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Ammo Perfection through competition

Perfection through competition

This report covers:

  • Like what?
  • What about airguns?
  • Long range target shooting
  • What’s in it for you?
  • Big bores
  • There is more
  • Summary

Today I want to talk about how competition makes things better. Anyone who watches NASCAR knows what I’m talking about. We know they don’t really race stock cars (as in the cars that people drive), which is in their title, yet we also know that the technical things that are learned in the races trickle down into the vehicles we do drive.

Like what?

Since auto racing isn’t as regulated as private automobiles, fuel and motor oil companies can use the races as a laboratory to test new ideas. The cars endure extreme operating conditions and companies like Shell put that to good use. For example, for motor oil, the lower the viscosity the less fuel you need to go the same distance — all other factors being the same. The trick is to find the lowest viscosity oil that still provides the protection that’s needed. And racing provides a great testbed.

What about airguns?

Think about the sport of field target. I would guess that fewer than 1,000 shooters total compete seriously in that sport here in the United States, yet the outcome of the sport affects hundreds of thousands of shooters. I’ll give you an example. 

In field target the scoring is something of a negative process. To earn a point, a field target must fall. To make the target fall a pellet has to hit the paddle that locks the target in its upright position and push it (the paddle) back or down. If the pellet contacts the edge of the hole in the target face (the kill zone) as it passes through to impact the paddle, it pushes the target face backward. That energy can lock the target face in the upright position, despite the fact that the paddle is hit. It’s called a split and I have seen it happen several times.

So field target competitors shoot .177-caliber rifles exclusively. I have seen shooters try to compete with .20 and .22-caliber rifles, but their chances of a split go way up because their pellets are larger. If .14-caliber pellets and rifles were made I would think that in time they would become the new standard.

And here is what I’m getting at. If .177 is the only game in town, why does H&N sell a .20, a .22 and a .25-caliber pellet they call a Field Target Trophy?

FTT 22
H&N may sell .22-caliber Field Target Trophys, but you won’t see them used in a field target match!

H&N sells pellets called Field Target Trophys for the same reason that Smith & Wesson sells a .500 Magnum revolver. It’s not to shoot (for most people under most circumstances). But it sounds way cool and the couch commandos have adopted it as their standard sidearm. It’s the perfect companion to their .50-caliber Barrett rifle.

In the same way many airgun buyers will want H&N Field Target Trophys just because the term field target appears in the name.

Long range target shooting

Back in the 1920s the shooting world was captivated by a wildcat .22 centerfire cartridge called the Hornet that was based on the .22-caliber Winchester Center Fire (WCF) cartridge. Men like Col. Townsend Whelen were trying to put 10 shots into a one-inch group at 100 yards and the Hornet was cooperating. Its light recoil and velocity that approached 3,000 f.p.s. made it a good candidate for target shooting in mild to moderate winds.

A century later we have Extreme Benchrest competitions in which airgunners attempt to do much the same thing  but with more shots. Some of these “competitions” are not really competitive but are structured to favor one specific brand of airgun over all others, but there are several others like the Pyramyd AIR Cup, where the competition is real.

What’s in it for you?

Well, at the last Pyramyd AIR Cup I witnessed a modified Umarex Gauntlet hold its own against multi-thousand-dollar custom outfits from FX, Daystate and RAW. Everyone who saw that got the point. Budget PCPs don’t have to be inferior.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

Big bores

The big bore airgun has taken us in two directions — accuracy and power. Big bores are the oldest airguns, dating back possibly as early as the year 1550 or so. But in modern times they were revitalized by Dennis Quackenbush in 1996 with his .375-caliber Brigand.


For many years modern big bores were shot to 50 yards, but when the .457 AirForce Texan came along in 2015 things became serious. The Texan gave us 500+ foot-pounds of muzzle energy and the ability to put five bullets into 1.5-inches at 100 yards.

Texan big bore
The Texan big bore air rifle from AirForce.

Texan big bore best group 100
In a quick test in 2015 this was my best group of 6 rounds from a Texan at 100 yards. Remember, we measure from the centers of the 2 holes farthest apart. To find those centers subtract 2 bullet radii (center to edge equals one radius) from the outside width of the group. So, subtract one bullet diameter (.458″) from the measurement shown on the calipers. And yes, this bullet measures 0.458-inches in diameter.

