Predator Polymag .22 Cal, 16.0 Grains, Pointed, 200ct
Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)
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Innovative head design combines sharp polymer tip with hollow head - Delivers penetration and shock to vital organs. Cuts and shatters bone on contact.
Aerodynamic shape- Excellent flight characteristics. High ballistic coefficient allows for higher retained velocity and flat trajectory. Allows hunter to take game efficiently.
Unsuitable for multi-shot rifles except Evanix, Sumatra & Shinsung Infinity.
- .22 caliber
- 16 grains
- Pointed
- 200ct
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10 of 380 Predator Polymag .22 Cal, 16.0 Reviews
Things I Would Have ChangedLOWER PRICE
Devastating and humane on squirrels at 30-50 feet with a Diana 48, got both from PyramydAir. They do not pass through on a chest shot, which is important in a residential neighborhood with 20' between homes. Very consistent, got these on the buy 3 tins get I free tin deal.
Things I Would Have ChangedScrew on lid
What Others Should KnowOn a Diana 48, I was preloading them, and leaving gun standing upright against a wall, but when I went to cock it a week or two later to shoot it, 1 out of 3 times the pellet would fall out of the barrel when cocking, so I stopped preloading, and pay attention when cocking though never had one fall out when loading and cocking immediately.
Great products
Things I Would Have ChangedNothibg
What Others Should KnowBest place to buy from
Great expansion, impact and shock on game. I shoot these out of my Gamo Magnum gas piston with great results to 60 yards.
Things I Would Have ChangedPrice. Pretty steep but they do work very well if your barrel likes them.
What Others Should KnowMy GM shoots these at 890 fps for 28 fpe. They retain velocity well at range and hit harder than any pellet I've tried. My personal GM has the Swarm unit removed so not sure if they cycle in the Gamo magazine.
After sighting in with the .22 vantage np with open sights from 5 to 10yds for back yard pest control these pellets are deadly and nothing walks away.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowFor what I use them for they are accurate
Nothing upon initial inspection. We'll see how they shoot after I go through the entire tin and pick out all the damaged pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedQ.C.
What Others Should KnowAbsolutely horrible condition!! I haven't even shot any of these, only opened the tin and picked a few off the top with very damaged skirts. Looking into the tin, there are many more in this condition. Considering that these pellets are over $20/tin, I'd steer clear.
They are very accurate and deadly. I use these in a custom 2240 and the last time it was on a woodchuck it went in through the left eye and didn't exit one and done.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe price of course
What Others Should KnowBuy them yes they are pricey but if you do your part all you need is one each.
Pointed tip for hunting
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowShoots well out of everything i've tried
FASSSST... accurate .. precise.. REALLY nice!!!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowBuy extra !!!!
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Dec 25, 2024
By Albert
When fired (blown?) from a Marauder pistol at a little over 600 fps they expand nicely. These should take care of some destructive rodents.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.