JSB Diabolo Exact Jumbo .22 Cal, 15.89 Grains, Domed, 500ct
Quantity:500 count
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- .22
- 15.89 grains
- Domed
- 500 per tin
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10 of 404 JSB Diabolo Exact Jumbo .22 Reviews
Excellent product.
Things I Would Have ChangedN/A
What Others Should KnowGreat product...+A
These shoot very well out of my gun.
Every pellet looks great. The quality shines through
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThey do not work well with the Benjamin Semi Automatic Marauder. which is what I bought them for. I experienced misfires several times so I stopped using them.
I shoot the JSB 15.89’s in my Gauntlet and my Benjamin Gunnar. They are very consistent and accurate and very uniform in weight. It’s rare to find a damaged pellet in the tin. I’m shooting these out to 50 yards and am going to try to get them out to 75. By the way, they make a mess of out of a starling.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt would be nice if the price would come back down but I don’t look for that to happen for at least a couple of years
What Others Should KnowBuy them while you can get them, they’re a good product
This is my favorite pellet. I have fired 12000 of them through my Diana 34 in the past three years. They will all shoot inside a 1.5" circle at 100 yards with half of them inside 1". Almost never a flyer outside 2". So there is no doubt they are very uniform, quality projectiles.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaking them free to the public would be an improvement. They are great pellets. They are expensive. I say profane things when I buy them. But I keep on buying them.
What Others Should KnowThe skirt thickness is good on these pellets. They resist deformation when loading. But they fit a little tighter than some others.
If you can't chamber these pellets completely make a pellet seating tool to poke them down into the chamber. They will work flawlessly if you get them all seated the same depth every time.
Bigger than the 14 point 3 average Crosman at 15.89 heavy Dome 22 cal needs a thumping my disco loves them my Avenger loves them and of course all Crosman Benjamin love them
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing if it's not broke don't fix it
What Others Should KnowIt's Christmas do the math by3 get one free stock up & its free shipping and all that lead will save you a chunk and don't forget Christmas discount & and freebies
Nerd data below... Excellent projectile in my Benjamin Marauder bullpup .22 cal PCP (BP2263) outfitted with a Hawke Airmax 30 SF. Very well matched in all aspects.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing!
What Others Should KnowHere's some nerd data... I counted and weighed every pellet. I received 498 pellets. Of those, 324 pellets (65%) weighed .035 ounces (.992 grams), 140 pellets (28%) weighed .031 ounces (.879 grams), and 33 pellets (7%) weighed .038 ounces (1.077 grams). My scale would not do this accuracy on the gram mode, so I had to use ounce mode then convert it. To verify weights, I would double and triple weigh every 12th pellet or so just to be sure. This average weight is .983 grams. These numbers are not too far off from the advertised weight of 1.030 grams, and in the grand scheme of things are of such a small difference that it's probably negligible when aiming for a 1 inch kill zone on a starling or a bunny or a squirrel, especially if you're shooting a tack driver of a gun and you're a good shot!
My Hatsan Vectis .22 shoots these pellets the best. Highly accurate. Very well tinned, not a lot of rolling around. Pellets skirts stay round little deformation. Pyramyd Air packs and ships the best of any supplier or I'll eat my hat
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowBuy them great product
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Sep 19, 2024
By John
Well made and accurate
Things I Would Have ChangedNA
What Others Should KnowI use this in Umerax komplete fast will buy this pellet again