There is more

Up to this point I’ve been talking about shooters competing. What about manufacturers? In 2006 the Benjamin Discovery broke the British- and Swedish-imposed $600 retail price floor for PCPs by selling for $250. That started the race. In 2017 Umarex gave us the Gauntlet, the first precharged pneumatic to come with desirable features and sell for less than $300. Today, if a manufacturer wants to compete, the cost line has been drawn in the sand. The market won’t tolerate poor accuracy, loud reports, bad triggers or lack of repeatability. If the price rises about $800, the quality and features have to be there or the customers won’t be.

It used to be that we looked down our noses at Chinese-made airguns. But recent offerings show that they are now in the game to win.

At this time hard-cocking bolt actions are giving way to sidelevers that cock easily. In five more years or so a bolt action rifle that cocks hard will be the kiss of death in our market.


Competition has made the airgun market expand to the point of exploding. Manufacturers either have to get with the program or look for something else to make.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

80 thoughts on “Perfection through competition”

  1. “It used to be that we looked down our noses at Chinese-made airguns. But recent offerings show that they are now in the game to win”
    To my opinion this could be the only text under today’s title. Every airgun, and not only, manufacturer who wants to be competitive must deal with it. Or work with the Chinese. Even Rolls Royce and Rolex could be made there, as long as QC could be assured. Sad truth for those low paid workers but happiness for the western consumers.
    A very good day for you all.

    • Bill,

      Sad, but true. Crosman/Benjamin, Diana, Air Venturi, etcetera are in bed with the Chinese.

      Call me a “Flag Waver”, but it is my hope that they eventually will pay the price for such. Of course, I own airguns from countries that were/are not looked favorably on by many.

      • R. R. and Yogi for his statement about “moral values”.
        It seems to me that there is no reason to buy our gadgets with such strict sociopolitical criteria. I can understand that of course but; we shouldn’t even buy anything German or Japanese this way. Obviously R. R. the Izzy is your pride and joy. My home defense shotgun is made in Turkiye (I deliberately use the term as they do). Who, connected to firearms, wouldn’t like to have an AK 47, even a Chinese clone?
        One more thing to consider is that commerce is a two way thing. “They” import things or use services we provide. Life not black or white; greyish is more like it.
        Maybe we should just take it easy and enjoy whatever we do as much as we can, regardless the origin of our toys.

        • Vasili, I hope you never have to use that shotgun for home defense, but if you do, I hope it works without fail. Mine is a Remington made in Ilion, NY.

          Personally, I don’t have an issue with buying from a foreign manufacturer, especially if they have a superior product. What bothers me is when the playing field is not level. Try to build a factory in China–sorry, it must be majority owned by China. Try to protect your Intellectual Property there…good luck with that. Try to buy land there. In the USA, China or Chinese nationals own some of the most recognizable real estate in the Country. I understand, unfortunately, that China owns Greece’s largest Port, among many other major pieces of the world’s infrastructure. Who gave them the money? We did, with consumer spending that is not reciprocated. I still buy things made in China, but when I have a good alternative, I try not to.

          Same goes for the Turks, as far as I’m concerned. I try to avoid sending any money their way that can be taxed and used to fund their government’s aggression against their neighbors. I don’t own and will not buy a Turkish weapon (there are many alternatives), but I recently found out that Hatsan is the distributor for H&N pellets. It may be time to find alternatives if possible when my current inventory is used up.

          Just my humble way to try to do less harm to the world.

          Ζήτο 25 Μαρτίου!

          • Roamin Greco, and everyone else similarly pro-WesternWorld, are you sure your shopping choices have effected the changes you desire?

            I am impressed by your apparent knowledge of the Chinese. I have yet to get to know one… 🙂

            Just for your interest, my political opinions which, though they are not my own, I’m nevertheless comfortable with, are different. 🙂

            PS As it is possible that you might come across an item with a ‘Made in China’ label, that I myself was tasked to attach (while I was an employee of the manufacturing company – no, I don’t know why either), I wonder about the rest of the ‘Made in [country]’ labels… what a weird world we’re in, eh? 🙂

              • RG
                As you very well pointed out Hi3 expressed in his last sentence the meaning of my whole post. In this weird world we must use our logic and tolerance, just to have a better life.

