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What do you do?

This report covers:

  • Start
  • John Beresford Tipton
  • Not done
  • A slight departure
  • WW II Army watch
  • OR…
  • Should I?
  • The deal
  • Time
  • So what?

Today is a discussion of how our hobby is changing, and has changed in the past few years. My objective today it to knock your sox off, so double knot your laces, if your shoes even have them, and keep the coffeepot full.


On March 2 I shared with you an eBay advertisement for a Sheridan Supergrade multi-pump rifle that sold for $5,000.

5000 Supergrade

In that same report, titled Getting into airguns, I shared another eBay ad for a Supergrade that I told you would never sell. It was a case of the seller not understanding what he had to offer and the market he was offering it to.

2700 Supergrade

I even conversed with reader Cloud9 about the first ad. I said that at last year’s Texas Airgun Show I had my Supergrade for sale at $2,300. I figured if anyone was willing to pay that kind of money I would surely part with it. But $5,000? That’s a price I had never heard of.

I thought those two ads represented  the high-water mark of ridiculousity (ask professor Michael — he’s the English guy). But noooo! It appears there ain’t (I know, Michael — “ain’t not” would be better) no limit to how far things will go. Just look at this ad that is currently on eBay.

Supergrade ad

John Beresford Tipton

I still own a Supergrade. It holds air, shoots and, because of the automatic transmission stop leak fluid I oiled it with a couple years ago, it’s one of the most powerful Supergrades in the world. I won’t tell anybody how to do that, by the way (oil the rifle with ATF sealant), because I don’t want others to know my “secret” and to possibly make their Supergrades as fast as mine. Fortunately I think my secret is safe with you guys. Chortle!

Here’s my plan. At the rate Supergrades are appreciating, mine will be worth over a million dollars by the end of this year. And, if I hold out for five more years, I will become as rich as the “fabulously wealthy and fascinating” John Beresford Tipton, who gave away a million dollars every week through his executive secretary, Michael Anthony (CBS, 1955-1960). Only I won’t give any of my money away. I will save it until I can afford to buy — insert the name of the vintage airgun of your choice. 

Not done

It doesn’t end there, either! Just yesterday morning I received a notice of a new/old Webley Senior pistol on eBay. It’s not listed for thousands of dollars, either. This one is a bargain at just under five hundred dollars!

Webley ad

Now, I also have a Webley Senior pistol that you have read about. I paid $125 for mine (yes, it was also a Buy it Now) a little over six months ago, but I had to pay $20 shipping. This Webley ships for free! And so do two of the three Supergrades shown above. If I buy enough of these wonderful deals I’ll actually be saving a lot of money because, at the rate they are appreciating, I can’t deposit money in my bank account any faster. It’s like owning a piggy bank that pours money out instead of you putting it in.

A slight departure

Now I’m going to get off the subject for a moment, but I promise to return. I recently came out of the closet as a wristwatch nerd (see the report, It’s always something). In doing so, I kicked over the anthill of blog readers, uncovering many who are just as watch-nerdy as me!

Hunting Guide

WW II Army watch

In World War II countries everywhere made wristwatches for their military forces. In the U.S. there was a watch specification called the A-11, which was a wristwatch with a hack function that allowed the synchronization of multiple watches. The now-defunct watchmaker, Elgin, made a great many A-11s for the services. Today a nice one sells for around $500. I recently bought a beater (non-running, but having all the parts) for $174 delivered. I can get it serviced (cleaned and lubricated to run again) for about $150. So, for $324 I can have a $500 wristwatch that’s in high demand. OR…

my Elgin
My Elgin A-11 that was made in 1943 is a great investment. It’s all original, including the leather strap.


Or, I can strip it down to its parts and sell it for closer to $750, because the demand for A-11 watch parts is extremely high. The dial alone (and mine, that hides behind a cracked and scratched crystal, is very nice) would go for $150. Since I have the tools and skills to take it apart myself it wouldn’t even cost the $150 I mentioned to have it repaired. Should I do that?

Should I?

