Marksman Premium Grade Steel BBs, 5.1 Grains, Speedloader, 1,000ct
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- Marksman premium grade steel BBs
- 5.1 grains
- Incl. speedloader
- 1,000 steel BBs (700 in bag, 300 pre-loaded in speedloader)
Load up quickly with our handy BB speedloader.
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10 of 77 Marksman Premium Grade Steel BBs .177 (4.5mm) Cal Reviews
The speed loader
What Others Should KnowNot sure If it's the coating but it seems a bit bigger than 4.5mm because it doesn't fit the Sig 1911 Spartan, I used them on Steel Strike UX ,or maybe I did something wrong.
The color?
Things I Would Have ChangedA total revamp of the manufacturing process.
What Others Should KnowThese have jammed every single gun i put them into. Be aware!
I bought a lot of these a couple years ago and have never had a problem. When speedloader is empty, put any kind of BBs back in you want. Honestly once you get the hang of the loader, it Really speeds things up.
Things I Would Have ChangedYou could sell the speedloader by itself. I have several, just use a label maker or marker.
What Others Should KnowEach Magazine will have its own technique for filling. Be patient.
BB's are OK to size & fit.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe Speedloader is Horrible to use.
What Others Should KnowI've found that the BB's are Inconsistent in size, buy a little higher price BB's.
the dispenser is a novel idea
Things I Would Have Changedthe B-Bs should not be sold! .....see below
What Others Should KnowBUYER BEWARE...Unfortunately these B-Bs are too large for most air pistols. They seriously jam in the barrel. I measured the diameter using a micrometer and found them to be exactly 0.177" However I also measured the diameter of premium DAISY & UMAREX B-Bs and they are 0.173" and they NEVER jam.
The speed loader.
Things I Would Have ChangedThese BB's are oversized and will get stuck in most barrels. Marksman should reduce the size of the BB's to industry standard or put a label on the packaging stating that they're ovwrsized.
What Others Should KnowI bought these several years ago and loved them. They shot great in everything and the speedloader was very handy. I recently lost my speedloader so I bought another and these current BB's are oversized. They jammed my DPMS which resulted in me having to disassemble it to repair. I tried dropping BB's down my other guns' barrels and they only fit in pellet guns. Pellets are typically .177 while BB's are .172-.174 even though the packaging may say .177. These marksman BB's are .177 and will get stuck in BB barrels but fit fine in pellet barrels. I whis they fit my DPMS and 1911 because these BB's do seem to be very high quality and consistent.
bbs ok
Things I Would Have Changedloader dosent work
What Others Should Knowloader stinks
The speed loader, although the quality control on this tube of altered plastic is horrendous- I now have two of them, and one I had to remove a nub at the working end so BBs would get through
Things I Would Have Changedthe size of these BBs - I've given up trying to find one of my airguns they don't jam.
What Others Should KnowAvoid these like the plague. They will jam just about every barrel out there. Why? As others report, they're just too damn big. I don't have the calipers to test that, but I do know I've now had to ramrod them out of five of my airguns, all different makers, so I've given up trying to find a barrel these work in.
Clean and the rubber loader is cool.
Things I Would Have ChangedMore for your money and a little more consistent sizing.
What Others Should KnowThese work great out of 760 pump master. But they are bigger than normal and some may even be too big, but they serve a purpose in some guns with looser tolerances. I will buy more when I run out.
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Apr 06, 2023
Bought them for the speedloader. Wanted one for each of my six pistols. The bases are a bit loose, but two or three layers of electrical tape on the clear section snugs them up so they're secure in a belt pouch.
Things I Would Have ChangedOne thing that bugs me is that you'll get some Marksman BBs from other vendors that have some kind of tarnish on them. It's ugly, but doesn't seem to affect their functionality in the Marksman pistols. Otherwise, just my two cents in response to all the criticism of them jamming in other manufacturer's guns.
What Others Should KnowI don't have a problem with the BB diameter since I only use them in my Marksman 2000 and 1018 and have no issues. Fact is, my Daisy 340 came in a kit with targets and a tube of 350 Daisy "premium" BBs, and one of those "premium" Daisy BBs jammed in the 340's barrel after less than 10 shots, so even staying with the same brand of BBs as the gun isn't always going to be the cure. Crosman Copperheads have worked in all six of my pistols and their 760 Pumpmaster with no jams, so I've just dumped the extra Marksman BBs into a washed and well dried Master of Mixes sweetened lime juice bottle (available at your local liquor store) to refill the two Marksman speedloaders, then fill the speedloaders I'm using for the Crosman and Daisy pistols with Copperheads. When the Marksman BBs run out then those speedloaders will get filled with the universally well-functioning Copperheads too.