                • Amen, Vasili. I am a very tolerant person, generally speaking, but I simply choose not to economically support those who are not tolerant. Being the son of one of the last graduates of Χάλκι, I hope you will forgive my negative attitude towards the current government of your easterly neighbor.

                  I really didn’t mean to delve this far afield in this forum, so I also apologize to all my blogmates.

          • Roamin,

            The Turks actually make awesome shotguns. My favorites are Huglu, Akkar, and Khan. The folks in these companies know what they are doing. I have to disagree with you respectfully; their shotguns won’t fail on you.

            And, come on, man. You’re talking about the second largest standing military force in NATO, our most powerful ally.

            Best regards,


            • Fish, I respect your opinion on the shotgun quality. I don’t doubt you for a second. Seems most of the major firearms brands have something made in Turkiye (even Mossberg makes the SA-20 there). The Turks have a lot of very cheap brands as well. They also make beautiful gun stocks and many other fine products. The Turks I have met personally were very intelligent folks. I hope and pray the country at large remains a steadfast ally, and a peaceful and cooperative neighbor to Europe. And of course, I pray for all the victims of the terrible earthquakes.

              But if I cannot personally improve the way things are in the world, at least I can choose where I send my hard-earned money.

                • Fish
                  Yes they are in Europe but they are not Europe… It’s doubtful that Germany will let that happen easily.
                  Regarding the “ally” thing, I believe you can find some useful info if you learn about the Russian-Turkish relations. After all an ally doesn’t threaten with invasion another ally.
                  Regarding their guns industry they copy exactly what Chinese do. Use of low cost wages to copy and then maybe improve western guns. I’m ok with that as I am with the Turkish people.

                  • Bill, the continent Europe is not consist of only EU. I am very interested in the European history and politics, however I am not an expert by any strecth of the imagination. 🙂 Still, I find it very difficult to write European history without the Turks. I mean they have been there for many, many centuries, and they are still there, in Thrace. Not only are they in Europe, they are Europe as well. And seems as if the EU membership is not as attractive as it used to be for them. Look at Britain, they got out. I don’t think France, Italy, and Spain will remain in the EU either — this last sentence is just my personal opinion / prediction.

                    • Fish
                      Do you think that living in a certain place/country/space, just by that alone, makes someone change mentality and social behavior? It’s like asking a geto living minority to understand the rules of the society that surrounds it. I doubt it. Indeed EU might fall to pieces some day but I hope NATO will be strong, despite Turkish efforts on the contrary.

                  • Bill, they are not just living there; they’ve had incredible contribution to Europe. They are absolutely not a ‘geto living minority’ to Europe; they are Europe as much as any other country in Europe. Just read about Ataturk and his reforms.

                    I think you’re giving the recent everyday politics a little too much importance. The politicians, this and that come and go, but the national interests of the countries remain. Try to see the bigger picture here. Turkish contribution to NATO has been extraordinary as well.

                    • Fish
                      I couldn’t agree more with the “politicians this and that come and go, but the national interests for the countries remain”. My only concern would be if countries want to re establish regimes that have been obsolete for centuries and for good reasons. And especially those who want to do that by invading neighbor, ally countries.
                      Regarding Ataturk I also couldn’t agree more, I just think that today he must be very worried about his people, wherever he is. He was a man who really wanted Turkiye to be Europe.

                  • Bill and Roamin, there are always two sides to every story. I enjoy talking about such subjects and can go on forever, but I’ll stop here; we’re way out of scope. 🙂

                  • Bill, I’ve just seen your last comment. You and Roamin have my respect as well, and no apology necessary.

                    BB, I promise not to talk politics on this forum again.
                    Now, back to airguns, my friends.

  2. Hmm, Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier), I think manufacturers compete almost exclusively for any and all advertising opportunities. The End. 🙂

    In more detail, my thoughts are:
    They like to sponsor anything popular, for example a participant at a well known event, several participants would be better, how about a whole team, etc, etc, etc… the venue, the event itself, and best: the whole series of events. 🙂

    We humans love, absolutely love a good story, whether it’s true, based on the truth or completely fictional. Advertising is simply, feeding that desire whilst training us by way of associations.