Some would say I should. Others would scratch their SSN on the back of the watch case to prove it was theirs — like the Springfield 03-A3 rifle I recently showed you. Others, like me, would preserve the thing for posterity. Several years ago I either sold or traded an FWB 124 action in the stock for about $200. That was at a time when complete 124 rifles were selling for $375 to $450. All that was needed to make that rifle complete was the barrel, plus the hardware to attach it to the action. I may have even sold or traded it to one of you readers, and if I did would you please verify my story or correct me if I’m wrong?

The deal

Here is the deal. Want to see a genuine Roman Gladius sword? Want to own one? Better stock up on Sheridan Supergrades and prepare to wait for them to appreciate before selling them. Genuine Roman Gladius swords are very scarce and extremely costly.  But at one time they were quite common. What happened? Time happened.


Time is the great winnower and leveler. Right now you will pay $500 and up for a nice FWB 124 air rifle. Ten years from now, who knows, except it will probably be more. Those Beeman R1s out there — not the HW 80s — the real Beeman R1s, are quietly appreciating every year as the supply grows smaller and smaller.  They are appreciating all the time, but not every minute!

The used airgun marketplace that we see on eBay in the four airgun ads above is an artificial one. People who don’t understand the market, selling to buyers with money to burn are skewing the numbers in a dangerous way. I tell you this to caution you to not waste money thinking that the market has suddenly accelerated and will leave you behind if you don’t act fast. Fast acting is the thing you don’t want to do.

So what?

If your goal is to buy a classic airgun, prepare to be patient and resourceful. I’ve heard that the purchase of a lifetime comes along about every 18 months or so. I know for a fact that it comes more often when you look.

What about a great new airgun? I would say watch and listen. There are sources you can trust and there are people who will steer you right. There are even salespeople who can be trusted.

When it comes to buying airguns take the advice of Caesar Augustus who once said, “Make haste slowly.”

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

62 thoughts on “What do you do?”

  1. B.B.,
    Great stuff! I especially like the part about John Beresford Tipton; I loved watching “The Millionaire” as a kid, and dreaming about what I’d do with a million dollars (which was a lot more then than now =>).
    For sure, I could have bought a lot of airguns…and if I’d gotten my million, and bought the ‘right’ airguns, I could likely have retired 20 years earlier than I did…ah, for what could have been. 🙂
    Blessings to you,

  2. B.B.,

    In: This report covers: We need to discuss what IS is!
    Today is a discussion of how our hobby is changing, and has changed in the past few years. My objective today it (is) to knock your sox off, so double knot your laces, if your shoes even have them, and keep the coffeepot full.

    I had my Gokey® Moccasins on with no sox ;^)

    However, John Beresford Tipton III, Man Friday, a Michael Anthony, Jr., stopped by the house this afternoon and dropped off a shipment 10,000 SIG ASP20/WHISKEY 3 COMBOS.


    • If the price is right, I will take one of those combos. I understand the scope is pretty good. I could probably sell the air rifle. I would like one with the synthetic stock. I really do not care what caliber it is.

      • RidgeRunner,

        I would love to sell you a boxed complete COMBO in .22 or .177 with synthetic stock! But you must sign up for the lottery that will only open once every six months at most for a very limited numbers release.
        You see these are all disassembled parts and we have only a few skillful enough former SIG AIR employees working part-time on assembly so it will take some effort on your part. The employees will be busy with showcasing a few SIG ASP20s at regional airgun shows/shoots you might get one at the Market price at shows end unless…demand causes us to need to run an auction sale.


  3. So what!!!!
    The Dragon Fly is easier to pump and more accurate, or so you have shown us…

    A few months ago you insinuated that the computer chip shortage was over, WRONG!
    I need a new dishwasher, all the Made in America models that I am interested in are special order.
    When I asked what this means, I was told wait times are 6 months to 2 years. The only models currently available are all cheaper models not made here.


