Air Arms S510, Image 1
Air Arms S510, Image 1

Air Arms S510 XS Stealth Carbine PCP Air Rifle

5.07 reviews
9 answered questions


Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)

.22 (5.5mm)
.25 (6.35mm)


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Blending the quiet, carbine action of the Ultimate Sporter line with a lightweight, ambidextrous poplar stock, Air Arms has created the ultimate silent hunting PCP.  Introducing the S510 XS Stealth Carbine!  

You wanted a regulated S510 and Air Arms delivered, adding a regulator to the XS and boosting the power of the increasingly popular .25 caliber. These upgrades result in a PCP that can achieve powerful 44 ft-lbs in .25, 32 ft-lbs in .22 and 20 ft-lbs in .177. Power isn't the only thing increasing in the XS. The regulator offers increased consistency and shot counts from its 186cc cylinder, delivering 40 (.177), 35 (.22) and 30 (.25) shots per fill with minimal velocity change. These long shot strings are further aided by a built-in power adjuster to balance power and shot count.

Each XS features the prized Lothar Walther barrel, which gives this platform its renowned accuracy. This show-stopping system is further enhanced by an integrated Q-Tec Moderator that make this S510 XS one of the quietest airguns on the market.

Air Arms is one of the most detail-oriented airgun manufacturers and it shows not only in the internal components but the carefully crafted stock. This version of the XS features a rich, brown poplar stock complete with an adjustable buttpad. Each rifle includes one of Air Arms perfected 10-shot indexing magazines, smooth sidelever cocking mechanism and built-in manometer. 

The Air Arms S510 XS has won fans worldwide and turned heads at the range with shots so accurate they require a double-take. If you want long consistent shot strings that land on target every time, make the S510 XS yours.

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AA S510 XS Stealth Carbine Regulated PCP Air Rifle

  • Precharged pneumatic
  • Air Arms Q-Tec moderator permanently affixed for added noise reduction
  • Smooth sidelever cocking mechanism
  • 10-shot repeater
  • 2-stage adjustable trigger with safety
  • 11mm scope grooves (no open sights)
  • 250 Bar / 3,626 PSI Fill Pressure
  • Built-in manometer (air pressure gauge)
  • Built-in adjustable power
  • Fully shrouded Lothar Walther barrel with integral moderator
  • Ambidextrous poplar Monte Carlo stock
  • Checkered pistol grip and forearm
  • Fully-Regulated 186cc cylinder
  • Regulator Output Pressure: 150 BAR / 2175 PSI
  • 40 shots in .177, 35 shots in .22, 30 shots in .25
  • Includes one rotary magazine, 4 hex wrenches, and fill adapter
feature iconfeature iconfeature icon
  • Air Arms S510 XS Stealth Carbine regulated PCP air rifle
  • 1 rotary magazines
  • 4 hex wrenches
  • Fill adapter
  • Airgun oil
  • Owner's manual


.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
950 fps
Muzzle Energy
32 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
Pre-charged pneumatic
6.95 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Cylinder Size
186 cc
Fixed/adj. power
Multiple settings
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
10 round(s)
Body Type
Operating Pressure
3625 PSI / 250 BAR

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

PCP Fill Options

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7 of 7 Air Arms S510 XS Carbine Reviews

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It has a nice trigger and is very accurate. It is also very quiet, the sound of the hunter extreme hitting the target is louder than the report at the shot.

So far I would not change anything.

I bought this for squirrel hunting and I am very glad I did. The air cylinder is small and when filled to 250 bar I get about 16 full power shots before it is down to 150 bar, which is good enough for hunting. The weight and length of this gun make it a pleasure to carry in the woods. I use the H&N hunter extreme pellets and the sound of the impact is much louder that the report at the shot. I have used the H&N hornets also and they do not have the "crack" like the extremes.

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Feels good to carry. Not too heavy, not too light. Superb Accuracy!

Bigger tank for more shots.

Worth the investment, fun to shoot!

