Cybergun Thompson Chicago AEG Drum Mag, 450 rds
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- 450-round drum mag
- Fits King Arms/Cybergun Full-Metal Thompson AEGs
- Metal construction
- 6.5"x1.5"
For Thompson Airsoft Electric Full-Metal Body AEGs (item # CG43900, CG43901, CG43907, CG43908,CG71015).
This magazine will not work with the Thompson Plastic Body AEGs: CG430902, CG43903, CG43904, CG43905, CG43906.
Attention customers! Be sure to read the directions written on the box. Only rotate the key in the direction of the arrow shown. DO NOT rotate the key in the opposite direction. It will break the magazine.
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10 of 18 Cybergun Thompson Chicago AEG Drum Reviews
I'm just happy Pyramyd Air exists as my stupid state (CA) has so many restrictions I have to show my drivers license to prove my age when buying a BB gun. Not to mention a very limited selection. Prices here are more than fair.
What Others Should KnowMerry Christmas and Happy New Year
Weight and heavy duty construction. Easy slide-on install to load. Ammo capacity is just right to not weigh down the rifle. The price and having it in stock!
What Others Should KnowIf youre even considering buying a Thompson, pick up one of the drum mags and keep it until you buy one. The rarity of finding a company that has these in stock is very hard to find!
The looks. Like in the old movies of the roaring twenties gangsters. The looks are the only reason that I gave it 2 star rating, otherwise would be 1 star.
Things I Would Have ChangedReliability. Needs new design.
What Others Should KnowThis is the second drum magazine that I have. The first one worked for a while, then broke. Took it apart and re-aligned the gears. Worked for a short time. Took it a part etc. until no longer could get it to work. It has a faulty design and plastic parts inside that come apart. If you accidentally wind it clockwise, the gears pop apart. There should be some type of ratchet mechanism to prevent accidentally winding it the wrong way.
This second magazine arrived broken. I very carefully wound it in the correct direction, but it wouldn't feed the soft bb's up into the magazine outlet. Pyramid air was very good about accepting the return (they pay postage). Waiting for the replacement magazine that they are going to ship me.
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING.
Things I Would Have Changedthe design and plastic interior parts are barely functional...
What Others Should Knowi received two duds (manufacturer fail)...i disassembled one and pyramid replaced the other without a quibble...
Came with the combo I bought. Has instructions, which is more important than you realize until you buy an extra mag that doesn't have them. Looks great on the gun ad operates just fine.
Things I Would Have Changedfigure out how to make the winding automatic...
What Others Should KnowPeriodically, depending on how much you shoot, you have to wind the dial on the front to refeed the gun. simple, but just need to remember that in a firefight. Buy lots of bbs
Great looks. Great price. Works great. Feels like the real one.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would make it 500 rounds
What Others Should KnowPick one up you wont be sorry.
-Metal Mag -450 rounds -easy to fill & use
Things I Would Have Changed-More pronounced arrows for Winding so as to not wind it the wrong way -Could be a Higher Capacity then 450 rounds, drum is 75% empty inside -electric wind or auto-wind would be nice in the future
What Others Should KnowPlastic nubs inside could get stripped off if you continue to wind the wrong way. I bought one off a friend that he had done that. Easy fix, but common problem.
Works as advertised.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
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Jun 23, 2020
By steve
correct markings, Authentic look and feel.
Things I Would Have Changedfix mag so you couldn't wind it the wrong way.
What Others Should Knowgears are made of plastic.