  4. Of course, if one considers a price uncomfortably high, then, why, just wait a while for it to change, as it surely will! 🙂

    And then, one day, if the price drops down to bargain basement level, well, then we wait just a little longer, for one would not want to appear rushed, now would one. 🙂

    In the meantime, just think of all those hasty, careless and laughing fools who are having fun, shooting their ‘new’ airguns!
    Oh how they will wail, when one finally mentions, for how much less money, the same airgun was acquired – oh yes, it is only a matter of time and sticky sweet victory will reward the patient! 🙂
    Of course, I would rather have a rack full of toys than a golden number in my account that the bank is constantly hollowing out from underneath, behind and from the inside. 🙂

    pictured is an example of my ‘madness’… 🙂

      • Thanks thedavemyster. Flattery will almost always defeat me! 🙂
        However, I shall pass on the guest blog…

        … to you: If it’s still doable for your wife, then imagine what an adventure a journey to the South of France would be! 🙂
        And while you’re here, write the Diana30neo guest blog, ok?
        Failing that, what would you like to know first?

        • Everything!
          How does it cock, how does it shoot, is it hard to load pellets, what pellets does it like, Crony numbers, accuracy test. The whole 9 yards!!!!
          As a regular contributor here, I believe that you have an obligation to do a guest blog. I’ve done one.
          Tom will ensure that you do not make a fool of yourself, he did me.
          Do It!


        • hihihi,
          Thank you so much for the offer; I am truly flattered!
          Sadly, my wife has a host of medical issues, and does not travel anywhere.
          Yet I do truly appreciate the offer! 🙂
          As to the Diana30neo, I find that rifle intriguing; I would like to know what kind of velocity and accuracy you get; but even more so, I’d like to know about its general “shootability,” as in how easy is it to cock the rifle, how does it balance, and how user-friendly is it?
          Thanking you in advance,

        • Gentlemen Yogi and thedavemyster, thank you for your questions, all of which I intend to answer. 🙂

          First of all, I need to make the following clear:
          a) I definitively intend to avoid writing a guest blog! and
          b) anybody happy enough to make their way over to my place, in order to let me look over their shoulder, while they write a guest blog, well, you’re welcome! 🙂
          Oops, I forgot to include, ‘..or the host blog’, meaning Tom Gaylord of course, sorry. 🙂

          thedavemyster, I am really sorry, and a little sad too, to hear, what sounds like, your long distance traveling days, really are no more. 🙁

          Reminds me of my Mum, who is also being cared for by her husband (my stepdad) and, despite being geographically closer, can’t travel anymore either (and she doesn’t even suffer from Multiple Sclerosis or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia). 🙁

          And now, to answering, what looks like a total of nine questions, about my Diana30neo:
          Honestly, I am looking forward to finding out the answers, ie because I don’t yet know them… 🙂
          I shall post here, and I imagine it will take me a while. So, while life interferes, I ask you for your patience please… 🙂

          • How about we collect enough funds here to have you send the rifle to B.B. in Texas, assuming he is interested in testing it.
            Do you have a hard case for it?


          • Update on the Diana 30 neo: it’s broken!

            I don’t know what the problem is, except that the gun is shooting the recommended Diana Oktoberfest BB’s, erratically and weakly too.
            On page 6 of the “Instructions for Use” booklet, it says: “Velocity 100 m/s . 328 fps Measured with lead BB’s.” – well, mine doesn’t! 🙁

            The Diana 30 neo is going in my Corner Of Shame !

            S O R R Y !

  5. If you buy guns to use, you are likely to buy guns that have been well-received over time and, so, are common. Hard to believe my well-used run of the mill Beeman R7 will appreciate. Nor my TX200 with nothing special stock. Accurate and reliable HW110? So, besides reducing their value by taking them out of the box and using them, they were not scare to begin with. It’s, likely, a conundrum for our heirs.

    • Stevenberk,

      It was not too many years ago that when I first started looking for an HW30/Beeman R7 that I saw three R7s at the now extinct Roanoke show. The cheap R7 was for sale for $400. I do not think any of them sold.

