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Air Guns Part 1

Part 1

This report covers:

  • BB didn’t forget
  • Miss Peach
  • Woe is me!
  • Kaitlyn Riley
  • Picking her up
  • However
  • Just like airguns
  • What is the P1?
  • Good 1911 trainer
  • Two power levels
  • Why the weird intro?
  • What can be done to increase power in a P1?
  • Whatcha got
  • Summary

BB — you forgot the title. If this is Part One, what is it Part One of?

BB didn’t forget

No, dear readers, BB didn’t forget. This is indeed Part One of an airgun review, but I’m coming at this one differently. Something has occurred to me, and I thank reader Fish for the inspiration.

Miss Peach

I promise, today is about airguns. But allow me an obscure introduction, because it fits with the way this review will be conducted. As regular readers are aware, I traded in my Harley Sportster 48 Special for a Harley Road King. I did it for the same reason many of you fuss about buying airguns. I was dissatisfied with the Sportster.

The Sportster would start to shimmy at 55 to 60 mph, and it got worse when I added the windshield. It felt like I was on ice. Also, I could not get that bike to corner. It felt unstable, as though the wheels were about to slip out from under me.

That’s when I met Miss Peach. Miss Peach is a Harley Road King, a touring motorcycle that I decided early-on I couldn’t possibly ride. My short inseam, plus the fact that I’m 74 made me think I was too old, fat and short-legged for such a big bike. You see Road Kings are one of the bikes that motorcycle cops ride.

Miss Peach
Miss Peach.

Then I saw Miss Peach at the dealership, and she was so pretty that I had to take her for a spin. She was way out of my class, weight-wise, but pretty will make us do dumb things, right? My Sportster weighed 550 lbs. Miss Peach weighs 836 lbs. which is close to 300 lbs. more!

But she rode like she was on rails! She could lean and handle the bumpy roads without loosening my fillings. And she cost only a little more than my Sportster.  So I bought her. And yes, this blog is about an airgun — I promise.

Within the first week of ownership I dropped Miss Peach 4 times! Three were on the same day. Turns out that an 836 lb. motorcycle is unforgiving when it gets off-balance while not moving. I dropped her in four parking lots while she was standing still. She has an engine guard in front and a bag guard in back, so nothing was damaged or even scratched. She sort of just leans way over.

Woe is me!

So I cried in my beer. I loved the way Miss Peach handles when she moves at speed. I just couldn’t handle her when she was going less than 5 mph. Oh well, I always knew I was too old, fat and short-legged.

Kaitlyn Riley

Then I got to watching police motorcycle rodeos on You Tube and I saw little 112-lb. Kaitlyn Riley ride her Harley Road King through obstacles without a problem! I won’t embed this short video, but here is a link to one of her competitions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg0Tk5No0JU

Turns out there is skill involved in riding a heavyweight touring motorcycle. That was news to me, because when I was young and dumb no skill was needed.

Hunting Guide

Picking her up

But Miss Peach still weighs 836 lbs. What do I do when I drop her and no one is around to help me pick her up! Waaah! Then I watched another video of a girl picking up a 900+ lb. Harley by herself. Here is another link to watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V-kw2zUkSI


Yes, there is a however — and we are almost to the airgun part — the bikes I rode in the 1960s and ’70s were all lightweights, except for two superbikes, neither of which weighed over 550 lbs. A Harley Road King is a way different animal. Yes, it’s fast when you crank it on, but what it really is, is stable. It’s a touring motorcycle, and old BB never rode one of those in the old days. Heck, back in BB’s day touring motorcycles like we have today didn’t even exist. Harley Electra Glides weighed less than 700 lbs. and they were considered heavy!

Just like airguns

And now I keep my promise. You see a Beeman P1, which today’s report is about, is a great air pistol. So is a Crosman 2240. Both are great and they are nothing alike! This report is about the P1, so that’s the last I will say about the 2240, except to note that, as nice as it is, it isn’t a Beeman P1.

Beeman P1
Beeman P1.

What is the P1?

The P1 is Beeman’s branding of the Weihrauch HW 45. It’s a spring-piston air pistol that cocks via an overlever, much like many vintage Webley air pistols. Unlike the Webleys though, the P1 barrel is enclosed in a top strap or lever that also contains the adjustable sights. They have been made in .177, .20 and .22 calibers.

