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Ammo Hyper-velocity airguns

Hyper-velocity airguns

This report covers:

  • Definition
  • History
  • Skipping past the development
  • Does it work?
  • Why do it?
  • Accuracy
  • So what?

Today we will look at hyper-velocity airguns, or those whose projectiles exceed the 1,600 f.p.s. velocity threshold dictated by the physics of an airgun powerplant. Today we are going to talk about the squeeze bore. For more information on this subject read about squeeze bore firearms.


A squeeze bore firearm is one whose barrel tapers internally to obtain higher velocity from a projectile. In the 20th century the squeeze bore concept was used in anti-tank weapons. The only problem was a greatly reduced barrel life. Where a rifle might get 10,000 rounds with conventional ammunition, the same sort of barrel that’s tapered internally to be a squeeze bore might get only 1,000 rounds before it was worn out.

The problem was chamber pressure and the heat that accompanies it. In firearms, pressure and heat are the two worst enemies. In airguns however…


Squeeze bore cannons were known as early as the 19th century. But in the early 20th century they came into their own. The German Army had anti-tank weapons that used the squeeze bore principle to develop higher velocities to penetrate the thicker armor that enemy tanks were carrying. The Brits had them, as well. Even the M2 .50-caliber machine gun was turned into a squeeze bore that fired .30-caliber bullets. But none of this solved the problem of main battle tanks. The problem was it’s easier to add thicker armor than to increase velocity for greater penetration, so armor stayed ahead of weapons until significant advances like shaped charges were made. The M1 Abrams tank armor on the front slope (the nose of the tank) is over a yard thick!

Airguns don’t have significant chamber pressure. In fact one problem airguns have where high velocity is concerned is maintaining even the low pressure their valve puts behind the projectile. And that’s where Tyler Patner from Pyramyd AIR comes in.

Tyler knows a lot about the bore pressure problem of airguns. So when he learned about the squeeze bore concept he immediately saw the light. Could an airgun be made to benefit from a principle that started out with firearms but was quickly rendered inopportune by their very nature? To cut to the chase, could a pellet rifle be constructed to exceed the 1,600 f.p.s. “barrier” through the squeeze-bore principle?

Tyler knew what had to be done, so he started experimenting on this idea four years ago. He started with a smoothbore airgun, because he didn’t have access to a rifling capability, nor did he need it to prove his concept. Just boring a tapered smoothbore barrel would prove to be a daunting task. But he made it happen  and was able to get a highly modified Benjamin Marauder to shoot a .177-caliber pellet that started out as .25 caliber to over 2,000 f.p.s.

Skipping past the development

I’m going to skip past most of the development today because it’s the results that interest you. And this thing is so new that we don’t yet know all the results. But I’ll tell you where we are. First, though, we have to understand some basic principles, if not all the science behind them.

The projectiles that a squeeze bore shoots are not solid. The firearm projectiles had flanges around their circumference that were softer than the main projectile and would crush as the bore got smaller. Aluminum was often used for these flanges, because something has to keep the pressure behind the projectile for this to work. With airguns the crush ring has to be even softer but just as impermeable. However, the pressure behind an airgun projectile is far less than that of a firearm projectile and the heat that’s generated is virtually nonexistent. The crush material can therefore be much softer and malleable. Some form of synthetic has been used and is being used to date.

Does it work?

Yes, it works. While testing his proof of concept  prototype Tyler got over 1600 f.p.s. right away. And as he continued to experiment he discovered that the shape of the obturation ring was fundamental to success. To date he has found that a synthetic “washer” around the projectile that tapers front-to-back like a cone (narrower at the front and flaring out in the rear) works best. At this point he becomes quiet on all the details such as materials, dimensions etc.

Tyler did tell me that once he found the right shape and material for the obturation ring the next thing he looked at was the dwell time of the firing valve, because he is using a precharged pneumatic (PCP) for his testbed. That’s not to say that this principle won’t work for a springer or a CO2 powerplant, but to date they haven’t been tested. If the pressure remains high behind the projectile, does the length of time the exhaust valve remains open affect things? And does the obturation ring and the decreasing bore size affect the pressure that remains behind the projectile?

Hunting Guide

Why do it?

