ZAN Projectiles Slug, Image 1
ZAN Projectiles Slug, Image 1
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ZAN Projectiles Slug HP .177 Cal, 10gr, 400ct

5.010 reviews
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$0.050 / Rd

Projectile Weight:10 grain

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The new .177 slugs from ZAN Projectiles suits most .177 barrels on the market! These high quality slugs feature a silky body and deep hollow point for extreme expansion with high and low velocities (even below 700fps!). These ZAN Projectiles Slugs will carry further and retain more energy than a standard pellet!

ZAN Projectiles Slug HP .177 Cal, 10gr, 400ct

  • 10 grains
  • .177 caliber
  • Diameter: .177"  / 4.51mm
  • Length: 0.21" /  5.3 mm
  • Hollowpoint
  • Dish base
  • 400 count
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.177 (4.5mm)
Ammo Type
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Projectile Weight
Ammo Shape
Ammo Diameter
.1776 (4.51mm)
5.30 mm
Price per Round
Slug Base
Flat Base

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10 of 10 ZAN Projectiles Slug HP .177 Reviews

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This slugs are great but didn't shoot good out of my Beeman chief 2 177 the jsbs 10.03 did much better Im soothing at 830 fps about 16fpe massive expression

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Accurate and great for pesting and hunting small game like squirrels.


They shoot well out of the Daystate Huntsman and the Air Arms guns.

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Hard hitting slug

Packaging could be better with a hard case inside the box instead of a bag.

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Accurate, fast, and flat shooting! Plate silhouette and other hard targets show Excellent expansion to at least 100yds, with recovered shots fully mushroomed to the edge of completely fragmenting to bits. These retain SIGNIFICANTLY more velocity over Much longer ranges than any pellet I've tried yet. I am starting to genuinely prefer this to my old .22lr for target shooting, and I'm sure it would perform excellent for hunting or pest control on smaller animals.

Not much, consider offering a 1000-piece box!

These will still pack a BIG punch at ranges where a normal pellet would be slowed down and almost out of energy; Extra Consideration for backstop being penetrated and areas behind the targets is needed!

Xavier Jun 04, 2024

I tried this with an orange one of the kids dropped outside somehow, and hits from 100+ yards verify EXCELLENT performance against soft targets with HUGE expansion! The hollowpoints mushroomed out and appear to have fragmented, with the chunks just barely sticking out not even a hairs' width through the back of the oranges' peel! This would Most Definitely stop small critters in their tracks! If I could have used these for Turkey here, my smoker and freezer would have been full all spring!

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Thank pyramid they finally came out with something like this for 177 I got these because I wanted to try slugs instead of pellets because I’ve seen people say that slugs are better. They shoot very well they shoot very straight they expand excellent.


I got my gun three days ago. The pellets came with a gun I ordered together Thay make a grate pair

and I started shooting within six shots. I had a group the size of a quarter at 60 feet. I’m shooting them out of a gamo swarm fusion GEN three and they are amazing. I’ve already killed three squirrels with them, they mushroom like you would not believe if you’re looking for an alternative to pellets this is the best way for you to go

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Firing these from a Benjamin Trail NP XL 1500, with a cheap Centerpoint LPVO 1-4x20. -Accuracy is amazing. at 12 yards (indoor range) I am hitting same hole almost every time. -Expansion is stellar. When hitting targets like potatoes or meat targets the hollow point opens up to almost double the size of the slug. -Cost is extremely fair for what you are getting. -All slugs were uniform and quality control is stellar! Each one fit into the breach with only a small amount of force and fit snug, but not tight. Proper 177 fit. The rear of the slug is slightly cupped. -Packaging was also top notch. Slugs are in a thick plastic bag surrounded by dense foam, and then put in a thick cardboard box.

I really wouldn't change anything. Whatever ZAN Projectiles is doing, is the right thing!!!

I highly recommend these for higher powered or magnum break barrels. These shot extremely well from The Trail Magnum XL as mentioned above but also worked well with Gamo Raptor Whisper and Crosman Vantage NP in 177. While those rifles lack the raw power of the Benjamin the accuracy was just as good and still felt viable as a hunting option.

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Had too adjust h.s. 3 1/2 turns out shooting dead on just as good like jsb knock outs

Make them cheaper and more of them for the price

Had too adjust scope and hammer spring and set regulator at 110 bars 60 shots and plenty of power out to 80 yards confirmed

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Very consistent weight and size

Make them in different sizes for .177

The only slugs iv found that have any accuracy out of my gauntlet 1 at 830 fps to about 910fps they shoot ok to about 50 yards right about a inch but barracudas are way better

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I tried these slugs out in my Marauder and they were excellent.


Be careful because they travel farther than pellets.

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I tried slugs in my Marauder. They were spot on my zero at 25 yds.


First try with slugs was well worth it.

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