Beeman P1 cocked
The P1 is broken open to the high power level.

Beeman P1 sights
The rear sight of the P1 adjusts in both directions.

Good 1911 trainer

The P1 weighs 2.5 lbs, which is close to the weight of a 1911 (2.44 lbs. with empty magazine). The grip feels like a 1911A1 that has the curved mainspring housing. The trigger is suspended from a pin, unlike the 1911 trigger, but the length to the trigger is very close to a 1911 (not an A1, whose trigger is much shorter).

It’s easier to get accustomed to the P1 than to a 1911 firearm because of the lower noise and recoil. Also, pellets are far less expensive than .45 ACP rounds, which makes the air pistol a great trainer. However, unless your 1911 is a good one, the air pistol may be more accurate — especially at close range.

We will test this one to see what a P1 can do, but all the ones I have shot in the past have been quite accurate. And we will do another test that may prove quite embarrassing for BB. BB will shoot the pistol offhand at 10 meters to see what he can do with one. That should provide a few laughs!

Two power levels

The P1 is unique in having both a low and high power setting — depending on how far forward the top strap is rotated. Stop at the first click and you have low power. The second click gives you high power. However, this feature isn’t as cool as it sounds. It’s not much harder to cock to high power because the geometry of the linkage changes as the upper part of the frame rotates forward.

Sorry, Yogi, but the longer barrel rotation for cocking does seem easier because of the linkage. I find that true of breakbarrel rifles, too.

In .22 caliber versions of the pistol there is just a single power level, though I have heard of shooters changing the caliber of their pistols by swapping barrels, so you could encounter a .22 with two levels. The frame wouldn’t tell you the caliber — just the barrel.

Why the weird intro?

The weird intro was to open some eyes to the fact that not all airguns are created the same. For decades I have seen people buy P1s and then add shoulder stocks and scopes or dot sights, trying to turn them into small carbines.

Now, I have nothing against adding aftermarket accessories to an airgun you love, but if you don’t love it then I am against trying to turn it into something it’s not. Mount the dot sight if you like. Add the shoulder stock. Just remember the pistol you are adding them to is a Beeman P1. It’s not a whomptydoodle mega magnum pocket blaster from Rigel 5.

Some people want to boost the power to as high as they can go. I have been a part of this, testing P1s that their owners claimed were boosted to 800 f.p.s. And that led me to ask the question:

What can be done to increase power in a P1?

NOTHING!!! This gun already runs at its maximum. Various spring gun tuners in the 1990s offered “sure-fire” power upgrades to this pistol, but nothing ever beat the power the factory put in it. One guy was so frustrated by the situation that he made up a special barrel from nested brass tubes of differing diameters to shoot 1/8″ ball bearings. He claimed velocities of more than 800 f.p.s., but when another gun was built and tested by me for my newsletter, The Airgun Revue, it got 664 f.p.s. on high power. The ball bearing was loose enough to roll out the barrel, so that could have caused a lower velocity than the initial gun had, but that’s not the point. The point is — Harley Road Kings are heavy bikes that require technique to ride at slow speeds! And Beeman P1 pistols are PELLET pistols that can sometimes shoot as fast as 600 f.p.s. — with pellets.

Beeman P1 sleeved barrel
A shooter sleeved his P1 barrel to make it shoot 1/8-inch ball bearings much faster.

Remember reader Jim Contos? He’s the guy who showed us all how to build a pellet trap that is virtually bulletproof. I have fired tens of thousands of shots into mine.

Jim also contacted me in the mid-1990s about “tuning” a Beeman P1 trigger. This was way back in the days of The Airgun Letter. So I followed his instructions and I got a P1 with an 11-ounce trigger. Not that I wanted one.  I liked my old P1 because the trigger was light, crisp and adjustable. It was a great handgun trigger! However, I grew to like the lighter trigger Jim’s modification gave me but I also wanted a stock P1 trigger. So I traded for a second pistol.