Who needs a pellet that travels 2000+ f.p.s.? What good is it? In a word — hunters. Do you remember hydrostatic shock and its effect on animals? Hydrostatic shock is why a deer sometimes drops instantly when hit by a bullet from a centerfire rifle. Firearms shooting smokeless powder cartridges are more inclined to produce it than black powder arms that don’t get much above 2000 f.ps. at the muzzle. Pellet rifles don’t even come close — until now.


This entire idea isn’t important unless the projectile can hit its intended target. That’s as true for airguns as it is for antitank weapons. And, like antitank weapons, airguns shoot at targets that are very close. Some tanks were supposed to be shot as close as 25 yards, though any infantryman with a wish to live wants to be farther away than that!

For airguns twenty-five yards is a short-to-medium distance. And groundhogs don’t shoot back with machine guns! But airgunners are not content to hit the woodchuck in any old place. They want to hit within a one-inch circle if not better, so the accuracy has to be in that range for this idea to work.

Because woodchucks don’t shoot back Tyler made one inch 5-shot groups his minimum accuracy requirement. He then sought to find out how far away he could get accuracy like that.

So what?

Tyler told me all of this because Pyramyd AIR is getting ready to launch the world’s first squeeze bore airgun. I was told I could pass this information along to you, so they must be very close to releasing something. The projectiles will exit the muzzle as .177-caliber but will start out as .25-caliber. Tyler tells me to expect one-inch groups out past 100 meters, and, since he is a shooter, I know I can trust him.

I have been told the velocity will be “above 2,000 f.p.s.” How much above he didn’t say. He told me the projectiles will most closely resemble slugs and that lead may not be in their composition. He said to expect expensive projectiles but that Pyramyd AIR is trying to keep the price down to $18 per hundred.

I was also informed, and was asked to keep this confidential, though it is okay if I tell you, that tomorrow is April first.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

114 thoughts on “Hyper-velocity airguns”

    • Siraniko,

      The principles and functions are indeed real. The Brits and Germans did indeed have such during WW2, although I have never heard of such applied to the Ma Duece. Now in the application to airguns it is indeed Rubish, or should I say rubbish?

  1. The issue I may have is not so much the cost of the ammunition for such, but the cost of the air rifle. You said it was a PCP. What is the operating pressure? I can achieve 4500 PSI presently. Will I also need to purchase a new compressor?

    You also suggested that this principle would work with sproingers and CO2. With their low operating pressures compared to most PCPs, would they not have to use at least a slightly different projectile design. or at least different materials?

    There would also be the matter of barrel length to be considered most especially with the sproingers as after about six inches you would no longer have an increase in pressure from the compression chamber. Of course this could be compensated some by a larger swept volume and an increase in applied force from the spring, whether it be gas or metal. Cocking such may require an aid similar to those used for crossbows.

    So what?
    Tyler told me all of this because Pyramyd AIR is getting ready to launch the world’s first first (delete one) squeeze bore airgun.

  2. Tom,

    “The projectiles that a squeeze bore shoots are not solid.”

    I have often been thankful for that!

    “The crush material can therefore be much softer and malleable. Some form of synthetic has been used and is being used to date.”

    Rather than some form of synthetic material, I prefer either a tablespoon of mineral oil or cod liver oil. It produces greater velocity at the, ahem, muzzle and greatly reduces wear and tear on the equipment.


  3. Next year you can tell us about the secret development of pellets powered by nano ramjet engines. This will overcome the difficulties of squeeze-bore engineering. FM saw it on the internet so it’s got to be true!

  4. OK, I was totally sucked in – Happy April Fools Tom!

    …It’s naughty to play jokes on an old guy who doesn’t know (or care) what day of the week it is though LOL!

    The thing is that I’ve been looking at the squeeze bore principle for airguns for about a decade. I have a folder of sketches and notes around here somewhere.

    Think that squeezing .25 to .177 would be too much, but that .30 to .25 would/could be doable. Don’t know if a .005 squeeze would net much of a performance gain, .30 to .22 might be enough.

    As far as projetiles go. The hollow design of the FX Hybrid slugs might work – right off the shelf. I liked the idea of flanged slugs because I have casting experience and no swaging equipment – I have several cool designs. The diabolo pellet, with it’s small bearing surfaces would stand a fair amount of “resizing” – whether the extruded pellet would fly straight is another matter.

    Then, without the heat concern of powder based power plants, the power of PCPs and the availability of 3D printers, there are metal-core plastic bullets and sabotted slug options to explore 🙂 Attaching plastic thingy parts to pellets is hardly new.