  6. A lot of things become valuable because they are an Item necessary to acquire to complete, or add to, a collection and you are in competition with many others to get it. Like coins and watches.
    But, for something to become valuable on its own I believe it must check off a lot of boxes on a must have check list.
    The first Ford T Bird could not check off the performance box, Ho, Hum. Compare that to the first Shelby Mustang that did.
    One item I believe that must be checked off is that it was highly desirable by a currently living generation in their youth or have a lot of other boxes checked off to compensate, like superior quality and extremely rare. An original Daisy Wire Stock for example.
    Noticed a lot of beautiful old, restored cars that are falling out of favor by a younger generation.

  7. I have a question for the readers.

    When these Super grades and other guns were made, airguns weren’t a big high volume business as they are now, but we are still a niche market.

    In the 70’s when Star Wars hit the theaters, there were very few action figures made to coincide with the release, the movie was a big hit, and the manufacturers had to get toys to market fast, so now the first ones are highly sought after.

    Now “collectible” action figures are being turned out in the tens of millions if not more.

    Now, airguns are being turned out by the hundreds of thousands, (if not millions for some lesser expensive models).

    I do wonder how many TX 200’s and HW 97’s have been made to date.

    The highly popular but no longer made Sig ASP 20 has and will become more collectible simply because a limited few were made.

    With the many TX200’s on the market, and HW(insert a popular selling model number here) being produced, will they ever become collectible?

    If it follows the way of the Gladius, yes, but it may be a few thousand years……

    Everyone’s thoughts?


    • 45Bravo, I am unsure what exactly your question is, but I suspect it’s about financial desirability of airguns.

      Consider the art scene, where rubbish can fetch high prices, not because the buyer likes the art, but sees the investment.
      I’m different, because I am unable to appreciate anything art for it’s financial value. 🙂

      All my airguns are unnecessary luxuries that I only acquire for emotional reward. Money, price, cost, etc represent units of time, ie how long before I can have… 🙂

    • Ian,
      All my airguns, even my firearms, are all “usables,” none of them are collectibles.
      I shoot them all and enjoy them now, and couldn’t care less it they become collectible some day.
      My HW30S has had thousands of rounds through her, and I love that little rifle.
      She’ll likely never be collectible, and that’s fine by me.
      On the other hand, some guns I never bought to be a collectible have become one already.
      My Walther TPH was bought for my Dad, then, years later, he gifted it back to me.
      It’s unique and hard to find (especially a good one!); some friends think it should sit in a safe.
      Yet it’s also really small, while still accurate and as reliable as a rock.
      Hence, whatever other airgun or firearm I have with me, it’s always in my pocket.
      Due to that, it has dispatched varmints and predators just because it is “always there.”
      While it has sentimental value, it’s not a “safe queen”…there are no safe queens at the farm.
      All the guns here are “usin’ guns,” even though most of that use is just to have fun. 🙂
      So much for my thoughts,
      blessings and good shooting to you,

    • Ian,

      “I do wonder how many TX 200’s and HW 97’s have been made to date.” That is an excellent question. We might be surprised by a low number. The market for sub-18 foot-pound springers that retail between $600 and $700 must be pretty small.


    • Ian,
      Vintage fountain pens became a weakness for me about eight years ago. You could buy a wide variety of them on eBay for reasonable money. Sometimes, that extra five dollars that might close the deal for a single pen was too hard to rationalize and I let some real beauties get away. I got really nerdy and learned how to restore them to look and function like new. When I realized this fountain pen hobby was more fun than I could have imagined, I began buying them in earnest and using them every day (sound familiar?).

      But then Covid came along and bored shut-ins became collectors and prices started rising and it hasn’t stopped. Two days ago, I saw a striated (vertical stripes) 1940s Parker Duofold and popped in an amount that certainly would have secured it back in 2015. Nope, it sold for more than double that. So, these goodies now go to people who have money to burn, as BB said above about air guns. The market is overpriced to all but the most careful searchers, who put too much time into the pursuit (buy during important sports games). Thankfully, one can buy inexpensive modern fountain pens that are also beautiful and work well right out of the box, that cost less than or equal to the good eBay prices of 2015.