At the Texas Airgun Show — back when they were having them — a guy wanted to trade me his P1 for something on my table. It was his $5,000 dog for my two $2,500 cats. But I got a Beeman P1 and this one is bone stock. It needed an overhaul, but it came with all the parts for one and fortunately BB Pelletier knows how to work on P1s. I addressed that for you in a 12-part series back in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Whatcha got

Whatcha got in this report is a different look at an air pistol I have already tested several times in the past. But this time I’m doing it differently. And the point I am hoping to make is — a Beeman P1 is a Beeman P1. It’s not a smaller 50 foot-pound TalonP air pistol. Nor is it a 12 foot-pound carbine that fits into your backpack (and while I’m at it — why are we limited to just 12 foot-pounds?). I don’t care that a Crosman 2240 can be turned into a fine PCP rifle. That’s not what we are talking about in this series.


This series is about a fine spring-piston air pistol that I know a lot of you readers own and enjoy.  And that is what I’m going to review for you. I may take a small excursion off the main path as we go, but I’m not going to change this pistol as a result.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

95 thoughts on “Part 1”

  1. B.B.,
    Miss Peach is gorgeous!!! Great for you. =>
    And I saw a 150-pound woman pick up a full-dress Harley at the track in Daytona; first, one of the big guys who was a test rider did it; then, just to show it was technique and not muscle, he had his 150-pound female assistant do it; THEN, she showed ME how to do it (took me a couple of tries, as I kept trying to muscle it).
    But let me repeat…Miss Peach is gorgeous!!! I’m happy for you. =>
    Take care & God bless,

  2. I don’t know how people deal with big bikes. My little car is about 1700 pounds.

    The P1 is a sweet deal. About 5fpe and dead on. The only springer pistol near it today is the Hatsan mod25. While it’s cool that it’s on a sled the HW wins every time.

    • Edw: one deals with a big bike by using leverage. I owned a Gold Wing that tipped the scales at 898 pounds. It was easier to pick up than my prior Honda A.C.E. that was somewhere around 600 pounds. The secret was undestanding where the CoG, Center of Gravity was and using that not unlike how we would carry almost a half ton on a two-wheel cart in the wall tile factory shipping department back the day.

      We have in common, however, ownership of a P-1 and an Hatsan Model 25 Super Charger (the gas ram version). Both are accurate and consistent shooters. The 25 likely shoots a little harder, but not necessarily better.

      My P-1 did do one thing over the decades I have owned it that I had to address. That was a lightening of the trigger pull to the point that it was becoming dangerous. I suspect that the tens of thousands of rounds finally polished (or wore?) things to the point that it was a hair trigger. I put in more trigger resistance with the appropriate Allen key per the instructions and all its well.

      The Model 25 needs no adjustment and is smooth of trigger.

      Both now have optics since my single focus pseudofakia (post cataract lenses) coupled with progressive bi-focals for this 74 year old shooter were making the iron sights a REAL challenge. Tom Gaylord’s comment about accessorizing the P-1 are cogent. I accessorized with an UTG Leapers Red/Green dot sight, but wouldn’t change the internals on the P-1 even if I could. Why change perfection?

  3. B.B.

    Very surprised you did not take the Motorcycle Safety Course. Do you have your Motorcycle License?
    Does Texas even require one? If you had take the course, they would have shown you that riding a motorcycle at 5 mph is MUCH harder than at 55 mph. They also would have shown you how to properly “pick-up” your motorcycle when it falls over. Good thing you have side guards, you do not have to bend all the way over to pick it up.
    ALWAYS wear a helmet. Even if it is 100 degrees out and you are “only going around the block”. Leather are a good idea to…
    Stay away from metal bridges and sand! Get some decent boots.

    Rant over…………………………lol.

    That P1 looks like it was designed by the Ginso knife people. And they say that you need to hold the barrel on break barrels while loading…
    That thing is a hand slicer. I asked a guy at the range about his and whether he ever got pinched, He said no, but his clothing often got caught in it.
    That thing looks like a stapler that is opened up for reloading.


    • Yogi,

      I took the motorcycle safety course and passed it. Texas does require the course to get a motorcycle lisence.

      All the gear all the time. I wear a reflective mesh armored jacket as well.


      • FM cringes every time he sees someone riding a motorbike or scooter wearing improper foot protection, such as flip-flops. “There,” FM mutters, “goes someone whose brains leaked out thru the ear-pans a long time ago.”

