Air Venturi Dust Devil Mk2 Frangible BBs, 1,500 ct.
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The World's First Frangible BB!
While other BBs dangerously bounce and ricochet off targets–Dust Devils shatter on impact! Using a special alloy blend, these lead-free rounds leave a wisp of powder instead of steel headed back your way when shooting metal targets. Weighing in at a light 4.35 grains, Dust Devils are 10% faster than traditional steel BBs. Each box folds into a funnel to make reloads fast and easy, and holds 1,500 BBs for months of shooting fun.
Leave Ricochets in the Dust with Dust Devil BBs!
At the end of the day Dust Devils extend the use of BB guns; and while Ralphie's mom would still be right to warn him about safety when shooting BB guns, Dust Devils make shooting BB guns that much safer. Dust Devil BBs are perfect to use with action targets. They are safer than Smart Shot BBs as they ricochet even less. Due to Dust Devil's increased velocity, you can even shoot a little further. Dust Devils for action pistol shooting are a game changer!
Air Venturi Dust Devil Mk2 Frangible BBs
- Shatters on Impact with metal targets
- 10% Faster than Steel BBs
- Lead-Free
- 4.35 grain
- Quick-reload folding package
- 1,500 ct.
- Patented - US10598472B2
- Made in the USA!
New Mk2 Dust Devils benefit from:
- Tighter BB -to-BB weight variance
- Reduced "belly band" around the center of the BB - This aids accuracy as well as general function in many spring loaded magazines

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10 of 109 Air Venturi Dust Devil Mk2 .177 (4.5mm) Cal Reviews
Many would fragment as designed.
Things I Would Have ChangedOver 40% of those few shot, either jammed in the magazine or ricocheted back like I was shooting steel bb's.
What Others Should KnowThese do not work in my CO2 Colt Defender. They constantly jam or fail to designate. Maybe they'd work better out of a longer barrel revolver or rifle.
Everything shoots great no rickoshy
No ricochet
Came free with an order, rolls outta the barrel in several of my guns... Even with 700 fps they don't "turn to dust" shot into a pellet tin at 10 and 20 yards... They chip, but do NOT "turn into dust" Glad they was free...
Things I Would Have ChangedUmmm, make them less hard, so they will turn to dust, that'd be an awesome squirrel or pest bb iffen they did brake up after hitting pests, they'd be deadly then...
What Others Should KnowRoll outta barrels without magnets bolts, not even close to the real bb size, they look like a UFO shape...
Don't turn to dust, wouldn't even work in the pistol they came with, that's bad lol!!!
Shatters reliably against things it can't penetrate with sufficient power/velocity behind it
Things I Would Have ChangedFeed poorly in co2 pistol magazine and often tries to jam or spits out part or entire magazines worth before loading. The slightest diameter increase or more consistent sizes, some change to prevent them going past before they're meant to, normal BBs do not have this issue
What Others Should KnowDon't always shatter into dust, sometimes stay in small but low energy fragments. Experienced this while testing/experimenting at 5-10m, felt small bits gently hit my pants below the knee, good coverage eye protection encouraged for close range
Was hoping to at least get marginal accuracy and the higher FPS. Like others have said, they do not cycle in magazines very well, and accuracy is abismal. So, nothing I like about these BBs and would not be purchasing them again.
Things I Would Have ChangedFirst, lose the center band on the BB. I'm sure they can be manufactured completely spherical. That alone would probably solve the magazine feeding issues as well as the subpar accuracy.
What Others Should KnowStick with traditional BBs unless your objective is to delete CO2 powerlets. These BBs are useless otherwise
Well not much,they didn't work in my magazines, so I can't give a review
Things I Would Have ChangedUniformity, be true 4'5mm
They do turn to dust
Things I Would Have ChangedSize and texture
What Others Should KnowThese are not a uniform shape the only gun I can use these in our single shot. They bind up in multi shot and won’t come out.
They shoot well when i can get them to feed from my magezine.
Things I Would Have ChangedNeed to be 4.5 mm.
What Others Should KnowStill good to have on hand.
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Aug 12, 2024
By Edward
Things I Would Have ChangedMake without a sprue so they don't jam.
What Others Should KnowThese bb's jam in EVERY gun I've tried them in. I only wish Pyramid would give me a full refund. Don't waste your money on these.