Walkers Raptor Bone Conduction
Shipped & sold by Mike's Archery
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- User hears ambient sound via bone conduction
- Listen to music or take phone calls
- Omnidirectional microphones
- Volume control & Sound Activated Compression
- Patent Pending
- Battery Rechargeable Lithium Battery
- Includes Micro USB charging cable
- App Supported Yes
- Allows for high NRR using standard ear plugs
- Rechargeable Lithium Battery, App Supported-Yes
Walkers Game Ear Raptor Headset
Walkers Raptor uses cutting-edge bone conduction technology to amplify surrounding noises When paired with the included ear plugs, the Raptor also provides high-NRR hearing protection for when youre on the range or in the field. Walkers introduces the RAPTOR, a radical new approach to hearing enhancement & protection. Utilizing bone-conduction technology to amplify ambient sounds by transmitting sound waves through bones in the head to the inner ear rather than through the ear canals. Used purely as an enhancement device, Raptor delivers unparalleled comfort with nothing covering or inserted into the ear canal. Pair it up with your choice foam or custom plugs and the Raptor provides hearing protection through Walkers legendary SAC (Sound Activated Compression) combined with the plugs NRR Rating. A combination that cant be beaten.
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10 of 13 Walkers Raptor Bone Reviews

Bought for my grandmas birthday because of her hearing trouble after she tried on some bone conduction headphones I have. She had much better clarity with the headphones than with her in ear hearing aids and after searching for something that would work for sound amplification I found these. While they obviously aren't intended for this purpose and dont quite fit her head, she reports much better clarity of sound when outside. She doesn't like using them in her chair because of how they press off her head when resting her head and the amplification is minimal for her at max volume, they are fantastic for grandparents! They are a little light and come off as cheap but are very effective. I would like to see these with more powerful bone conduction components for sound quality and higher volume. I compared these to some OpenShoks I have and the sound is comparable but much quieter. The lightness actually caught me off guard as the other music options like OpenShoks are slightly more solid but you really do forget you are wearing these. I would be greatly interested in your R&D checking out some OpenShoks are updating this product!

These have fixed all my issues with electronic hearing protection. Muffs would ride up when shouldering rifles or shotguns, in ear never sealed right, and the biggest issue was the sound cut out. During competition, with steel targets at about 15-20 yards, the sound would cut out at the exact time of impact. Making me question if I hit the target or hit the stick. With the raptors being used with foamies, I would get consistent sound at all distances, and the raptors don’t cut out the sound of the shot, and allows for me to carry conversations with foam ear protection in. Sound quality not quite as good as in ear electronic hearing protection, But that is to be expected with bone conduction. They are a little bulky having additional gear in your head, but I have been wearing them for 2 1/2 years and couldn’t compete without them. Overall 5 out of 5, no other company makes anything that compares.

I love these headphones, but disappointed that they will no longer connect with my phone.

I live in Florida and was tired of normal hot earmuffs. I use custom moulded ear plugs most of the time but was struggling to hear range commands sometimes. I have used Shokz bone conduction headphones for years so when I heard about Walkers Raptors I wanted to try them. Raptors worked well and are a lot more comfortable than earmuffs. I have used them at indoor ranges where things usually feel louder and the Raptors perform great. Outdoors I can hear range commands and hunting they enable me to keep track of movement around the stand. They are a good product.

bought them in may23 they help me understand phone conversations and listening to music they don’t work as well in noisy situations like noisy restaurants in the wind or running power equipment after 4 months the left side developed crackling sounds when they are turned up too high other than that i wear them daily to sometimes listen to music but mostly to control my phone which is usually in my pocket in it’s otter box case in restaurants and crowded or noisy situations i still use my expensive hearing aids which are six years old ty. chuck

I purchased my set, probably, 2.5-3 years ago. On the old sets you could not adjust the auto off time or control them with any app, I have tried several times over. I sweat with regular headphones in and the sound gets cracking, these prevent that. I can be outside in the wind and take a call, while still having regular earplugs in, and the phone call is near perfect. Would trade them for anything, other than a new pair that connects with the app.

When I bought this I was hoping for independent volume controls, I have poor hearing in my right ear and near normal in the left. The overall material is good and seems to be quality made, just the volume control thing is the problem.

They do a great job with enhancing sharp noises like leaves rustling but calmer noises not much enhancement. They tend to get some wind noise with stiff winds and hitting on the unit just right. Comfort is good and buttons with sound alerts for max and lowest settings were nice. I do wish the ear plugs were attached somehow though.

Tried them out on a windy day at home. Wore them with the ear plugs. Alot of wind noise. I am looking forward to turkey season in two weeks for the real test. Hopefully I will be able to hear gobbles.
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Dec 22, 2024
By Mandi
Not very loud and the piece that goes against your head is too hard and uncomfortable. Not worth the price in my opinion. I will continue to look for a better product.