    I wonder what, if any, benefit there is in that for us consumers, except maybe, the option to participate, ie paying for labels. 🙂
    Our benefits are from cars that are the opposite to those racing ‘billboards’, ie the disguised new cars that are tested/ driven outside of those events, on real roads.

    In Germany, there is a stretch of private (?) road, called the Nürburgring. I don’t know who owns it, but it is a completely separate piece of graffitied, but otherwise regular, tarmac. A one way ring road that to drive on, one has to pay and agree/ sign up to their rules.
    However, it is almost always completely booked by car manufacturers who hire the whole ring road so that their new ideas can be driven around in private, ie testing on real roads without (!) the need for a disguise.

    And the chosen few have a party, eg compete amongst themselves for lap times. Works drivers put in many hours, car nerds get invited too (much cheaper) and occasionally the press is hosted in return for favourable reviews.

    We also ‘benefit’ from in-house testing machines. If any part of our vehicle shows signs of fatigue, we can expect the whole car to be close to failing. For example, a robot will be set to repeatedly operate a component to destruction, in an effort to reduce all parts to the same lifespan. 🙂

    All of the above are my personal thoughts and I believe they barely scratch the surface of the tip of the iceberg of car manufacturing truth. Knowledge of it is perceived as something so terrible that an amazingly immense effort and energy is expended in keeping it well hidden. 🙂

    I know almost nothing about their manufacture, except that, again, humans are involved… 🙂

    • Grr, I was in the middle of editing my above comment when, suddenly, the page reloaded and all of my changes disappeared…

      I forgot the time, ie our comments are no longer ours to adjust after 30 minutes. 🙁

      • 3hi,

        See? I am almost as windy as you are.

        They have several of those tracks around this country. There are some that are almost solely for the “amateur”. If I am not mistaken, there is one in southern Virgina that is a real nice, windy course that even has a small hotel overlooking the start/finish line.

      • Fish
        Autobahns are like your highways. Open, fast circulation road. There are limits and mostly traffic. Heavy one sometimes. The Ring is kept for controlled use, one way. Something like a Gran Prix.
        By the way that A110 is a timeless classic.

        • Bill, yeah, but we cannot drive faster than 70 mph here. I think there are a few roads in Texas that 80 mph is allowed. Although you’re right for an extent; our highways are like the autohbahns as people don’t obey the speed limits here. I was travelling interstate a few months ago. I was going the speed limit, and the traffic, including the semis and a cop car, was passing by me. The slowest car was doing 90 – 95 mph at least. I always go 5 mph under the speed limit. The folks who’re stuck behind me hate me. 🙂

      • Fish,

        There are more and more places on the Autobahnen that have Speed Limits and there is the overall recommended 130kph maximum in most urban areas what part of Germany isn’t urban these days; perhaps twenty percent. You also can’t pass to the right unless traffic is going very slow in all lanes. None of those rules apply at the Ring!
        But today was another day for surfing wind waves!
        Gale Warnings are up and winds out of the North are 34 knots (39 mph/62.76kph) to 47 knots (54 mph/86.9kph) on the Gusts. Forgot my GPS so no idea how fast the North-South leg was this afternoon but we covered 15 nautical miles in about 1hr and 15 minutes but the return was a real workout since the winds did not abate. It took almost three hours of solid paddling into the wind; thank heavens for feathering paddles and a 22″ wide kayak. Slack Tide at the turn around, a solid 1.5 knot Flood tide for most of the return (along with hugging 5-10′ from shore on the Western river bank) helped paddle back to the put-in.



          • Fish,

            I paddle an EPIC 18X Sport https://www.epickayaks.com/18x-sport
            in the Expedition layup that was designed for Freya Hoffmeister’s
            http://freyahoffmeister.com/ solo circumnavigation of Australia; my boat is number six. It has a Nomex honeycomb core, Carbon Fiber, Kevlar, and fiberglass reinforced in key spots weighing 43lbs dry. My wife and I paddle the 18X Double at 54lbs.
            Since you started working out again don’t ever stop if at all possible you want to hit 70 with all cylinders putting out full compression and power!
            If you can afford a few sessions with a Personal Trainer they can help keep your body in balance and avoid injury something that exercise videos just cant accomplish.
            If I was President I would run on a platform centered on doing away with Medicare and Medicaid for most folks and replace those with Fitnesscare/caid for Life!