        These are the same people who look down the front of the barrel when their airgun or firearm has a misfire…

  4. My two tone HW45 is what I take out when I want some hustle free, although challenging, shooting, away from the dark side.
    Only addition is a pair of 1911 Hogue grips, rubber/laminate with finger grooves. 22 caliber, 6 fpe with alloy H&N.
    The only one that will be a lifelong keeper.

  5. BB-

    Congratulations on Miss Peach and a great intro to the blog topic. Looking forward to your exploration of the P1. Zero interest of ever owning one on my part. But I like to learn. Your point of appreciating something for its own virtues, rather than trying to transform it into what was never intended, is spot on.

    As a completely left field question- have you ever investigated t-shirt launchers and how they work? Just curious.

    • Paco,

      Shin Sung (Career 707) made a t-shirt launcher that worked on CO2. It had a range of around 100 feet, I think. Depends on how tight they are rolled, I guess. It looked like a trumpet.


      • Hmmm…..

        Got a couple CO2 20 lb beverage tanks I could plumb together. AAANDDD…. I ran across MAXIMUS BLOWHARDUS (from last year’s contest) the other day. Wonder if I can get siphon tubes put in those tanks? Well, gotta go. Thanks, BB!

  6. B.B.,

    I’m stoked! (For the younger folks, that means excited.) You’ve inspired me to take my HW45 out back today and shoot it from the patio as I drink some iced tea.

    Thanks very much for the inspiration.


  7. BB,

    I need a P1/HW45 like I need another hole in my head, but I really would like to have one. What caliber? I don’t care. Maybe .20 as I do not have anything else in that caliber. I would like a .20 HW sproinger rifle to go with it.

    I am starting to think Beeman was on to something there. I have been shooting sproingers for quite some time now, from tame little kiddie poppers all the way up to the uber magnums. I have found that above a certain point, the power of a sproinger is solely for bragging rights. Above a certain power level they become hard to cock, very hold sensitive and their accuracy drops off. Gas sproings can smooth things out a bit, but do not help much beyond that.

    What I have found is a sproinger in the 12 FPE range works pretty good. Hmmm. Coincidence? Maybe. At around that level you are able to have a nice balance of weight, cocking effort, hold sensitivity and accuracy.

    Now, at that power level I am talking about a .177 sproinger. If you take that sproinger and make it a .22, that pellet is going to have the trajectory of a rainbow. Now, a .20 is likely to have more mass than the .177 and a faster, flatter trajectory than the .22. Hmmm.

    I am certain there is no accident that the Doctor did business with Weihrauch. Yes, you can buy a prettier sproinger, but you are not going to buy a better one. Yes, I know there are going to be proponents of others, but I have shot those others and write this from a learned position. You are welcome to disagree. This is my opinion. Go get your own.

    • I had a Beeman P1 in .20 caliber, which I eventually sold. There are so few different kinds of .20 caliber pellets made today (although the few that exist do come from quality manufacturers), and my P1 did not care for any of them. I later bought a HW45 Bronze Star (essentially the same gun, except for the grip design and the burnt bronze finish) in .177. That was a more accurate pistol–not necessarily because it was inherently a “better” gun, but because I had an easier time finding pellets it liked.

      In the end, though, I sold that gun as well. At 5 f.p.e., it wasn’t really powerful enough for dealing with pests. I have both a scoped Beeman R7 and an unscoped HW30S for taking care of little things like rats–and both of them are far more pleasant to shoot than a P1/HW45. And for plinking, I enjoyed my HW75 and SIG Super Target (both single-stroke pneumatics) a lot more. Naturally, they are both more accurate and easy to shoot.

      I respect the people who want something as unique and well-made as the P1. But if you decide to get one, get it specially BECAUSE YOU WANT A P1, and not because you want to press it into service in some role. There are more accurate pistols for plinking. There are better low-powered springers for pests. And, with the rise of increasingly realistic CO2 action pistols, there are arguably much better trainers for 1911-style pistols. But does that mean you shouldn’t get a P1? I think not; the P1 is a great gun in its own right–as long as it is what you want.

