Umarex SA10 BB/Pellet, Image 1
Umarex SA10 BB/Pellet, Image 1

Umarex SA10 BB/Pellet CO2 Pistol Magazine, 24rds

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Replace your shots quickly with the Umarex SA10 BB/Pellet Pistol Magazine.  Each magazine holds 24 rounds in 3 (8 shot) rotary clips.  Reload a new rotary clip into the magazine after 8 shots fired.  Each magazine also holds the CO2 cartridge.  

Although pictured with 4 rotary clips, each magazine only comes with 3 working rotary magazines.  Although package may include the plastic dummy rotary, it will not function to the same standards.

  • Umarex SA10 replacement magazine
  • Comes with 3, 8 round rotary clips
  • Load up .177 BBs or Pellets



.177 (4.5mm)

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9 of 9 Umarex SA10 BB/Pellet CO2 Pistol .177 (4.5mm) Cal Reviews

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Very accurate out of the box. I put a green laser light on it

You dont need another magazine just the eight round cartridges.

One of the cartridges has a smaller diameter. Will not accept a lot of pellets. Gun jams a lot.

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The design of the magazine.

The extra clip should be metal.

I bought this clip for my SA10 and it is a perfect match. But they sent me a clip with two metal magazines and a plastic one. Supposed to be three metal magazines, not two metal and a plastic one. I sure would like that metal magazine, I paid for it and, I haven't been credited with the purchase.

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Excellent design. Pre-loading a CO2 cartridge and being able to arm it with a simple twist screw makes the UMAREX CA10 a practical pistolfor self-defense.

It would be nice if UMAREX supplied the magazine with one more 8-round rotary for a coupleof bucks more.

Dab some Vasoline or light grease in the hole of the 8-round rotaries to keep them attached to the magazine until ready for use. I carry two spare magazines in the mag pouches of my shoulder holster and Vasoline has thus far minimized the drama associated with the rotaries coming off their mounting pegs. I strongly recommend Crossman Piranha 10.5 gr. ammo. I test-fired this ammo at 6-feet distance using a 37mm thick block of room temperature white modeling clay. This ammo penetrated the block through-and-through. Hence, it will cause great bodily injury if fired in self-defense at close range at a gun or knife-wielding assailant. With one magazine in the pistol and two spare magazines in mag pouches, you'll have a total of 72 rounds of ammo. Each mag with a fresh CO2 cylinder. This is a LOT of fire-power considering most close-quarters gunfights last an average of 3 or 4 seconds.

Edward Apr 08, 2024

3 to 4 seconds for close quarters firearms combat? You're gonna get yourself or someone else deleted stop watching John wick movies

Edward Apr 08, 2024

If you think less than 2 foot pounds of energy is gonna save you from someone with a real firearm or knife you're gonna end up with a lot of extra holes in you. Stop giving people bad ideas for self defense. Even if you get lucky and hit someone in the face you're gonna really make them mad Modeling clay is in no way shape or form indicative of what human skin and bone can handle. If someone pulls a knife on you and all you have is this, yea unload on them and run, but if they have idk say a .380 and they say give me your money, just give them your money and live to earn more money later

Gary May 25, 2021

I have found that if you press the rotory mags firmly onto the storage pegs it seats the pellets further in and prevents mag from falling off. Do this before putting on the firing peg. Works well with most Crosman pellets too.

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It works well

i only wish you could buy the rotary 8 shot cylinders by themselves

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Arrived safe and sound.

It did not come with bb cylinder, only the three pellet cylinders.

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Well executed concept as an all in one magazine holds the CO2 cartridge as well as the 8 shot revolving magazines. Easy enough to use.

The magazine unit is robust, the 8 shot rotating magazines are the weak link in this system, and if one shoots a lot these will have to be replaced the metal ratchets are not sturdy enough and the hand (pawl) that rotates them in the pistol needs to have better engagement (or) be more positive. i have had several skips not revolving or revolving too much. some pellets will jam in this pistol and the magazine unit will be difficult to remove. no pointed pellets, no loose pellet skirts, pellet selection is critical, not too tight or too loose the pellet has to be just right diameter.

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I like having a spare magazine, and the fact that the power source is in the magazine. A single CO2 cartridge is about right for the 24 or 32* rounds this magazine can hold, so it's about right for swapping ammo and power source at the same time. As a previous reviewer has noted, having the gas seal in the magazine makes a seal failure less of an issue than if it is built into the weapon. * The magazine has room for 4 of the rotary clips, but it is shipped for some reasons with only 3 metal clips plus one plastic "place-holder" one. The plastic clip will operate, but I wouldn't want to rely on it.

I would ship each magazine with 4 actual clips, and I'd make the clips themselves available for purchase, not only complete magazines. But the BIG thing I would change, and my reason for a 2-star rating, is that the little 8-shot clips FALL OUT VERY EASILY, both from the "chamber" position and from the 3 slots where spares can be stored. This is such a problem that I no longer even bother to store spares in the clip. I keep them in a convenient pocket and only load them into the chamber position when the previous clip is depleted. That's a minor annoyance, but the fact that even the clip in the chamber position falls out so easily is virtually a fatal flaw. In trying to insert a fresh magazine, I have to make sure that the clip never even approaches horizontal, and if I hold it upside-down, falling out is basically guaranteed. What king of clip-loaded pistol is that??? I don't know, maybe I got a flawed item, but the problem is exactly the same on the original magazine and the spare.

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That this particular pistol has the CO2 cartridge housed in the clip and not the pistol itself. I have had several CO2 pistols that the seals have failed, leaking the CO2 and have had to replace the pistols, at least this way I only have to replace the clip and not the pistol.

Make the seals longer lasting. Although I like that the CO2 cartridge is housed in the clip, I bought the SA10 pistol back in January have still had to replace a cartridge clip within 3 months, which is longer than some of the other pistols I've had in the past, but it still only lasted 3 months even with proper care. Seals should last longer than 3 months or at least be replaceable without having to buy a whole new clip or pistol.

As of yet I have had one cartridge clip seal fail within 3 months and one that is still holding up. Since day one I have followed manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and care and have alternated clips with every CO2 cartridge replacement. I don't know how long the second clip seal will hold out but I am comparing it to the new one to see if there is anything I can do to lengthen the endurance time. Updates as they present themselves.

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This extra mag. is very helpful when you want to continue to shoot instead of stopping to reload.

Not a thing.

After around 48 shots with one mag. your power will be reduced. Maybe 60 shots on a very warm day with one gas caplet. A good reason for the extra mag.

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