    The barrel would not be a big issue, it’s easy enough to marry a smooth bore breech section to a reducing cone to a rifled barrel.

    A good joke is one that is believable right up to the punch line and this is a good one – probably because (exaggerated velocities aside) the idea and the principles are not that far fetched.

    Squeeze bore airguns are probably not practical. We can already achieve high enough velocities in modern PCPs and if more power is required rimfires and centerfires are better suited to the job.

    There is a guy down in Australia that has been working on a .22 rimfire squeeze bore for a while now. I see that I need to catch up on his videos.


    Still, pondering the principles gives us arm-chair engineers something to entertain themselves with 🙂

    Fun stuff!

    • Hank,

      I think you need to go back to work. You have WAAAY too much time on your hands.

      In one of my rare moments of seriousness, I do wish to point out that FX has indeed experimented successfully with the squeeze bore technique. They have even managed to bring it into production. Their original “Smooth Twist” barrels are examples of where they have taken smooth bore barrels and squeezed the ends down around mandrels to impart rifling in the end of their barrels. Their present barrels, or barrel liners if you prefer, presently have the rifling “squeezed” into them.

      Many Lothar-Walther barrels have a “choke” “squeezed” into them which reduces the diameter of the projectile. They do have issues using slugs as these projectiles have issues with being “squeezed” that much. Of course, now you can get these barrels without a choke or even with rifling that is not “traditional”.

      Now back to our regularly scheduled humor.

      • RR,

        I have too many projects in process to go back to work 😉

        Familiar with the FX barrel liners and how they are made, know first hand how accurate they are and that they have a good thing going.

        Most airgun barrels/liners are choked – you can really feel that when slugging the bore.

        I’m presuming that the (costly) extra operation required to choke the barrel is justified by better accuracy but I don’t understand how it works. Why are airgun bores choked bore but not firearms (at least none that I’ve seen).

        Anyway, I think that a “substantial” amount of squeeze is required to gain a useful increase in velocity (or why bother). I’ve wondered if typical airgun working pressures have the energy available to reform a lead projectile. Swaging bullets requires substantial force.


        • Vana2,

          “Swaging bullets requires substantial force.”
          I thought we agreed to call them Boolits for airguns? I’m of the opinion that choked barrels only belong in spring piston powerplants that have low enough power to never shoot Boolits (slugs) because it really doesn’t make them more accurate; in my opinion.
          I challenge anyone out there in airgun land to prove (beyond the shadow of a doubt) that a choke improves, repeatability, precision, and accuracy.


      • RidgeRunner,

        I agree!
        Hank has too much time on his hands.
        He needs to work on the increasing barrel twist conundrum.

        Stay away from the Caster oil!


        • Caster oil is only good for cleaning a person out. It is my understanding that they used to use it as a lubricant for aircraft engines during WW1. The problem is the fumes tended to make pilots kind of loose. It was found that brandy would counteract the effect. That is why many of the early pilots were drunk.

    • singleshotcajun, I pray all goes well with your recovery!
      (says the guy who had spine surgery 9 years ago)
      Such operations can be trying.
      Praying you’re up and shooting soon,

      • hihihi,

        And I’ll bet they, being German, can say it in seven different languages effortlessly and with perfect accents! (I am convinced Germany has the best public schools in the world.)


        • Yes Michael, of course they can, because:
          1) “it” (u.s.a.-american),
          2) “it” (canadian),
          3) “it” (australian),
          4) “it” (irish),
          5) “it” (scottish),
          6) “it” (welsh),
          7) “it” (new-zealandian)

          Ant ze correct akcent iss olveys tshermin! 🙂

          Oh, and what about the English public schools, thought of as top notch, you know, like Eton. Harrow, Winchester, etc…?

        • Michael,

          Only if they attended a Waldorf Schule or a Privat Shule administered by a church. They have a track system that almost ensures you, as an American Educator, likely only had dealings with those that attended Gymnasium to Abitur Abschluss.


          • RidgeRunner,

            Are you all that certain about the Southern part of your accent! You stem from a long ways NORTH of Apalachicola or Appalachia, Florida …I couldmight see about even a South Central but then we could talk and chew on it over a jar for a spell. You know it means: People on the other side.


            • Florida?! Thet ain’t nuthin’ but sand, swamp and skeeters. Thet thar place ain’t hardly above sea level. Thar ain’t no mountains down there. I don’t care what they name some swampy spot.