      I recently bought a Walther PPK/S (one of the new ones, which Walther actually manufactures themselves in Fort Smith, Arkansas). I am not entirely sure what “role” it will fill, if any. I have other pistols more accurate and more appropriate for plinking (mostly .22s). I have other pistols more concealable and suitable for self-defense (such as my SIG 365 XL). I have still other pistols intended for dealing with pests outdoors (a Bond Arms derringer). But, in the end, none of them are a PPK/S. I’m sure all of my other pistols will see a lot more use than the PPK/S. It will probably only be carried on fancy dress occasions in a shoulder holster underneath my suitcoat. It doesn’t really serve any particular purpose. I bought it simply because it was a PPK/S–a well-engineered, smooth shooting gun–and I liked it.

      • General,
        I am with you! I bought this pre-WWII PPK just to have a “James Bond gun.” It has since been passed on to my son; but I now have the old CIA-special, my Dad’s old Walther TPH…it looks like a PPK that went through the dryer and shrank. Walthers are cool. =>
        Take care,

      • General,

        If it comes to pesting, I am certain I can do much better than the P1/HW95 no matter what the caliber. I would like to have one “just because”. I have an Izzy 46M which is superbly accurate. I also have a Webley Senior, a Predom Lucznik and a Crosman 2240, all of which may surprise many in the accuracy department. Then there is my collection of air rifles.

        No, I need one of these like I need another hole in my head. I would just like one.

    • RidgeRunner,
      I am really coming around to your way of thinking on sproingers versus firearms. While I can shoot firearms here, I find myself shooting about 500 pellets from a sproinger for every shot with a .22LR. Basically, I don’t need to worry about hearing protection, and there is also less of a concern with lead leaving my property.
      Sproingers are just plain fun.
      “Preachin’ to the choir,”

      • Dave,

        Yep! Do not get me wrong, I like the “Darkside” also. I bought a Maximus at the beginning of the year and just recently bought a 2240. Sproingers are a whole lot easier to diddle with though.

        • RidgeRunner, I have yet to cross over to the “Darkside,” LOL! I guess it’s a psychological thing….growing up with my Sheridan, then my RWS 45 sproinger…then my R7…then my HW97…with all those guns, I knew EXACTLY what they would do when I pulled the trigger; I never had to check a pressure gauge or anything…just grab the gun and some pellets and head out the door. I guess I just like things simple. =>

          • Dave,

            The “Darkside” is usually for those who wish to go beyond the range of sproingers. Most sproingers “top out” at around 25 yards. There are a few that are good to about 50 yards. Those are usually expensive.

            With the “Darkside” your effective range is determined by how much you want to spend. Cheap PCPs can usually outshoot most sproingers. I am beginning to explore the Maximus. It is easily filled with a hand pump. The manufacturers have discovered there is a market for PPPCPs. Some have a really good price tag.

            When I started on the “Darkside” I had a Talon SS and an Edge, both of which I filled with a good hand pump. This year I bought my Maximus. I picked it up on sale for $150. It is super easy to fill with a good hand pump.

            Hey, I have quite a few sproingers, but I like the “Darkside” also.

        • “There are a few that are good to about 50 yards. Those are usually expensive.”
          RidgeRunner, that comment you made really got me to thinking…mostly about how dumb it was for me to sell my HW97! Since I was moving away from our Field Target range (to another state), I thought it would be nice to sell it to another Field Target competitor there (in Florida) to give them a good gun to get into the game. But that gun WAS a tack driver, and it was good all the way to 55 yards…and that was with a very modest 4-14X scope. I SHOULD have kept the rifle, and just got an even better scope; then I’d be enjoying it right NOW on the mini-farm! Shoulda kept it, shoulda kept it! Stupid dave, LOL! =)~

        • Dave,

          Why get a bigger power scope? Now for FT you need a pretty specialized scope, but for everyday you do not need bigger. This is on top of my Maximus.


          I like this one on my sproinger.


          Now, on my HM1000X I do like something a little more powerful. I have the UTG 4x16x56 Bubble Leveler scope. I do not think it is made anymore.

          • RidgeRunner, you’re right; I misspoke; I meant I should have kept it and have gotten a different scope; either of those first two UTG scopes you mentioned would have been fine…if only I’d been smart enough to keep that rifle! =>

  8. BB, Looking forward to the rest of this series. Do you think you would be willing to work in the P17 too? I know there is previous six part series on it; looking for something with your current/new perspective 🙂


  9. P1 is a little pricey, but I believe the price tag is all worth it. She is a good-looker too. Who wants to spend a little fortune on 45ACP ammo, while there is this beauty? Perfection.

