JTS Dead Center Precision .25 Cal, 25.3 Grains, Domed, 150ct
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JTS knows airgunners because they are airgunners! New from JTS, Dead Center Precision pellets will take your shooting experience to the next level.
JTS Dead Center Precision .25 Cal, 25.3 Grains, Domed, 150ct
- 25 Caliber
- 25.3 grains
- Dome shape
- Lead pellets
- 150 count
Overall Rating
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10 of 12 JTS Dead Center Precision .25 Reviews
Extremely accurate out of my Pro tuned Avenger. At 30 yards I had a full magazine of these pellets all touching, after 6 rounds to zero my scope. I like these so much, I purchased 3 more cans.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowBuy plenty of these, before they go up in price!
Works wonderful in my 25 caliber Avenger Bullpup.
These pellets are perfect.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowPerfect groups every time.These are my favorite pellets.Good value too.
Consistent quality. Every pellet looks exactly alike. No flattened skirt edges.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowIn my Airacuda Max .30 the 45.06 grain JTS pellets shoot one jagged hole at 50 yards that has never measured more than one half inch center to center for five shots. I am so impressed with the JTS brand that I bought two tins to try our in my .25 Avenger. The Avenger consistently stacks JSB 25.39 grain pellets within the above specs. also at 50 yards so I'm expecting similar results with the Avenger .25 .
These pellets are a great they fly straight and hit with authority!
Accurate, clean
Things I Would Have ChangedSee below
What Others Should KnowAbsolutely love JTS pellets, but for some reason the 25 cal 25 grain pellets are super tight in my AVENGE x Breech. Shot a tin of 150 before switching to the 29 grain pellets. Accuracy was not typical of JTS. Decided on cleaning the barrel.. it was FILTHY. My whole swab was jet black. Fouled barrel because if the tight pellets? Please JTS look into the 25/25’s .. only pellet from JTS i had problems wifh.
They're not expensive they're not dented and dirty and you know what they're actually pretty accurate in most of the guns.
Things I Would Have ChangedIf I were to ask for anything else I would just the quantity that you can get in the tins I would like 500 pellets.
What Others Should KnowThey're a little snug fitting in most of the breeches.
I recently purchased these from Pyramid Air. I finally have had time to target shoot. To start with, The rifle is just a plain Gamo Swarm Magnum 22 cal Gen 3i. with a Vortex Crossfire scope. The most liked pellets or the rifle liked most of many that I have shot were Crossman Premier Hollow pints 14.3 Grain. Yes , I know, I know. many out there with Mercedes, BMW or Rover like rifles always use the Premium stuff like JSB, Air Arms, H&N etc Zeroed at 25, shot target at 25 and 50yds. And I was amazed how the JTS Dead Center compares very favorably with JCB 18.13 Grain!! The Crossman is easy to find, cheaper and pretty darn accurate for the Swarm Magnum but The JTS really has given me consistently the tightest shot group I had ever seen from this rifle) This ammo will be the Swarm Magnum default pellets of choice for critter control)
Things I Would Have Changeda 350ct or 500ct tin would be great.
What Others Should KnowI just ordered my first PCP, the Tac. Avenge X inn 25 cal. Looking forward to resting JTS vs JSB!
The jts dead center are the only pellets I’ve found that work extremely well in all my different 25 cal pcp rifles. They are consistent and shooting great groups from 800-900 fps
Things I Would Have ChangedI wish they came in bigger tins.
What Others Should KnowJust like any ammo ya gotta try a bunch of different weights and styles but these plain work
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Feb 05, 2025
By Kenneth
Excellent ammo for my Air Venture Avenger X.
Things I Would Have ChangedSadly they don't come in larger tins an higher count per tin, but I will buy them repeatedly as are.