The owner's manual lists the max velocity as 350 fps, but Daisy's website states that the max velocity is 275 fps, which we believe is the actual velocity of the Buck 105.
Stock up on BBs, fun targets, safety glasses and other gear.
Start shooting right with the Model 105 Buck BB rifle. Suitable for shooters 10 and older (with adult supervision), this lever-action spring rifle is lightweight, easy to cock and durable. The engraved solid wood stock is just the right length for young shooters. BBs can fly out the steel barrel at up to 275 fps (Never shoot steel BBs at hard objects!), and there's plenty more where that came from. It holds 400 BBs!
This rifle is perfect for plinking, shooting paper targets and for training new shooters. Of course, more experienced shooters will want to shoot this rifle to visit times past when they owned their first Daisy lever-action.
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10 of 42 Daisy Model 105 Buck Reviews
Easy to use Amazing accuracy for the price It's accuracy and reliability was very useful for my boys shooting practice
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Looks are great.Wood stock shines and the engraving stands out.The new safety feature was a stroke of genius.Carries lots of ammo for all-day shooting fun.
Things I Would Have ChangedUp the FPS so you couldn't watch the BB on it's travels to the target.
What Others Should KnowDon't ,when nobody is looking,try to shoot a bird or chipmunk.The only thing you're going to do to it is make it suffer and that's not the mark of a true outdoorsman.
I like the ratcheting lever action, unlike the lever on the Red Ryder (at least from 20 years ago when I was a kid). If a child is still not that strong, then letting go of the level while cocking won't result in it snapping back, and they can take a little rest and continue with cocking it. I think my 6 year old son would have given up otherwise.
Things I Would Have ChangedReally nothing. It is cheaper than the Red Ryder, shoots well at 5 meters (no need to adjust the non adjustable sight). At age 5, when I got it for him last year, he wasn't able to cock it, and the trigger pull was too hard for him. Sometimes (and also with my then 2.5 year old daughter), we would shoot CO2 pellet pistols, which have a much lighter trigger pull, with me helping them to hold it. A somewhat lighter trigger would be good.
What Others Should KnowMake sure to get appropriately sized safety glasses for your kids. Not that any of us wore them as children with BB guns... But at least I, as a kid, was just shooting at aluminum cans in the grass. Now for my son I set up a little shooting range with a paper target hanging off of a board, and as I expected, if the BB hits the board, it bounces back. It would suck to get it in the eye. Or else for paper targets just use a large cardboard box.
Bought it for "the nephews" ok they are only 3, but we will need it soon! Out of box, loaded some BB's and away I went, not my springer but 100 shots as fast as I could crank the lever all kinds of fun. Solid rig, no malfunctions and was hitting cans in the backyard in no time.
Things I Would Have ChangedOnly 100 thru it but no malfunctions, seems strong so far.
What Others Should KnowBuy one!
Lightweight,carries large amount of ammo internally,not loud when shot
Things I Would Have ChangedUp the FPS a little.
What Others Should KnowDefinitely for plinking and targets ONLY,the velocity is so WEAK that if you hold it steady enough and keep your eyes glued to the end of the barrel you can actually see the BB on it's trajectory with a naked eye.Not strong enough to humanely take a chickadee or chipmunk.
This is a small gun for young shooters, it is a great training gun, it's a safe gun, easy to handle, any youngster will be proud to have one,and it's priced just right,
Things I Would Have ChangedI think this gun is perfect,
What Others Should Knowlearn to handle it safely, it is very good shooter,
Excellent, well-made BB gun for under $30. All metal receiver, plastic lever and trigger. Had this same model as a kid over 60 years ago. Accuracy out of the box is amazing, about 1" groups at 5 meters.The ratcheting cocking lever is a big improvement over the original action (no pinched fingers now). To sum up: very nice black paint electroplated receiver, nicely made wooden stock, and highly accurate out of the box. Perfect for plinking tin cans and paper targets.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot much actually. Some reviews complain about the plastic lever, but having used both metal (on my first BB gun) and plastic on the current model, I have no problem with the plastic. The trigger pull is somewhat stiff and could be a problem for youngsters. Requires a firm, steady release. Would be nice to have an optional longer stock for adults.
What Others Should KnowThis BB gun is an excellent value for young and old air gunners. Amazing quality for the price point. Wooden stock is nicely made, perfect for youngsters but a little short for us old-timers. The model I recently purchased had the plastic blade front sight which I prefer over the newer fiber optic sight. This BB gun should last a lifetime with proper care and lubrication. I find it amazing that this model is still in production (with minor improvements) after all these years. Brings back many happy memories as a kid growing up in the 50's.
iv had mine since i was 5 years old. now i am 14, and the only thing that is wrong with it, is the power is starting to diminish. but i can prop this gun on my shoulder backwards and shoot it Annie Oakley style and shoot a bottle in the ditch behind me at 10 yards. trick shots with this gun are so easy iv been doing them for years. iv killed dozens of snakes with it as well (it takes about 3 shots to the head, but it works) never oiled it or cleaned it, and it is still running great. i even ran some old copperhead bb's out of it that were rusty, and it still works great (only problem was feeding issues)
Things I Would Have Changedthe power of this gun should be increased add a rail for a scope, but not neccesary the iron sights are great for me
What Others Should Knowgot this gun after my red ryder quit feeding, and it has worked flawlessly ever since. if put thousands of rounds threw it, even rusty bb's, never oil or cleaned it, not rust issues on outside. im happy with this gun that i grew up shooting. it still doesnt compare to the shotguns iv been shooting since i was 6 tho.
good for young showers.hold lots of bbs.
Things I Would Have Changedbetter front grip.
What Others Should Knowwill last for years.
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Jan 31, 2021
By rodney
Quality well built I bought for my nephews first air gun he loves it
Things I Would Have ChangedReally nothing to change
What Others Should KnowFollow the instructions about holding the barrel up while cooking it to get a bb in the chamber