Stan Releases OnneX Clicker Thumb Release, XL
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The Stan Releases OnneX Clicker Thumb Release gives hunters and target shooters what they need for a comfortable and natural shot with a predictable and consistent release. It takes more than 50 years of advancements and combines them with the Shot IQ system of Joel Turner to create a release with the benefits of the proven OnneX platform and the advantages of a click release.
This release includes both a thick and thin thumb barrel to suit the shooter's preference, as well as long and short posts to extend the barrel, attachments for either a 3-finger or 4-finger setup, and a training lock for practice. To eliminate uncertainty with an adjustable thumb release that has predictable operation, buy a Stan Releases OnneX Clicker Thumb Release from Pyramyd AIR today.
Stan Releases OnneX Clicker Thumb Release, XL
- Aluminum construction
- Adjustable trigger tension and initial travel
- Includes 2 thumb barrels: thick and thin
- Training lock for practicing without shooting
- Includes short and long extension posts
- Attachments for 3 or 4 finger setups
- Sage Green color
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