IZH MP-655K CO2, Image 1
IZH MP-655K CO2, Image 1

IZH MP-655K CO2 Pistol

4.07 reviews
1 answered question


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4.07 reviews
1 answered question


Intended for plinking and training for firearm handling. Looks and feels like the Russian army's Yarygin 9mm combat pistol, which they added to their arsenal in 2003. Handles, loads and field strips very similar to the firearm.

Click on the AMMO link for a selection of steel BBs & pellets and the ACCESSORIES link for targets, CO2 cartridges, shooting glasses & more!
  • IZH-Baikal MP-655K pistol
  • Uses 12-gram CO2 cartridge
  • 100-rd BB repeater, 8-rd pellet repeater
  • Fixed front sight
  • Fully adjustable rear sight
  • Double-/single-action
  • Ambi safety & mag release
  • Made in Russia
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
370 fps
Suggested for
1.54 lbs
Front Sights
Blade & Ramp
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Trigger Action
Double-Action & Single-Action
Overall Length
100 round(s)
Body Type

Overall Rating



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7 of 7 IZH MP-655K CO2 Pistol Reviews

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This gun will take awhile to get used to.Read the manual!If you take the time to work with this gun,..shooting will be a much more rewarding experience.The rotary bb magazine can be frustrating,but using the pellet magazine is very easy.The trigger pull is very hard when using the bb mag.after breaking it in,and oiling,the performance improved.The type of pellet you choose is very important!..make sure to get the right size and fit!The accuracy is fair/good.This is a very different type of gun,and that's one of the reasons I purchased it,...at first I thought I'd made a mistake,but continue to give this gun a chance!it's worth the effort,and time.It's now one of my favorite pistols!It's very realistic in feel and weight,different barrel design is like no other pistol!all in all,..a fun gun to shoot.

the trigger pull could be lighter/smoother.Figure out a way to remove bb mag easier when switching mags from bb to pellet.

This is NOT a gun beginning air gunners should start with.Way to many design differences!

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This is very unique and interesting pistol. The gun is super but read the Manual. This is made in the Baikal factory right next to real firearms. The materials are high quality. You wont be disappointed.

Nothing, the Replica is expertly engineered.

The top slide can get scratched by the lock lever over time. Aluminum Black by Birchwood Casey fixes that.

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100 BB repeater and has a good feel and weight, BUT...........

Dropped the extra cash on this pistol because I was excited about it being a 100 bb repeater, but while the magnetic loader in the magazine is cool it's anything but smoothe. My biggest complaint is the trigger. It's ridiculous. the first 2/3rds of your trigger squeeze rotates and loads the magazine then the rest of the squeeze to fire is so tough you CANNOT keep the pistol straight. I had a $25 Daisy CO2 single shot pistol with me the whole time I was testing out the Baikal and had more fun with it due to the frustrating features of this almost $200 air pistol. I returned it and got the Walther P99 Compact with laser site for under $100 and I love that airgun. The Baikal is totally not the purchase to make when you can get 2 air pistols for the same money.

My biggest complaint is the trigger. It's ridiculous.

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Fit and finish with exception of the safety. Difficult to operate with right hand but easy with left hand. I stripped it down and a stone will make an easy fix. Decent accuracy with pellets but poor with bb's. Still a lot of fun and will pop a bb off as fast as you can pull the trigger with no misfires until you get low on co2. That's around 90 to a 100 shots. A lot of interesting features on this co2 pistol.

The pistol looks and feels like the real thing with exception of the trigger. Totally takes away from the otherwise great looks of the pistol. Conventional trigger would look much better. Or at least a blued finish. Also the tip of the trigger is very sharp and needs to be softened up a bit. Can be dealt with. It actually makes you position your finger on the trigger properly and may have been intentional.

I like it and would recommend it.

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It holds 100bbs, that's the best part, so no need for spare mag, haha! One co2 can shoot about 150 to 200 shots, which is very good! This is very quiet and shealthy.

I really think it's kinda weird for it to have a faux barrel, but well, that's how it is made and how it is cool. Good if they add blow back to the gun since it can go back and forth too.

The magzine is co2, can have a compartment to store 100+ bbs inside so when you are done with the bbs up in the slide, you can take out that and use it to refill, very cool gun, long time shooting gun! Great accuracy too, just set the sight nicely.


I have been looking at this gun but your comment about a faux barrel has me confused.. Just what do you mean by faux barrel? If the barrel is fake just where does the ammo come out?

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This pistol has several safety features. First there is the safety switch and another is when the clip is empty it would not fire at all. At first it was a bit hard for me to figure out everything on the gun, however when you do everything is smooth from there. The accuracy of the gun is not as good as the other pistols. Loading up BBs is a bit tricky & misfires a lot. A rod had been included with the pistol that works mainly to take out clips. There are two clips (1 for pellets & 1 for BB). There is a place in the grip that you can keep back-up pellets and/or BBs. This is a very good idea that I haven't seen before. You got to be very fast with CO2 replacement otherwise you will lose the capsule content. Overall the pistol is interesting, however I expected more. I mainly work with pellets, because as I mentioned BB loading is hard for me in this gun even with unbelievable quantity that you can fit in there. Pellet clip hold 8 at the time, but, BB structure is in a way that you can fit not 100 however at least 80 - 85 BBs at the time.

Improve the manual. Manual is written very confusing & unclear. They can even include more picture for its operation if they do not want to change the manual.

You should know that the long switch next to safety key that usually in other pistols is for opening the clip door- in this gun- is for holding the pistol slider back so you can change clip. The way it works is that you need to pull the slider back & push this switch up a bit. Then when you let the slider go, it will remain open. When you push the key down, it will release the slider. Nowhere in the manual this was mentioned (or I did not see it).

Nidchanan Jun 30, 2010

Your review is a tad different from what it was said from the blog. From what I have read, loading the BBs is just simply dropping them through the opening on top, and the clip has a magnet in the middle to automatically slot the BBs in the spot, which eliminates misfiring. Have 2 questions for you: 1) do you think the gun is powerful? 2) this guns can hold a lot of BBs, but does it sound like a bean bag when you carry it around? Thanks.

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This is a well made pistol, high quality polymer frame with metal parts. It is easy to figure out its' operation, but read the manual a couple of times first. It seems quite accurate, although I have only used it with BBs so far. It can also shoot .177 cal pellets by changing the rotary magazine. It seems to get around 200 shots using BBs per CO2 cartridge. The rear sight is adjustable and is quite well made, with clear markings on which way to turn to adjust it. It is fairly quiet, I shot it in my back yard and did not cause the neighborhood dogs to bark like with my Drozd.

The trigger is a little stiff for me, I'm hoping it lightens up after breaking in. I have arthritis in my fingers, so I'm especially sensitive to trigger pull. Also, the edge of the trigger is a tad sharp, a better radius on the edge would help.

The frame is very wide in the trigger area, it reminds me of the H&K USP 45 that I used to carry for a duty weapon. Someone with small hands or short fingers might have trouble with the trigger reach, as it has go pretty far back before it fires. The large faux barrel is actually the reservoir for BBs, what would be the guide rod on a semi-auto is actually the barrel on this gun.

Jason May 13, 2010

How is accuracy with pellets at 10 yards? with BB's at 10 yards. Any misfires? How hard is the Double action, how light is the Single action? It's wide, but how comfortable? Hopefully, the accuracy will be on par with the Umaux pellet pistols. I've been really impressed with IZH products.

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