      There is an important concept that separates the old from the new and that is provenance. These old pens were most often everyday users by real people back in the day. Some had more than one in their pen cabinet and used them in rotation. I regret not being able to get that one classic striated green Sheaffer, engraved with the name Fiona Jones. Sure, engraving takes away value but ah, what a sweet name! Who was she? What made her laugh? Do you think she may have liked shooting air guns? I think I had a crush on her. The people who used these pens are long gone and it stirs my imagination to think about a pen’s previous owner(s) as real people, going about their everyday lives back in their time. One of my pens is 100 years old and it works great.

      Imagine finding an air rifle with Tom Gaylord’s name engraved on it! Never happen. I do think that the older air guns will always be appreciated for the same reasons. I have some nice old air guns and am their present caretaker. “My” pens and air guns will continue after I’m gone but I’m enjoying the use of them now. I did receive one pen engraved with my name as a gift that someone I won’t know will hold in their hand.

      • That brings up memories of using Parker fountain pens in elementary and high school; somewhere in the house is a Parker Mrs. FM gifted her house scribe years ago. Oughta find it and use it though it might need repair. Don’t believe it is a collectible but FM’s is not leaving the premises until he makes his Final Exit, for sentimental reasons.

        Maybe memory fails but believe Parker also made cheap fountain pens for school and everyday use that loaded with a plastic ink-filled cartridge. Little FM went thru a lot of them, sometimes because he had to waste ink on punitive assignments such as the one handed out in high school wherein he and the other “inmates” in detention were ordered to put dow “We like to write useless trash” on paper, one hundred times.

        • FM,
          I had to write a detention paper and it was awful. I mean the paper I wrote was such a piece of trash. I know how I would look at a paper written in detention, with a rhetorical clothes pin fastened to my nose. St. Peter will make me read that one day.

  8. At the last NC Airgun Show, I saw four FWB124s for sale. The most expensive one was $400. I did not bring any of them home. I did bring home a safe queen Beeman 800/Diana 6G for $60 and an old style Talon SS with Walkonking trigger guard, AR grip, internal custom silencer, full 11mm tri rail, Altaros regulator and Hawke Optics scope for $290. The “once in a lifetime deals” are out there if you look.

    PS: I am kicking myself in the butt for not snatching up the $1000 complete Giffard CO2 rifle. It was gone when I went back for it. Another “ah well” moment.

    • Son of a gun. Was that the FWB 124 Sport from the “fellow from Florida”? I traded my Walther lever action CO2 plus cash for that one. Got it home and found out it barely shot at 500 fps. That cost me another new seal from PA and a hunt for an intermediate sear that somehow broke in half in the process of replacing the piston seal.

      I’m now in the process of breaking in that seal and hope the velocity gets to 700 fps. Wish you had bought that rifle, RR!

      Fred etc etc.

      • I have no idea who had them. like I said, there were four of them there. They were more than I wanted to spend on one, so I walked away from them. Now, I am glad I did.

        You coulda woulda shoulda tried it on the range out back.

  9. Tom,

    “Ridiculousity” is perfectly fine — because you called attention to it. You turned it into a rhetorical technique! (Frankly, I would have no problem with “ridiculousity” even if you didn’t call attention to it, although I might prefer “ridiculousness.”)

    “‘Ain’t not’ would be better.” Actually, “ain’t not” is a redundancy. But you were correct (given this context) with “ain’t.” Ain’t is a nonstandard contraction of “am not,” perfectly acceptable in non-formal, everyday language. Ain’t has become like the bowtie, likeably eccentric. It adds character to language.

    Back to “ain’t not.” Ain’t not translates to standard English as “am not not.” I would classify that as an escapee from the Department of Redundancy Department. ;^)


  10. Tom,

    I’m afraid I have a guitar-related example of a something all of us have observed in airgunning post-internet. I’ll keep it uncharacteristically short.

    A few weeks ago a fellow with an exceptionally popular u-tube channel on electric guitar effects pedals put out a video in which he demonstrates that a discontinued little-thought-about pedal that typically sold for $50 was just as good sounding as many other quite expensive effects pedals, including the “Supergrade” of effects pedals which has sold for upwards of $10,000.