      • I got home around 1900 yesterday. Had some confusion over pain meds and almost had to go without. Sometimes it’s tricky finding a pain med you are not allergic to.

          • RidgeRunner,

            Is it the pain med part of the Neosporin you can’t tolerate?
            If so, you likely can tolerate Polysporin for the anti infection function. I carry both in all my First Aid Kits.
            Most folks don’t know the only difference between the two is that Neosporin has the added pain med.


    • R Scott,

      I am aware that it is difficult to accept something at face value on this day, but to a certain extent it is in use in airguns.

      FX used to use such a technique with their “Smooth Twist” barrels where they would squeeze the end of the barrels down onto mandrels to impart rifling.

      Lothar-Walther imparts a “choke” on many of their barrels to force pellets to a uniform size.

      Both techniques required a lot of experimentation in order to achieve the “accuracy” results desired.

      What is really awesome about this particular blog is that there is a lot of truth in it. Can this basic concept be applied to airguns? It had very limited success with firearms and was soon abandoned. As I have pointed out, it is in use to a very limited extent in modern airguns, but with the much lower pressures involved, I would not expect much more than what is presently offered.

      A lot less seriousness now, thank you.

  5. I always love April first because I can depend on BB for something interesting. Unfortunately, this morning my nurse ( who comes in 3 times a week) happened to mention that March was over today.

    So,, it didn’t take much for me to rationalize that this would make tomorrow April Fool’s Day. Knowing that BB is a five day a weeker,, that meant the regular “joke of the year” would be today or Monday,,

    So,, being thusly prepared, I quickly decided that today was the day when I started reading. A tapered bore weapon?? Surely too obvious,, until I read the article that the D. Myster was so kind as to post for us.

    It was at that point that I became unsure. If BB had not alluded to the date in his last sentence I might easily have swallowed his offering. As it now appears, there is actually this concept that is over a century old and still a very few considering it. That Tyler would be one of them is where it got weird, tho. He seems a bit too rational for that.

    But one never knows,,, do one???

  6. B.B. and Readership,

    poor reflection, indistinct image. an enigma, riddle, any thing obscurely expressed , or intimated, 1 Cor. 13:12

    In the words of my greatest Hero:
    What, me worry?
    Alfred E. Neuman

    Until next year. ;^)


  7. BB, this is one of the best, if not the best of your April 1 articles. I was completely suckered till the revelation at the end. Hmmm, is that why Revelations is at the end??

    I wonder if it would be possible to link to all the past April 1 blogs so we could read them all easily!

  8. B.B.
    Dang it. You got me again!!!! Then I thought wait, April 1st is on a Saturday. The best you ever got me was on the PA big bore springer that was the perfect gun. Next Year I’ll be ready. Well probably not LOL.


  9. BB, you devil!

    You had me until you called the M1 an Abrahams tank. Fort Knox is in my back yard and I know you served in Armor and you don’t make those kinds of mistakes. Ha Ha and early April Fools to you too.


  10. I think the real victims of this gag is going to be Tyler and others fielding questions for the next month on a release date and pre-order for this “incredible” gun.


  11. Always will remember April Fool’s Day 1969 and where I was and how I got there.
    I caught US Air Force MAC flights from Mildenhall England to Rhein-Main Germany then on to Prestwick Scotland and Keflavik Iceland and ended up in McGuire AFB New Jersey. Rested at home in Brooklyn NY and then on to San Antonio Texas and on April Fool’s Day I was married in a small Catholic church there. The path back was just about as complicated.

    Read this blog with a lot of “What the ….!” in my mind. So, I guess BB had me to some extent.
    I reached 2300 fps with the lightest pellet I could find in a new, ‘well oiled’ .177 Ruger Magnum springer. It would probably work fine with a one-foot bullseye at 100 yards with ear plugs installed.

    Now if they ever make a Magnum airgun with an easy to replace burned out piston seal or invent a better one for ‘Hot’ shooting with ‘special’ slugs, we could have an ideal hunting airgun. But then again it might now be considered a firearm and better off being replaced with one.

    I do know one thing. I never would have found a one tooth larger counter sprocket for my 1969 BSA Mk IV Spitfire in a small motorcycle shop in Germany without Ebay.
    Bob M
    An honorary April Fool.

