Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro CO2 BB Pistol
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Train more often with the Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro CO2 BB Air Pistol. Designed as a near exact replica with realistic ergonomics, it allows you to practice skills you might not be able to do otherwise. You can draw and shoot, practice rapid-fire timed drills, and magazine changes thanks to the drop-free 17-round mag. This single/double-action air pistol comes in black and has realistic blowback to simulate recoil. It is a must-have if you own and carry its firearm counterpart for self-defense. Even the weight is similar thanks to the metal slide.
Boosting usability even more, it’s powered by a single 12-gram CO2 cartridge with an optic cut on the slide. That way, if the Hellcat you carry for self-defense is red-dot equipped, you can kick your training into high gear by installing one on your air pistol. And, because it shoots actual BBs, you get real-time target feedback without having to buy 9mm ammo.
Level up your training with the Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro CO2 BB Air Pistol. Buy yours today from Pyramyd Air.
Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro CO2 BB Pistol
- Semi-auto
- Metal slide
- Optic cut (adapter plate included)
- Accurate ergonomics
- Single/Double Action
- Blowback
- CO2 Powered
- Uses 12 gram CO2 cartridges
- Shoots .177 caliber BBs
- 17 round drop-free magazine
- Fixed front and rear sights
- Manual safety
- Max velocity: 390 FPS
- Barrel length: 4.3"
- Overall Length: 6.5"
- Weight: 1.25lbs
Tech Tip: The Hellcat Pro BB Pistol may not fit all holsters designed for the firearm.
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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4 of 4 Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro Reviews
This Air Pistol has the same weight and feel as the real Hellcat Pro. This makes it a good training tool.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe safety to hard to work with. The slidelock does not work when the magazine is empty after shooting
The gun fits well in the hand but the magazine design could have been better. Not a fan of the mag
Things I Would Have ChangedMagazine design
What Others Should KnowI buy the replicas to see how the real fire arm feels and if I would like one. When the company that make these replicas deviates from the actual design it makes it difficult to make a comparison
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Dec 25, 2024
By earl
I like that it represents the powder burner very well. Received it for Veterns-day from Pyramyd-Air and have burned thru 7 Co2 cartridges and have NOT had a single problem. It's the first BB pistol I have bought that shoots POA at 7 yards. My groups at 7 yards are around 3 inches, shooting off-hand with one hand. I own a lot of BB and pellet replicas and have enjoyed shooting this one most. The trigger is very nice as well. It's just a great bb shooter.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowAs always, buy extra mags. I have 5 mags and at the middle of shooting the 5th mag, it's near the end of the Co2.