T.R.U. Ball Axcel Landslyde Carbon Pro Slider Sight 3 Pin (AV-41), .010
Pin Diameter:.010
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Axcel Landslyde Carbon Pro Slider Sight .010 3 Pin (AV-41)
The AXCEL Landslyde Slider Sight is packed with features that make it the perfect hunting sight! The most notable feature is the Rapid Adjust Knob and Quick Release that slides the sight up and down along precision-made, whisper-quiet gear teeth. Push the Rapid Adjust Knob in to activate the Quick Release for rapid up and down movement or turn the Knob for precise fine-tuned yardage settings. Our designers strengthened and extended the amount of windage travel on our super-precise dovetail bar. Secure all settings on the Landslyde with an individual windage adjustment lock and an adjustable elevation lock. An adjustable dead stop allows you to quickly access 20 yards or any other yardage setting, but works extremely well when used with the sight's Two Individually Adjustable Pointers. These pointers can be used for a quick reference when using a multi-pin scope or with a single pin when using the top of the level vial as a second aiming point. This is particularly useful when your target is moving closer or farther away. This sight also features our super-rugged Double-Sided Metal Sight Tapes, which surpass stickers that can peel or wear in extreme environments. Each sight includes 8 metal tapes with 16 scales. We offer 40 scale choices total on our website if the scale that matches your setup isn't included or you can use the sticker tapes that are also included. Like our Gold Medal-winning tournament sights, the first, second and third axis adjustments are each true, easily, and independently adjustable. Made with the quality you have come to expect with pride in the U.S.A. AXCEL ACCUVIEW AV31 or AV41 PLUS Scopes feature: -Our quick-adjust Rheostat Cover dims fiber optic pins from starbursting in direct sunlight and brightens them when in the shade. *A Crosshair that works extremely well in hunting blinds and other situations when there is low light on your scope and bright light on your target. -A torque indicator on the front of the scope to help identify if your bow is canted to one side or another. -A strong TCS Connector for use with AXCEL Sights or a 10-32 rod for use with other sight brands -CCT CoPlanar Centering Technology-Aiming ring at same depth as sight pins, designed for greater accuracy when viewed slightly off-center -Solid, Visible Level with Made in America quality -31MM (1-3/8") or 41MM (1-3/4") Inside Diameter with tons of optional add-on possibilities like lenses, sunshields, and torque indicators that can be purchased separately -Add a dependable, patented .010" or .019" fiber optic ring pin with Armored Fiber Technology to lessen the possibility of a pin bending or breaking if it gets hung up on a stick or vine. -Available in Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, and Red -We recommend a 1-3/8" or 1-3/4" Clear Targets Doc's Choice Lens *Made in the USA! AXCEL PICATINNY IN-LINE Mounting Bar AXCEL Archery teamed up with Hoyt Archery for this new Picatinny In-Line Sight Mounting System. Currently available with Hoyt's flagship hunting bows (RX5 and Ventum), the Picatinny In-Line system is available in one of three configurations for our Top-Selling AXCEL Sights: 1)ArmorTech and RheoTech, 2)AccuTouch or AccuHunter, and 3)Landslyde sights. The main reason for choosing a Picatinny In-Line sight mount is so that you can mount your sight to the front of your bow for better bow balance and to free up the side of your bow for a quiver mount. In addition, the proven Picatinny mounting system that has been proven over decades of use in other industries to create a super strong and durable connection to the bow riser. What makes AXCEL's connection so functional is the ability to adjust the sight in or out to one of three positions to match the peep sight to the scope housing or up or down to one of three positions on the bow riser for enhanced elevation adjustments. While this system is very solid, it is also very functional! Adjustments with each picatinny connection can be done with one screw and snugged down slightly with a hex key wrench for a little extra security.
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