  12. Shootski,
    Gotcha, production ended in 1968 although it was entirely unintentional. Just forgot.
    The first one I got in England nearly killed me on the ride back from the dealership in Cambridge.
    Later on, the combination of that easily acquired back then sprocket, jetted up already bigger carbs, with long velocity stacks and megaphone exhaust pipes really kicked-in wide open in third gear.
    Base Commander in Florida had the base police hunting me down for reckless driving after I passed him and everyone else on the way to the base for work one day. Must have been the loud exhaust? 🙂 Those were great years to be young and alive.

  13. BB and All,
    I was thinking that the extra pressure to squeeze the projectile could be generated like the Daisy VL. All you would need to do is put a little something in the base of the pellet that would burn away and provide the velocity. I think that the perfect propellant to keep it quiet would be hush-a-boom.

  14. To all-

    Happy April! Not to brag, but I immediately saw through BB’s attempt to pull the wool over our eyes. No stranger to fleece flocking flummery, I instantly knew the flawed financial filibuster to Tyler’s line of technical inquiry. That is, of course, how will Pyramyd’s packaging professionals provide perfect delivery to the end user for proper performance?The delicate trailing edge of the synthetic ‘washer’ would present insurmountable transportation woes to anyone attempting cartage by common carrier of any distance greater than 1.5 kilometers. Ah, you say, the solution will be to have the customer assemble the projectile and washer at the time of shooting. Not so fast, everyone. Research has shown that exactly 0.0177 % of consumers will a) read the instructions, b) understand the instructions, and c) assemble the thing correctly.

    Danger! Will Robinson! Should one assemble the washer backwards and fire it through a Price Point PCP, the resulting rapid rearranging of the really okay kit o’ parts (ie, the inside is now the outside) will provide the user the momentary pleasure of owning a high zoot, high dollar PCP. The pleasure, as most in life, is fleeting. The gun will revert to its original state (ie, outside is now inside) (again) within three minutes. Mind your fingers and toes- Sharp like!

    Oh, Woe and gnashing of teeth! How can one go on after once experiencing the high holy of holies boutique experience? You now understand why Pyramyd can not risk upsetting the status quo.

    I, however, am continuing to research the attachment of a dimensionally stable non-Newtonian fluid to existing diabolo pellets to achieve 94% of the velocity increase previously mentioned.

    • pacinohio

      Cod liver oil is the non Newtonian goose grease, as Michael alluded to. Having a viscosity approaching zero removes all but 6% of friction.


  15. All,

    Despite this being April Fool’s Day, this was an actual event, with real witnesses.

    I was present when Lloyd Sikes attempted to exceed 2000 FPS with an air powered projectile. I was not quite sure if such was achieved, as the chronograph was literally “blown” off of its mount (duct taped to a table), but the cinderblock target/backstop was pulverized by the impact of the projectile, which, if my rememberer is working correctly, was machined aluminum. I do not recall what the caliber was, but I think it was around .25. It was a smooth bore (pipe) with no squeezing involved. I think Lloyd was working with pressure around 4500 PSI.

    The “accuracy” is also questionable, as the ranges involved were very short and there were no sighting instruments involved in the experiment.

  16. B.B. and Readership,

    I hope and pray everyone in the parts of the US and Canada that are or have been blasted by the current weather system(s) are safe and sound or at least able to make a speedy recovery from any damages.
    The mountains out West are next up with some places getting 65″+ inches of snow during the next three days.


  17. Commented on this a while back when I talked about shooting a pellet faster than 2000fps, and I do mean shot with all that oil burning. I could actually hear the pellet flying through the air. Kind of like a ricochet bullet sound on TV only in reverse. The high-pitched echoing whizzing / ringing noise came first then the loud splat. I sure would not want to be in the path of that pellet.
    The noise of a firearm probably covers up the sound of a bullet.
    As a matter of fact, if you watch the YouTube video, “Guy hit in head with a ’50 Caliber ricochet’ you can hear that sound. Probably the pellet or bullet tumbling through the air makes it?
    (That man was not hurt but really upset)

    My weather troubles in CA have a long way to go. Ever try to mow grass that’s over two feet high? It just lays flat, and you need to backup over it a few times and then clean out the grass clogging the mower every few yards. It’s like mowing 12 acres instead of three and the ground is still muddy with more rain expected Monday. I got it …. a programable flying lawn mower drone!


    I just thought I would let you know that Air Arms will be introducing a “new” model springer this year. It is the TX200US. Now before egos get out of control, the US stands for Ultimate Springer.