      • Fish, these are my thoughts: hiring the whole Nürburgring provides almost 13 Miles of private road that is also totally traffic free. Curbs are strengthened in typical racing circuit style and there are miles of metal barriers between tarmac and trees, ie it’s relatively safe. 🙂

        The Ring does host races/ function as a race track. 🙂

        The German Autobahn network is public, much of it only 2-lanes per direction and as such, much more dangerous! Despite a theoretical no speed limit, the reality is, lots of heavy traffic at all times and many, many roadworks, ie very much a limited experience. 🙁

        • hihihi, yeah, I’ve watched many accidents on Youtube. It’s not a good idea to speed on the Autobahn. Nürburgring has a lot of accidents too, but almost all times, the folks walk away with a giggle and a heck of a story to tell in the future.

  3. BB,

    I do recall a couple of years ago a Gauntlet caused quite a stir at EBR, which is designed to show off FX. They did not allow shooting bullets until FX started shooting them.

    I have so far resisted buying a Chinese airgun. Fortunately, I have learned about wheeling and dealing in the used airgun market. By listening to the advice of the Great Enabler, I have managed to put together quite a nice little collection of airguns.

    No, I do not own an FX. They are still too popular. I also do not own a Daystate. I almost owned a Brocock, but they became popular before I had a chance to buy one. I hope one day to own an RTI, once their popularity wanes.

    That is the secret. Once a particular airgun, or anything for that matter, becomes popular, the price usually soars. Try to buy an early BSA air rifle these days, or a Plymouth Iron Works bb gun. Once upon a time they were a dime a dozen.

    I dream of owning a Giffard. Once upon a time, you were quite lucky to even see one. At the last NC Airgun Show I saw four for sale, most of them were at quite reasonable prices. I was going to buy one from Mike Reames, but somebody beat me to it. Ah well, Mrs. RR probably would have killed me, although she did buy a real nice Christmas present for me from the Great Enabler for more than that Giffard went for.

    The thing is to have patience, save up your change and do not hesitate when the right deal comes along. Even the Impact will fall from grace. FX is constantly updating them, trying to stay at the top. Right now there are just as good for a lot less. I wanted an Impact once. Now I could care less.

    Find what you are looking for before it becomes popular or after its popularity wanes. In today’s market, that usually happens pretty quick. You can pick up some nice used stuff at a great price if you know what you are looking for.

    • RidgeRunner, if I may, I shall attempt to awaken you from your dream:

      Last year Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier) published “Giffard Carbonic Gas CO2 rifle: Part One”,
      10 days later we read “…Part Two”.

      … tumble weed …

      that was 102 days ago! 🙂

      My guess is, he has encountered serious challenges in trying to revive his Giffard rifle. Even just disassembling it, can be a huge problem, considering over a century old fasteners.
      Just imagine damaging something in the process and the difficulty, let alone cost of replacements?!

      But, renewing the seal in the CO2 cylinder and sourcing an appropriate fill adapter have to be the two Biggies ! 🙁

      Did you dream of a metal stick with a wooden handle? 🙂

      Plenty of things to overcome before any possibility of further reviews… not worth dreaming over! 🙂

      • 3hi,

        I have managed to bring several of these old gals back to dancing trim. I started with a 1906 BSA.
        You have no idea how bad a shape it was in. It hangs over my fireplace and is my pride and joy. It is a real shooter also.

        Yes, I am aware that the Giffard will not be a cake walk, but it can be done. You do not source an appropriate fill adapter. You make it or have it made. The same with any seals. Finding any parts can be most problematic and extremely expensive. You have them made.

        • Ok RidgeRunner, fair enough.
          At least you don’t have my language complication in getting your fill adapter, CO2 seal and possible whatnots made. 🙂

          Now that you mention it, I would like to learn more of your BSA rifle’s issues that you dealt with, please. 🙂

          • 3hi,

            Grab a beer, sit back and enjoy the show.

            First, someone had been shooting it for quite some time with no lubrication at all in the compression chamber. None. The back of the piston was pushing up against the chamber when cocked and gouged grooves there. This was not too bad as it was not in the compression section. A little honing with a sander bit and they were livable.

