Daisy Powerline 953, Image 1
Daisy Powerline 953, Image 1

Daisy Powerline 953 TargetPro

4.5103 reviews
3 answered questions


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4.5103 reviews
3 answered questions


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Just the right size for beginning shooters! Daisy's Powerline TargetPro 953 is sized for shooters 16 and older (adult supervision required), who are interested in sharpening their shooting skills with a precision air rifle. The rifle is a single-stroke pneumatic (one pump and you're ready to go!) with a cocking effort geared toward teens. It's a repeater, and the .177 pellets are fed through a 5-shot clip, making for quick follow-up shots. The rifled barrel is made of high-grade steel with 1:15 twist.

To make it easy to acquire targets, Daisy installed front and rear fiber optic sights. The matte black Monte Carlo match-style stock is made of a durable synthetic.
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
500 fps
Suggested for
Target practice/Fun
Single-stroke pneumatic
6.4 lbs
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Fiber Optic
Rear Sights
Fiber Optic
Two-stage non-adjustable
Trigger Pull
6.0 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
5 round(s)
Body Type

Overall Rating



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10 of 103 Daisy POWERLINE 953 TargetPro Reviews

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I like only having to pump gun one time to shoot it, it seems well built and sturdy. This Daisy Rifle is mostly medal besides the Stock, but I like it a lot and it seems to be a good buy. I've only shot it a couple times before this review but it shoots very good you just may have to sight it in, I did mine and its a great shooter.

This is my first single pump Rifle so I would not have much to change with it, maybe include a Scope package ??

This Daisy 953 is a great shooter, they say its a youth gun but i'm having a lot of fun with it, I'm 52 and disabled. To tell you the truth I did'nt know anything about these single pump gun's and I wanted a gun I can shoot without c02. But I must say I am very pleased with my purchase,some people say they have problems with the sights but I don't have any issue what so ever. I love having the same power level through out my shooting session and this Rifle gives me that. I also love the Bolt Action seats the pellet in the barrel and I get very accurate shots. The 5 round mags are a big plus and they seem to be rubber so I don't know how long they will last ? I load mine upside down ( NOT BACKWARDS ) and seat the pellet in the mags, if you don't put them in the mag good chances are some may fall out during pumping or cocking gun. All in all I would say this is a good buy and you can mount a scope if you want to !!!

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Easy, one-pump action for youth. When pumped, magazine moves along to enable more consistent shooting.

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Very accurate!

Sights are nothing special.

I removed the rear sight and installed a scope. Extremely good combination!

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Very accurate shooters, very easy to work on. The clips feed smoothly, makes a lot of shooting very easy. This is my second one, first one was used and had been chronied by previous owner at about 515FPS. This one is shooting good and hard (for a target rifle), it will put a pellet all the way through a 1 gallon milk jug full of water at 12 meters. It seems to me that these shoot better than advertised, they hit harder and shoot more precisely than what the reviewers lead you to believe.

At the price nothing. I do change what I think should be different, not recommended for the novice. Would be nice if a version was made with a longer pump tube and matching changes to the pump arm, linkage, and piston, to give it just a little bit of a higher Muzzle Energy (ME).

If you begin to have trouble with a clip it is likely from to much wear. I have had two wear out to the point of giving trouble, that is only the clip nothing to do with the rifle, they cost little to replace and last a long time.

You may get tired of always hitting what you aim at, especially if you use better than stock sights. It can be boring at times.

In my experience it does seem to shoot best with heavier pellets (9 to 14 grain range), as long as it likes the pellet, especially out past 15 meters.

David Nov 09, 2015

Did some long range plinking with the 953 today. At about 80 yards it was easy to hit a empty discarded cylender that was at the plinking site, and not to much of a challenge to hit shot gun hulls out to 40 yards. All of today's shooting, of the 953, was done with the stock fiber optic open sights. The Daisy 953 continues to amaze me with its abilities.