    By the next morning the auction sites were loaded with dozens of the $50 pedal at a new average asking price of $150.


          • Michael, that is nuts! I’d buy a Fender Precision Bass, and 57 cool airguns with the money left over, before I gave that guy the money for that pedal! #_#

            • Dave,

              Me, too. But that particular pedal, the Klon Centaur, has never gone down in value over the 30 years since the designer began making them, individually and by hand, by himself. There are folks who have bought eight or nine of them at $3000 or so a piece and then sold them for twice that one year later.


              • “…bought eight or nine of them at $3000 or so a piece and then sold them for twice that one year later.”
                Wow, Michael, looks like I spent 40 years in the wrong business; all that time I spent designing radar components might have been more profitable if I’d designed high-end music equipment components instead, hahaha! 😉

  11. How old or how rare an item is means absolutely nothing to me. An items value is based on how well it it does the job I need it to do.

    I have airguns that range from 4 weeks to 4 decades in age. Regardless of the (perceived) market value, they all have the same value to me as each, in their own niche, is a great shooter and I enjoy them.

    I’ve stopped considering value from from the outside world’s perspective based on material things. I recently gave away a couple of hundred vinyl records to an audiophile friend. I see their value measured by how much he will enjoy them, not what they could have sold for.

    All toys aside – at my stage of life, health, happiness and friends are the most valuable things there are.

    It’s a beautiful, sunny morning after a snow fall. Going out to enjoy it!
    Have a great day!


    • “All toys aside – at my stage of life, health, happiness and friends are the most valuable things there are.”
      Hank, very well said; I heartily concur! 🙂

  12. Tom and shootski,

    I am not confident enough to guess what would happen to the hypothetical 10,000 New Old Stock SIG ASP20/WHISKEY 3 COMBOS and how they would affect the market, but recent history has shown us what would happen if Sig Sauer decided there were a large enough demand to warrant their producing a special, limited 1000 unit run of the ASP20. They would price them at $499.99, and they would end up selling perhaps 300 of them.

    Tom knows exactly how it is one can be so sure of that underwhelming outcome, too. :^)


    • Michael,

      Recent history is a dangerous concept to determine anything on in my experience.
      Consider Francis Fukuyama’s 1989
      The End of History
      and the Last Man
      He was wrong then and has been proven wrong by the very recent events that are making HISTORY.
      But consider: This speculative flourish recalled the famous question that John Stuart Mill said he asked himself as a young man: If all the political and social reforms you believe in came to pass, would it make you a happier human being?

      Back to how this would work for the Mythical SIG ASP20/WHISKEY3 Scope COMBO. It would depend on what i was willing to do with my four, forty foot long trailers, and their palletized load of boxes. If i moved them to a warehouse in the dry high desert and kept them in a conditioned space i could sell them at a rate just like Dennis A. Quackenbush sold air rifles he painstakingly crafted. I would continue to have folks factually tout the supreme accuracy and the other merits of the SSG ASP20. I would keep selling them until demand dried up and then part them out for the rest of my life as well as that of my heirs.

      Anything else would be a foolish understanding of History.


      • As the financial planning companies always caution, past performance does not guarantee future performance.

        However, and forgive me if my details are incorrect here or there (my brain is a little off today as I’ve developed a migraine), not long ago Daisy did a special replica of the wire stock BB gun, superbly crafted, 1000 units, $300 each. They took forever to sell out.

        Daisy also received much feedback to reissue the Model 25 after it had been discontinued for a few years. They did so with the Model 225. It sold poorly.

        Daisy also found enough unused parts to produce 700 179 Peacemakers some time after they were discontinued. They designed new, special packaging and certificates of authenticity. They did not sell well.

        In each case enthusiasts had expressed desire to have just one more chance to buy a new one of these BB guns prior to being presented with an opportunity to do just that. In each case their sincere desire to buy one if given the chance was not sufficient for them to actually do so in large, eager numbers.
        No one can predict the future with justified confidence, but if Sig were to reissue the ASP20, I would buy one (were I not by then blind), but I believe I would be one of the few to do so.