            At the end of the chamber, I could see the indentation of the screw that held the leather seal on the piston. Neither the leather seal or the screw head was there. I had to drill out and rethread the hole in the end of the piston to allow me to mount a new leather seal.

            Another issue I had was it was necessary for me to file the notch in the end of the piston rod as it would not catch the trigger sear. I still need to work on this some to get the proper angle for a smooth release. Then I will have to harden the end of the rod again.

            The spring is not the original, but a cut down one that fits. I need to trim a bit more off and then have a new one made to fit properly.

            Restoring a Giffard would be nothing less than a labor of love. Is it worth it? To me it is.

            • Thank you so much RidgeRunner. I found that very interesting! 🙂

              Also, what a disappointment it must have been to discover so much wear and tear and destruction and incompleteness! 🙁

              Well, I think the Giffard is a much simpler beast.
              Also, if I remember right, then Mike Reames is rather knowledgable/ experienced and helpful with Giffards. 🙂

    • RR, I couldn’t agree with you more. I have been patiently waiting for a Winchester 450 to waltz into my view at the right price (you can imagine why). In the meanwhile, I have been picking up her smaller sisters. So far: 422, 425, 435, 353 (.177), and 363. Some need special attention, some just need a turn on the dance floor. But if one is patient, the right deal will come along. If you are not patient, you must be willing to pay. Simple as that. Just ask the guy with the $5,000 Supergrade.

      • I commented on this purported $5000 “sale” when BB first brought it up; true to my conjecture, you have demonstrated how it has permeated into the urban legend realm. I am not convinced that the transaction was even made. In any case, the episode demonstrates the core of what you are implying by bringing it up: we often make decisions based on a herd mentality (which is not entirely disassociated with increasing our perceived self advantage. Your use of this example to demonstrate the principles is right to the point – you want it now, you pay.

        I was not surprised that BB noticed only hours after this sale, a very similar Supergrade came up for sale at 1/2 the price, still very high. Anyone looking to seriously buy this airgun model (at whatever price) would have known of the very recent “$5000” sale and this information would contribute to an inclination to buy the now “reasonable” $2500 offering. Maybe it is one and the same airgun, and $2500 is now a good price in light of the previous “sale”, and that may have been the target sale price from the start of the venture.

        The art of salesmanship is a subset of the science of human behavior and motivation.

        Ever the cynic,


  4. B.B.

    Nothing is perfect. Certainly competition improves the breed. NASCAR??? huh, they still use carburettors.
    Sadly PP PCP’s are made in PRC and support the PLA, Taiwan here they come….
    I say, put your money where your moral values are. rant over.


    • Thought the Taiwanese made airguns; why don’t our manufacturers give them the business and not just when it comes to airguns? Ukraine makes airguns too, though suspect these days those manufacturers are concentrating on things which assist their war effort. Which could include high-caliber, very powerful PCPs; after all you can take down bison with one so when it comes down to two-legged invasive critters – piece of cake.

      • FawltyManual,

        Yes you can take down a big Bison with a Big Bore but they don’t have friends that shoot back to the best of my knowledge with Barrett .50 or Lapua .338 caliber weapons from Over Watch positions. That said, there have been modern airguns used for very specialized military operations that required the advantages of no flash, no smoke, no heat signature, and mouse fart sound levels at reasonable ranges.
        I think PCP airgun logistics would preclude large scale usage of airguns by the Ukraine or any other countries for that matter.

        Just my opinion,


        • Wasn’t thinking so much of large scale use but more in terms of supplementing available weapons, potentially to help arm civilians and for training purposes. Something along the lines of a modern version of the Girandoni; all is fair when it comes to fighting Putin, even crossbows shooting arrowheads dipped in curare. Now, that might violate some Geneva Convention protocol so check with the Legal Dept. before proceeding.

    • Yogi,
      just a heads up, Nascar stopping uses carbs in 2012. They went to Electronic Fuel Injection. That said I think Xfinity Series and Truck Series cars still use carburetors. I do try to put my money where my values are at. So far I too am one that has resisted buying China air guns. I so like that pump though. Crosman showed a 362 pump with a metal breach, beautiful stock and so on at the last gun show. I contacted them about buying one (limited #’s). They told me they had no idea when it would be ready or how/when to purchase one. Ugh!


