TenPoint EVO-X Marksman, Image 1
TenPoint EVO-X Marksman, Image 1

TenPoint EVO-X Marksman Elite Scope 3.0, Black

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4.020 reviews


The TenPoint EVO-X is a variable-speed crossbow scope with a maximum distance of 100 yards. It’s compatible with a wide range of crossbows once calibrated and has a drop compensation for arrows traveling between 300 and 500 FPS. It features an etched reticle with multiple aim points including three illuminated duplex crosshairs (20, 40, and 60 yards), two illuminated dots (30 and 50 yards), and four non-illuminated chevrons (70, 80, 90, and 100 yards). 

This scope is finished in black with flip-up caps for optical protection. The lenses are fully multi-coated and are connected via a 30mm tube. Adjusting the scope is easy thanks to the windage and elevation turrets with one click equal to 1/2 MOA. This rugged scope is waterproof and fogproof so it’ll hold up to years of use. And because it comes with TenPoint’s 5-year warranty, you'll have peace of mind should the unthinkable happen. 

If you’re in the market for a new crossbow optic, you can’t go wrong with the TenPoint EVO-X Variable Speed Scope. Buy yours today, from Pyramyd Air.

TenPoint EVO-X Marksman Elite Scope 3.0, Black

  • Variable speed crossbow optic with drop compensation
  • Etched reticle
  • Fully multi-coated 2-8X optics
  • Illumination: Yes, red or green
  • Maximum distance: 100 yards
  • Windage and elevation adjustable: 1 click = 1/2 MOA @ 100 yards
  • Color: Black
  • 30mm tube
  • 5-year warranty


1.2 lbs

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This scope is awesome. Clear, accurate, and great magnification. Highly recommended. Great upgrade to the standard scope on the Viper. The only problem I had was an oversight on my part. The screws that hold the retaining clamps were not very tight and I never realized I needed to tighten them until I bumped the scope and it twisted and slid back a quarter inch. I had to straighten it out and re-sight it, but it was not a big deal.

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It is an excellent scope, driving tacks at any distance. Traded in a significantly more expensive range finder scope in for the EVO-X Marksman Elite scope and I'm much happier!

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Description is misleading in regards to the 2-8x optics. Yes it will adjust from 2-8x but once you set your speed and lock the speed dial you are no longer able to adjust magnification without unlocking the speed setting. Other than the variable power being useless once the speed setting is locked in I find everything else to be 5 stars

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I have this scope on my ViperS400. It's very accurate and holds Zero very well. The reason why I gave this a 2 star review is the fact that the side adjustment turret stopped working after the first season. Since the bow still held zero I used it last season. Since then I did take the bow in to the shop where I bought it from and had it serviced and the scope sent in for warranty repair. At this time I am still waiting for the scope repair to be completed 4 months after taking the bow in.

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Great reticle i have a r500 and a R29 that i took off the scope that came with it and put these on.

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This is a must have scope for any TenPoint Crossbow. The image is crystal clear and easy to tell what yardage you are shooting. I am extremely pleased.

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Everything works as designed except when it comes to adjusting the magnification 2x to 8x and FPS. The magnification is tied into the adjustment to the FPS, you cannot change the optical power to the "EVO-X Marksman Elite Scope" without changing the fps which changes the point of impact because you just changed the fps. Hunting with a scope less than 100 yards 2x to 4x perhaps 6x max helps to accurately aim. Any higher, all you are going to see nothing but fur and the fleas and ticks crawling across the view of the scope. OK, a bit of hyperbole but needed to accurately to get the point across. Bottom line, higher power the shooter cannot accurately place the shot. I have witnessed many hunters over the years aiming at the shoulder blinks, the deer does a 180, then shoots the deer in the butt. Not good…..

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First, the Flatline 460 gets six (6) stars without the EVO-X scope! I would rate the scope as a 2 star but Tenpoint really tried to help me. They replaced the scope same day when they received my old scope. Therefore I have to give them 3 stars. The first scope was blurry around the edges and just not real clear. The second was a little better. The Idea of the scope is good. Usability of the EVO-X, not so good. If hunting deer 40 yards and greater the scope is fine. As a deer bow hunter for over 40 years most of my shots are 20 yards. At 20 yards, scope set at 450 fps, that equals a zoom 6 X times or 6 power, too much magnification at close range. Anyhow TenPoint Flatline 460 is a great crossbow. I wish I knew more about Oracle X scope.

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This is a really nice crossbow scope. Very clear optics, nice adjustments, and solid construction

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The scope is super clear. Easy to adjust. Could not be any happier

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