Shooters Ridge Monkey Bag Gun Rest
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1-year limited warranty
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- Monkey Bag gun rest
- Sub-compact
- Can be used in a variety of configurations
- 4.5"Hx6.5"Wx5"D (smallest configuration)
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10 of 49 Shooters Ridge Monkey Bag Gun Reviews
These are nicely made, but I still prefer the configuration of conventional bags. I have not found any advantages to this bag. When ordering, I did not know the 3 rolls cannot be detached from the band.
Things I Would Have ChangedThis bag requires a lot of "fiddling" to set up. Alter so the 3 rolls can be detached from the band (use of velcro attachment would be preferred).
What Others Should KnowI have not found this bag to have any advantages over the conventional configuration bags when bench shooting. If only the height of one of the rolls is desired for a shot, the other two are in your way. These are awkward to set up for other than bench shooting.
this eliminates the need for many different rest sizes and shapes, it is quick and easy to reconfigure the bag to fit almost any gun.
Things I Would Have Changeddont let it get out of stock
What Others Should Knowwatch your friends so that it doesnt accidentally find its way into their kit after a shooting session. thats how i lost mine
Very stable and easy to configure for various uses.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowMakes a good rest for shooting.
Size, weight and verity of ways it can be used
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGreat product for the price
Well made and pretty durable.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowIf you need a gun rest this would be a good purchase.
The very first thing I noticed was the quality of the material and stitching. It is so versatile I have yet to stumped while setting up a shot, which I do from one gun to another. I like its size, small enough to be easy to handle and yet heavy enough to do the job. I use this thing constantly, and I gave it a very well deserved 5 stars .
Things I Would Have ChangedI wouldn't"t change, or try to add anything to it, as it is, it is simple to use, and it works really well as is, plese, leave it alone?
What Others Should KnowIf you would like a small versatile gun rest/ sand bag, and at a great price for the high quality of this one, I totally recommend this one, I use mine nearly every day, being retired I have a lot of time to shoot.
Havent opened it yet, Christmas present to myself!
too small for me at the bench
Things I Would Have Changedmake it much larger
What Others Should Knowconstructed extremely high quality
Has three height adjustment's. Easy to use with the Velcro straps. Looks on first seeing to be well made.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
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Nov 18, 2022
By Ken Singleton
Everything was perfect the product is excellent looks very well-built the air gun ambassador was wonderful and shipping was very prompt
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing to change saving up for a PCP rifle possibly
What Others Should KnowAll of the air gun ambassadors are extremely knowledgeable and very helpful once again shipping was very prompt love the huge selection as well accessories and rifles