      • Doc,

        I didn’t know that. Seems as if it’s been a while since the last time I watched Nascar. Using injectors and sequential gearboxs altogether must’ve changed many tactics.

  5. “H&N may sell .22-caliber Field Target Trophys, but you won’t see them used in a field target match!”
    I’ve got thousands of those pellets you show in the picture above that text. But I didn’t buy them because the name sounds cool, I bought them because extensive testing showed them to be the most accurate pellets in one of my target air pistols as well as one of my rifles. Is it possible that the .22-caliber Field Target Trophys are designed to match the profile of their .177-caliber brethren? I don’t know. Yet despite not really being competitive for Field Target, they have proven to be well-made and accurate pellets…that’s why I bought them…not just because the name sounds cool…although it does sound pretty cool, LOL! 😉
    Blessings to you,
    P.S. If the H&N .22 FTTs were made to match the profile of their .177 FTTs, that would just go to prove your point that Field Target competition is driving product improvement even into products that won’t necessarily be used in the sport.

    • I second that. I have found that the FFTs with the 5.53mm heads do very well in several air rifles including a Beeman R9, Walther Terrus, and Crosman 362. I like that you can try different size heads with the same (similar) weight pellet.

    • I have several guns that like the FTT for accuracy. I was buying them before I had ever heard of Field Target competition. The name Field Target Trophy just seemed like good merchandising/marketing. The point is these pellets deliver either good or best accuracy in some of my goodies.


  6. B.B. and Readership,

    Yup! Field Target is biased toward .177 in more ways then how the Targets are designed! What is shootski talking about NOW!!!!! You may ask: Well for starters there is the limit on Maximum distances; indirectly that negates the INHERENT higher wind ability of the larger calibers. The bias is also found in the FPE limits set to SAFEGUARD the targets…must not be a way to make them out of better materials. But these biases aren’t directly attributable to Manufacturers so that’s OKAY…or is it? So what if FX ponies up the money for prizes and operations of Matches? How is that skin off your nose? It is a plus for airgunning!
    Also, Pride of Ownership must be factored in as Michael has repeatedly pointed out to you all and me.
    FX and other top end builders products may be of similar precision/accuracy but DO THEY FEEL DIFFERENT to the user…yup!
    I’m a lucky guy and own a bunch of airguns (not ever built for competition but rather for HUNTING) built by a Salt of the Earth guy named Dennis A Quackenbush.
    He never overcharged even though his airguns tripled in price as they left his shop. They are quality and also equal or more in value to some folks… don’t HATE on folks for building in quality…only time will prove if i’m correct about this…we shall all hopefully see.

    Enjoy what you have leave the biases for polite discussion and personal reflection.


  7. I was looking at the gas piston air rifles on PA today and noticed someone was listening. Other than the Vantage models, all the open-sighted Crosman and Benjamin gas piston models come without fiberoptics. I am delighted. Maybe, Crosman will introduce a spring piston model with such open sights in addition to the current Optimus model.

    A good example to Gamo and Hatsan, I believe. Similar type of open sights on, let’s say, Benjamin Vaporizer or Crosman Valiant SBD could be used on, let’s say, Gamo Whisper Fusion Mach 1 or Hatsan AirTact — instead of fiberoptics. They all have this new trend of plastic covering the whole barrel; it shouldn’t be too complicated to implement, I assume.

  8. The Nova Freedom / Aspen Seneca may have put an end to the FX Independance. I don’t know, but it was not because of a better product. China is very good at deception and undercutting price instead of making something better and I guess if you can’t beat them join them has been the solution for some companies.
    I will never forget trying to unscrew what I thought was a brass elbow fitting from a China made air compressor. After it crumbled into gray bits, I discovered it was pot metal and plated a gold color to deceive. And when I tried to remove the section left in the compressor with extraction tools it disintegrated and had to be picked out bit by bit. On top of that the seal I wanted to replace was being pushed on to a sharp-edged air passage that cut it in no time at all. I simply pull the plug now instead of letting it shut off on its own to avoid the problem.
    They make things that look real but are cheap imitations when left to their own. Quality Control is not apparent.

    I have many ‘China Made’ airguns but that is slang for any Asian company. They may have some good stuff from that area of the world. Especially if they are made to strict specifications by contract and only take advantage of cheap labor.

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