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How much quieter it is than I expected, how much more accurate it is than I expected

would like a lighter synthetic stock like my FX cyclone has

I also bought the AAS510fac unmodified, if I had it to do all over I would pick the stealth gun all day

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Every single thing! It's beauty and balance are just for starters. This rifle is almost silent. The pellet hitting the target is louder than the a lot. I ordered it with a Leapers UTG 9x40 scope and purchased the 20 for 20 service and am so glad I did! Out of the case this rifle was right on the bullseye every time (or should have been but missing was my fault). Lastly, the craftsmanship that Air Arms put into this is incredible. I like everything about it.


Yes, it is a pricey rifle but you get what you pay for, and, in this case it's worth the money.

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This rifle is well balanced, although feels heavier overall than the weight listed. I selected a .177 since I already own PCP's in the other calibers. The FPS using 10.3's on the highest setting averaged around 990. Faster than I expected and nice to know I have room to adjust based on the speed and shot count I want to achieve. Accuracy surprised me at the original speed tested, averaged around 3/8" groups at 50 yards. Based on my experience, with the correct pellet and good scope you should be able to keep all pellets touching at 30 yards. This gun is quiet in comparison to a shrouded barrel and slightly quieter than some others with factory moderators. Cocking effort is smooth with minimal effort required. 1st stage of trigger as preset from the factory is extremely long with very little resistance, 2nd stage just a hair heavier than what I prefer. I have not yet made any trigger adjustments, so not sure how it will dial in after adjustments.

The magazine sits low enough to accommodate scope mounting without having to use higher rings. Although this part of the magazine design is good, I think the location/size of the O ring could be redesigned to create enough resistance to the pellets when loaded to prevent them from falling out. After the magazine is loaded, the cover prevents (9) of them from falling out, but the last one has an open hole and can easily fall out prior to or during the loading process (inserting the magazine into the breech). I end up rotating the cover so it is in-between two pellets while storing the magazines. The magazines are also a bit tight when inserting them into the gun which will most likely be reduced with use. Other than these minor items, other features like not having the magazines spring loaded and the recent revision to the indexing system are big pluses. Please also keep in mind I am comparing the trigger to other very high quality pellet rifles which cost more on average.

If you are looking to purchase something in this price range, my comparison based on other rifles is as follows: Daystate Huntsman Regal - maybe a bit lighter, better trigger out of the box, accuracy and quality appear to be comparable, magazines double the price. The Air Arms has smoother cocking (lever vs. bolt), is quieter and has a better shot count. Original FX Streamline - lighter and better trigger out of the box, good shot count and accurate, expensive magazines. Air Arms a bit quieter, stock fit and fore end would be better with someone with larger build/hands. Weirauch HW 100 - Nice magazine system, better trigger out of the box, well built and accurate. Air Arms would be lighter, more attractive bluing, better shot count and most would find the overall gun better looking and not as bulky. I have actively used all of the above and various other makes and models and I was a bit skeptically if I would be satisfied with the accuracy of the Air Arm. I am very pleased,

Andrew Aug 20, 2020

Great in depth review, I agree totally. This is a rifle you would pass down to your son/grandson

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Very quiet and very accurate. Lovely to look at. High shot count.

The Air Arms fill adapter. For some reason, mine won't seal, so I have to send the gun back because I can't get air into it.

I had to think a bit before this review. I don't want to say every one has a problem because mine does. The gun is great. Quiet, accurate enough for shooting bottle caps at 45 yards. Can't go wrong with this one. I've just had a bad experience with the fill adapter.

Mark Aug 12, 2020

If air chamber is completely empty you have to cock it or you can't fill it. I have several great are guns but this one is by far the quietest and most accurate one I own. The quality is first rate.

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crazy accurate

synthetic stock, lighter trigger pull

great gun

Larry Apr 26, 2020

Very quiet in fact quieter than I expected it to be I have the 510 XS non-moderated and it’s far quieter than that

Jeffrey Apr 21, 2020

How is the noise level?

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