    The TX200US is based on the TX200 model with three stock offerings; beech, walnut and laminate. It will have an adjustable butt and cheek piece. Are the internals any different? I do not know.

    • I now have a TX200 MkIII. Bucket list purchase. It was on an online auction and described as having a missing bolt. The actual auction house was within reasonable driving distance so saved on shipping, too. I bought because I knew I could work on it without needing a spring compressor, so it would be a good first spring gun project. Turns out the bolt was not missing. The problem was actually a badly adjusted trigger and too much old gummed up oil/grease + crud. Came with a walnut stock and a Hawke 2-7x scope. It’s a keeper, but should I get a 3×12 scope for it?

      A drop in stock with an adjustable cheek piece or an adjustable buttplate would be cool.

      • R. G.
        Congratulations for a great buy, since it must have been fairly priced. If the scope has an IR then it must be also etched. If the distance you regularly shoot is within its limits there’s no need for something else.

  19. Chronograph…a “must have” according to “The Enabler”…and I must concur. 🙂

    Once again, I must thank you for convincing me to get a chronograph!
    Over the past 10 days, I have used it at least a couple of dozen times.
    My most recent use was about an hour ago.
    I noticed that CCI .22 Magnum shotshells penetrated tin cans MUCH better than their .22LR shells.
    The chronograph has the .22 Mag shot column going 220 fps faster.
    Without the trusty chronograph, I would just be guessing.
    As you’ve said, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”
    Thanks to the chronograph, I now know things, things that are good to know.
    Thank you!!! 🙂
    Blessings to you,
    P.S. That was from a Ruger Single-Six with a 5-1/2″ barrel.
    CCI .22LR shot averaged 599 fps, while .22 Mag shot averaged 820 fps.
    If a water moccasin* is about to get you, that makes a big difference!
    (* we’ve got them down at the pond, and copperheads up by the house. X_X)

      • LOL! That thing is really cool, shootski!
        I’d really want one if I didn’t already have one of these:
        (the video embedded in that second link is interesting =>)
        Luckily, I was able to get a couple hundred shells with 1/4-ounce of #9 shot.
        At 10 yards, it shoots a really tight pattern; I took out a copperhead next to the back door.
        And it is QUIET; you do not need any hearing protection.

        But there IS a Quackenbush gun I wish I’d had the foresight to buy:
        I’d have opted for this one:
        .375 cal. Rifled-24″, drum tap loader, rifle sights
        I wouldn’t have any particular thing to use it on; but it’d be too cool just to have it! 😉
        Blessings to you,

        • thedavemyster,

          You have it well covered with the Flobert.
          I have kicked myself many times over the DAQ Liege Lock but was interested in some of his other production at the time. RR and I have gone on about them. Dennis does NOT care to talk about them for sure!
          I’m having fun loading various fodder and using various techniques for my DAQ Camp & Garden…way more fun than shooting SALT!
          Keep those serpents in check.


          • “Dennis does NOT care to talk about them for sure!”
            shootski, I was wondering about that.
            I kind of figured when he said…
            “Since it took five years to sell 20 rifles, I have not made another batch.”
            …that asking him about making another one was a no-no! #_#

  20. Off topic:
    The other day I read a Hard Air Magazine article about tuning an HW90 with the adjustable gas spring, and I thought about doing the same exercise with my cheap little $30 “No Excuses” Chronograph (Thanks Ian for enabling) and my Crosman 362, but instead of adjusting the pressure on the gas spring, I shot groups of ten shots at 8 pumps each, 7 pumps, etc. Down to 2 pumps. I did that with its favorite pellet, the HN Field Targey Trophy with the 5.53mm heads. I still have to enter the data into the spreadsheet and crunch the numbers (future comment material), but the extreme spreads were telling. 8 pumps was 16 fps extreme spread, 4 pumps was not as bad but over 10 fps. All others were less than 10 fps extreme spread. That is borne out in the groups it shoots. I will do the same thing with its second favorite pellet, the pointed JSB Straton Jumbo, and then with one cheapo pellet.

    I really have to get a steel breach for this gun and start some mods.

    • Roamin Greco, I’ve been holding off on getting a steel breech for my Crosman 362…
      …but now that you’re enabling me, I may just have to get one. 😉

      • Back to materials for the HyperSqeezer;

        Only one choice, really.

        Rare, and expensive as heck —“neverwasorwillbeum”

        (Remember – you get what you pay for!)


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    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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