David Oct 20, 2015

Shooting more open sights on all my Air Rifles, I can now say that one hole groups about 0.2 inch c-t-c are possible with the fiber optic open sights that come with the 953, just takes some time to get accustomed to lining up on the top center of a round front sight.

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Surprisingly accurate for $100. Magazines work great (buy extra). Love the low velocity... sounds strange but it's perfect for shooting indoors.

Stock, trigger, and iron sights all need woork. Daisy dropped the ball here. This is not a great gun, rather it is a great project for tinkering.

Stock is far too small for an adult. If you shoot at targets smaller than a soda can then throw away the iron sights as soon as you open the box. Out of the box the gun is swimming in oil so clean before you shoot. The trigger is aweful. It can not be truely fixed. But it becomes almost better after many shots. Don't work on the trigger until it's fully broken in. You can tell it broke in when you stop swearing after each shot off hand. 888 trigger parts might help a little but not much. Yet it's 100 dollars new... so who cares. For $100 this is great fun but you need to enjoy fixing things.

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Style and ergonomics.This review is for my third Daisy 953. I received it as a replacement for the first two that where defective.

This one is not as accurate as the last one. I have tried over 20 different pellets in it and the Beeman 7.2 grain Hollow Points, seemed to work the best. It can do 1/4 inch groups at 10 yards off a bench using a 4x Bug Buster. It has a horrible trigger, about a 6-8 lbs. pull, the worst of all my pellet guns (even the Crosmans) which I’m sure doesn’t help with the accuracy.

I bought a $50 Umarex NXG APX for my son that will put this $100 Daisy to shame. More accurate, more power and much better trigger.

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This review is for my second Daisy 953. I received it as a replacement for the first one that was defective. PA customer service exchanged it and shipped out the replacement right away!

#2 died after about 250 rounds. Accuracy went way down hill. I called Daisy, they told me to ship it to them and they would take a looked at it and repair it. They sent a new replacement instead (#3).

While it worked, at 10 yards off a bench with a 4x scope all the pellets where in 1 ragged hole using Daisy Precision Max 7.8 grain Wadcutters.

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Solid Synthetic stock. Indexed magazines work very well with the right pellets. Single pump makes for a fast five shot string once you get the rhythm going. Very accurate at 12 Meters. 5 shots under a penny. Great for teaching youth marksmanship at summer camp.

The original sights aren't good. The front post is okay but a little wide, while the rear fiber green dots are spaced far to far apart to give you any accuracy. You can get a new $129 package with auxiliary peep sights you install yourself. I recommend that. They install on the front and rear dovetail rails. Since I got mine used with the junky sights I removed them and put an old 3-9X32 Tasco scope that works pretty well.

My regular go to pellets for my break barrels do not work in this gun. I found some .177 8.0 gr. Ruger hollow points that I can't find anywhere now, but they are the best pellets that I have tried. They look the same as H & N 7.1 gr. Hollow Points.

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The 953 is an extremely accurate plinker. A true tack driver out to 20 yards with just about any pellet. Mine was shooting standard Crosman Premier Domed 7.9 grain pellets at 510FPS out of box. It shoots just about any pellet with extremely good accuracy. I am actually impressed with the fiber optic sights that come with the 953, I expected to have to replace them, though they are quite good (the only better OPEN SIGHTS on any AirRifle I have are on the Crosman 101).

Longer barrel to allow more of the air to expand behind the pellet. Include the sling, instead of having to order separately. Otherwise it is a perfect design.

As long as you keep the clips rubbed lightly with oil they work great. Sometimes WadCutters will catch when using the clip, though I rarely use wadcutters. It can get boring hiting everything you aim at :), and that can become an issue with this rifle, so have a less accurate AirRifle on hand to break the tedium :).

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Dead accurate. I like the feel, the stock. As my son said, "This gun is just SO SOLID."

I changed the sights to a Daisy peep sight and front sight. Other than that, this is a great rifle for the price.

The first of these that was shipped to me couldn't be zeroed in. At max adjustment, it was still shooting an inch low at 10 meters. Pyramid Air paid for shipping it back to them and promptly sent a replacement which works perfectly.

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