        • Hmm, my HW45 in .22 has the 2 cocking levels and regular sights, ie without glow-inserts. Apparently the serial no. 397680 means it’s likely from 2006/7.

          (Hi Mr Pelletier and fellow readers. Another longtime ‘lurker’ decided to comment…)

          • It felt good to read the welcome comments, thanks.

            As for choosing a toy such as a motorcycle, an airgun, or similar, I once read, and agree that one should always follow the ‘heart’. A reasonable decision might be as solid as a rock in a river of feelings, but emotions will win in the end when they erode even granite to a shape of their liking… 🙂

            Besides, nowadays there are some amazingly comfortable, fun and practical ‘big’ scooters to also consider. My tilting tricycle was unreliable (Peugeot Metropolis) but more fun than I ever had on a bike!

            I struggle to shoot accurately with most of my airguns. The HW45 is particularly challenging for me, yet there is something about it that I like. 🙂

          • To enhance my username with a picture, I discovered this thing called “gravatar”, which made me feel like having to jump through hoops, weave the tines of a giant comb and crawl through a collapsed tunnel.

            After several attempts, I still failed to add a profile picture. Then I remembered: gotta keep that tail wagging… phew, finally it’s there. 🙂

            I wonder if there is another, easier way to add a picture?

  10. Colt Single Action Army and 1911 U.S. Army, these two will always have a special place in my heart. They are expensive, and their ammo gets even more expensive in no time. Thankfully, there are nice airgun versions that can be enjoyed for the fraction of the cost.

  11. A childish question to the readership.

    Where do you folks shoot your airguns?

    The best way to enjoy an airgun is a large private open area. If that’s not avaliable, where do you go?

    • Fish,
      Fortunately can do so in my backyard. Done properly, can set up 25-yard targets. It also helps the surrounding neighbors shoot airguns and/or firearms, something not too common around here. And they’re all on the same page when it comes to dealing with the reptilian pests, as is FM.

    • Fish
      Back in the non covid days years ago I had the flu. (No special names for the flu back then that I can remember).

      Anyway I was sick and it was freezing cold out with wind and snow. I just wanted to try to do something to occupy myself to keep my mind off of being sick. So I got my rectangle shaped trash can and shoved a old phone book in it. I took my old smooth bore 760 and did about 4 pumps and shot old wadcutters in it in my room. My mom was having a fit I was shooting in the house. I remember my dad came in and asked what I was doing and I told him I was trying to take my mind off of being sick. He looked at what I was doing without saying a word he walked out of my room. A few minutes later my mom came in and said go ahead but just be careful and you better get to sleep before it gets to late.

      All I know is I felt much better that night after all that.

      Anyway that’s where I have shot before when I didn’t have a wide open space to shoot.

      And I have made up a down stairs shooting range for some air soft guns I had at one time with a blanket back drop and pieces of note book paper hanging from the ceiling from string.

      If you think about it there is alot of things you can do if you don’t have a big area to shoot. You just got to think about it and keep it safe.

    • Fish

      Wherever it is safe and nobody complains. You already know this but your question prompts me to mention a tip. I like to wedge a section of styrofoam insulation onto my deck railing at my shooting station. It likely dampens sound a bit plus lets any neighbor who may be looking know I am on station and shooting down one corridor. It does give me a sense of privacy.


    • When I lived in NJ where airguns are considered firearms, I would shoot in my basement. I would take a carton such as printer paper comes in and stuff an old pillow into it, tape it closed and put my targets on it. With the exception of my Discovery, no one upstairs ever complained about the noise. But that was 28′. When I wanted longer distances, say 25 yards, I would go to my local indoor gun range. They didn’t care so long as I paid for the hourly rate.

      Down here in GA, I have enough property to shoot outdoors or if I need to do 50 yards, go to my gun club. No problem. No complaints from the neighbors (other than requests to pest the chipmunks and squirrels out of their veggie gardens) and the police consider my airguns as toys.

      Fred formerly of the Peeples Demokratik Republik of NJ now happily in GA

    • I also wonder what happens when they call cease fire in the range and you’ve just cocked your coil springer? I guess something like HW30S or 50S would become handy as you can simply decock it.

