TenPoint ACUdraw Draw Cord
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The TenPoint ACUdraw Draw Cord is the official replacement for the original cord that comes with the cocking device and works on ACUdraw units produced after 1998.
TenPoint ACUdraw Draw Cord
- Durable design and construction
- Compatible with TenPoint ACUdraw Cocking Device units from after 1998
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10 of 14 TenPoint ACUdraw Draw Reviews

The ACUdraw draw cord was the exact part I needed and the How To video in Ten Point's online video library made the repair easy to do. The videos are EXCELLENT!

Through my own ignorance I broke the cord on my crossbow. So,I went on line and I ordered a new cord and the company sent it in a timely fashion. I'm satisfied with the ACUdraw cord.

I had to replace the draw cord after the first time cocking the bow, the cord was pinched in one of the spindles and it snapped. I believe tgis was an oversite at assembly and not the cord itself. Have fired it many times since replacing the cord and have had no issues

Replaced the draw cord on the NXT Stealth. Watch the video first.....it was a breeze. Looking forward to next season.

Very easy to install and instructions are easy to follow.

After two yellow cords failing, I was more than overjoyed to see a new approach to the problem

I love the ACUdraw. I have shoulder disability and I ca shoot it all day

Have a new Wicked Ridge m360 crossbow with acudraw. String has popped out of the "claw" three times. Since I have only fired the crossbow about 20 times 3 times is a lot.
The last time (today) I got the crossbow about half cocked and the claw let loose. I had
made a special point of checking it when I attached it to the string. It still didn't hold the string. I heard a "click" just before it cut loose. I suspect it was the string jumping out of the claw. Arrow holder got bent way off to the side and the string broke. Needless to say that was the end of my shooting for the day. I have to "qualify" tomorrow for a special hunt so I have to go buy a manual cocker. I am 74 years old and not in the best of health so I am not looking forward to using the manual device to cock the crossbow. It would certainly appear the hooks on the claw are to shallow to hold the string. That allows
the string to slip out of the hooks. The hooks need to be made deeper so
they hold the string while being used. Now I have to see if I can buy a string locally and a
arrow holder. Wish me luck.
I might add that it is a really nice crossbow outside of the problem I am having.

I have not installed it yet. It would be helpful to include instructions.
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Nov 28, 2024
By Windyroads1
I have replaced the draw cord on two of my crossbows, I keep an extra for emergency