testing the Benjamin Akela? It is shrouded and compact with a free floating barrel. – Don