    • Oldkid67,

      I go to Fon’s Clockworks in Arlington. If your watch needs parts that are hard to get his time increases and the cost will be higher.


  13. BB,
    Today’s blog reminded me of something that I heard about many (many) years ago, in an Economics class. Have you heard of the Greater Fool Theory? Simply stated, it is the idea that in a market with rapidly rising prices of certain goods, you can pay a greatly inflated price, because there will always be a “greater fool” that you can sell to at a higher price. But, the bubble will inevitably burst and if you are the last one to buy the high priced item, you are stuck with it with no chance of recouping your ‘investment’. The Dutch “Tulip Mania” (AD 1634 to 1637) is a classic example.
    Buy what you like and enjoy, and you will be fine.

  14. I recently bought a like new Benjamin 317. I like the 312 more than the 317 but this gun looked solid and had recently been resealed. I paid $250 for the gun. I already had one 317 it is the earlier version and has significant wear. This gun was in my favorite version so I could not resist it. Once I started testing it; I have been pleasantly surprised. It is in better shape than I expected. Best of all with my limited shooting it appears to be extremely accurate. I would not sell it today for twice the price I payed for it. I doubt anyone would offer $500 for it anyway. It was a sentimental purchase.

    I have no regrets and will be passing the gun down to the kids. I should wear cotton gloves when I shoot it. The finish on these guns wears off easily. I am sure the finish will be well worn when I pass it on.

  15. Speaking of eBay, this report, which ran on “60 Minutes” recently makes FM very reluctant to support eBay from both the buying and selling sides. We could use an unrestricted version of Craigslist or similar site where any product legal to sell could be listed, subject to state shipping restrictions as needed. There could even be a nominal charge for placing an ad, say $5 as Craigslist started doing with motor vehicle ads. This would help break the quasi-monopolies of eBay and similar online commerce portals.


    • FawltyManuel, I might get around to watching that video, just to confirm another reason why it is good and sensible to avoid the temptation of employing ebay!

      For me, there are a few companies that I have chosen to avoid, evil ebay inevitably is in the top tier! 🙂

      Although the people at ebay don’t care about my shopping choice (they’re not even aware of it), it helps me feel cleaner! 🙂

  16. I see two types of items that go up in value. The best product of an era will always have value, and usually become more and more valuable over time. The other type of item is an item that brings back fond memories to the buyer. But, once the buyers of these items reach an age when they are no longer collecting, those items loose value quickly. That is a problem with most antique stores today. If they don’t keep their merchandise relevant to the buying public they have a dwindling customer base. If you want to collect airguns, (or anything else), make wise and premeditated decisions. Most of us land up with airguns that are worth more to us than to others. That is fine as long as we are not justifying our purchases as investments.
    David Enoch

  17. Hi Tom,
    I didn’t know that you were a watch-guy as well. So we have one more thing in common.
    I have learned to maintain and repair (OK, for the repair side I’m still learning, that’s a lifetime job) watches. I’m not a professional, but have a friend who is watchmaker and willing to teach me the tricks and use of the profession’s techniques and tools.
    Believe me, it is far more complex than it looks.
    As for your watch, I don’t know how deep down the rabbit hole you are in repairing watches and disposing of specific tools, but if not far enough, please do not dismantle it without exactly knowing what you are doing. I saw a lot of damage made to watches by people who otherwise are very good in manipulating tools and have engineering background or long experience in manual work.
    Thing is, if manipulated the wrong way, even the spare parts lose their value very quickly.
    I think in the case of your watch, a restoration (don’t touch the dial or hands and don’t polish the case, refinishing by repairing the plating, e.g. the crown should be OK), a new plexi and the restoration of the strap, if possible would make this watch an absolute stunner. In my humble opinion, would be worth at least the same as the sum of it’s parts, if everything is in as good a condition as you said. It’s not the rarest of the “dirty dozen” collection (just google it), but definitely worth bringing back to life.
    Ok, ‘nuff said, I trust you will do the right thing, in any case, if all original, this is a fine piece of horological history which should continue to work, serve and make a lot of eyes shine.

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