Trophy Ridge Hitman, Image 1
Trophy Ridge Hitman, Image 1

Trophy Ridge Hitman Stabilizer with Sidemount Disconnect, Black

5.016 reviews


Style:10" and 12"

6" and 8"
10" and 12"
10" and 8"


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Trophy Ridge Hitman 10" and 12" Stabilizer Black with Sidemount Disconnect
THE ALL-NEW TROPHY RIDGE HITMAN STABILIZER ELIMINATES NOISE AND VIBRATION WHILE IMPROVING YOUR BOWS BALANCE WHILE HOLDING AT FULL DRAW. This kit includes one 8 and one 10 stabilizer both with the quick connect system of the Trophy Ridge stabilizers with a target carbon design.

-All-new Hitman kit with one 8 and one 10 stabilizer improves balance and reduces noise and vibration

-Features quick connect system of Trophy Ridge stabilizers with a target carbon design

-Fast removal of the stabilizer for convenient transport and storage

Comes pre-assembled with two removable 1 oz. weights

Includes colored rings for bow personalization


3.0 lbs
10" and 12"

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10 of 16 Trophy Ridge Hitman Stabilizer with Reviews

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Great looking stabilizers and also have a very good amount of weight of front while keeping the shaft very light. The side bar mount is a little heavy and bulky, better than not having one at all though. It’s also very adjustable and works great. I ended up buying the Hoyt SL sidebar mount for my ventum and used that instead but if your bow doesn’t come with a compatible mount, this is for you.

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I have not shot a back bar stabilizer since the early 90's. I always just thought it was for tournaments. Boy was I wrong!! This year I wanted to change things up and started reading about back bars for hunting. After some research I went with the Hitman. I got a 12 inch front with a 10 inch back. The bracket and quick disconnects were awesome. Once it was set up and my bow just set steady in my open hand I wondered why it took me so long to get this setup. My groups and long range accuracy has really improved. Some archers at the range have questions about the longer lengths for hunting. This is my first year with it but I practice out of stands as well as being a hard-core saddle hunter and I have not had a clearance problem. I shoot no weight up front and two weights in the back. It's sweet.

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I bought the 12” and 10” kit and this is my first stabilizer set up longer than 6 inches and within 20 minutes after getting it set up I was shooting 1 inch groupings at 20 yards. The cross bar combo makes it super easy to settle the pin and it instantly improved my follow through. It’s great for non-flagship bows that sometimes don’t come with a back bar mount. Couldn’t recommend it enough!

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For years I avoided the twin stabilizers as I didn’t want the added weight...until I tried one. I shoot with a quiver on my bow and have previously manually torqued my bow a bit to keep it level. Think about how the accessories are mounted on one side of a bow and it makes perfect sense to have a stabilizer like this to balance it out. Now my bow is perfectly balanced with no torque as I shoot. I really notice the added accuracy at long distances.

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I shoot the 10" / 12" Hitman Kit and have found it great for hunting and target shooting. The quick connect system is very functional and works as advertised. The Hitman bracket allowed me to customize the angle and balance of the stabilizers -- allowing me to shoot better, more consistent groups. Stabilizers can be an afterthought for some hunters but I would suggest that you give these a try - they will increase your accuracy and consistency. Best of luck!

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My old man always said K.I.S.S. is a way of life. Keep It Simple Stupid. This stabilizer does just that. Setup is super easy and with all of the adjustment positions can be set to fit any archer. I use this on both my target and hunting setup.

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Not only is it help improve balance and vibration. It’s so easy to customize with quick connect, side mount bracket, color bands and removable weights. Best all around package for hunting and 3D shooting. I use the 6” and 8” package.

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With full range of sidebar adjustability, it was easy to get this 8 and 10 kit dialed and balanced. The quick releases were just an added bonus. Makes for easy storage in my case when I'm traveling. And the choices of color bands that are included really compliments my bow. Simple yet very efficient. Highly recommend

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I chose this stabilizer configuration to balance my bow with the weight of the React One Pro sight and quiver on one side and the stabilizer offset to the other. With the easy to see adjustment marks it made setting it a breeze.

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This 2 stabilizer kit, provides a lot of flexibility and customization, enabling you to find the perfect balance and stability you need. This paired with the quick connect / disconnect, enables you to easily transport your setup, while providing you the balance desired on the 3D course or in the tree stand.

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