      • I’ve just broken open the rifle so the breech is exposed and leave it like that. If the range safety officer questions me, I tell him the pellet is already in the barrel and I can’t put the ECI in and ask him if he wants me to discharge it.

        Almost every RSO I’ve been with knows nothing about air rifles or is not concerned that they present a lethal problem.

        Fred and so on

    • Fish,
      Fortunately for me, we have a 15-acre mini-farm; and technically, since we are a half mile outside the town limits, I can shoot any firearm I like; and I do shoot .22LRs fairly often, but no where near as often as I shoot airguns. I have 15-yard, 28-yard, and 39-yard ranges (the odd ranges are due to the location of the large trees that provide an extra backstop just in case I miss the metal backstops). And when it’s dark or pouring rain, I can shoot air pistols indoors on my 5-meter range, which was constructed by putting up a shelf at the back of the closet, and shooting diagonally across the length of “the gun room” (my only room in the house where that is allowed by my wife. =>).
      So, I am very fortunate, more like blessed.
      Take care,

  12. Driving from Kansas City to Denver takes about ten hours – an endless straight road. Big Harleys are designed to ride on those kinds of American roads. If there are a lot of curves and such, then a lighter and sportier Honda or something will become handy. Both experiences are on my bucket list.

  13. BB,

    in reading your comments on your Sportster, I’m convince that if it wasn’t new, then the frame was damaged or you had loose head bearings or the swingarm pivot needed to be tightened. There’s no way a Sportster should have a shimmy at 60 mph in a straight line. If you had that problem in turns, then I’d say your rear shocks were shot and to throw them away. As for the Road King, you’ve been off a bike long enough that you need to re-learn balancing at stops or parking lot speeds. That’s why a newbie who’s never ridden before, should always start with a light, used bike. You’ll get there!

    Fred formerly from and so on

  14. B.B., Thanks for the insights on your bikes. I had no idea of the different weights of the bikes. I would have never guess 800+ lbs! As for the P1, I have often wondered about the 22 cal as I’ve read both they do and do not have the second dual power cocking slot/click. I know you don’t do comparisons (most of the time) but I wish someone that owned both the P1 and the Diana LP8 would comment. I’ve often wondered which one is more accurate and which is easier to shoot (which might even be more important). Looking so forward to the rest of this review. Thanks again

  15. It’s late in the day to be making a post, so maybe this won’t raise as much of a firestorm as it might otherwise create. Here goes. I just don’t get the Harley thing. First, it’s 1930’s motorcycle technology. They’re not particularly well manufactured. They’re the most expensive bike on the road on a dollars per pound basis. Their dealers are often known to take advantage of their customers. Their performance by any number of measures are lacking…HP per unit of engine displacement, cornering clearance, braking, suspension. There are just so many better alternatives than a Harley. Secondly, cruisers may make a fashion statement, but they’re just not functional on other than a straight, level road (which, in my opinion, are boring to ride).

    I’m not advocating sport bikes, either. They’re peaky and uncomfortable, but I will say they’re closer to functional than a Harley.

    Sport touring BMW models are better, but still expensive and surprisingly clunky.

    I ride a Honda ST1300 with aftermarket cruise control. It’s great on long distance trips (I’ve done 570 miles in a day and several 500 mile days back-to-back) on either freeways or mountian roads. It’s reliable. It wasn’t excessively expensive. While it weighs about 700 lbs, it’s not in the Harley cruiser / Honda Goldwing category (Miata’s with two wheels). I also have a Kawasaki 650 with a set of Givi bags on it. While I wouldn’t ride it from St. Louis to California, it’s a great bike for two or three day, 300 mile / day trips. It’s reliable, gets great gas mileage, corners great, goes fast enough to get me put in jail and, once again, isn’t expensive. And, it’s 425 lbs.

    I just don’t get it.

    St. Louis, MO

    • Harley is a fashion statement, sounds cool and looks cool. I’d prefer a Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, or Kawasaki any day. Here is the thing though, there is no logic behind what motorcycle to buy. You don’t get married to a motorcycle; you live a love affair with it.

  16. B.B.,

    Lots of folks have said lots of things about the ups and downs about Harley but it is a classic, always, delivered from these classic guys. William Harley and Arthur Davidson pic from 1914.


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