TenPoint Nitro 505 Oracle X Crossbow Package
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- Cocking Device: ACUslide Easy Cocking and Safe De-Cocking System
- Crossbow Arrows: Six Evo-X CenterPunch Premium Carbon Crossbow Arrows (.001 straightness)
- Quiver: 6-Arrow Tech Quiver
- Noise Dampening: Integrated String Stop System
- Optics: Burris Oracle X Rangefinding Scope
The TenPoint Nitro 505 Oracle X Crossbow is positioned at the front of TenPoint's lineup in terms of speed, and it delivers improvements for long-distance accuracy. It features options for hunting convenience, including the Burris Oracle X rangefinding scope that allows single-press ranging up to 200 yards with an illuminated central aim point for effective and quick ethical takedowns.
Unlike competing models, this crossbow takes a mere 5 pounds of force to operate thanks to the ACUslide crank cocking and de-cocking system. This market-leading system provides for straightforward and controlled de-cocking that the user can stop at any point in the process. The two-stage S1 trigger provides a predictable break and 3.5 pound pull, and TenPoint makes some of the most reliable crossbows being built today, so get the TenPoint Nitro 505 Oracle X Crossbow from Pyramyd AIR now.
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- Learn all about crossbow hunting
TenPoint Nitro 505 Oracle X Crossbow w/ Burris Scope
- Up to 505 feet per second
- Up to 227 foot pounds of energy
- Includes 2.5-7x Burris Oracle X rangefinding scope
- Built-in ACUslide cocking and de-cocking system
- 20 -inch Micro-Trac barrel
- Integrated noise dampening string stop system
- Reverse draw with new RX8 cam system
- Two-stage S1 trigger
- Length (excluding stirrup): 30.5"
- Width: 6.5" axle to axle (cocked), 12" axle to axle (uncocked)
- Weight: 7.9 lbs.
- Power stroke: 17"
- Draw weight: 300 lbs.
- Includes 6-arrow Tech quiver, 6 EVO-X CenterPunch Premium Carbon arrows
- Made in America
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 51 TenPoint Crossbows Nitro 505 Oracle X Reviews

Extremely accurate and very fast. Love this bow for the ease of cocking and decocking.

Tenpoint crossbows have always been the best ,as a quadriplegic hunter there cranking system,accuracy,and build quality is above everyone else.I love the innovation and they don’t stop making them better,you’ll never go wrong with a Tenpoint crossbow.

Much heavier than I had hoped but great accuracy. I got the crossbow due to shoulder pain.

This bow is a amazing deal for the money , super smooth and highly accurate!

I absolutely love this crossbow. At 63 I don't have the strength I use to have and with this cocking/decocking crank setup I can enjoy shooting as much as I want without tiring. This came with the Oracle X scope and once sited in the simple push of a button and it marks your yardage and displays your aim point. At the time of this review this crossbow is not legal for hunting in New York but I expect that to change soon and am looking forward to that change.

Great crossbow and man this thing is fast. I love the fact you can decock the bow with out having to shoot it.
Great fast and accurate crossbow. Power is unbelievable. Only problem I had it destroyed a lighted knock. I have owned three Ten Point crossbows and yes the bolt was all the way back, just to much power I guess. I googled it and it said don't use lighted knocks with this bow. Sighted in perfectly, I use a sand bag to rest it on. Really not one complaint.

Accuracy sucks with anything past 40 yards u may as well shoot blindfolded. called Tenpoint took to service dealer was told just need to shoot custom arrows that are heavier. I bought this crossbow because it was supposed to be accurate out the box why am goin to spend another 300-500 on custom bolts. so talked to store where I purchased the crossbow they told me that shooting it out a bog pod death grip would make the crossbow accuracy bad. I not a smart man but how is a vise going to make u have accuracy issues. It should make you more steady and shoot better. Why are there Tenpoint videos on Youtube showing them being shot out same one I use. Out the vise I shoot my mission sub 1 xr and zero issues its a tac driver.

Best crossbow that I have ever owned. Power plus amazing accuracy, is a dangerous combination for this seasons bucks!
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Jul 13, 2024
By Kevin12345
Bought it and shot it 15 times and the string blew up on me… not happy already had to send it back in for warranty